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20050'7215 <br />ORDINANCE NO. 8982 (Cont.) <br />line of Shady Bend Road; thence north on the east line of Shady Bend Road to the point of beginning, as <br />shown on Exhibit "C" attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. <br />Annexation Area 4: <br />Beginning at a point on the south line of Section 36- 11 -10, said point being 157 feet west of the southeast <br />corner of the Southeast Quarter (SE1 /4) of Section 36- 11 -10; thence north on the west line of U.S. <br />Highway 281 for a distance of 33.03 feet; thence west on the south line of Ponderosa Lake Estates Fourth <br />Subdivision for a distance of 723.5 feet; thence southwest on a line for a distance of 74.7 feet to a point <br />where it intersects the south line of Section 36- 11 -10; thence west on the south line of Section 36 -11 -10 <br />to the southwest corner of Ponderosa Lake Estates Fifth Subdivision; thence south on a line perpendicular <br />to the south line of Section 36 -11 -10 for a distance of 33 feet; thence east on a line 33 feet south of and <br />parallel with the south line of Section 36 -11 -10 to a point on the west line of U.S. Highway 281; thence <br />north on the west line of U.S. Highway 281 for a distance of 33 feet to the point of beginning, as shown <br />on Exhibit "D" attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. <br />Annexation Area 5: <br />Beginning at the northeast corner of B & C Subdivision; thence southerly on the east line of B & C <br />Subdivision for a distance of 192.9 feet; thence easterly perpendicular to the east line of B & C <br />Subdivision for a distance of 73 feet to the east line of Stuhr Road; thence north on the east line of Stuhr <br />Road for a distance of 192.9 feet; thence westerly on a line for a distance of 73 feet to the point of <br />beginning, as shown on Exhibit "E" attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. <br />(B) The subject lands will receive the material benefits and advantages currently <br />provided to lands within the City's corporate limits including, but not limited to police, fire, <br />emergency services, street maintenance, and utilities services upon annexation to the City of <br />Grand Island, Nebraska, and that City electric, water and sanitary sewer service is available, or <br />will be made available, as provided by law. <br />(C) The various zoning classifications of the subject tracts of land shown on the <br />Official Zoning Map of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, are hereby confirmed. <br />(D) There is unity of interest in the use of the said tracts of land, lots, tracts, <br />highways and streets (lands) with the use of lands in the City, and the community convenience <br />and welfare and in the interests of the said City will be enhanced through incorporating the <br />subject lands within the corporate limits of the City of Grand Island. <br />BIB <br />
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