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200206987 <br />e applicable "the coverage of The Property. Lender may axe the Insurance Proceeds Poor In repair or restore the <br />Propa rt or to ply amounts unpaid under the Note err burs Security Instrument, whether lot then due_ <br />6. Oceupney. Borrnwer shall occupy, establish, and lino the Properly as Hnrrasver's principal residence <br />within ad dzp, after die essential of Nis adynny Instrument Full .shall continue w occupy the Property as <br />Borrower's principal residence far it lent site year under the dam of occupancy, unless I andor otharwire agrees In <br />tioq, which colki shall not be unreasonably witldeld, or unless extenuating uaamsrances exist which are <br />beyond Borrmvu's control <br />Z Reservation, Maintenance and Protection of the Property; Inspections. Ilm aver shall not destroy, <br />damage at impair be Property, apron the Property to dote anal or Formula waste on the Property Wle dui or not <br />Borrower is residing In the Property, Bonowar shall inhal for the Property in order In prevent the Property burro <br />de[erianng or decreasing In value due to its condition. Unless it is detemrined pursuant to Sal 5 that ropair or <br />'ank alOr as an economucally feasihlS Betrayer chill promptly repair the Properly If damaged to avoid Father <br />deterioration or damage_ If insurance Or ondemnation proceeds are and in connection with damage to, or the <br />teeing of, the Properly, Ilormwer shall be responsible for repairing or restoring till Pmpeny only if Lender has <br />released proceeds for such purposes. Lender may disburse Thai for the repairs and Peroration in a single <br />Intel or In a series of progress poymenu is the tirade is completed_ If me insurance or condemnaton prial <br />are not surfHanr to repair or Italian the Property, flattest is not relieved of Burrnou s obligation for the <br />wmpletmtt Of such repair or restoration_ <br />I ender err Its agent may make reasonable envies upon and lacerates of tae Hopery It it has reasonable <br />cause, Lender may inspect the interior ofILI bnprevemems on the Property. I sued: shall give Hra kroui notice at <br />the time OF or pillar to WCh an ancient inspeadon apeaifying such Ire sonoble cause <br />8. Borrower's f.oart Application. Borrower shall be in defouIt If daring the Linn appleek ion pmcass. <br />Borrower or amp persons or entities az(mg at the direction of Horns"a at with Bortmver e anmvledge at consent <br />gave materially false, indicating o note Immunata n or statements to I.en kr (or failed rt provide Lender <br />with mamrlal intro auou) in nech�m tic the Loan. Material reprouiations include, but are nor al to, <br />representations conecming sorrowed s occupancy of the PPpers as f onower d princpal residence. <br />9. Protection of Lender's Interest In the Property and Itighty ILL this Security Instrument. It (a) <br />Borrower falls to perform the covenants nod agmonents contained in this Security Instrument (b) them is a legal <br />proceeding Nat might signdudady affcet Lender s inlercvt an hit Property and/or rights under this Security <br />nstiwoeni (such as a proceeding In bankruplcv, patbam, for condemnation or forfu tine, for enforcement eta lien <br />which IThtV analn priority over [lilt frialty Instrument or to taboret laws or regulators), or (c) Purposes- has <br />abandoned the Property, Then Icadn may do and pay for wltmevcr Pleasurable or appellate to protect Lender's <br />interest In me Property and rights under this Si instrument, including protecting or assessing the value of <br />tba Propery and securing and/or repairing the Properly Lender's actions mm Include, but are not Limited to (a) <br />paying any awns secured by a Gen which has priority met this security Instrument', (b) appuanne In court, and (Q <br />paying reasonable mourres' Troy to protect its lumrest in the Property and/or rights under this Si iry Instrument, <br />laden its s UrPI position IT a barkedbcy pro Ceding Escarole the Property includes, but is not hinted to, <br />g <br />tittering Ni Pmpeny to make repairs, change locks, opera or board up doors null windows, dais water tram <br />pipes, eliminate building or odder code nololo a err ladder does s not eve ono have d is not turned d nn tit off <br />AhhoUgh Lumbar may rake anion under ers Swoon 9, Lender does net have m do sr and In not undo any duty or <br />obligation to do so. It is agreed Ihet Lender amum nn Inability for not taking any or all actions mulorized under this <br />Section 9 <br />Any amounts disbursed by Lander under this Section 9 shall become additional debt of Borrower Secured <br />by this Security Instrument These Lill shall bass interest at We Note late from the dale Ff diabursnnant and <br />shall be puyabin, with such Interest, upon malca from Lender to Borrower requesting payment. <br />Ifthls security [nsrument is on a Iemelmld, lionowur shall comply with all the provisions of the lease.lf <br />Borrower acquires me tide to the Property,the leasehold and the fee title shall not merge unless Lender starts. to <br />the longer Ili writing. <br />Id. Mortgage Insurance. If Lander repaired Mortgage hnsomoU as a condition of making the Loan, <br />Itnn rawer shall pay The peninsula required to ni On We Mortgage InsardnCC in effect If, for any reason, the <br />Mongago Imuantti incomes required by Leader crams m be available boo the mortgage insurer that previonsly <br />provided such ace and Ervarroyer was requires to ek separately dessumawd payments haturd the premiums <br />for Mortgage antitrust, Burrower shall pay We ptc nl res required to Obald Seemed substantially equisallant to <br />NEBINYAMSmplc Famtls IonicMa✓Frcino yen UNIT Tint N CJ nnMETT Forrv]028] /(11 <br />Dial I Lk I /Page a 117soue1) <br />
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