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<br />200601865
<br />
<br />Flt"1g
<br />
<br />'Iii thout undenol,J.nl; to di~tincui"h bd,woen tho dutic'" and po'..ers of
<br />
<br />my fiducio, '.es her.,after num"d, .:md by w',y of illu"tr1lti-':m llnd not of limitation
<br />
<br />of such powera~ I hereby authori~e Kuid fid~ciariee as ;'ollows:
<br />
<br />A. To sell uny property, real or pa 'conal, publicly or privately,
<br />
<br />for Ci..U:,:.l OT' on tir:Je, Y."'ithout un or C'r or COU1't, upon G'.1c,;h "~erm.:..:: (-ind conditions
<br />
<br />as to them shall seem beot, without li8bility on the port of the purchaser to
<br />
<br />Ge:e to thc\ applict1 tion of the purch.:vse money to
<br />
<br />B. To r~tain any of the original investments or othar property con-
<br />
<br />Dtituti.ng ~:y cEtilte at he. time 'Of my death, ree;arr!l"tls 0): the ch'.rllcter of oliLl
<br />
<br />1nvDstr;;r:nts or otht:r prol~ol.ty I or "'-'hethe;- :;:JI~':-l be ~uch UG are ~uthorized by luw
<br />
<br />[or inv.stment by fiduciurisD, fer ouch time RD to them shall seem best, and to
<br />
<br />d:i.~;pD~C of any such property by [!.:lle or 2'xc:.::Jnr~e Or ....Jtherwi.se as and when t}~eJ
<br />
<br />chall d{~em uuvisablG; an'.".; tu invc.':.it .:lnu :--eir..'/eRt fund.s in tn.:.ch stOCt:~l bvnd.s,
<br />
<br />not~s, ::,ortg',ges 0'- othor p,-op',rty "s they :;hi"ll dee", advisable even though t!1~y
<br />
<br />are not of the character eXJJI'e~s},y iipprovect by law for inve5tm(_nt by fi0uciurics..
<br />
<br />C. 'l'o ch,cq:;e th" ,remium>> of ,;ccu,-itie6 l'urch"""d at a ,.remium either
<br />
<br />againBt ~rinciplc or inccr~Q ar J~!.tly agninst income; as they s~Jll de~~ advis-
<br />
<br />able; ~nd to apply stock divi~~e~ds ;jnd oth~r extruurdinary divi(lend5 to inco~~
<br />
<br />I1nd ~'.rinciple in their :'lbcol:Jt.e ciiscrotior;, :1:1.: their deci:--ions It.'ith r-esr..)ct
<br />
<br />t:lereto $};;..;ll be Ct;lhclu5iv(1 ;.nd bindinc upon .:.:.:1. Vd~tie!:-; in intcr._.::.;'c.
<br />
<br />D. 'l'" hold ,,-ny or ill1 seec:.:"i ti~s 0'" other property i!1 th" rLc'!le of El
<br />
<br />ciuly ap!,oi!'lted nominee, with or' 'without de,;c:Co.,;in(!; the fiJucio.ry r,~l"tion.
<br />
<br />SIXTH
<br />
<br />I do hereby nominate, constitute and appoint my wife, Marian J. Carson,
<br />
<br />a,'] execut!'ix under this my kHjt \i/j.J.l and rr~;,-~ta!')!ent antl 1 direct th~t my cxecu-
<br />
<br />trix. be p~.rmitted to serVe ...Ii thout bond ~lnd thdt if 1 not'..Ji ti1.~~t.:.i!~Jing tl1i.:.s rt.'\.iu~:::;t,
<br />
<br />D. bond iG ~.,c i~d:::-ed OJ' Li.:, sLI,tl1.te, Qr rule of ,)urt, n0 sureties be rC'luil~cd
<br />
<br />"Lnereon.
<br />
<br />In the event that i';a!'inn J. Carson s;~alJ. prcr.acei.J,se m'fl, r'cfu0e to act
<br />
<br />OJ" Ul:' inCd;~~.lU::'C' of or uU~J.ul02 J.'or uny !'e<..J.w:)n to
<br />EV"I{,n 'firemann
<br />ti:..on nO::::lr.utt:: u.nd ::tppoint" )~,t:-., i.\:rC:Jo~~~..ly
<br />- 9
<br />t"" CYF'.ci t;J of 'oxecu tr"~~I-/7~-rn
<br />
<br />perform the af0resaid)1uties, I
<br />Y1.C.
<br />l'~sic.in3 i.n Grt~;ld t8.1~nd, Nebru'fJk.a,
<br />9;)/
<br />--j)-n!
<br />
<br />to act .: n
<br />M (j
<br />y;'-) . (-~ '
<br />,-"iJI ]
<br />! -'Ii In
<br />
<br />-3-
<br />
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