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<br />200606620 <br /> <br />the Grantee, Dorothy Lepp, as follows "for and during the term of <br />the natural lifetime of the Grantee and on her death the remainder <br />to the Grantor". The said Alvin Denman signed said last described <br />deed on May 4, 1977, and the undersigned took said Grantor's <br />acknowledgment and completed the same on the date of May 4, 1977. <br /> <br />4 . <br />Warranty <br />interest <br />the same <br /> <br />For some unknown reason, the first above described <br />Deed which omitted the disposition of the remainder <br />was recorded rather than the Corrective Warranty Deed of <br />date which was placed in Grantor's file. <br /> <br />5. Affiant further states that it was the intent of the <br />named parties that the Corrective Warranty Deed conveying the <br />above described property to Dorothy Lepp for life would contain a <br />provision that the said remainder interest in said property would <br />pass to the Grantor upon the said Grantee's death. <br /> <br />6. That said error and omission was not discovered until <br />sometime after the death of the Grantee, Dorothy Lepp in 2001. <br />That an Inventory filed in the Estate of Dorothy Lepp included the <br />entire North Half of the Southeast Quarter (N1/2 SE1/4) of Section <br />Twenty-Two (22), above described, when in truth and fact, the <br />Decedent owned in fee title only the Northwest Quarter of the <br />Southeast Quarter (NW1/4 SE1/4), Section Twenty-Two (22) above <br />described, and owned only a life estate in the Northeast Quarter <br />of the Southeast Quarter (NE1/4 SE1/4) of Section Twenty-Two (22) <br />above described, which property is the subject of this Affidavit; <br />that the Inventory in said Dorothy Lepp's Estate was amended to <br />correct this error and the correct property conveyed by her <br />Personal Representative pursuant to the terms of her Last Will and <br />Testament admitted to Probate in Case No. PROl-210. <br /> <br />7. That the Grantor, Alvin Denman, also known as Alvin A. <br />Denman, died testate on August 10, 1992, and his Estate probated <br />in Hall County, Nebraska as Case No. PR92-96. In reliance on the <br />first above described erroneous deed, said Decedent's Inventory <br />incorrectly indicated that he owned no real property whatsoever, <br />when in fact he was the fee title owner of the Northeast Quarter <br />of the Southeast Quarter (NE1/4 SE1/4) of Section Twenty-Two (22) <br />above described; that said Decedent's Estate was closed, <br />distribution made and said Personal Representatives discharged. <br /> <br />8. That it will be necessary to reopen the Estate of Alvin <br />A. Denman to correct the Inventory and Deed of Distribution <br />entered therein and to show that said Decedent acquired the <br />remainder interest in and to said above described property on the <br />death of the life tenant, his sister, Dorothy Lepp. <br /> <br />9. That a copy of said described Corrective Warranty Deed <br />by which the Decedent acquired the remainder interest in the above <br />described property is hereto attached, marked Exhibit "A" and made <br /> <br />-2- <br />