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<br />I ~\' ALII) I'ROVISIO:"\S: 11;111\ pm\ . ,,,nil III 1111' ~'(llJllild \ 1I11;11,'t' (1,"..I~\\~;'lIld.I"'UJH:J1lpl\.l'.lhk.. Ihl' leq III [11\' l Pllllild "III Ill' \ ;1I1d II ,III;' p.ln 01 I hi"" ",'onlrill.:l rL'qlllrL'~ <br />pa;. IIll'I11 011l10fL' IlllnL'~1 !hiln the law penH'''. 111""11;' till \\1I11l1l1~ I'alt'lht..: UgUl, It' ('l!lt"'lIIIPIIIIlH' Iht' .\llllllIlllllllllll'II.....' \\ 1111.:11 11ll' I:Iw ;1110\\"" ~Oll l(11.:nIlL'cl <br /> <br />COMI'I.ETE~ESS OFTllIS Cc):\'THAlT: Th" willi a" ,all ,,"11 Ill' dlall~l'd 111"'111 '''" "lid I..,:n',' "' \\ IIIIlll' <br /> <br />"rhl' notice hnlit! '"In my alll'nllOlllhl' 1I~~~lt... Ihal I haH' n en \\ hell rhl'" (11111";11.."1 " ,pld [,l.1 r 1II,lIh'I;I! 1I1,111ulltlll or a hallk. and I ...houkJ noticl' that lhe impor- <br />lanct..'pf 1111.'1 provi\lon is ~Ires~l'd hy Its appl'i1ranu' 111 It'll ptlllll. hnld tarc (\Pl' <br /> <br />. NOTICE 88- 101276 <br /> <br />This credit contract finances a purchase. All legal rights which the Buyer has against the Seller arising <br />out of this transaction, Including all claims and defenses, are also valid against any holder of this contract. <br />The right to recover money from the holder under this provision is limited to the amount paid by the buyer <br />under this contract. <br />A claim Is a legally valid reason for suing the Seller, A defense is a legally valid reason for not paying <br />the Seller, A holder Is anyone trying to collect for the purchase, <br /> <br />IN..<;UHANCE CANCELLATIO:\': If I have reques,!ed insuranceln Ih" purcl",,,', Imay cancel sllch reqlles! for ",,"ranLT for any reason within fifteen (15) days from the <br />uate of tllll-l contract by nntltYlIlg )iOLl or Iht~ holder III lhls ClllJlral.:111l writing I "'now Ihallht' cancellation of rllV I..'overage will he arranged with !hc insurance ci.lrricr(s) and <br />a filII refund of my prl'mium( s) logelher with applicahle finance dlar)!e will be nediled 10 I IllS COlllraCI - . <br />PLEASE NOTE: If I huve requested insurance in IIII'. purchase, I \\ ill re,'el\ e wilhin Ihirty (30) days a certificate of insurance more fully describin)! the insurance coverage. <br />I know tha_1 II there IS any cOllllicl1ll the coverage or the ianguagc 01 the cerllflcate of insurarH.:c and the following ;'\intier of Proposed Insurance that I am covered only to <br />the extent stated in the following Notice ofProposcJ In\urancc. I al....o know that I have insurance coverage nnly if I have heen charg~d for it. <br /> <br />NOTICE OF PROPOSED INSURANCE <br /> <br />I take notice that cuher Credit Life nrCredll Accident and Health 11l~'lranct', or both. \\'ill be applicable to this Sales Contract on the reverse side onl)' if I have chosen <br />it hy si!,!ning: the request for stich insurance. This insll_rance Will only co\'eT the pl,'rson ~igning. the request at the cost for each type of insurance shown. Subject to acceptance <br />hy the IIlsurance company. Ihe illsurance will he eflective as of tOllay anti WIll conlmue only for the number of months after the effective date equal to the number of <br />!110nlhly paymellts. I undcrsl.~~ld thai this partin~lar i~lsurance may not p~ti\'idc co\"{~ragc ~~)r rll): la~1 r~w payments, an~ .t~at during. that ~riod of time I will nol have U~lY <br />IIlsurance l'lJverage. All benellts and proceeds o! the Ulsurance WIll be p:lld to ~'IlU or to a Itnanclalll"tltUlIon or a bank lIlt pur~~ases the Sales Contract !o the eX,tent of ,ts <br />'nteresls and 'lilY balance 11'1'1 be payahle to me, fhe Hllt",1 '"Il11untol Credit LIIc Insurance IS the amount reqUired'" repay the I otalo! Payments; therealter. the IIlsurance <br />decreases h~' th~ amOlllll. of each llIonthly payment on a schedllled .'0 day basis, If I am jointly obligaled on the Sales COnlract with a OJ-Buyer, and we. have botb Signed <br />the request tor ( redlt