<br />that notice is given, uerruwer Shall satisfy the her or take one or morn of the Lotions set forth abnvu in this Scenes'
<br />4.
<br />Lender [nay require Buttoner to pay a onwtimc charge for a real eslote tax verification avdier repining
<br />S,.rv[n c used by Lender inn connection with this Loan.
<br />5. Property Insurance_ Borrower shall Such) lire improvements now existing or hereafter Lrnemd on the
<br />Pro perty Insured against loss by tire ,hnzara included within the is= 'extended coverage," and any other hazards
<br />including, but not limited to, earthquakes and floods, for "hick Lender requires insurance.' Flux insurance shall be
<br />ml
<br />timak ed in JLL amounts including deductible levels) and for the periods IIna Leader regrvrec What Lender
<br />provide pursuant ai e preceding .mnmvcc can change During the Fenn of the Loan. ve Ina mown currier
<br />providing the insnot be shell be chwmr by y hewer subjed tb e Borrower r's right is disapprove Borrower's choice, n.
<br />which right shill not he barge for Unreasonably ooru . Lender may require had Insane pay, u is esision with this Loan,
<br />mmeo lot a oc -time charge for Mod rs e determination, as didadon and t Mar acsuch (l ne rea a unwdnIn PA)
<br />charge do (loud zone determination and might cervices and subsequent o c charges each time reelell also he
<br />mJur Meier seem which f LA Less might effect such discrimination OC Iddiumadon. Borrower Shall also be
<br />SI C
<br />withthe re for the payment of any erm ati o le by me Federal Emergency anagenrem Agency In connection
<br />with me review afany Juno zone determination resulting Lrom an objection by nder an Brasil _
<br />If&nron unfailstomainlain any ofuncoveragesr noobetlnbove,Lurchamay parts Inmancc wveage,
<br />of Loader's option cal Borrower's coverage Lender 6 under rot might or m purchase any particular type ors "en's
<br />of c urge. 'fberelo, o mvh e shag cover 1. again trot might o night rot protect Bomowec provide equityin the Prperra errar sources Inh`Propery.civar aranyrisk,ba that or liability and mightprovide greater
<br />rr di rose fienn was s exceed he event BnRnwen e that Bores that me cost v the (Aboard coverage
<br />obtarnedeby L ader under c cued the Lost of Iesume a that Beau".[ could have secured _ Any r junta
<br />Inslukru by Lender under tail Sections shall broom additional dam of &rmrwcY secured by this Security dhL
<br />Insrrw ch i Scot, amounts shall bzr Implies
<br />der <at the er e am from the date of disbursement and shall be Peynblu
<br />-
<br />withsuch ll Insutr upon notice ftre Larder tin Borrower researc ..payment.
<br />All Loch a pnS, Sh rcgvlyd by Lender and research. cla se, surch
<br />and phallic shall be subject w Lender's [iglu
<br />al ddditional stash policies, shall Include esmndaN mortgage t clause, end shall none Lenders rot Lender aedlor as
<br />all
<br />rrow A loss payee that Lanier
<br />to Lender al the craft to fu hold the policies and erewanotic cirlificancs
<br />IfB It Lender requires,
<br />ORTI Of hortative promptly give m Lender rcceipb of pan premiums and renewal notices n Of, the r obtains any
<br />Of rage, not otherwise repaired by Lender ! damage NO, ordermuutiso of, the property, such
<br />Poll's shall iudodeoa rrioderd motlgegc dame and stroll name Lender as mongbgee antVOr as an Additional loss
<br />place
<br />In the event of loss, Borrower r1all give prompt notice to the insurance camici and Lender. Lcnder may
<br />make proof of loss if inside promptly M Burns m.er_ Ihders Lender and Borrower submerse agav iFr writing, Say
<br />insumsess proceeds, channel or not the underlying insurance vat required by Lender, shall be applied tan reswrduon
<br />or elpon of the Properry, if the restoration or repair is cconomiclly feasible and Le cte2e sonalts is not lessened.
<br />Future such repair and restoannn period, Lender shall have the right Lr hold such insurance proceeds Land tender
<br />has had an opportunity to inspect such Progeny m mute ilia mink has been completed to Lender's satisfaction,
<br />provided that such inspection shall be undertaken Slouchily. Lander may disburse proceeds for the repairs rod
<br />Issuance in a single payment or In a series ofprogress paymc ns is the"unk is completed. Unless ev agreement is
<br />made m carliflu or Applicable La, require interest to be paid on such Insunmce Pmceudn, tender shall not be
<br />required to pay Borrower any 'interest or earnings on such prostask, Peas for public adjusters, or other third parties,
<br />retained by Bouower shell not be paid outoNm insurance proceeds and shall be the ease ubligmion ofBonvwer. If
<br />the restoration on [pair is not economically feasible or I cluLr'S security would be lessened, the insurance proceeds
<br />shall be applied in me skim, secured by this Security Instrument, wh via or not their due, with the excess, if tiny,
<br />paid to laorrower Such insvance proceeds shall be applied in the order provided for in Seudnn 2,
<br />If Beneath abandons tiro Property, Lender may file, mgotlme and will any available insurance claim and
<br />related [Francis. IfBarrawer does not respond Fromm JO days to a notice from Lender that the insurance Lamar lax
<br />offered to sortie a claim, then Lender may wanton and settle the claim The iO -day petud will begin when the
<br />nocice se
<br />given . In either event, or If Lender acquires the Properry inner Sternal 22 or otherwise, Borrower hereby
<br />ssilrs
<br />r Lender (a) Bomrwo "e rights to any retained of erowedc in er amount not (other inch the tlti amounts any unpaid
<br />vndnr the Note tarium Security
<br />pai dry IBorry ear, and r a any edam of Blower's highs he Pa umob the insular to any refund
<br />Ili u[rmmnd Premiums paid by Boaowep tinder all inxumnve policies wearing the Propwty, insofar es such highs
<br />NEStil (A ...srvnrrm,— v.,rm. nm n, u1n, aprr L xIFORNI INdr I ' NOM LNI eor,a avh rim
<br />DIN 11r5 rrge e yu pa. s
<br />