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<br />1\'1) 1'i..1)llll"llI "llll"lIUIl' \\111 nt'. (-"..:;.~ 1 <br /> <br />~~~.I;~.I_I~~I~~!~~~._~~;;~~_G,''-.II~~I~~:~..-_I~:;._;~.I;;~.-_.! ~~~.~;~_-_G~.~ '.I_~_l'~~.'.., '1_~l..,..13)~.l~.(}.. ..(.~...}.QJ.' '__~.-: ~.. . 1 O. - -_-2.-- 7~,.6.,.. <br /> <br />! . I E:-.IlIllalcll 10 hc_ { _ _ da\'... ann (he datt' ; <br />_u ._I~" pay."~"~._, ~.l..j.Q3._. ~~__j_I~~,-"--ClllllPlellllll,cerllllL~IIL': . _ n _: <br /> <br />'t.r ....,jZ J 1..10; , I : All \llh~t'qul'nl ImtalllllCllh on lhl' .\ilillL' d;t~ nl <br />L_~~~_ $ ~:3 ' _~ each CIlIl'enlll\e ll1lllllh ulllll pa,d III lull , <br /> <br />Insurance L__,____._. ____..__.__ ,,_ u_______,__~ <br />Credit life insurance and credil disability in:..;urancc <IfC not required (ll ohlain credit. and will <br />not be provided unless I sign and agree In pay the auditional l'O~1. <br />Tyr<' -'~-=rp;;:;;-I~';;;;-I,T"Jrlll ! sl:!!.n"l~-----.-----------------'------~ <br />Credit T.if~-----I----I I ,,;;;;;t;,:;:~di!Til'~-----------' I <br />i : IIlSlIrancc. Sl~nalllrt" ~;::r------l <br /> <br />I to .<:).)100 f "i"','ucc ~;:;--,----J <br />rredll Ac-c;de-;;-;--.-----l-I-I~"anl cred;;-:;;:-;:;;:I~ : <br />& Hcalrh I s{)o.a/. 2> I dnd health Insurance s,~"."", IlUHI ~ e mean, an e""nate <br />~u.._~__ ___ <br /> <br />Prop~rl." insllrancl' is r~Quired. alld I ma.' I,hlaill ,ucll illsllrallce j;q!9Io. aJ9.2!lc.,1 wanl \~o::!\ accel.lahle 10 -,ou or I ma,\' provide il Ihrou~h <br />an ~xisting polie.". If I oblain Ihis insuranc~ Ihroullh .'ou, I will pa.' $ ~,~ lor llU.. mOl>!h, or w\era~e. <br /> <br />Sl'l'lIrit~: I ;1111 ~1\11I!-, ;1 "'l'l..11rll~ IIltc.:rl''''' IIJ <br />Ihl' ,l!\lpd_,. ....l'fVIL'C... and prnpcny hL'in~ purchased. and <br />~ 1I1~ real e"'lall.' and 1I1lpro\'1'lTll'nh. Including Ill)' <br />hou\l'. all ;11 fllj ..Addrcl"..... de...ignatcu abovt.'. <br /> <br />Filillll/Recording fces $ O()~ 00 <br /> <br />Late Charlie: If a payment" more Ihan ten (10) day' <br />lale. I will h" char~ed $5.00 or 5% 01 the late pay. <br />ment.... whichever 1\ less. - <br /> <br />Prepa."menl: If I pay olT early, I will not ha\'e to pay <br />a penalty. and I Illay be entilled 10 a refund of part 01 <br />(he finance charge. <br /> <br />. I will re\'iew mher portiOlh of Ihis conlract <br />for additional information about non-payment. defauh. <br />any required repaymenl in full before the scheduled date. <br />anti prepayment refunds and penalllt".... <br /> <br />COMMENCEMENT OF THE F1NA:'oiCE CHAR,;E: The nllanc" charce lintere,!) i, eSlimaled to slar! on __3. ~____._~,__ <br />(insert the date) except in the evenl that vou L'ornplcte th~ installation of Ihe g(l(ld~ ami '\er\'iccs on another datc. thcn the rina~l.:(' charge Illal'st) \\111 begin 10 run on Ihe <br />dale Ihar I shall si~n a Complelion Certificate. The amollnt of finance ,,-'harge lintcrl,...n may be more O[ Ie.....; than lhe amounl lllsdosc.tJ (h.