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200207135 <br />B_ AR future advances from Beneficiary to Toaster or other None obligations of Trustor to Bdeficimy under any <br />promissory note, contract, guaranW, or other evidence of debt executed by Trustor in favor of Beneficiary <br />executed after tlas Security Gntrunrcm whether or not this Security lnmrumeID is specifically, referenced. If more <br />than one motion signs US Seamity Instrument, Inch Tmsmm agrees that this Security Trianiment will secure all <br />fume advances and franc obligations that are given to or incurred by any one or more Tmstor, or any one or <br />mom Trivially and others. All future advances and other future obligations arc secured by this Security Inslwne t <br />ere dough all or pan may not yet be advanced. All future advances and other future obligations are secured as if <br />nude on lire dale ofthis Security Instrument Nothing in Us Senrrity Instrument shall constitute a commmmem to <br />make additional or future loans or advarwes in any amount Any soh commitment must be agreed to in a separate <br />veiling <br />C. All other obligations Trustor owes to Benefieary, watch may later arise, to the extent rml prolubiled by It <br />including, bill not limited to, liabilities for overdrafts relating to any deposit account agreement between Trustor <br />mid Beneficiary. <br />D_ All additional sums advanced and expenses occurred by ecncticiary for insuring, preserving or olherwise <br />protecting the Property and its value and any other starts, vanecd and expenses incurred by Beneficiary under the <br />terms of this Security Instrument. <br />In the event that Bdiefidary fails W play ide mry, necessary notice of flue rigid of rescission with respect to arty additiond <br />indebtedness secured under paragraph B of this Section, Beneflciary waives may subsequent security interest in the <br />Tmstof s principal dwelling that is created by des Smarty Instrument (but does rut waive the security interest for der <br />debts referenced in paragraph A of thus Secuonj. <br />i. DEED OF TRUST COVENANTS. Truster aees that the cmenants in this section are material obligations under the <br />Sutured Debi and this Security Incarnation. R Trustor breaches any covenant in this semliem Beneficiary new refuse to <br />unlit additional extensions of credit and reduce the credit limit By not exercising either remedy on Trustor s breach, <br />Beneficiary does not waive Benefi Ban's right to hater consider Ne event a breach if it happen again. <br />Payments. Trustor agrees that all payments under the Secured Debt will be paid when due and in accordance with the <br />terns of the Secured Debt and this Security Instrument. <br />Prior Security Initia s. Willi regard to rim other mortgage, deed of trust. security agreement or other lien document <br />that created a prior security interest or encumbrance on die Property.. Tmstor agrees to rake all payments when due and <br />to perform or comply with all coverants. Tmsmr also agrees not to allow any modification or extension of. nor to <br />request any future advances under airy now or agreement secured by the lien document without Beneficiary's prior <br />written approval. <br />Claims Against Title. Traitor will pay all taxes (including any tax assessed to this Decd of Trust), assessments, liens, <br />encumbrances, lease payments, ground roan, militia, and offer charges relating to the Property when due_ Beneficiary <br />way require Traitor to provide to Beneficiary copies of all routes that such amounts are due and the receipts evidemang <br />Trustur's payment. Toaster will defend title to Ne Properly against any claims that would impair the lien of this <br />Security Innovation. Truster agrees to assign w Beneficiary, is requested by Beneficiary, any nights, claims or defenses <br />Toaster may have against parties who supply labor or materials to maintain or improve the Property. <br />Property Condition, Alterations and Inspection. Truster will keep the Property in good condition mid make all <br />repairs Unit are reasonably nceessary. Trustor shall not commit or allow any warm, important, or deterioration of the <br />Property. Tmsmr agrees that the nature of the occupancy and use will not substmatally change without Beneficiary's <br />prior written consent Trustar will not peril any change in any license, restrictive coverunn or