<br />Financial Reports and Additional Documents. Traitor will provide to Bemflexry upon request, any, financial
<br />statement or umomation Beneficiary may deem reasonably necessary. Trustor agrees to sign, deliver, and file any
<br />additional documents or certifications that Bcnafioiary may consider necessary m perfect, cod mie, and preserve
<br />Tmstor's Obligation under this Security lnstmment and Beheficiary%s Lien scams on tM Property_
<br />6. WARRANTY OF TITLE. Trustor warrants that Truster is or will be lawfully seized of the estate conveyed by this
<br />Security Instrument and tons the right to irrevocably Limit, convey, may sell the PIG Hy to Trustee, in trust, with power
<br />of sale. Tmstor also warrants thin the Property is unencumbered, except for eneuMfe'Mces of record.
<br />9. DOE ON SALE. Beneficiary may, at its option, dcolam the came balance of the Secured Debt to be inuhedlatety due
<br />and payable upon the mention of, or cont of for the mention of, a transfer or sale of the Property. This fight is subject
<br />to the restrictions imposed by federal law (12 C. P. R 591), as applicable
<br />8, DEFAULT. Tmstor will be in default if my of the following occur:
<br />Fraud. Any Consumer Borrower engages in fraud or material misreprese cation in connection with the Second Debt
<br />Had is an open end home equity plan.
<br />Payments. Any Consumer Borrower on any Secured Debt that is an open end from equity plan fails to make a pay °meet
<br />when due.
<br />Property. Any action or nation by the Borrower or Tmsmr occurs Hill adversely officers the Property er Benefieiam's
<br />fights in the Pro One This includes, but is ran Bridled lo, the following, (a) Tmsmr fails to maintain required
<br />insurance on the property; (b) Trustor transfers the Property; let Poster warrants waste or otherwise dcstnm[irely uses
<br />or furls to maintain the Properly such Bat the action or function adversely aBems Bcucfidary° s severity; (d) forma fails
<br />to pay taxes on the Property or otherwise fells to act mid thereby causes a lien to be filed against the Property that is
<br />armor to the lien of this Security Nstrument; (e) a sale Trustor dies, ( if mom than one Trustor _ any Toaster dies and
<br />Benefiaary's security is adversity affected (g) the Property is taken through eminent domaiq (h) n judgment is filed
<br />aganst Trustor end subjects Trustor and ate Property to action But adversely, affects Beneficiary's interest; or (i) a prior
<br />Iicnholdcr forecloses on the Propery and as a result, Beneficiary's interest is adversely affected.
<br />Executive Officers. Any Borrower is an executive officer of Beneficiary or or affiliate mid such Borrower becomes
<br />indebted to Beneficiary or another lender in an aggregate amount greater Nan the amount pernulled under federal laws
<br />amt regulations.
<br />9. REMEDIES ON DEFAULT. In addition to al offer remedy available tinder the terms of this Security minimum,
<br />Ben�einry may accelerate the Secured Debt mid foreclose this Security Inswmcut in a framer provided by Inv if
<br />Toaster is in defiault. In some instances, federal .mud stoic law will mature Bemfrciary� to provide Trustor with notice of
<br />the right to cue, or other notices and m7r establish time schedules for fondu6me refusal Each Tmstor requests a copy
<br />of any notice of default and any notice of sale thereunder be mailed In each Trustor at the address provided in Section I
<br />above
<br />At the option of the Bcucficiary, At or my put of the agreed fees and charges, record interest and principal shall
<br />become immediately due and payable, alter giving ender of required by law, upon the occurrence of a default or
<br />anytime thereafter_
<br />If them is a default, Trustee shall, at the request of the Beneficiary, advertise and sell the Properrs as a whole or in
<br />separate parcels a public auction to the Highest bidder for cash and convey absolute title free ant dear of all right, title
<br />and interest of Truslor at such time and place as Tongue: designates. Trustee Art give notice of sale including the time,
<br />terms and place of sale and a description of the property to be sold as required by the applicable law in effect it the time
<br />of the proposed sale.
