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<br />I" <br /> <br />[. ,;"",1"" ,,' 1'"",,,.,,,, ; ,,,"",," "II'"",,,,,,,, : "h,'" """,,,'"'' ""'I',,,.:Rg~r'~'1'0127$ <br /> <br />I ~ L'lll:lilled In Ill' 3.rt!~- lId\' <Iller till' dall' <br />'_ ._I~I.I:aYIlll'nl. S o';l...!. /. f. "~.lhl'('''IllI'Ic''''~l(~l'~'II,,'a'l'- . .. <br /> <br />I 7 '. . It: J..\II 'lIh"l'qlll'nl 11l,!.lilllll'llh 011 the ~al11l' dil~ III <br />1_ 'I.~___n__L.?32.LI1_..; ~ach l'''",ecul1\'c Illllnlh '"1111 paid "' lull <br /> <br />Insurance i__~_ .....~_____ _____, ___..._. <br />Credit life ill~uranL'c and credit disahilil) in~lIrilllCC arc not required to obtain crcdll. and will <br />not he provided IJI1lcs~ I \i!!11 and agree 10 pay tht' additional co.,t <br /> <br />12IL~ ---~--l-'~,~n - ~!~',~I!l,T-s~~-I~llurc ~--~ ------- - ---~--~-J <br />I Credlll.lfe I . -F-~:~n! c-rc,/;!!';;;-- rJ1-' ~.- 7to;---~ <br />I I I I II"ura'"'e f tt.-.-<:.'(5l. (L <.<-"t <br />I I 1l!lliJlUn' 1\ r <br />liS '! " <br />i/tfIa ff~'I8'L. ~""~~--- I <br /> <br />I Credll Acnde," : I I wanl tredll aecidenl I <br />& Heahh :1 . and health insurance. .s1~r1.lturl' Bll~t'r --l, <br />I " S/lJJ,l/h I, /1___ .____ ,I <br />. 'fLU~VV Cl-___~ _ ----l e rnean~ an t',timat~. <br /> <br />Property insurance is required, and I ma~ ohlain stll'h instlrance from anyolle I walll WhO} an'cptable to ~ou or I lIIay <br />an existing policy. If I obtain Ihis insurance through ~'OIJ, I will pa~' $ tl (J. i:1 tJ ..n, for months of l'm'erage. <br /> <br />Sl'l'lIril~: I ,1111 ~I\ 11l~~ iI "'l'curlly il1tL'rL'~1 in: <br />I lhe ~POlt.... "'L'n In.... and properly hcinp. pllrcha~cd, ilnd <br /> <br />~ 111\ rt'al cqalL' <Ind lIl\provL'mcnh. lllrlllding my <br />Ill;lI"'L'. 0111 al my uAddrL''\'''' JC!\ig.n~Hetl ahove. <br /> <br />Filillg/l{el'orlling fees $-.tlt?d~ <br /> <br />Late Chargl': II a pay menl " morc Ihan ten (10) days <br />la.c. I will he d""eed $5,00 "r 5% 01 Ihe lale pav- <br />men"'. \\ hidll.'\\.'r i... '-less. -~ ~ <br /> <br />Prepayment: If I pay "IT carly, I 'VIII nol haw 10 pay <br />a penahy. and I may he enlilll'd I" a refund of pari 01 <br />the f1naIlCl~ charge. <br /> <br />, I will review other pOrlion~ of this l'Ontral'l <br />for adtlitional information about non.payrncnl. default. <br />any relfuired repaymelll in full hefore the ,chedulcd dale, <br />and prepayment rcfllntl~ and penalties. <br /> <br />provide it through <br /> <br />COMMENCE~1ENT OF THE F1NA:\CE CHARGE: The I""",,'c dwee (mleresll IS e'limalcd 10 slarl on _n.:l.-=--L..::....? 0 <br />(insert the dale I except in the event Iha~ YOU cmllplch.' (he In...tallaliol1 of Ihe gOt1\h ~tIlJ -,\.'r\ i\.'l'~ lm another dale. then the rina~l\.'e charge (interc'ill will begin to run on the <br />date that I shall ~i~n a Completion CcrtlllL'ah.'_ The ,IIllOUn! 01 financ\.' d1art:..: Imtl'n.'