Llle Insural1~e. dealh henetlt~ \'.'111 be payable only With respect 10 the first one of liS tn dIe. SubJect 10 exclUSIOns. ellmlOullons orwmtmg penod stated <br />in the illsuntnce pollL'y or certificate, Credit ACCident and Health Insura"ce is for the benefil amount of I '30th of each mmllh's payment for each day that I am totally disabled <br />duc 10 an injury or sickncss whilc I owc any paymcnllO you; howevcr. I undcrsland thai I hal'<' 10 be prcvcnted from working due to sUl'h total disability for more than four. <br />teen 114) consecutive da)'s hef(lfe the in"",,,,ce bcnefi( is paid back 10 the first day of m)' tolal disability. I also know tbatl cannol obtain an)' insurance from you if I <br />am over 65 years of a~e toda)', and 1 also know thaltbe insurance coverage provided to me ma)' contain a maximum amount of coverage which will not pa~' in some <br />cases, the entire amount that I owe you. Due to the maximum amount of l'llverage slatl'd in the insurance policy. I know that any unpaid amount in excess of the Insurance <br />coverage will still have to he paid, If the Sales Contract is prepaid ill full prior to the la>l paymcnl date. any unearned insurance premiums will be refunded to me in the man. <br />ner prescribed by law. Wilhinthirt)' (30) days. I will receive,the certificate of insurance more fully desrribing my insurance coverage, If the insurance is not accepted by <br />the insurancc company. I will receive a refund of the insurance premiums I hale paid, <br /> <br />BUYER: The nexllwo paragraphs conlain warranties relative to this sale gi\.cn hy LIS ({l the rinanl'lalll1~lituli(ln or bank III order for it to huy this contract. <br /> <br />FOH V ~~~~~~;~I;~.~~I~~h::~~ S~I~~SS~~SS~~,~:S~~~s~: a:~~~,~e~s~~ErJt?n~~ MOB GAGE <br /> <br />(Assignee) all of ils rights. title and interest in and 10 the Inslallment Sales Contract and Mortgilgc. togt:lhcr wuh allltcn~ c\istlllg. 1\1 Sl,'cure it!\ pa)"mcllI. i l the properly <br />encumbered hereby. Assignee is hereby substiluted as Mortgagee under the Mortgage provisions of this contract, Seller warrants and represents; (I) It has the rig'lt to make <br />(his assignment: (2) All stal~ments and figurcs in this contract and in the Buyer's statemcnt arc malerially lrue and l'orrc:l'l; ()) This contract arose from the bona fide sale <br />0:' the goods and services described herein: (4) The cash downpayment shown in this contracl was aClllally palll hy Buyer and no part of said downpayment was loaned di- <br />reclly or indirectly hy Seller 10 Buyer: ()) Each Buyer" le)!ally competent to contract: (6) This contract is not and wtll not be ,uhjeclto any claim. defense. demand or right <br />of offset; (7) The execution of this contract and Ihe underlving sales transaction gl\ ing rise thereto did not "Iolatc any federal or state law. directive. rule or regulation now <br />in effect: 0\1 In the event that this contract or the underlying ~ales trans,u:tion is suhject to a right of rC!<ICI!<I!<Iion OJ L'anccllalion hy the Buyer, sUl'h rescission or cancella- <br />tion period has expired and neither Ihe sale nnr this contracl has hecn cancelled or rescinded. THIS CONTRACT is SOLO BY SElLER WITHOUT RECOURSE, 16 <br /> <br />IN TESTIMONY'\~lhe ullder~sig~d is an aUlhori7ed re~~lll\e ollhe Seller and has signed below on behalf of the Seller on this <br /> <br />day of a/f {Ll___~____ .1" , <br /> <br /> <br />The foregOIng Instrument w,,, acknowlt'd)!ed hl'lme me "n __ ~__ THE PACESETTER CORPORATIO~ <br /> <br />---;?114LdtUl ",{(f' p, --m 'lRHu ~ <br /> <br />hy Ihe aut homed agent of Seller who I' _ _)11 .~~ L?,tflI;1 - <br />My commission expires: <br /> <br />_~ IIDJMY."..... <br />~ Mw~:~..' <br /> <br /> <br />(~ t <br /> <br />r--- <br /> <br />L <br /> <br />L <br /> <br />..J <br /> <br />'a1 <br /> <br />~ <br /> <br /><;f <br />t-- <br />(C <br />It'' <br /> <br />/ <br />r <br />h- <br /> <br />L <br />