<br />s on sale of the property and to line extent not prohibited by low, Trustee shall make and deliver a deed to the Property
<br />sold which conveys absolute title to the purdmsa, and agar first parrying all fees, charges and costs, shall pay to
<br />Beneficiary all m advanced for repairs, taxes, i curate, liens, assessments and prior encumbrances and interval
<br />thereon, and the principal and interest on the Secured Debt, paying the srrplus, if any, to Trader. Benefichuy may
<br />purchase Me Property. The rounds in any decd of conveyance shall be prince facie evidence of the facts Sul forth
<br />therein
<br />The acceptance by Beneficiary of any mm in payment or partial payment on the Served Debt after the balance is due or
<br />is accelerated or after foreclosure proceedings me filed shall not constitute a waiver of Beneficiary's fight to require
<br />complete cure of any existing default. By not exercising any remedy on Tmstur's default, Beneficiary does not wave
<br />Beneficiary's right to later consider the event a default if it happens again.
<br />any eovennnt in tits Security Instrument. Tmstor agrees to pay all expenses Beneficiary incurs perforating such
<br />covenants or protecting its security immesh in the Property. Such expenses include, but are not limited to, fees incurred
<br />for petting, preserving, or otherwise protecting Inc. Property and Benefict`7 rimy interest These expenses me
<br />payable on demand and will bear interest from the date of Payment until p i in full at the Highest rate of interest in
<br />effect as provided in the terms of the Secured Debt. Truster agrees to pay all costs and expenses incurred by Beneficiary
<br />in collecting, enforcing or protectlng Beneficiary's rights and ronedfes under this Senuity Instrument . This amount Hill
<br />include, but is enl limited to, Tmatee's fees, court costs, mm other legal expenses. To the agent permitted by the
<br />Uniled States Bonkmptw Code, Tmsmr agrees to pay the reasonable attorneys' fors Bcncificiary incurs to collect the
<br />Secured Debt as awarded by any court exercising jurisdiction under the Bankruptcy Code, This Security Instrument shall
<br />remain in effect until released. Tmsmr agrees to pay for any recordation costs of such release.
<br />11. ENVIRONMENTAL LAWS AND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES. As used in this section, (1) Environmental Law
<br />without Initiation the Comprehensive EmInonmctrad Response, Compensation mid Liability Act (CERCLA, 42
<br />UcS. C. 9601 el sea.), will all other heard, state nom local laws, regulations, ordinances, court orders, attorney general
<br />opinions or interpretive letters concerning the public InealBg safety, welfine, environment or a baeardoms substance; aW
<br />(2) Rauvdous Substance memo any toxic, raNOactwe or hazardous material, waste, pollutant or containment which less
<br />characteristics which render the substance dangerous or potentially, dangerous to the public health, safety, welfare or
<br />environment The term includes, without hinagion, mry substances defined as " hazardous material," "toxic substances,"
<br />"bnwardons wash" or "lines dons substance" under any Envimmnemal Law_
<br />Tmstor represents, warrants and agrees IIaL
<br />A. Except as previously disclosed and acknowledged in writing to Bcneficiary, no 1LVartlous Substance is or will be
<br />turned, scored or released on or in the Property. This rctriction does act apply to stall quantities of HaTdrdmna
<br />Substances that are generally recognivcd to he appropriate for the named use and nomaenvnce of the Property.
<br />B. Except as previously disclosed and acknowledged In wthing to Beneficiary, Tmstor mid every team have bccu,
<br />arc, and shall remain in full compliance with any, applicable Environmental Law_
<br />C. Tnvstor shall immediately notify Beneficiay if a release of threatened release of a Hassrdous Substance occurs on,
<br />under or about the Property or there is a violation of any EnviromneNal Law concerning the Property. In such an
<br />went, Tmstor shall lake all vewssmy remedial action in accordance with mry Enviromnrnml Law.
<br />eUerss ., _, e ""a Mn r" "oea off NE hna,aa yC 12ti f°
<br />(M.-C4661NEI faeae)
<br />