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200207480 <br />Financial Report, and Additional thoumenh. Tram, will provide to Beneficiary upon request any finanaal <br />siceii ll or information Beneficiary may deem reasonably neces's'apr_ Trustot agrees to sign_ deliver, and file any <br />ndditionol doeunimus or cerlihcariona that Reneficiary may consider necessary to perfeeL continue, and presenc <br />ltustor s ohligaflous under this S duds, hish uueut and Mieticiary's lien .status on the Pnaperty - <br />fi. WARRANT}- OF I I I I.E. Trustnr :)amass that Trustot is or will be lawfully Set ed of the estate ou,cycd by this <br />Security Lmtrument and hens the tight to nrecncahly gm a convey. mud sell the Property to Trustee in trust. wills paws <br />of l <br />sale tustor also warrant, that the Properly is unencumbered, except for encumbrances of record. <br />7. DUE ON SALE. Beneficiary may. it his option, declare the mit re Its lance of the See ill Deb to be immediately due <br />and pay ihle upon the creation of nr contract for the crcmtiou of. a ICamsfer or hale of tire PmpetI, This right is subject <br />in the res triers "its imposed b} federal law (I2 CI° R- 591), as app]i cahl c. <br />X. DEFAI LF. Trustnr will he in dcfaull ifnny of the following occur <br />Fraud. Any Clonsumcr Burrower ,ngages iu Gaud or nloleiiol misrepresentation to connection wilt the Secured Debt <br />that is an open std home equity plan. <br />Payments. Any Consumer Rurowcr on mry Secured Debt that is an open end home equity plan tails to make a payment <br />when due. <br />Property. Anv action or carmion by Ilse Bouowet of Truster scams that adversely affects the Property or Beneficiary's <br />right, in the Property- Fill iacltuies. but a not limited to, the folloving: sal Trttui fails m maintain required <br />insuanee on the Property, (h) Trustot tran,sfens the Property; (c) IILSIOI conuuits waste or otherwise deslmcfively rises <br />or fails m maintain the Proper[) Smelt that the action or inaction adversely affects Beneficial)', security; (d) ltustor fails <br />to pay luxe, oa the property 'otherwise tails to list and thcrehy causes a lien to he tiled against the Property that ix <br />senior to the lien of Ih" S"muv Instrum,nt. (e) a lo,'fruaor dies: (1) it more than uric 'frtstvr, cony Trustnr dies and <br />Beneficiary's security is adversely affected. (g) the Property is taken through eminent domain: (h) a judgment is filed <br />against Trustot and subjects Tmslor and the Propa'ty to action that adrerse]y affects Reneficiaiv's inlerea; or (i) a prior <br />henholder loredoscs on the Property and as a result, Bcncficiary',S interest is adversely affected. <br />Executhr Officer, Anv Borrower i, an cxcr.mive nfilcet of Bencficiary or an affiliate and such Borrower becomes <br />indebted to Be tefi,mi, of another lender in an aggregate amount memet than the amolult permitted under federal laws <br />and reeularim,, <br />4. REMEDIES ON DEFAULT. In addition to auy other remedy o,mlLble Lorelei (lie terms of this Secm9ty bastrumrni. <br />Reodieury may acceleate the Secured Debt and fore,],,,: this Security Instrument in a manner provided by law if <br />Ilu,to, is in default In some in.atanccs_ fcdcral and State law will require Beneficiary m provide TIlea,, with notice of <br />the right to cm's or other rid Bees and ouy e,mblish time schedules Fir foreclosure actions. Each 71'ustor requests a copy <br />of any notice of'defaull and am mobs- of sale thereunder he coaled to each ltustor at the address provided to Sectiou I <br />alto,, <br />At the option of the Beneficiary. all or any part of the agreed fees and charges. accrued iuleresl and principal shall <br />hemmc unmediardy due and payable. after giving uolice it required by law, upon the occurrence of a default m' <br />amnime 11ILI.1 let_ <br />If there is a default. I rm¢e ,hall. at the request of the RcncGcury, advertise and sell the Properly as a whole of in <br />scpmrmc parcel, m puld'e :wcfiou to the highest bidder for cash and convey absolute title free and clear of all rieht title <br />and interest ofTil for at such lime and place us ltuaee d,srgnates_ Tiu,ree shall give aoti c Of sale including the lim, <br />terms and place of sale and a descn oical of Ih, ptnperry to he ,old as required by the applicable Imo ill