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200207030 <br />14. Db IT U'LI. I I aamr - II he iA dcfdalt I I Eno [),IT I y ubliS, 1 011 die Starr d Oebl Lila to orl p' sent whet, due l Trans, <br />I. ill l detho I I I is ILLIN 1 111, I I his resin -111- kanieLl alh f t escorted for l <br />pupscotcotu. ncc SLcu Ld Di A mood l aYl better b5crlua} That lde,It not LIT C toil aped 10 n Iy pe no IOf n [he So red Debt or that the prospect of a e payment of <br />the e al oc o f the P IOpeny I 1111) airedslid] l a he con IT it an elate r de fa ell. <br />I5. RF ill hDIES ON DF F.1L1,1'. In oll ilannec, . ti:4-I 1 gate law III I -quire bend It 'III y 10 pior Tile I I -liter vith <br />not' >f ills Lieu to onto Er tlle notiol and to II Lill lime Ichol Ibr r0lieloane El Subject to there <br />rultations. ifary,B t r Imm the SecuW Dastard lOcol cthsSec,r'y helTnuI i amannerpmvdrd <br />by ]lie it I mxtor I, in ddnulre <br />Al the spout Of BOHICI Ill e ; Lan d er agiccol lee, aid clap nol Intl :I and faitfpal :]all be <br />hIn c I'rIy die and p ,ble other y\ naMe T cuµ I be law, upon the o�trrence of delaull or any, thefcafle <br />ddY` _ Ili tabd i all he unllFi t Ill If a 1111104 prided by law. the term or the Scored Debt this Security <br />Instramem and am Jelli ed JscmIMIL. :ccluding m -nhonl limitation. the pea er to sell the Pmpno. <br />If Ihefe is a default I nutee 41,111, in addition to LILLY other permitted remedy, at the request Of the ReneGciary_ o ielee <br />Led! .ell the Plnperp as a Miele or in separate panes, or public au lion to the lo bidder for cash and convey uhao]ule <br />ha he free Laid Lea or oil ii, ,LM. title and inare:,I of let at such hire and pls ar, Truxm I %t s_Tnme shall plve <br />tot L LIC Inducing (III [line _ 1 plat of sa a d a Je4criptisn of the property to be sold as ayu red hp the <br />applach e Imvtin effect at the time of the proposed late. <br />I:ptn ate of Ilse properly uad m the ulal not pmhihaed by law. Tnt,lre shall make and ddiy,a a decd to the Property <br />.old willL [I - a ah4o1 ne title to tile Pucle'ei I and after first payi g all lcv,, -I ages arid ass shall pas to BoaielnoaD <br />of ki a.l TV -TJ It e. far ents and prior nhranus and into est (hereon, and the <br />N I I tJ- nlarca the CRUTCHD ell r I vthct, pl,. 11 any.InT +tar. Re,efci pill the PtoperN_ <br />Fle rcrol, in ry deed of ooc,emcc shop be I Ina Ine c,dairc of ttc to", or forth therein. <br />All roulol 11 ec ITO If . 1 I no 11 eX k It LEE ' the I eeneti, an >> entitled t all e etl es P'o sided LI low or <br />eqt t nhcrlc I t I' old'o ILI G Ili TI aaphn h R nc1 ua ry f in pI em or partial Payment on toe <br />Sec ,.d Debt afar too Il 11 due( cclrattod so chat dIIwrsLJIU pio,Ll arc fldaall rot consttte a waiter <br />orRtcrt unIT' TUlit rpll Of Ync dclatti. D} not fIxerc'sing Line remedy on l ru:tor c default. <br />poll IIuLOT eRc dulm,f I I hill 101mCT roulade - The erenl it IIlult it it Colullurt oa happen again. <br />16_FXPFNSFS; ILIFE F_C ON CO\FN II S; ATTORNEYS' FEES; COLLECTION COSTS. LiTio when <br />pmt bold by law [insist &r]CC, to ILL, all of BLILCLICILAY 4 expo sc4 it Trtsioi - hreache, y c am in this Security <br />IIIstJ Urralt Insist II also ah oil achund am annato incro l Rcnoubciaiv lot initiation', p CL. s <br />nth c P err a II 1 ,pc is and R Lf t , sea r ante est. The, xpenees III] h t rew front the date o1 the <br />p"easill and paid in f Il 11 tl W Illo2full IFIlLIIII Tell III 1I r as p0%1dhXI ITT d e Ions ofthe seared Debt motor agrees <br />to aro all can, aid p,.,se.s ' <br />n h ' v - ha Ro a e,lag c I neitg protecting Dmel afar} I right, and <br />What st S q -, <br />III de but I' I'n,i LI IT cu court wets. and <br />Ooh I r.1 cxpe Ills Surujur hatrun. :hell e ,u , Orr,cI rtil released. T r p s to pay for