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<br /> <br />,:~.!'!>c1d~!ii:(~~~~~~~'" <br /> <br /> <br />:.".,:;:. . <br /> <br />.,,,:, '/::::\J,':;7~!~"~;,.':I.r;. <br /> <br />;",.'.-1. <br />'" <br /> <br />",,,, <br /> <br />f(' <br /> <br />200601865 <br /> <br />FO~'i <br /> <br />Clld~r tho clrCU~f;tltnCCs mention~d in ~rti~le ~lhree, if rtt th~ time of <br /> <br />my de,', "';OUgLIS 0Cjl1'1 Colby, Debora Dee Ccl'uy, :~obert :.,). Carson u.nd ~ichut'.1 I"' <br /> <br />Carson, shull not hClv" atnined til" age of t.wenty-one (21) ye,.rll, t.hen "nd in <br /> <br />/Juch event, 1 do h"~,,by Lnstruct thut uny portion of my e8tute received by them <br /> <br />shall be in tru~t nevortheless upon the J'ollO~J~,ng t~r~s anJ con'~ition6, to-wit: <br /> <br />A. To hold, manage ,,!Cd control the same; <"h; to pay over the i,.come <br /> <br />of t.he trust estut= to or :01' the UBe and benefit of suid beneficiaries, at Euch <br /> <br />ti.rn"s a:ld in 3UCj amounts, and in such prop:Jrtiono o.s my said tru5tee ""'y, in <br /> <br />tr.eir absolute dit;cre~ion, dctcrlo1ine, p;'ovided t,,,,t if the inco:ne of said trust <br /> <br />estate it< not I;ufficicnt t, SUFP01't "nd maintain ""id beneficiOlries in such <br /> <br />man;oer as t"" trUljtee In"j dete:c:nine des j r,~ble, the gaiel ~ruBtee may, in their <br /> <br />absolute diBcretion, withdr.w ahd use 9ny or all of the corpus of said trust es- <br /> <br />t"~,, for the support a.nd mllint6wlDCe of !3aid beneficillries. <br /> <br />B. !>o part of the trust est"te, corp'"s, inccme or increment, Shall be <br /> <br />attainable, 3ssi~nllblo, or li~bic ',,0 be t~lkc~, ut law or in e,~ui.ty, for or on <br /> <br />~CGount of any detts, obligntior13 0:. contr~ct~ of th~ b2n~fi~iuries hCl'cunder-; <br /> <br />but s1.tiJ t.l:'l~ot DHL....l,tc 3:".111 be t;;ln~~~arr~d HW.1 d~livcrC'd to said,.c <br /> <br />per5onal~y, ~lnci for th~ir cxclu~ive use nn\l benefit; no berlefi.t accruing to 5aid <br /> <br />benei~c;J~1leR here'' t;Lll~ "::J(> ,~.mticip'-""'ted, tr::'ln~;fe:rHblc, Ol~ subject to enCUl'l1~ <br /> <br />brancc~ or to legal procese. <br /> <br />C. ',:hen :;,:lid b,mcfici:lrie", shnl::' attain the (lse of twenty-one (21) <br /> <br />YCElrO, the tl'''ust est.,.~te herei.n :provid.ed f\':lr' sh;~~ll termin~~te, and the entire trust <br /> <br />esL.ttc, (.:rJrpUE1, income and 1.n(":r~rnt:nt, oh!.'ill be dit.t:r'ibuted &nd paid over to said <br /> <br />benei'~ci riu5 us their Bole ~nd sepur;lte propex'ty, witll0Ut linlitation tllerecn. <br /> <br />U:J.c:e;, the ci:'C'JJ:'lGb.J.n-:';t,:B in ;~rticle Thrp.c, I do hereby nom- <br /> <br />ina.t(~, l':otl:::;ti tu to' and. L~p'pQ:i.nt t~v31yn Niemann now' rosiding in Gr'lnu I~Jlund, <br /> <br />NebriA~k~ ~tl ~r~)Gtee of th~ t'rllst ~slate. <br />, /1 <br />__)), t, ) <br /> <br />'1/(1 <br />I ,I I <br />''', ,,. I <br />,/ <br />LJ" Lj) ) <br />! /' <br /> <br />-2- <br /> <br />--"""""-""'I..,~ ..',' <br /> <br />I~:~,\",,;, ';".,.r"iIJ~'l"',1" <br /> <br />'Ill <br />L'J,~~IL,'):,,; <br />. f,;/{y't\.\t~.::~':;,/,~:''':' <br />