<br />required by Lender under Suction 5 and (d) Murlgrage Insurance premiums, it mry, of any rams payable by
<br />Borrower to Lender in lieu ofee payment offlotlgage, Insurance pre a aword'ance with the provisions. of
<br />Section 10. These Items are called "Escrow Items' At origrulian nI at any lime during the term of me Loan,
<br />Leader only require list Community Association — Laos, Fees, and Aoussilledly. If any, be nd by Borrower
<br />and such does, fees and as:: a t' slid[] be an Extra" red Burrower shall 1 ompay lurinSh to Leader all latices
<br />of mnna le to be paid under this Section. Boumwer shall pay Lender the Funds for Esrow horn unless Lender
<br />waives Borrower's obligation to pay the Funds for any or all Escrow hems_ Lender may waive Borrwefs
<br />cbfiyellon to pay Or Lender Funds for any or all Escrow onme at nay Gme Any such )m amounts due ray any Escrow
<br />In Ore event of such waiver, Borrnwerhall paydlrectly, when and whom payable, Y
<br />It [or vales payerial of Funds has beal ocaved b Leandcu d if I under requires, Shall menial to Lender
<br />ccipts evidencing uch bdaymianL orah, such Cn e peuu d as Lender plate require, Bo rrower's Obligation to make
<br />Such payments unit t PJOVITO re I deal ill all allows b daunted - dob covenant and aK tconr mull it
<br />This Security finonrownd, as the pusye LCUSenint and e t used Ill Suction 9_ If Borrower La Obligated is
<br />ply Escroo Plane Should), PUISLlini so a waiver, and l budy to pay the tm dac mi an La;crow lteni,
<br />feadhe d' t igtr d S t 9' dpy' i and borrower Shall then b obligated de'
<br />Fray
<br />f 9 at pay to Lender any such aravart L d . k the as it) Y IIC-' o Tiny
<br />me hy' notice e wrd w rl SmCOn I n d, upon such e catia>, e c .hall pay m Leader all
<br />Funds, and in sun ch amoonas Wan are then required under this Section 3.
<br />I under may, et any 5mo curl lect end hold I onde In an amore (a) sufficient w rani[ Lender to apply ere
<br />Ponds at the here specified under RESPA, and (b) not to exceed the maximum amount a lender can require under
<br />RESPA. Lender shall Tolerate the amount of Funds due an the basis of current data and reasonable unklad es of
<br />expenditures of future Escrow lams ur otherwise in accordance with Applicable Law-
<br />'file finds ids shall be head To at, RellutPhi h p t. e e insured by a f d g instrumentality,
<br />mental Ity,
<br />or It) (cl cone Len lv' ifLender is all Intentional 1 deposits ' art his rallied) or it any I'ede' I Home Loan
<br />Bank. Lender brill apply the I Lus6ry to Pat the Esc' Items no later than the nine Specified oula RESPA_ Lender
<br />shall nor charg B torholding laid speakin try Funds. 'll' 'ly-g Ilia ee- t, Ory 'fy'ng
<br />the E" l: inanda pass Borl interest oil me ready d Applicable Law eternity Lender to house
<br />Ice a charge hilcos an alreantrut is made ' In wilan,al or Applic blL Law decency ntere t to be lPOLCIOnfluO Funds,
<br />L Older shit not be require(] [it pay glutinous my antereel Or ..amines on the Funds, Burr d Lenchucan agree
<br />in vndng. however, Wet interest shall be paid on We Funds- Lender shall g eve to Itnroweq without charge, an
<br />normal accounting of the ponds as required by RESPA. Lender shall account m Borrower
<br />Iftfi llsofl dlldnTwo df durrd RESPaccount
<br />for the excess funds srda e with RESPA. It there slay f Funds held in s dunned r ado
<br />RI.IsA, Lender shall Iduffy pullover as lianUroul by RESPA, and Borrower shall pay to LCUdal the amount
<br />neccuod) TO make up the quinine: d th ltPSPk but in than 12jinatillyraymems .Ifd s
<br />[ d ESPA I Shall teary B required by d bncy t P d: Id in d.t re
<br />RESPA and B r shall pay o Les du' the larraffli alleyway to make p the dtficallige in accordance with
<br />ItESPA, but in no India than 12 monthly payment..
<br />Upon payment in 1111 of all more secured by tills Security Instmmem, Lendef shall promptly refimtl to
<br />Borrower iris Funds held by I ender.
<br />4. charger, Liens. Burrower shall pay all mxa, assessments, charges, lines, and Impositions attributable
<br />- -
<br />outs or grog nd rune n the
<br />m the Pupa I h - union priority this Security I t I bold paym
<br />Property, If any, cord (nnmuvAy A ,ociation DUOS, Fos, and Assussnants if ally. To the extent [bar blase 'terns
<br />rIssue" Juana, Borrower QLA pay m Oat rental Provided In SCCTOFl 3.
<br />Borrower hall qloxmutly i "1' - any [ran which his Priority over this S' 'ty Inslarnannut unless
<br />Bilunwer (a) agrilC9 in writing the payment at th bl'L'L secured by hic ley in It intoner asyceplablu to
<br />I Team, but afly so log as hollaystar Is perfuming h h ear (b) contests me f d built by, or
<br />deferral: against ens amen of the beta in, I eel proceedings which l Lenders all open h n, proem the
<br />anfmwment often Gcr whim those proceedings are pntding, bat tidy until such proceedings arc concluded, m(a)
<br />es [four the Turner of the lien at agreement satisfactory to Lender subord mating the Ilen In Wes S CUIIA
<br />rvtrumenk It Lender dederminos thatamy part of uhc Pmpery Is subject en a Ilcn which an amain ptionty vier floe
<br />Security Inummern I ender' may gave Bomtwera notice Identitying We lien. Within 10 days of Pacific on which
<br />NHNRASk A —Sl title kmoily— M1on Is' NJ, e/frulale Mae UN It OK" INS' rRUNIEN I Porte 30281/01
<br />Pose roll rtp19ay
<br />