any <br />xen <br />t caordnllon coot, oL.ueh relerenu. <br />171 FIN \'IRONNIF.NTAL LAWS AND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES. A4 used in the section, (1) Environmental I_ask <br />cthaut limTtia, the (amprhCn: vLi Rspouc. C. Ie,aaf,n and ,bhn'AllisIIli(I44- <br />Isis C 9101 or sell and all other federal tate and local laws corlIllioll" odla t order, au-mods financial <br />opurets To lm ➢set I-t dpuble lordth Lrcce , ocirri c, enoiloyelle'l 01 .1 larendlell aahcrn and (I) <br />Hazardous SLnE IL „R Illearl olry LNIC. Irdsaitik, or hiloardous mat al. mans. pollutant o , u till ehfch ha, <br />,haiancrocia, u'h,rh harder the Lub,tance daingLiocia th polintinfly Onseloll, to the pill , heath . lifer ullam r <br />tit. 'filem mhdee without I utat ublEll e's del 11s his ,lot. llal 1, tax hwtaneec' <br />�In 'd.. etv or l Aoun .whet Under zanyF omallnn. <br />'I I rise lepreltni Leonanmand aeree4 roar. <br />A. I Wept m pre dy h,o:IoIsdLnJ - k owledeed in sriting to Rcud c a}, no Illeathans S bstanec is a rill he <br />fated samed It released on ot Ili the Frojoem Ihr reefs( ion feel not OpPly to IlIall qumiCfe,v of Ilaza d, u. <br />S hvancea th r - arally e o `od totecappiopiseetic the no mat u +c „d nn c of,hc Property. <br />D. Caccpt a, pr iy d±crofel and acknow ash d I YCnt m RL rCt L dry_ TLas, rf L oy le,r t 1.rvc btu, <br />( Tmid soul I retrain to I1t11 compliance with any applicable Fm irLl m anal LAW. <br />a rxliall- Ld 1110ityR Jlaryifa -Ili Or here I ICa'C 01 11 IldZIULIkal S,b9tn' <br />Evi (it about Ills Inoviric nt II lati Fiminermental IL Las concerning the Propern In such all <br />cu _TILL shrill Like All Loci CHILLIMI uI u.. d;uc hi arey Emirrynonnoencd Law. <br />D 11LILOT Theill rinuil inailo T m a, k: ” C l tl P I rg <br />t th ceanul 1 tatr _ d I' arced, Xrllu [to the release Or Ineatined - I ne of an Hosquiliati s <br />Sahvmuec A the einl,ainn To FMAOLlomael law <br />IN I ONDFNINATION Tialra r well loul II t .`up p (oupt notice ('fill' pending a I threatened anon be pr vate or public <br />inilintic 141 P tmhaee t M lake all e rlhe PTOpery luough conderninatione e rnr domain _ any other means. I Iremr <br />tuld a IA.rcfie 1 I I- t I n rl the Libel ' 'bed acfio clan lI'TITLE <br />hLrIfjLary trC1110 d.,l ILL with 01 CIAILL LOT Tool clairstill acti nJuutdui t 01 I'llel taking III all Orall <br />mot of ILL lllop Sudi I allIccill Ill]] h l Ise I parvileir, and 'I he pplied I, pioeil Ili this Seaunia <br />IllatUnirn. Th', arsm,nuicnt of pill I, 4uhiem IT [III t rel Or al rare Igde, deal cl (]list .t us Inecolocut or <br />other hen docwnent_ <br />10. INS,RILL E. Insnr shall keep PoptI red locon't los, by flrC. Head then and oollnur h,rtd nd'k. ombR <br />llul ,r rh the l -pe p- dtc 10 t Iyp ,d l ratio 111 C "cul be na no -,ed i the ante. d ILL lbe <br />petad. hat ldlrlehc iaio lLLftL11,,,, IIIV Ill Iulet P, e dle Je 1111LITIcut doll ben LI ni by Trull r sahlect LIT <br />(lent ,approval hldn ]],)]I Jur be Unlissrocalt ethheld. It 1111401 findst-ud,mi rl ngulu heal ahoy,, <br />Drn f- ' aay_ at H I -ta'c , option _ to cm ge to protect 11 r f r�ghta Ili tile PrtPl a set dmg to the <br />rends oI 1h145acanto Iostirmcnt. <br />111 Ill notion cads 46 ll he ncceptahle t H 1 'i and 'I II include a standard ill Clause and <br />u1n III '" vLocas. F -ern 'hill t. Aehnotry Lk carvoran IIr nofcu 'tenofthe <br />ri nonoticlons Ilia]] hasp the I glu to hold like police, and r wall_ if lkncr Mary requires. [rector shall <br />nmediti elk give to Reanchnalvall roc _pt, of P =id pen end c eel roliccs _ Uposicoli, IlLeloi nthill a ncdiate <br />not ttl ,mtanc <br />Lunl3cinctranN ,.11 neGclaI il makL proof of Ili ,t totacoc1tcdald, 11 calle <br />p (aPV9'I <br />r.n me a na ream nett =ar X11 II <br />,=a� -01fi51Nl) oht,i <br />