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200207030 <br />D. All fuWTo a11 IT m Re F1 C I - to Ilv,lo- Other Ibwm Obligntroll, It I I m beret coa N mode- a <br />p role cono.lLt Aa IY- ce ell cNidAnj Of Ii execued 6 laneal - III ILI It - PCMAII eKaj <br />.Ile Ih+ be, u I I t J In. 11 1] 1111 111 IX 11 of t 111 01 bet ill So, To t I 1y 111111 a lt I , oIt coit caII lerellOct If nun than note <br />prbn,tgna ll SCLUIIIo Inan eLtEeh Tn no- -d -a ease,, - ty l not unet%IlI all finite ado aucs <br />and future ohhgalians that ale grvcn too rlad laps a Irunor. o e lFloret and <br />mhu,- All Were d, once, and O u fi ne ohl g t , a u- d In lh he accumb, III uci 11"Utill All o <br />for, I I III o vtlead - 'd. Ill 111 LIT C Ellie - ancn� and otlen -CALL, c on I t -d AS It In H(IC lie date f <br />II a Seurny InCIA . loth t I LI Swum 1 1 orn ,11.111 ttna a cone n o n mfol a Idfontl o <br />1loan, o d Y 4 yh In t .tl g...I1 i p t .(nom r <br />C All-61 a(n 1 Ultot O"Cl TOR 1 -h'I later II lie, ill fic euent Ilot l III II lavo, III [)l <br />mI'ttedto, hahLfitico to -t d1, elaCel to ato dya,I:a not at'cultall betout7 LEE Flat Renehaap'. <br />D 111 dff J d- d and I b R `a- t ' al Ihe'b 1 L aing <br />I e Propel ay Laid it, Iodine and no, 0tlICI nUllo Rlo,naed Lid oaprn,c, III lei Ly BilleficiThI AFiAEi th t t III <br />%ccurhy Inarument. <br />ihll Sccur'ly hoAIIIUIICTI1 wll tot ,o all ohc -dJt if Bu al elary [all' to hVc :my 111JUIred nknlgo of the rtehl of <br />S. YIAAIFNIY T uIcul ILE that all I e: I(In tle'll Debt cill be paid %%hum due And in aeuvl u.bcth the <br />once, ot the So, on col Dah I told El lx Scomn An Ina - u All ent. <br />b. WARRAVI OF 'FIT[F. Iru,tor vlal that Tn rr is or .rill be I eluil ,clmd f II :roe wn cd b. till, <br />Se' 'l - Ill . 1 a, We right I ably ma and eill the low - pvlty m f rud,c, A t Ira,l- Crib pool- Of <br />ICIL I Ij .Inn %I'll I -tn[' that the Proper - ncuml I Axoterl ioi encurrillorainLe, of ret old. <br />7. PRR1R SDCLRI'Il IN I ERE STS. 11II I I A,,IjT tl IT, am -other b rteapa. 1 d of IIno, ccurttv an ccma -other hai <br />a" Itl.1Ileced al n ill 'VC1,11k IECTLII OF nj IIIJILC on Ill llr,peit, TI LlIfIl - Fereel. <br />1 I vkc ell poll - bnre ]full dale II per f 'Fill o tnplp ee th a l I,Ali utene. <br />I rL' PIOIF ptl; del -t Ik I ' y i atkl l :I tl ]]Older a . <br />C Not o II ell l b f, 1 , .t 'In I I d% dUel Lillie II 110te Ill o2rientanZ <br />ICCLIJ od by thcl oF)Tl0oaCIE oiLI NOW lk Arta III 11 tell eotion <br />N. CLAIlI5 AGAINST TITLE. Frog- 'lt pay all lax, menu ten,, t' thane,, lat,Ic payment,- u1d real, <br />milt and ('thin c. -.1f St (lie l P* 'Fort (ITT iderelclaJoe Ana, CqUIle IlUloa ill poode to B to,ny <br />cope I all noncc, inn uah I l Ian due I '[, volelcincillo I 1., _. t I a t11 FlAntond title <br />the VtOrfl i "Follit char 0tt could inpv II ]ran nl Ah'd Se tI ll In'trunlent I Moor lo'en' t <br />Re tat,, we eyue I be Renelo a t - _ht,. cI o deleme, I 't r barn a t pert ere 0911 1 ply lahrn <br />01 majJaIA to mallllaln oi'a LIFE oen Ibe Propttty. <br />9. DIEONYVLL Olt I 1 MRR ANC 1, <br />I D - I .y atl. I -tl e(Iebl fthcSe edDbt <br />be ul.mlydbe; iParable up, I atiot ofo <br />,nine for (TIC v noCAIte. CaClUnj t- :lor III oc <br />,I the Pmpeay I he Tight is wltjecl o file coonnons poaM by f deal Imo (1= C'.1 591) as applicable. This <br />I 11,111 e 11 the opcnvAnd aH anain tt cFF:nt until II Soured Fell