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Y <br />s� <br />- Slate of Nernst, space Above This Law Fur Recor'aing oil, <br />REAL ESTATE DEED OF TRUST <br />(With Futun P_ ivance Choose) <br />F—J Construction Security Agfesmcnt <br />1. DATE AND PARTIES. The date of tins Deed of Trust (Security lnstnuuent) isJUl 05, 2002 <br />mid the parties, their addresses and lax identification numbers, if required, are as follows. <br />o � <br />o m <br />n f° <br />a <br />fate <br />Q <br />TRUSTOR: LEONARB R MCCARTy JR, AND and EUNICE J MCCAEre, Nt1SI1AN0 ANp WIFE <br />4067 N CAPITAL AVE <br />GRAND ISLAND, NE 68803 <br />=U` checked, refer to the attached Addendum incorporated herein, for additional Tmsiors, their signatures mid <br />acknowledgments. <br />TRUSTF.E: <br />Frictions, Bank <br />P.O. Box 83009 1235 'N' Street <br />Lincoln, HE 68501 <br />BENEFICIARY: <br />TierOla Bank <br />1235 'N' St / PO Box 83009 Lincoln, HE 68501 <br />Organized and Existing Outline the Laws of the United Stated of America <br />2. CONVEYANCE. for good mid valuable corlsidelsond ihe receipt and snt5dency of which is acknowledged, and to <br />secure the Secured Debt (defined below) and Twister's performance Under tins Security Instrument, Tmslor irrevocably <br />grants, conveys and sells to Trustee- in lost for the benefit of Beneficiary, with power of sale, fire following described <br />PMPerty: <br />SUNSET SUB LT 14, CITY OF GRATED ISLAND, HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA <br />The property is located In _ _ Hall _ ;It 4067 W CAPITAL AVE <br />td, mitt <br />__... _ ....... a__.__ GEAND ISLAND_. .Nebraska 68803 <br />..._ <br />(A4aread fri yl <br />m dare) <br />Tghts. r with all rights, stock mid appurtenances, tore im oveniol s rights, oil and gas rights, all water and riparian <br />rights, ditcher and water stock and all existing and ismid impmvemwna swcnnerr Boons, and rcplacemeuts that may <br />now. or at now time in the future, be part of the real cgatc described above (all referred to as "Property'). <br />3. MAXIMUM OBLIGATION LIMIT. The total principal amount secured by this Somm y Instalment at any one time <br />shall rat exceed $$42, 300.00 This limitation of .mamd does not include interest and other <br />Ices and charges validly made pursuant to this Secunty Irmmment_ Also, this firrunnien does not apply to advances made <br />under We term; of thus Secnnry Instalment to protect Berrefiaary's scelnily mid to perform any of the covenants <br />ceramicist in this Security imtmmeal. <br />4. SECURED DEBT AND FUTURE ADVANCES. Tire term "Secured Debt" is defined as follows'. <br />A. Debt incurred trader the Mims of all prournorry otters), wntraet(s), mumnty(s) or other evidence of debt <br />described below aM all then eFUCUSWId, removals, nrodificahons or subslitnbons_ (You must ape foally Idlmtfy <br />file dehY(b) scoured and you vhould Include the final maturity date of wch debt(.eJ.J <br />A Line of Credit Agreement dated 07/05/2002 <br />NEBRASKA - NON E EQUITY LINE OF CREDIT DEED of TRUST SNOT FOR Frvuq rnlmc, FHA OR w con (FS met Or <br />1994 Rcok"syemz, IF Y n " "e, us, esm OGF -RmLnr v,vaa /v ZL4 'E[ --L1 f 4) <br />®- Ce561NE)roe92yw vu9 momWeE FORMS -Inaf5rzv291 <br />C, r. <br />in <br />m z <br />N <br />c v. <br />In <br />D <br />N <br />In <br />i <br />CIS <br />l i <br />N <br />N <br />- Slate of Nernst, space Above This Law Fur Recor'aing oil, <br />REAL ESTATE DEED OF TRUST <br />(With Futun P_ ivance Choose) <br />F—J Construction Security Agfesmcnt <br />1. DATE AND PARTIES. The date of tins Deed of Trust (Security lnstnuuent) isJUl 05, 2002 <br />mid the parties, their addresses and lax identification numbers, if required, are as follows. <br />o � <br />o m <br />n f° <br />a <br />fate <br />Q <br />TRUSTOR: LEONARB R MCCARTy JR, AND and EUNICE J MCCAEre, Nt1SI1AN0 ANp WIFE <br />4067 N CAPITAL AVE <br />GRAND ISLAND, NE 68803 <br />=U` checked, refer to the attached Addendum incorporated herein, for additional Tmsiors, their signatures mid <br />acknowledgments. <br />TRUSTF.E: <br />Frictions, Bank <br />P.O. Box 83009 1235 'N' Street <br />Lincoln, HE 68501 <br />BENEFICIARY: <br />TierOla Bank <br />1235 'N' St / PO Box 83009 Lincoln, HE 68501 <br />Organized and Existing Outline the Laws of the United Stated of America <br />2. CONVEYANCE. for good mid valuable corlsidelsond ihe receipt and snt5dency of which is acknowledged, and to <br />secure the Secured Debt (defined below) and Twister's performance Under tins Security Instrument, Tmslor irrevocably <br />grants, conveys and sells to Trustee- in lost for the benefit of Beneficiary, with power of sale, fire following described <br />PMPerty: <br />SUNSET SUB LT 14, CITY OF GRATED ISLAND, HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA <br />The property is located In _ _ Hall _ ;It 4067 W CAPITAL AVE <br />td, mitt <br />__... _ ....... a__.__ GEAND ISLAND_. .Nebraska 68803 <br />..._ <br />(A4aread fri yl <br />m dare) <br />Tghts. r with all rights, stock mid appurtenances, tore im oveniol s rights, oil and gas rights, all water and riparian <br />rights, ditcher and water stock and all existing and ismid impmvemwna swcnnerr Boons, and rcplacemeuts that may <br />now. or at now time in the future, be part of the real cgatc described above (all referred to as "Property'). <br />3. MAXIMUM OBLIGATION LIMIT. The total principal amount secured by this Somm y Instalment at any one time <br />shall rat exceed $$42, 300.00 This limitation of .mamd does not include interest and other <br />Ices and charges validly made pursuant to this Secunty Irmmment_ Also, this firrunnien does not apply to advances made <br />under We term; of thus Secnnry Instalment to protect Berrefiaary's scelnily mid to perform any of the covenants <br />ceramicist in this Security imtmmeal. <br />4. SECURED DEBT AND FUTURE ADVANCES. Tire term "Secured Debt" is defined as follows'. <br />A. Debt incurred trader the Mims of all prournorry otters), wntraet(s), mumnty(s) or other evidence of debt <br />described below aM all then eFUCUSWId, removals, nrodificahons or subslitnbons_ (You must ape foally Idlmtfy <br />file dehY(b) scoured and you vhould Include the final maturity date of wch debt(.eJ.J <br />A Line of Credit Agreement dated 07/05/2002 <br />NEBRASKA - NON E EQUITY LINE OF CREDIT DEED of TRUST SNOT FOR Frvuq rnlmc, FHA OR w con (FS met Or <br />1994 Rcok"syemz, IF Y n " "e, us, esm OGF -RmLnr v,vaa /v ZL4 'E[ --L1 f 4) <br />®- Ce561NE)roe92yw vu9 momWeE FORMS -Inaf5rzv291 <br />