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200207480 <br />R. All future advance, it Beiefictap to Tntsml' I other tewie obhganon, of Troshhr to Rene6ciary under any <br />plonlisso1v note, contract, guaranty_ )I other eridenec of ddtl ,ee.ted by lru,at a it favor of Benetinnry <br />executer] after this Securly Inslrunsil wllether or not this Security Instrument is specifically referenced . it nim'e <br />than one person sIgus Ill's Seanit, Inenunieit each Trustor agrees that this Securiy Inslrinmcnt will secure all <br />future advances and Italic obligations that arc given to of incurred by Tail one or i ate Trustor. or any one of <br />more Trustor and others. All fulure adcauc„ and other Nature obligations are senlred by hhhe `,"Lalty Insi'ommnt <br />even though all or part ,hay not vet be aeh'anced- All furore advances and other future obligations arc accurcd as it <br />,lade oo the date of hits Security In,tmmenf. Nothing in thy, Se,ur'IN hotlUIl1e11I shall urnlµ,LlUte a ahmmtnmeot to <br />make add'tinnzl or future mans ur adcauces in any amount ,1ny such commmitnican must he agreed m inn .separate <br />unit'nn- <br />f'. All other obligations pastor owes to Rencfieo,ly. which may lam, ari,e, to the extent not pnhhthtled by lain, <br />Including_ hot not Iinittell lok liabilities foe overdrafts relating to any deposit account agreement benvecn Trustor <br />nn I Ren,lictarv. <br />D. U additional sums advanced and expenses incurred by Beietuary for insuring. preserving of othcnyuc <br />pone, nw, the Property and its value and any otter runts odbtmced and expel ses incurred by Reoeficiary under the <br />tunas ofIN's $„linty Instrument <br />IT) the evamo that Rcncfictury falls to provide an) necessaiy notice of light of resctsston etth respect to any additional <br />indebtedieas secured Linder paragraph B of this Section Rcockciary µtaws airy subsequent sccunp interest in the <br />I eistor" prtnapzl dwell'n0 that ie cleated by this Security Instrument (but does not waive the security interest for the <br />debts rdl:rcuced li pamgraph A ot'this Section). <br />s. DEED ObI REST CONS EN'ANTS, l7uslor agrees that the covenants in this .section are metertnl ohtigm,ons under the <br />Secured Debt and this Securily lhrenunhenf. If'fmstor breaches any covenant In the section Bencfstary may rcfus, to <br />make additional extensions of credit and educe the credit limit. IN not amrcising eitliet remedy on I ntstoi s breach. <br />Benclic'oI)' does not wall' I,elleficiary's right to lam, consider The event a breach if it happens again. <br />Payment. TILI,Iel ogees that all payments under the Secured Dehr twill be paid ohen duc aid ti accordance tcith the <br />f'rina of the Secured Debt and IhI, Seeur't Inatrunki <br />Prior Seenrin Intera,t. Will, regard li Tail other mortgage, decd of List, Securtty agreeman or Mier lien dncimcnt <br />that ,"it'd a prior revueft, li rest or encumbrance nth the PtopeTly rtil to agree., to make all pnymed,s ,chef due and <br />to perform or nvnply tv,b all covenants. Trustor also agrees nol In allow any modtlie non of extension of nor to <br />request mil Hook, advances under any note of agteenhent secured be the ]ten docunant kithoia Beneficmlv'.s prior <br />"mien uppracal. <br />Claim, Against 'f ill,. Trustor will pay all taxes (including any tar assessed to this Deed of Trust), a.; caimans_ liens_ <br />ahcuinhonives, lease payments, ground rents, utilities, and other charges relating to the Properly whmt due. Beneficiary <br />I require law o, to provide to Rencfici liv cop' w of all notices that such amounts arc due and the receipts evidencing <br />Ito,tots payment. Trustor will lefcid itIJe to the Property against any data,, that ,00Id inpir the lien of this <br />S,cur'ty IILIILaienl- Tlustoa agrees to 311101 to Beneficiaht as requested hp Renefictaty. anp right,. claiiis or defenses <br />Tnu't,, may have against parties who .supply lahor nr malcnals to maintaii of improve the Property. <br />Property Condition, Alterations and Inspection. Trustor will keep the Property in good condition and make all <br />repao, that arc r alonably lie eswry. Tusto, shall not commit or allow env waste_ irip a'rmcnt, or dctcn"'Llhon of the <br />Property- 1 kit ,agrees that the nano of the occupancy and use sell art subsmntinlly change without Beneh"ary's <br />prior wnllen ih,Cnl_ Truslor will not p rmit any Chang in env license. resn'ictiyc ' ,cant or