is nod in full and 11111 senntly' <br />Ina t i run <br />10. PROPLRII' ( ONDI I TON, ALTERA PIONS AND INSPECTION, lnat -ill keep till P 1 al in good - 1011clooll and <br />umk ,II µ +ir,that Ile ILLIC011able ne o I`acto- silllmlu r-tcr F fi jail, ,I detenoanob f <br />the l p p l- Ill[ k l - 1 p t f I. I E Ittroor evifel, that t 11 e nj ot ti <br />CcutiflLo Fill tile 11 vot Ln II nl I BcIj I p rior "Ertan cel T rusil; cill Till porr <br />change e fceroe tootlichnu Coofnert ol,cceenterou e ithout Banufaran , pilot w rt t ,toe T tot r 0911 Cent} <br />Hen l c ary of ell der ds. p aeewl' 8 Annie - and act _ tut T ,t I d Mo Io, F age to the l'ropeny. <br />13CFE OF - B I Ace c Into at H 1- pt t- II P I e v abktnle k the <br />p,ae <br />Ill I II I <br />t B f -' II o-1 T- I Propel at d t b b.1 p f t 1 111 u <br />II e of p % Vt {'Ai- .III r ,peat' thvll Ile crt OF G, R - phenett IT .mr <br />1 ea will o - cly Ill Re J e t, itapccno b. <br />0 <br />11. ,1L I I]OR] I I 10 IF R I ORVI. 11 I I door - Plc To [no ITT in III only or a of [Ile cuw LIT [I COICIUMCCI iu ill r Seeurito <br />III. Huiufiaf inao, wilhotl COACe pet.- .,"III I,c petonil. I -anapi txHo <br />Flreallete ill I ACT 10 Aloll IrEdOr 'a name Al I h' I In <I cal - ht 1 1 1 101 <br />her II 1 t obligation t Ill - Aid R I Drone i l )OTclut okill not p ce BA 1011L <br />[ ThenofECIalor, <br />offer -It d II b ll S I toll t -T d I bI, <br />,11,09111 nacd r 1 on in o bl manj JCFLQfioLcro nay take all top, nwce,,Jry to p -oact R <br />ou,urlry mrnrcn in thefoopni,, including .ongticliun 111 ibe eonwvdion. <br />12. ASSIONSILN'r OF I FASFLS AND III IS. ITTE irelOLIdle alell LOICel and sell1 m lialoe. 111 FACT to 111u <br />Il ot Btalreficile, ... ddum t al 1CQLQIe ill the Joint le and n1U'e'1 ill and m nit' I ill ts1 t>_ or CnUIL laa,e,. <br />ILJbILItlel, Told AlIC, otler willical hl anietereenti for and ir 1 III pw t (If [tic Sloperb. Includium, <br />_ <br />1 toe I Flodifaellorl, Ile aholtunioll, f alch nc r 111 t- i ILI I, I eleel 'I' d enF. <br />and p 1 H (all retorted TO a 2e n, 1 1 A L,10- "911 a FaJ)Il`L p- Hdo 19.be1 e a,' w fill I I U, and w real ,ptu od all <br />.i. f d Unto L T L.T - roloot, reeetrc, j FLAT .o ale R c to lino a. I Ia not In default f Idcr <br />the 1 aj of Till A beau in. hot I on ant <br />liolaor a,knoolodreer, that tl g - t perfieded Eaton the J k ol 11to Deed of ITLICl and that Bet t <br />ry <br />am 11 II [C I I t t t t pt' fli o d tobceoncd n Rerelea} d <br />Rei f p p tl 1 d f 11 IIR f "e t t i' T- .1 I T a l tenant' i ll d l lin all <br />nor 12 L I t Fr t H f O f 15 It l 1- on d 1 11Ae-t Ii I _e paid <br />null IR.c Friona Cill )R oolo i for D to 3 d e 1 I Ile <br />that shalt tortlnd Srvani-u collocted pplinabeald a,porll tlhml alNo launenLial 'abin <br />that I1 h PINo d the 1 ,rind al landlord -p Clow. Ialo -alto o I ,fowl and requ?e tile <br />onto t mntue nply 111111, te'nuofl I ,rand appheable lvee. <br />13, IFASEHOLDS; CONDOMINIL NIS; PLANNED Ford IILV ELOPMENTS. I uqoi agic�, ELL ompb- wnh the <br />pw: (If III C31C it II,S,1111Alia¢anwl to of a lnol If the ll Isltde a Unit AT obdnin <br />plan eJ unt dc,CI0nr11FII - I Troll l wall Fort Arm all of TT LCtOT _ duties UIll E lie on Tornanu, Tel are. I. or mgoI'll t s To 1he <br />condonbinimn or planned Front dnelopmenl. <br />T ALE CAll A, , jr, Ir SO C CIA Ill r v., l��m - IIAT Ipe ,per At <br />- 61661NEl a - - � � r L <br />