<br />Unl ��tlficrflj,c agreed in Corning, 'll unuinICO plooefolk ionall h liffillcol to he ailooluorl Tolson f the Pic, p r' -It
<br />the Sac ed Debt. CI cthon rot for clue, al Brsfr option. An application OF C..ode TO p(or pal shall no,
<br />Czd d or I -h (he due date f file lolaekled Poll nell nor Change the Xromw l: puniurtIo 1 II be
<br />p e
<br />and ( file p acquired h it I t T r relit ..I fl u 1. .,. r-
<br />r di ac n the P wp 6CR e the acquisition shall P m Fkmfic a I rl extent of the Scoured Debt mined: my
<br />before the acgnisuion.
<br />20. ESCROW FOR 'IU NFS AND INSIIRINCE. Fulcra ouliciftouc pmvid d - in a cparatu a. rent. 'Itu,mr cell not be
<br />rC(Juircd to Pay to Fram5ciaq fund, for taxes and im acione in e cioce
<br />21. FINANCIAL RLPORIS AND ADDITIONAL DO( UAIENTS. Tiu,toi Cill rue dC to FlorleficLory upon - r rest. any
<br />fifildruid rt tc own Or Information Bend at y noay deem - eafunaliN e }. 1 t,tor agro t 'U n. deliver and file any,
<br />additional doer nrnts rHteato a Full Feet e Miler IrXrrral a TO Put CC LOT111FILLIC, at J p v C nC CN 11 r x
<br />+1 U Lids Inks ] 't. InSfuneintand Bencificiaty I lien tau, on d v Prapoluy.
<br />thisS- rte Iicitmrent ItYpunt and indIlloUill .ifltt.toranthis Sea U%liutament far doC: nor ago an 'drnccOr
<br />debt I I ti,tuq doe, ,o onl,, t rteaµcl nifior I nlorc,l -tl PrtpcINto cioul 0 Iymnit of Surfaced Uclmnd I nonoi
<br />docx not agm m h ICUs Hall Gabl III the Serer ed Debt 11 till' S an =t Iarvnent e giar ty heccoll
<br />fdenet f Irintor Trutur agreet t ris, reght, fin mev prevent fo I cav 110111 II1111CITIC UJVr aCtl la
<br />agoinno Uru,toi - pait,, indebted under the obUtration I lee right, nur, include. but are 'not ]turned to, atx
<br />antdf ton law IrUlce dralool han fiendlourri Ind I FITIF'110 Ibis Seodllk h.mu tin eclCnd
<br />IItod l k. I t I full a- I I t a y a f a bt 'Ih t f' :t nt.
<br />ntl will I 1 lintel ' -I 0 t Inn S - tf, hour Hen_ HCdur d bu Cfl, and, scanty
<br />Incur x�,ll hirJ' uld hateh Ile IULCCIIOlI ,ndTwi f Ilufiol and Beneficial
<br />.
<br />21. API I(ABIATI VA UIk:ll III IN] FRPRPIAI ION Ihi Factitive inorrincir I, goNonned bl tire I' rThe
<br />2Ijurohotion in Chub B 1 yI ate fix,oTt t (tic to,touit oJurt,11C itclUllool b [lie bull, or the j thL,thction wheerne
<br />nrory I[ 1, 11 14 11 '. 11 no Ihv Sawr'ly fiflotifinent I, anpletc and Polly 'negratcol 1h', Secunty Irstumen Truly not be
<br />ther` lded r rtf (2f icd b' oral abreenrenr Air, of btr in t S f tritx Inorunrent aurufinienu. my agree t elaled to
<br />Ctuallold Debt coal omflie,, wish app l able low w -'ll [lilt be euwfvC. rules, that law of sly III unplictiN lacanint, the
<br />ourinuor, by w'rlct e v_ II o ry CFront of thte 5 II msvour at - of or enter. I according m le terms that
<br />,eel mIII[to Bred ad will tot al ICI t hC (11101 t ollh lT CC thr I trial RICI It I thl I Seatrt I 111 It Wien t oVIC'elUr tsed.