effect al the lime <br />ofthc proposed sale. <br />Upon ,,ale of the property mud to ill, extent rim prnhihi aril by law_ Trustee ,hall make and deliver it deed to the Properly <br />sold which tnvey, ahsolule fill, to the purchases, mud after fast pmywg all fees. charges I'd costs_ shall pay to <br />Bcuefa-Iml all nhonevs enhanced for repwu taxes_ nsu Lowe. hens, n.'ca,menls and prior encumbrances and inlcresl <br />thereon. and the privapal and eleresl nn the Secured Debt. paying the surplui if mry, Io Truslor. Beneficiary may <br />II the Proper,_ The recitals It aq. deed of Convcyana shall be prima fade evidence of the fuel,, set forth <br />dl.,iu, <br />the accepmnce by Bcncfiaary of any sum in payment or parlial paymcul oil the Segued Debt after the balance is due of <br />iv mccel"Med or alter fo"Closurc proceedings ale filed shall not cen,titttle I meel of Beneficiary's right to requu'c <br />anuplefe ewe of any "Laing default 13, not e,L c,cng any remedy on first,, , dcfaull. Beneuc m, does not wend <br />Reneficiary , right to liter Consider the Scent a dctauh if it happens again. <br />10. EXPENSES; ADVANCES ON COVENANTS; ATTORNEYS' FEES; Ct1LLEC'FION ( ON'1'N. If ltustor brea,hes <br />auy eoveneuv in this Seauily Instrument Irustor agrees to Si ' all expenses Benclicimy ineury in Ilmhalning such <br />encemaut,'a pIol"Iurg its stunts ... lens( in the Properly. Such expenses include but arc not limited to. fees insured <br />for inapedin pmscring. at elhcrvise aot"ti i the Properly and Beneficiary's smutty mleresl. These, are <br />payable ou demand mad soil] bear in ere,t from the date of payment until paid in hill "I'll" highest talc of inlcresl in <br />effect a, provided in the terms of the Sccurvl Debt Trusty r agrees to pay all costs and expenses usuncd by Beneficiary <br />in collecting_ enfo ... av or protecting B,neh,aW s rights rued remedies ruder this Seeu ,ty Insummcnl. This amounl ma, <br />iuciucle, bar Is not limited N, Trustee's fees_ dour coa,, and other Iegz] expense,. To the extent pumilted by the <br />L'nilcd Stales Iianknhptey Code, nuSca agrees to pay the reasonable attorneys' fees Beneficimy incurs to collect the <br />Scarred Debt as awarded to auy court exec crsing jurisdiction under the Bankruptcy Code. This Security In.mrument shall <br />romaiu in effect unlil released . ltusor agree, to psy for any recordafion costs of such release. <br />11. FNN FRONNIFINTAL LAWS AND HAZARDOLS SUBS'FANCHS. A, used u, it section. (1) 1- nciruunenla] I aw <br />mewr.v, v,ithout limimlioa_ the Co...m,hmo,,, fncoownental Response Compensation and Liability Act ICF_R(LA, 42 <br />L!S.( 9601 el seq.), and all )Iles fcdcral. slate and local Imvs, regulations, ordinance,. court order'. nttorncy general <br />opinions or intcrprerrv, cael, the public health valet)_ welfare, environment or a ha/ardoc, suh.elance' sod <br />(2) Ilazardous Subslouce means any toxic adioactol or hazardous mamrial, waste, pullutaul or eonfourinanl which has <br />dhaactcrelms which render the Suha n,, dangerous or polemialk dangerous to the public health. safety, sveltaie or <br />enyinmmau. The Icon include, "Chout Imitation, anv ,Substances defined as "hazardous material." t u. wh,iances_" <br />" hazardou, wash' oI " hamrdous suhsmnce" under anv Fr,uctunchta] I :I, <br />Trrstor ICraesrnts_ "ST ranns and acne,, flap. <br />\_ Fcc,pl as Ill eIIOusly dlse]oscd and adaunv l edged iu writing to licncfiaarv_ no IIavardou., Suh. rmce is or will he <br />Iocmt,d, stored ,, released on o, I, the Properly. This rem'ienou doc, not apply to ,mall quantities of Hazardtou,v <br />Suh,mn,e, that arc g,cm ully recognized to be appropriate for the normal use and maintenance of the Prop'M <br />& Ilxcepf m previously dudnvesl and scknoutedgcd i,, oI,tinu to R ncli nu, Truslor and every tenant have bc,n, <br />arc, and .,hall rcnwin in full compliance with any applicable Emironmenul I_aw. <br />( truster andl inion,dOoLli a ufi Bcn hoar It a re]ea e or thfAnimed,re4gise of It Ilazardous `,iih,rmice occurs on, <br />ender t about the Pi I c,t n ihcn I, of anp {uyyyfnidi> hlal ew n n ruing the Rd p re.. lu ouch mu <br />,,nL Tru t r shall take all necessary rcAted�3j afliviy r)tw ordal M1��[hlnv Emaonmental <br />page I f 4) <br />JL v �G <br />i -ad —cs , ai 1 tnrrr ur _ �- <br />=.C465(NE) es. <br />e <br />