easement without <br />Beneficiary's prior written o asent. Tmstor ill notify Blncficiary of aD demmds, proceedings, claims, and actions <br />against Tmstor, andvof arty loss or dan eroc to the Property. <br />Beneficiary or Beneficiary's agents may, at Beneficiary's option, enter the Property at any reasonable tine for the <br />purpose of iMPCC i11ig the Property- B rmflciwy shall give Tractor notice at the time f or before run ins Mlon <br />sped rig a reasorble purpose for the inspection. Any inspection of the Property sill be entirely for Be nciary's <br />beam tl ad Trader will in no way rely on Beneficiary's inspection <br />Authority to Perform If Trustor fv'Is to perform any duty or any of the covenants conmirned in Iles Security <br />Instrument, Beneficiary nay, without notice, perform or cause them to be performed Trustor appoints BentFciary, as <br />attorney in fact W sign Trustor' a name or Pay any mnonnt necessary for performance Beneficiary, s right to perform for <br />Tmstor shall not create an obligation to perform, and BenrFciarys failure to perform will nut preclude Bcncficiuy <br />from exercising any of BcueGciary's ether rights under the law or this Security Inslmntem. <br />Leaseholds; Condominiums; Planned Unit Developments. Toaster agrees to comply with the provisions of any lease <br />If tills Security Ingrained is on a Icaschold. If the Property includes a unit in a candomimum or a phmmed unit <br />development, Tmstor will perform all of Tmslar's duties under the covenants, by -laws, or regulations of the <br />condonunfum or planned unit development <br />Condemnation. Toaster will give Beneficiary prompt notice of mry pending or threatened action, by pnvale or public <br />entities to PP mime or lake any or all of the Property through condemnation, eminent domain. or my other weans. <br />Truster autMrims Beefciary y' to intervene in Truster s am= in a of the above described actions or counts. Tmstor <br />assigns to Beneficiary the proceeds of any award or claim for damages connected with a codernnation of other taking of <br />At or any part of the Property. Such Paweuls shall be considered payments and will be applied as provided in this <br />Security Instrument. This assignment of proceeds is subject to the terms of any prior mortgage, deed of most, security <br />Maximum or other lien document. <br />Insurance. Traitor shrill keep Property insured against lass by fire, flood, theft and other hazards and risks reasonably <br />associated with the Property due to its type and location. This insurance shall be malntmred in the amounts and for the <br />periods lint Baneficiary requires- The insmmoe carrier providing the insurance shall be chosen by Trustor subject to <br />BeieGcimy'a approval, which shall net be mueasonably withheld If Trainor fails to mniain the coverage described <br />above, Beneficiary may, at Beneficiary's option, obtain coerµe to protect Beneficiary's rights in the Properly <br />according W the terms of this Security Instrument <br />All insurance policies and renewals shall be amcautho to Beneficiary and shall inemtlo a standard "mortgage clause" <br />and, where applicable, "loss payee clause." Tmstor shall immediately notify Beneficiary of cancellation or lemumahon <br />of the insurance. Beneficiary shill have the right to hold the policies and renewals. if Beneficiary requires. Traitor shall <br />inmtediatcly give to Beneficiary all receipts of paid prcrmums aid renewal notices. Upon loss, Toaster shall give <br />immediate notice to the insurance carrier and Beneficiary. Bdeftciary any make proof of loss if not made immediately <br />by Tmstor. <br />Utress oNerwise agreed in writing, all iraurarace pp oceeds shall be applied to t e restoration or repair of the Propem or <br />to the Secured Debt, whether or net then due, at BenoEciary's option Any application of proceeds to principal shall not <br />extend or postpone the dm date of the scheduled payment nor change the amount of any payment. Any excess will be <br />paid to the Trustor If die Property is acgnoted by Beneficiary, Trustee s right to any insurance policies and proceeds <br />resulting from damage to the Property before the acquisition stall pass to Beneficiary to the extent of the Secured Debt <br />immediately bcturc the acquisition ,y' claxins4 of <br />©m .1.. n1me1"c, St olle, UN rlrm Itv++enT.Ne vmas {_(vL•�� <br />®CCi61NE1 leaoa) <br />