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200206937 <br />Me MonI er Te; Insutanpo previously in efred, aI a Lost substantially equivalent to the cost to Borrower at the <br />Mortgage Insurance previously in effect, Tram an alternate mortgage insurer selected by Lender. If sudslanlially <br />equivalent Mortgage hxorance coverage is not available, Borrower shall porous d pay In Lender dm amoont of <br />the wrearately deli nered payments that were Jae when the ultimate coverage posted to be in effect. Lender will <br />accept, use mtl retain these payments as, a one - retundablc loss reserve In Ilea of Mortgage Insurance. Such loss <br />c shall be non - refundable, Only enumm or Ma f cr that the Lnan is reserve Lela pail in full, and Lender shell <br />t sere required to pay kepoic er any Interest or earnings on such loss reserve. Leader can no longer require loss <br />reserve purer Sh if Mortgage Leader again becomes (in the emoum and fair the period that ires se arranles) provided <br />by na insurer selected ca lulJU again becomes available.. is Trader obtained and Lender requires seat ;as 4 container IF <br />payments inward Me premimne for Mortgage Insurance IrLender inquired Moriguge insurance he a remi or <br />making the Inoculate, and harrower ";is pay re race <br />ium s(pamtdy maintain payments toward i premiums Poo <br />provide a Insurance, Borrower shall put' Me premiums required To maintain Mortgage Insurance s; ill [n rdranc or m <br />provide e mo-re meet le loss reserve, artful Lender's toy ¢den for such Mortgage lover until cods in to accordance required <br />with <br />III Applicable le Law. Nothing i Borrower end Lucors borrower's for such ilon to [la or ll at tire is required <br />by Applicvble taw. �oMin6 in this Section 10 affects 8otr(wer's ohligmion m pay ImeRSI at the cote pdvideJ in <br />Nate <br />Mortgage Inmmvw ay the Ira Lender ((r any ¢miry that party to the Nntua for metnia Iocvew it may <br />III If❑ Margate protons ear repay late Lnan poxagreed_n HurNwer <br />all such npent' to the Mortgage Io time, in evaluate t their tarot risk on all such imurance ip force from time m dine, and may enter <br />tam agreemenu' court at, ruder parties that share or modify their risk, heredraw lasses. These agdmncnn are on moos <br />and These agnstom- shut ere ictur etile or Me Inrgage insurer and the other parry (er e ofere d luese e mortgage <br />'noun ogre emsmaydqulchthe mortgage ee remake pIminM using any source c or(ads that Mc mortgage <br />i2smu may have available (which may include funds obtained Ram f the Noe I, another premiums)_ <br />A, n result OF affiliate t ony nunm, Leaden, any purchaser of Mc Note, another insurer, any reinsure, any <br />(this' and be characterized any ek i of any c Tat foregoing, cony receive (directly e[ tndiramly) am(uva that derive dam <br />(onnighr be e mortgae is) insurer's portion ofe(rhallh, ew l If a Far M trona lupurnnee, in exchange fur .of Lea er <br />takesaish re f he ins r's ask risk, or rc s for share If such astronaut provides that an [lie acre of Lender <br />cokes oe shed of Me insurer's risk in exchange for a share of the premiums paid w [fie iouaeq We arrengenlem IS <br />open con(a) Any re;oumlde "Further <br />(a) Nan y of agreements will Loan. Suet] agreements amounts that Borrower has agreed <br />mou t coy for Mortgage <br />Insurance, ge any ether land t of the Lnan. Such aarrov er u will not increase the amour[ Borrower will owl par <br />for Mortgage Any such agreements they will materials t thej rig w any refund. <br />(b) Any such d r For 11 will Lot affect the rights Borrower has if any - with respect to may <br />Mclude the Iri under the ndmeownev Prnlerrlon and Obtain 1998 o any ot law. Mortgage rights may <br />include v ith iglu to receive ffrtlt[n Irradiated es, lutomati l and nbmin cancellation receive of the Mortgany Motga <br />In have the premiums dr Insurance terminated interfaith and /m' to receive n refund of any Mortgage <br />Blsm'anre premiums [hat were unearned la ou at the time I such faneell Man ar termination. <br />It. c parr meat of Miscellaneous 1'raeeeJd; Farreilurn. All Miscellaneous Proceeds are hereby assigned <br />m and alien bcpald er Lcndcr. <br />If the Property is damaged, such Miscellaneous Proceeds shall be security to rnotolesien or repair of the <br />Property, it Jie ationlpnon , repair is shall have economically &asih o and Leader's security is not lessened ad ring such <br />repair and restoration period, Lender shall hnvc the right r hold Stich completed an Proceeds until Leader has had <br />air opportunity ct inspect such Inebriation rt to ensure the wine has been Completed m its ands satisfaction, <br />restoration n i provided <br />that such inspection shall he cogie s pr promptly Lender may pay for the repairs end nalt is ma in nnle <br />disbursement or o a series onemgresw payments as the work is Completed. Unless If agreement is made e wolfing <br />or Applicable lawrequires rings otobepaidnnsocM1Mlswllceds IProere4s,Lcndcrshelleat be required to pay <br />Borrower lhic o any interest t cu carvings on Loch lessened, the Miscellaneous &opoedn. Ifthe shalln e a Or repair is our economically <br />frasibic or lancer Institutor. whwould be of then t the e ex Proceeds shill he applied r. Me sums second us <br />Mrs Seaniry l be applied whether a not then due, w'Ni don exwse, if any, paid ro Borrower. Such Miscellaneous <br />Prneccds shall event in the order provided tot In less In Section? . <br />GI Mc went of e coral raking destruction, n Instrument, for in valuee rthe Pt dual d the ith the Pfany, a shell <br />be -root applied to the sums secured by this Security los¢umem, whether unml Men due, with Me excess, if any, partite <br />Itorrower. <br />NLLanpisk 'ate;lclauu'ly- ruin; tale¢ /prtJAie Ndol!NIFORhl INSIRUNIE:N1 Form 3028 V01 <br />IPane ],f 12 ynaee/ <br />
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