easement without <br />Beiielmilp%s prior he11tteli consent_ I ostol will notify fienef¢ialy of all demand,. proceedings, daiiii , and actions <br />agatist llwmr_ and of any toes or damage to the Properly. <br />Benefic IT' n' or R aefic'ar)s, agcnls mac. nt Renefic,,,W ., option. enter the Ptopert,, at ant ot"oniblc I.roc fbr the <br />purpose nf'nspecfing the Property. Benefica v shall glee 'frutoi notice at the nine of nr hefm'e an inspection <br />,pccifymg a oca,onable purpose Ilv' the o"pedmi. Any iI,,p,,t'm. of the Property shall he entirely hi' Beneticiarv's <br />benelit and l7oUol wall In ea way rely on Bcic Retails, inspection. <br />Authm'im to Perform. ll' T ustor fi'Is to perform Lao of any of the 101cnmms contained ti this Securtty <br />instnmsnt_ Rcncliciury may, withotil unit,,, pcdlvm or cause them to be performed. 111MOt' app000l Bencfic'ary a, <br />alloutey to fact to sign l7mlor's moue or pay any' annnmt lle.eesary fix performance. Basfictalt's right to perform for <br />Trustor shall iot create an ohligatioo hh perform. and ficamGcuul's failure to perilvnh otll not prelude Beneficiary <br />loom e,,,, any of BencBdap' s olliet r'ghts under the la, or this Se,ewy Instrument <br />Leasehold,, ('ondominiom,; Planned Unit Developments. ]tumor agrees m cOhlhplp with the pnroisions of airy (case <br />if this Securily Instnhmcnt a on a leasehold. It the Properly includes a uiil ii It condominium of a planned unit <br />decelopmeof 'I ,otor will pertain all city Tiu,tor's duties tinder the cotenants_ by -laws, nr regulat'nns of the <br />condoiniituin oa planned unit development. <br />Condenmation. Trustor wall gi¢ Rcncfhcia l prompt notice of any pending or threelened action, by private or public <br />cntincre to pmelliT of take any of all of the Property through coodemnatmti . eaiincnt domain nr nny other mean,. <br />Truslor at ... o, Benetemr, In inrervene'n T rustor's name it, aiy of fire above de,wbed Lefton, ,, datin, lltistor <br />assigns to Beneficiary the pureed, of any marl of diiim ft, danhogcs connected with a condrnmatmn or other taking of <br />:Ill or any part of file Plopetty. Such proceeds shall he considered payments and will he applied as pniddal in this <br />S,cunty In11r1hnent. This assagnmeof of proceeds is subje,l to the Icons of airy prior ooilg,Igc. decd of tenet. security <br />agicemeut a other heir dncumcnl. <br />Insurance Trustor ,shall keep Property insured agairI,T Ines by fire flood_ thet end othcl hazard, aid asks masohmbly <br />associated wtlh the Propety (file to ils type sad heILIO11. '[his tisLtimwe shall be nwintatned in the amount, and fa the <br />period,, that RenelmkIl, requires. The tnsurwice carrier po),ahog the insurance shall he chosen by Trustor Tuhle,t to <br />Beiefciary's approval, which shall not he Lill reasrnhah ly withheld. It Truslor fail, to maintain the coverage described <br />above, licoefaary Inav_ at Reoeficiary's optioi. obtain coveage to protect Benettcinry', rights in the Property <br />acuordtng to the tells of this 5ccurtt1 Imtmment. <br />411 mati"n"s pol,", uicl Ien,wLS vhall he noceptahle to Bcnmtieial, and shall inducts IT vIaiId,,d "tall gage clause" <br />and. where applicahlc. "loss payer clause." Truslor shall tnonedii tcly notify Benekcia s of cnncclletton or termination <br />of tin on,u,ao,e Bencttdary shall have the right to hold the pohL ies and renewals_ It Rcn,l ,oke, rcquocv. Trustor Shull <br />immediately Dive to Benehaary all receipts of paid premiums and renmval notices_ I'poo loss, Trustor shall Bice <br />'nnncd'ale noi'cc to the insurance aul,m and Bencficlary. Ben,fmary may make b000t of loss if not mode imniediarely <br />IT, Trust or. <br />I ;ilcss otherwise agreed in tenting, all insurance pmeeed.s shall he applied to the restoration or repair of the Properly or <br />to the Secured Debt. whelhe, nr ILA then duc_ at Benefictmy's option. Am application of proceeds to prtu,:t.I shall not <br />extend nr postpone the duc date of Ilia scheduled paYtrtellt 1101 chnng, the amount of any pnylneat Am ex rss wall be <br />paid I h [lie l iustia If the 1 a 1p,Ifv is acquied by Beieticxlt, husloi s right to an) insurance pal a vhd proceeds <br />re lilting fr nm doh hge t the N opelty heft e the ocquisitiln shall pass t Rc eliciary to the extent o th S used Debt <br />I "I ucly ,1r— ,,h ngmvtiui <br />(pqc 2 of 4) <br />s5(NE) s a „ .,.c "" arc o?.ruo sc 1 9 <br />- C6651NE) 9,a>i? <br />e <br />