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200507215 <br />ORDINANCE NO. 8982 (Cont.) <br />BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF <br />GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA: <br />SECTION 1. It is hereby found and determined that: <br />(A) The five tracts of land, the boundaries of which are more particularly <br />described as follows are urban or suburban in character, and that the subject property is <br />contiguous or adjacent to the corporate limits of said City: <br />Annexation Area 1: <br />Beginning at a point where the north line of Capital Avenue intersects the west line of the Ord. Branch of <br />the Union Pacific Railroad; thence north on the west line of the Ord. Branch of the Union Pacific Railroad <br />for a distance of 515.61 feet; thence west on a line 516 feet north of and parallel to the south line of <br />Section 3 -11 -9 for a distance of 295.53 feet; thence south on a line perpendicular to the south line of <br />Section 3 -11 -9 for a distance of 483 feet to the north line of Capital Avenue thence east on the north line <br />of Capital Avenue to the point of beginning, as shown on Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated <br />herein by this reference. <br />Annexation Area 2: <br />Beginning at a point on the north line of the Burlington Northern / Sante Fe Railroad, said point being <br />202 feet southeasterly of the east line of Lot 107 Industrial Addition; thence deflecting left 35 °07' and <br />running northeasterly a distance of 279.22 feet; thence deflecting left 23 °23' and running northeasterly a <br />distance of 312.45 feet; thence deflecting left 19 °00' and running northeasterly a distance of 249.25 feet; <br />thence deflecting left 13 °21' and running northeasterly a distance of 118.45 feet; thence deflecting left <br />12 °55' and running northeasterly a distance of 328.07 feet to a point on the south line of Lot 89 Industrial <br />Addition; thence east on the south line of Lot 89 Industrial Addition to the southeast corner of Lot 89 <br />Industrial Addition; thence southerly on a line for a distance of 842.8 feet more or less, to a point on the <br />westerly line of Lot 3 of B & T Subdivision, thence southerly and westerly on the westerly line of Lot 3 B <br />& T Subdivision and Lot 1 Shady Lane Subdivision to the northerly line of Burlington Northern / Sante <br />Fe Railroad; thence northwesterly on the north line of the Burlington Northern / Sante Fe Railroad to the <br />point of beginning, as shown on Exhibit "B" attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. <br />Annexation Area 3: <br />Beginning at a point on the east line of Shady Bend Road, said point being 33 feet east of the northeast <br />corner of the Southeast Quarter (SE1 /4) of Section 14 -11 -9; thence north on a line 33 feet east of and <br />parallel to the east line of Section 14 -11 -9 for a distance of 919.93 feet; thence west on a line 919.93 feet <br />north of and parallel to the south line of the Southeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter (SE1 /4, NEIA) of <br />Section 14 -11 -9 for a distance of 33 feet; thence S48 °34'51 "W for a distance of 899.72 feet; thence <br />S3 °00'W parallel with the east line of said Northeast Quarter (NE1 /4) of Section 14 -11 -9 for a distance of <br />252.62 feet to a point 66 feet north of the south line of the Northeast Quarter (NE1 /4) of Section 14 -11 -9; <br />thence east on a line 66 feet north of and parallel to the south line of said Northeast Quarter (NE1 /4) for a <br />distance of 50.72 feet; thence south on a line for a distance of 1,220 feet more or less, to a point on the <br />northwesterly line of Lot 2 Billy Poe Subdivision; thence northerly and easterly on the northwest line of <br />Lots 1 and 2 Billy Poe Subdivision to the northeasterly most corner of Lot 1 Billy Poe Subdivision; <br />thence east on a line perpendicular to the east line of Section 14 -11 -9 for a distance of 73 feet to the east <br />-2- <br />