<br />the IIHICUINI 111,111 'cod 1- the plu al and the plural the Cinfulai The Captious and head's : of the :Casio c Ct the SC1UI ty
<br />I Mtrunion11 are for wnvenlarce onW and arc trot to he u,N to Interpret at define the Cut, of this Securuy Insnument_ I line
<br />I, of the U,Ctrr m Ihla Fie -UlI v lo.vlrminCUL
<br />24. SLCCESSOR 'IRLS'1'EE. BeirolfiIedirf. at Benefklnn'I option. in,v, Ron time to time
<br />. - fulfill I u.,tee and ap,point c
<br />C 1c ill I 1 C Ol I lan hCdc for d l II uCC.a r tC,w'htrlC vuana 1
<br />the Prnpe 6 halls ceed m
<br />all the title power and dune conferred upm luttee by thiC Secwlty Instrument and
<br />applicable but
<br />25. NOTICE. Ihdu, othorcirwe offered by l nt uO hill be r en by J hserinl it u Is. Trading it by Intl clt muil ro
<br />the pp I Ct 1 ry { .. i I S -'t} f utvnen.o n ntheraddre 1,:_ cd in ITT Unu Not re
<br />to onctro,tol nsll ben nun to be note loan caukAl.
<br />26. IIARFRS. Except lo lu Lorca prnhhmd by tau, IIUIt(Il louLiLl all LP a'.enen ali homestead exemption 'Ch1a
<br />mlating In the Property.
<br />27. OTHER TERNIS, If checked. the Ibllowiae are applicable Io this Savrity to aitur ne
<br />I. n of I rrvl l TI Suvmd Debt - ITICJLICILa a TCA I _ g Irte ofLoui l INIOL,cou . X111houlah tie Secured Debt tuay bu
<br />rcducM m a eaO ltalarlIc Ihir 9ccmrty Ina tumcnt wall remain to ctfecl until rcicxsed _
<br />Canenmtion I.o Thu Seel 'ty I.r neat u e at ifl,.tl owrred lot ron,lncft or ,m
<br />i mprovemenl on then f olson ur
<br />Fixture Filing IT LIMIT it I'll' To B..atC rI 102let' Al fold, plat vier' rdmfutum
<br />;Ind that one fill[ beCOnC t [ Offied n the Irope'm_ III CcCU3ItV InarLunlint ARCex at f
<br />t t rn-at and Us cubvir photographic or other - cooduction urno be filed of aced for putpor,C, of Article 9 of
<br />the Unnorm CnmmCTClin Code.
<br />Riders_ I 11C I - and III rtcainkalh , of reach f the udm chcokcr Flat CO
<br />r Inc 1 1 d info and III ncr
<br />mod decreed TIC mom oftlos SCrurlb, hulmmun. [Chuck Lill applicable boxc,l nt
<br />Condominium Rider Planned Unit Doc clopment Rldec Other
<br />Additional Terms.
<br />SIGNATURES: It, .Ignn C I d. v . JIU1101 aeaTCC1 TO the ellult and co anE tintol and A vl I. SCC 'ly I w c o d III JILI
<br />a¢aehmart Iruetor allot aSnoa4cdgm reccupt off copy of ITT, Security Insvnmc It on the date stated on page I.
<br />fp,
<br />Jk� LQ,Iod Lo2'�X G-.�I� i}lA ,�� ,fit' /fir i](,�,�b G X16 oz.
<br />ur GERALD WAYNE BILLI TON AKA I Iowa try il]atal
<br />hi, Inavumetivasacknowledaed lief emelhis 26 like, (it June, 2002
<br />M,, camm�miun upuv,: �
<br />GFrvEPAa "T"i Sine aI "Out
<br />�I T, .� r saes r rurtae c. My Lamas. W. Sept 3, RDW (page 4 of 4)
<br />M -0r 65(NE)
<br />