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<br />200601865
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<br />IN \irl\N~;S:.J 'd;'i2j-(~JCr, I have hereljntQ nubGcribcd my nuL"lC on this
<br />
<br />,:;< .r !:!.-~
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<br />d.'y of ~~.:.!...L"LL\ 1978, A.V.
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<br />
<br />The foregoing instrument, concisting of five ~16e8, including the
<br />follo'.<inS puge, W:.H', GubscrH'ed, published und declared by the at.ove na::lcd tes-
<br />tator to be his Last 'tiill :..lnc '.:..'.:s'ta.Incnt.. in the rre:3cnce of us, who i.n h.i~
<br />prC.liCnc:,,', ,'"it his r'Jlluil..'.:d;, ~Ind in the pre..cnc(~ of e.:J.cb oth\jr, have 0ubocribr'd our
<br />nawes as wi tnesse., cn the d.: te 0 f this inn trumen t, and I<e declare thu t ,,-t the
<br />time of the ex.ecution of thi[j inctrumcnt til€- tC5tatOt'. ~.l.ccorr.ling to our best
<br />knowledGe and belief, was of sound rnind llnd memory and ill1der no conGtr",int.
<br />
<br />r;J!.J!' [;, 7 F~J
<br />:::. ;ktI/('l../ '---l776-/;(( /2
<br />o
<br />
<br />, 8953 N. ~ushington Streot.
<br />
<br />, 8933 N. Washington Street.
<br />
<br />I, G,.yy L. C;""SGN, the teGtator h:we to this Last Will and
<br />ting of five DUg""'. subscribed my nlme on thi6 -----,.9 ,f g,.
<br />'- / L"'l' <". (~r~- . 1978, A.D.
<br />
<br />Testament cons is-
<br />day of
<br />
<br />
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<br />.'i"-, (;,"\i\1 L CA:\.sdl. JOS;:TH .... !'~Jl:iJ{ and NM:CY H0H..d;, the tesLihor "nd LlC wi ,-
<br />n.CS8l~S, ~e5rectively, whose n.'~r.lC5 are sign~d to the L:itt.~tched. Or' [orecuinf:'; inGtl'u~
<br />ment t \IlEl.:.5 .3i~ncci I pubi.ishcd un.ci dec.1 ;:'jI~ec..i by the testa :.or, r.18 ao(l ~"or his L:.lt.:it
<br />~ill [102 rC5t~rllent, in th~ pre38ncc of the witnO~GCB~ W}lO at his l'e\~u~~t IJnrt i!1
<br />lyis :.TC'sencl.:l ~lnd in the prc::;t:~nc~ of Q;tCf'l othc~, h;"lVC f.iul.J3critlcJ ti1~~ir n:.nndS to
<br />thic; inntru:;lent i:.l,'s (ltteJtinc v.'it~osses on the J,:J.:/ <'J.n(j Y~~lr l:l.Gt abuve \'<"ritt.0n;
<br />r:(l'l~.i th.~-!.t Lhl..~ tt:!8ta~,Qr I.:xecut.ed :lH..' ~"O~"-', oin~ inst'r'u:';1GI:t a~ bis fr(l'c ;.l.r.d volunt.~\ry
<br />t~ct f():t~ the pUT'poses therein e:qn:'o,::;t,icd; ,:ir.d thE.l.t to the bC.:Jt of 0\.1,' knowledge,
<br />opi.rlion \:~nu [)elief the t~~(;t.dt.Q:t' I.-:U,'J at the til;)f~ eight(~en y'23.r.:..:; of ul::e or older,
<br />of sound ijnd di5pOf':ine; :nin~. ~U1d mc:morj~ ~.lnd under nO c:onstrai.'n t or undue in.flu~
<br />~rlce ..
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