<br />D. llwtur shall im ... odmeb notify Beneficiary m wntim, as soon as Trustor has ,odors to bcliece Iltere is any
<br />pending or da eater ed it" esGget, on, claim, or procccriug relating to the ,I es" or threatened I uase of any
<br />hazardous Substance or the %toIaIion of any fns itonmentaI L'aw.
<br />12. ESCROW FOR TAXES AND INSURANCE. Unless otherwise proeided in it separate agreement l i'usmr will licit be
<br />required to pay to Beneficiary funds for taxes and insurance in escrow.
<br />undo, this Seuufity ]nstnnnenr are joint and inditidual. if Trustor signs this Security Tnstummtl but does not sign on
<br />cvitlencc of debt, ltusmr doe, so only to mortgage Trustor's mtere,t in the Properly to secure payment of the Secured
<br />Debt and Tntstor does not agree to he personally liable on the Secured Debt. If 'this Security basu'ument secures a
<br />uumanty between Beneficiary end Trustor_ Trustor sgree8 to waive any tights that may prexerit Beneficiary from
<br />Kinnum, any action or claim against Truelur of any party indebted under the obligation. Illese rights may include, but
<br />are not limited ht, any anti- d'di.enq or one -actin laws_ [lie duties and benefits of this Secunty insnvment shall bind
<br />and hcncfil the successors and asstgns ofT ruvtor and Beuefeuri,
<br />14. SEVERABILITI; INIFRPRETATION. This Security ru,bvmenr is complete mad fully integrated. This Securily
<br />Instrmneot may not be amended or medtfied by oral agrecmeal. Ai,, section us This Security Iastntmenl_ allachmeuts.
<br />or anv agreement related m the Secm'ed Debt diet conflicts with applicable law will not be effeclise, unless that lain
<br />express], )I impliedly permits the variations by written agreement If any suction of this Security Instrument cannot be
<br />cnforcm according to its termt that section will be va,,aed and will not affect the enfim,ahftry of the le, atuder of
<br />this Security Insnvmnv_ Whea,,er used. the singular shall include the plural and the plural the singular_ The captions
<br />and headings of the slelioal of dais Secunty ]nstavmeut are for convenience only said are not to he used to interpret ar
<br />define the refills of Ihts Security Instrument l .me is of Ire essence in this Secunty Instrument.
<br />I5. St UC1,SSOR TRCSTEE. Beaeticia,p, at Ber,ef,iary's option. may from tinge to time remove Trustee slid appoint a
<br />successor tnrstec without anv other Ibnual i[v than the d,,ao, urn in ucriling. Tre successor trustee, wtthnut
<br />eonceyance of the Propert} 'hall succeed to all the title, power said dirties conferred upon TIt tCe by this Security
<br />Insvumcur and applicahlc lac.
<br />16. NOTICE. Llnlcos othe"", required by law, any notice shall be given by debcering it or by mailing it by first class
<br />mall to the apprnpriarc party's address on page I of Ihis Securilc Tnslmmutl- of to any other address designated in
<br />writing. Notice to one trust), will he dl.mcd to be notice to all tm,lot,
<br />17. WAP, ERS. Isecpr to the cxmnt prohihiled by law. l rusmr uaices all appra,xa,cral and rontestcad exemption rights
<br />relatmg to the Properly.
<br />18. LINE OF CREDIT. The Secured Field includes s revolving line of credit Although Ire Secured Debt ma, be reduced
<br />to s zero balance ,his Securily Instrument Mill remain to eftcct until released.
<br />19. APPLICABLE LAN'. 'flits Secuny Ir,trumcnt is governed by [tic laws as agreed to in die Secure Debt. except to
<br />III. extent iegwret by the laws of the jurisdiction Miele the Property is located. and applicable federal laws and
<br />"gulatlen,_
<br />20. RIDERS. The eovendnl, said agreement, trench ofthe riders checked be]oware ineoapolsed into and supplanenl and
<br />anted! the terns et thi, Secunty Imtrmncut.
<br />[Check all applicahlc hoxcsi
<br />[] A,sipnincnt of 1 ease, and Rents --] Olher
<br />21. 0 CONSTRIF FION LOAN. This Secunty Instrument i.. a amsh notion seamity interest 1111111 secures an
<br />ubrgaGon incurred for the construction of an improvuneut nn the Property_
<br />22, = ADDITIONAI. I-ERNIS.
<br />SICN'A'fl'. RES: Bc ,igning below_
<br />Trustor agrees N the leans and covenants amlalned lu this Security Iuslnnnem and ua
<br />,if, espy of this Securily fi sywment on the date stated on page I
<br />ilr +ml iicss� ituicl VATRICIA A GALBRAITB
<br />STAID OP Nebraska . COUNTYOP Hall
<br />This iustmmout ss a, acknowledged before me this 9th dsy of July 2002
<br />by Harry S Galbraith Patricia A Galbraith, Husband and Wife
<br />My avnnu,vnn expires:
<br />BF �� � 20
<br />G.' gna at 1,,,1, e1'ry s no.. sr nano mm ,m- ocI s", or i i (page 4 of 4)
<br />- C466(NE) eaox ni
<br />If
<br />