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<br />11115 SPAC! I1ESlIlVEO fOil COUNTY I1EC0l10EI1 <br /> <br />., <br />, , <br /> <br />\ r ". <br /> <br />r <br /> <br />.88-101275 <br /> <br />TO BE RECORDf'D IN REAL ESTATE RECORDS <br /> <br />FOR USE IN THE STATE OF NEBRASKA <br />INSTALLMENT SALES CONTRACT AND MORTGAGE <br />THE PACESETTER CORPORATION, A CORPORATION <br />(THE SELLER/CREDITOR) <br />9505 "'" STREET / / / rv ~ ~ <br />2550 NORTH DIERS AVE., SUITE F OMAHA, NEBRASKA 68127 C 11L_..___~_.;;- z... <br />GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA 68801 (402) 331.0275 ~.e? ~#'~ <br />(308) 364.4414 _ FOR METROPOliTAN OMAHA SERVICE CALL 331,0277 -.-- -~- <br /> <br />Sold To /f/A1f/'c. r J .0/1 d U/ ~, ._____~~___ Dale or Thi, Conlrarl ~ / - O~ <br /> <br />"Addrl''''' /'v'? ~~;f~,:~~~A'"~ Slate @-4 _,__ Zip 1U'.LL Tl'll'pholl1{,;J~1 ?rJ!. <br /> <br />In thi!-l In~talll11enl Salc~ Conlract the word'" I. me. ;jllu my refer 10 the Buyer and Co-Buyer {if anyl ...igning lhi!\ contract. The worth. )'OU and .your. <br />we and us. refer to the Seller and Illa~ abo Illean it han\.. or other finanl-ial in\titutl;:m if it huy, 1hl:"o contract. Jf it does. I \vill make my paymenb to <br />it. Under the MOl1gagc ~tatule~. I am abo kIlO\\ n iI'" the u\lortgi.lgor." anu !ou are rdcrrc-u to ;J~ the "Ylortgagel'''. I understand Ihat if more Ihan (ll1.e "Buyer" <br />~ign~ below that each will be re~rtlOsihle f(lr al.1 Ilf()I11I'e~ made amI for paYlIlg the ~)bligation(s) III full: you may collect agail1st one or an). TillS (OIHral..'t <br />covers my purchase of manufactured products of "he PacC'selter Corporation. and/or 'Iding dbtrihuted and in~lalled by The Pacesetter Corporation, You havt.' <br />quoted me a Cash Price and it ToLi11 Sale Pricc. The Tntal Sail: Price IS the total (.'o...t of the produch and services if I buy on credit <br />I now choo~e to buy, and you agree 1(1 '<"'11. for the Total Sale Price, \et forth belo\\'. the products and sen.ices described below. I agree. to pay <br />you the amoum financed in accordance with the [layment "'L'hedul~ \e! lorth helow. together with interest thereon at the annual percentage fall' whirh is disclosed <br />below, I also agree 10 all of Ihe olhl'r ten'" on holh "de, of Ih" l'Ontrart. Only products manufactured by' The Pacesetter Corporation are eO\'ered <br />bW 10 year Limited Warranty. "io exterior or interior trim, painlin~ or stainin wi I be pro\'ided unless specified in this Contract. <br /> <br />f/~~f~77,lt"Jf ~ C~~7d/n L1V/~L?r"/~f7A'&.t:.. :;1. 711,1e.K 57"11/''''1 #V*/~~~W-J ~t?1f <br /> <br />/6'~ :t J' ~/N'N/N'~ ..:(.5. J~/.f'd4~tI~ I A/, ~G.dA ,,,,,,,,, Iiv' /0 r~tf'~L!V' <br /> <br />~~. ~~~;::-:;j3f$:f;Tr:;:'7,,~Z~SJ-1!:;:-::: :t~:" t-tI <br /> <br />;dE ~t/~"A t-v/y/re: <br />LEGAL DESCRIPTIO:'-J: Tre abm'e descrihed .', )d, and ,er\"icl" ~rl' 10 he lI1,talled and plareJ upon the "Add e,,' ,designateo aho\'l'. and Ihl' legal dl'scripllon <br />c: '= ...-?-" 'ce ' ' <br />for such "Address" i" C J J . I I <br />) <br /> <br />r:~THE <br />r~' PACESETTER" <br />l fI:!) CORPORATION <br /> <br />SAI.ES <br />('o"mACT 'iO. <br /> <br />77938 <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />Buyers acknowledge that if Legal De~cripll(ln i, not available at the time thi~ contract i~ executed. Seller ha:-. the right to ohtain and II1sen lhe Legal Dco!'locription <br />at a later dale, <br />SUMMARY OF SALE: Base rash pricc S~t?.t'- tfll? tax tJi/.V'#. additional warranty/smiL'l' cmeragl' t:?t:?t:7~ S ~Tt?'t?~t:?t? <br />Tota' cash price s.2J"~t1. t?t1 - Cash Ilolall downpa\'lncnt S /.t?~. t1'tf' L'npaiJ halanL'l' "I' <; 22If?~~ <br />ITEMIZATION OF THE AMOl.:NT FINANCED OF $ ;2..';f"(1t? ~ : <br /> <br />5>"z 71'11. dt? Amounl credited 10 this contracl ISame amount ;" the "L:npaid Balance ") <br />5> t:P;,,,~ Amounl paid on net balancc from prior rontract with us, <br />Amount(s) paid to ml1ers on my behalf: S ?7a t:? If? <br />$ /Id. U to insuranre rompany for Credil Life insurance S t:?t? ~ If' <br />5> -1!L1~ to insurance company for Accidl'nl and Health insurance S P' /... If? if? <br /> <br />to insurance company for Property Damage insurance <br />to public officials for filingfr~ord'llg fees <br />10 (Specifyl;t/'tf"11:: <br /> <br />ANNUAL <br />PERCENTAGE <br />RATE <br />The COSI of m\' credil as <br />a yearly rale, . <br /> <br />FINANCE <br />CHARGE <br />The dollar amoul1llhe <br />credil willl'Ost me. <br /> <br />Amount <br />Financed <br /> <br />Total of <br /> <br />Payments <br /> <br />The amount I will <br />have paid after I <br />have made all payment' <br />as scheduled, <br /> <br />$ ;2.StJt1. Fr ~3 /: ~.OtP <br /> <br />Total Sale Price <br />The total cost of my purchase <br />on credit. including my <br />downpaymenlof <br />S / tfl #. c:? 1/ <br /> <br />~ I:? tp. Yt? <br /> <br />The amoul1l of c"JII <br />provided to me or on <br />my behalf. <br /> <br /> <br />Mv na"ment schf'nlllf' \~.'ill hf'" <br /> <br />r"- <br /> <br />L <br /> <br />L <br /> <br />~ <br /> <br />,/ <br /> <br />,.... <br /> <br />~ <br />;t <br />t <br /> <br />L <br />