-pending on the amounts I pa) you <br />and my timeliness 10 making payments. <br />PREPAYMENT: I may voluntarily pr"pa)' Ihe alllounl I owe you. in full or III pan, al anv IlIl1e If IlIIake a parl,al prepayment. IlIIu" continue 10 Illake lilY re~ular payments Z <br />until I have paid all amounts owed, C <br />REQUEST FOR FULL PAYMENT: If I do not pay when due. y"u can dedare alllhal IlIwe under Ihis contracl payable al onc'e, I agree 10 pay you interesl on Ihal amollnt _ <br />at the maximum contractual rate allowed by la\~' until the amount I O\\'C' you is paid. I also kmm that you can foreclose the Mortgage I have given to you _, <br />COLLECTION COSTS: If I am in default of this contract and you demand full payment. I understilm.l that YOll may send it 10 all attorney (or collcction and enforcement. <br />If you do so, I agree to pay your reasonable attorneys' fees plus any court ,,-'usts and cxpenses incurred by you, lhal j.... if you arc alio\\,('J to coHeet such am(lun(~ by law. <br />MORTGAGE: I hereby grant. bargain. sell. cOllve)' and lIlol1gage 10 you, as Morlga~ee, my r"a' "'laic and hous" located almy "Addre,,' de,i~nat"d on Ihe lOp portion Z <br />of this contract as security for all amounl~nJlIe to you undcr this rnslallmcnr Sale~ Contract. <br />,.. REVERSE SIDE: I UNDERSTAND THAT THE ADDITIONAL TERMS AND PROVISIONS PRINTED ON THE REVERSE SIDE OF THIS INSTALLMENT SALES CONTRACT ARE A <: <br />~ PART OF THIS INSTALLMENT SALES CONTRACT AND THAT I AM BOUND BY THEM IN THE SAME MANNER AS IF THEY WERE PRINTED ON THE FRONT OF THIS VERY Li <br />5 INSTALLMENT SALES CONTRACT. NOTICE: PROVISIONS PRINTED ON REVERSE SIDE COMPRISE ADDITIONAL TERMS LIMITING SELLER'S WARRANTY OBLIGATION. Z <br />~ NOTICE TO BUYER ~ <br />~ I. I do not bave 10 sign this contract beforc I read it or if any of Ihe spaces intcnd~d for Ihe agreed lerms to Ibe exlenl of then available information u: <br />- are left blank. 2. , am entitled 10 a copy of this contract at Ihe time I sign it, 3. I may pay 01T the full balance due under Ihls contrad at all." <br />G time, and in so doing I ma)' be entitled 10 a r~b..te..of <he unearlled finance and insurancc chargcs !if any), .t. 1 undl'rsland Ihal Ibis inslrumenl < <br />::l is based upon a home solicitation sale and Ibal tbis inslrumenl is nol negoliable. 5. It shall nol be Icgal for )'OU 10 c.'ler m." prcmiscs unlawfull." <br />;: or commit any breach of Ihe peac~ 10 rcpossess goods purchased under Ihis conlract. 0 <br />2: BUYER'S RIGHT TO CANCEL ~ <br />3 I MAY CANCEL THIS AGREEMENT AT ANY TIME PRIOR TO MIDN!GHT OF THE THIRD BUSINESS DAY AFTER THE DATE OF THIS TRANSACTION. (I HAVE 0 <br />READ THE ACCOMPANYING NOTICE OF RIGHT TO CANCEL FORM FOR AN EXPLANATION OF THIS RIGHT.) <br /> <br />My commissioo expire" <br /> <br />IlOIMi. fllTARY-statI ot """au <br />.e~ \:::~ffs:i <br /> <br /> <br />u.. <br />~ <br /> <br /> <br />COpy RECEIVED: I aeknowled~e rec'eipt of a completely filled in <:opy of this contracl along with Iwo 12) copie, of the :--IOlll'e of RI~hl <br />IN WITNE, WHEREOF. Ihi, In,lallment Sale, Contracl and Mortgage has been signed on Ihis ......3-.._ day of ~ <br />al (city) '-P. Slale 01 :-Iebraska. <br />THE PACESETTER CORPORATION ISI'I.i.ER SIIlRHi'\(;IT, <br /> <br />fJ. <br /> <br />10 Cancel FornI. <br />.19~. <br /> <br />By: <br /> <br /> <br />{y(:t~jHL~~ <br /> <br /> <br />&-i'/V>r~."""" <br /> <br />By: <br /> <br />Stale <br /> <br />COllnty of <br /> <br />r-.----- <br /> <br />L <br /> <br />~ <br /> <br />l;f. <br />~~i <br />.~ <br /> <br />h <br /> <br />L <br /> <br />_1 <br />