..t1 Illil\" he Illore or less fhan the amountlils.c1o...ed L1epcnding on the amounts I pay you <br />and my timeliness In making payml'nb <br />PREPA YMF:NT: J may voluntarily prepay the alllount I O\\e you. in full (lr in part. at any tillle. If I make a partial prepaymenL I 1ll1l~1 (ontlllue to make my rcgular payments Z <br />unlill have paid all amounh owed. 0 <br />REQUEST FOR Ft:L1, PA YME:-'T: If I dn nnl pay when due. you can deelare alllhal I n,,"c under Ihis l'llntracl payable alllnce, I agree 10 pay YllU inleresl on Ihal amounl i= <br />at the maximum contractual rate allowed by la\l. unlil Ihe amounI I O\\l' you 1.. paid_ I kmm Ihal you can foredose the ~-1ort~ag(" I havc gl\'cn (0 you. :J <br />COLLECTION COSTS: If I am in defauh of Ihi, contrael and you dellland full payment. I understand Ihal you may send 11 III an all,)roey Illr colleclion and enforcement. !::: <br />(f you do so. I agree to pay your rea~onable aHorney.,' fees rim. any court co...l~ ano expenses incurrl"d by Yl1U. thai i.... if ~ ou an: allowed to l'l)lIect such amounts by law. :n <br />MO~TGAGE: I hereby grant. bargain. ...ell. convey and l1l~mgagl' to you. il\ \1or!gagct:. my rcall..'statc and hou...1..' locah:d al illY ..Addre........ designated on the top portion ~ <br />of rhls contract as secuflly for all amounts duC' to you under thiS fn~(allll1C'nl Salc~ Contract. <br />~ REVERSE SIDE: I UNDERSTAND THAT THE ADDITIONAL TERMS AND PROVISIONS PRINTED ON THE REVERSE SIDE OF THIS INSTALLMENT SALES CONTRACT ARE A ;:{ <br />z PART OF THIS INSTALLMENT SALES CONTRACT AND THAT I AM BOUND BY THEM IN THE SAME MANNER AS IF THEY WERE PRINTED ON THE FRONT OF THIS VERY u <br />o INSTALLMENT SALES CONTRACT. NOTICE: PROVISIONS PRINTED ON REVERSE SIDE COMPRISE ADDITIONAL TERMS LIMITING SELLER'S WARRANTY OBLIGATION. ~ <br />~ NOTICE TO BUYER z <br />I. I do not have to sign this contract before I read it or if any of the spaces intended for the agreed terms 10 the extent of then ll,'aUable information u: <br />~ are left blank. 2, I am entitled to a COd)' of this contract at the time I sign it, 3, I ma)' pa)' off the full halance due under this contract at an)' <br /> <br />~ :~m~~~ndu~~ns~ i~~~ ~o~rat~~n e~~;~e an~o t~a~e~;i~e i~~t~~~~~t~~n~~( r~~~~~~a~I~~ J~s~r~~~~1 ~ho~rt~s I~:'ar"r~~ ;;IUII~n~I~;~':a~~ ll~::mti~~~ i~~:~~~uW: ~ <br />Z or commit an}' breach of the peace to repossess goods purchased under this contract. '. . <..'J <br />o BUYER'S RIGHT TO CANCEL iX <br />U I MAY CANCEL THIS AGREEMENT AT ANY TIME PRIOR TO MIDNIGHT OF THE THIRD BUSINESS DAY AFTER THE DATE OF THIS TRANSACTION. (I HAVE 0 <br />READ THE ACCOMPANYING NOTICE OF RIGHT TO CANCEL FORM FOR AN EXPLANATION OF THIS RIGHT,) <br />COPY RECEIVED: I acknowledge receipl ofa complell'iy filled in copy of this cOlltrdCI alollg wilh Iwo (2) copie, of Ihe :'>iOlicf j,ll' Righi 10 Call.:el J~ <br />IN WIT:'oJE \VHEREO~, Installment Sab COlllracl and Mongage ha, hel'n ,iglled on Ihi'.2.. day of -7J~ . I 'I ~ . <br />al (cily) . Slale of :-Iebra,ka, <br /> <br />THE PACESETTER CORPORATION ,sri LFR \I0RTG,\(iH, <br />By: w~/I /LeL- <br />Bv (J~?~~~ <br /> <br />- 'FACTORY REPRESE''TATIVE, <br />Stale of :'oJebra,ka <br /> <br /> <br />~) <br /> <br />~1y commis~ion <br /> <br /> <br />J: <br />x <br /> <br />? Z <br />The fOre~OIIl!! in~(rument \\ a~ ilrknowlcuged h~ on thi... ~ay of ::; <br /> <br />~ . 1<}(2(2 . by the abm'e de'lgllaled::;- <br />BuyerlSl-'lorlgagorl" q2A ~ <br /> <br />:'\<llan Puhlic ~~ W(~ <br /> <br />{'O-Ht "YFR \lORTe; \(:;OR <br /> <br />Counly of <br /> <br />.j. <br /> <br />L <br /> <br />L <br /> <br />--1 <br /> <br />,.. <br /> <br />L <br />