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200206987 <br />TOLE "11IER WI I I all the improvements Raw or hereafter erected on it's properly, and all widual eme <br />appurtenances and fixtures nal or [ancestor a part of tire property. All replaccnnants and addiunnv shall also be <br />cover;d by this 5acurity Insrument. All ofthe foregoing is referral to in this Security m <br />lnsuucna as the "Property" <br />BORROW ItIt COVENAN "IS that Borrower is lawfully seised of tm estate hereby onolivi d and has the <br />right to grant and convey the Property and that the Prepare, is unencumbered, except for encumbrances of record. <br />Borrower warrants and will defend generally the tide no the Property against all dollar and demands, subject to any <br />encumbrances of rarely. <br />THIS SIITI'IY INS I'R IAMIST combines uniform covenants for national a and n mifurm <br />cox entire, with limned varislops by j urisJldlo,, m transit n uniform Sesame iosuomcnt covering real Property <br />UNIFORM COVENANTS_ Borrower nod Lender covenant and agree as lollows'. <br />1. Payment of III Ronald, Interest, Escrow Items, Prepayment Outlays, and Late Charges. Borrower <br />shall pay when one the principal of, and interest ml dfc debt evidenced by the Nate and any prepayment charges <br />- and it h arl,os (tile under de Note. pa shall dr, pay funds for Tscrop, Mans PUrSrmL w Section i <br />Payments ] d the NOW and ([Its Stealthy hunknoulat shall b 'd U.S. currency H - ferny lecknr <br />other annuitant rent recv wd by Lender as payment pence the Nine or this Securip a stn nem is rtalloyd to I under <br />unpaid, Lender may Lender that any of all subsequent payments due under tire Here and this Security Instrument be <br />made In use or more of tile billowing forms as selected by Lender: (a) cash. (b) monry order; (c) certified check, <br />bank mede, dray,ter's check or cattail's check provided any such diets Is drawn upon all militarism whose <br />deruess dic an,arrical by a federal agency Instrumentally, or eauti, ' or idd EIrCRRR1L Fonds Transf. <br />t ' e Seemed lived by Lender net Licensed at u location designated a the Note or ut Saudi <br />offer location as may to designated by I.endcr to aCCOOL nawitl] the notice prtwlslmls in Sedian I5. Lender may <br />rctum any pN)'menL or partial payment nftlm payment or scold payments arc insuffnne m bony the Loan current <br />Lender may accept any payment or partial payment amlifitclent its briny the Loan current, whhuul waiver of any <br />rights hereunder or prejudice to its rights to refuse such payment or partial payounts in the fart but Lender is nut <br />bfg'¢d to alpy, Spent p'ynua at the limit snet, payments - xq d It esich Periodic Payment to applaud as of <br />its eduled due left, then Leader need tat pay Harriett on Reapplied funds Lender may [)off such radiation <br />finds until Borrower makes payment to bring the Loan current If Bl rrowut does not do so within a reasonable <br />penud of Bute, Lender shall richer apply such funds or rennin them to Borrower lfnut applied earfins, such funds <br />will be applied w the outstanding Pdnonpal balance under the Note innnediatdy prior to fnredosure. No ofict or <br />claim which Burrower might havie now or In the future against Lunde shall relieve Barruwcr from making <br />payments due under the See: and this Sacurny brswmont or Flasuniall the cnuenants and agreements secured by <br />this Security Instrument <br />1. Application f f Payments or Proceed Tracts t s otherwise described in this Section , all payments <br />accepted and applied by Lcapki ehall be pplied Lie the following trial Of utility (a) - interest due Linder the Note, <br />(b) principal due under the Nine, (c) amounts due under Section 3. Such payments Shall be applied to each Poriudic <br />Payment in the order In wlucb it became due_ Any remaining amuuats shall be applied first to late charges, second <br />to any ether amounts (file render this Security Imsvmned, and don in reduce the principal balance of the Nnte. <br />If Lander receives n payment from Scrmwcr for a delinquent puriodic Payment which includes it sufficient <br />amt of put any ]ate charge due. the papnent may be applied m the delinquent payment and the late charge If <br />rc than ono Periadie Payment is outortimng Lender Italy apply any peymmn received ban Borrower to the <br />repayment of the Periodic Payments if, and to Lite catch that each payment can be lead in hill lb the S riot that <br />xists after the paymenL IS applied to the full paunch of one nr more periodic Payments, such excess <br />awbeapplied to ally Tate charges due. Voluntary prepayments shall be appficd Lilts to any prepayhnnni ballets and <br />then as described in the New <br />Any application of payments, to re proceeds, or Miscellaneous Proceeds to policies] day under the <br />Nom shall not extend or postpone the due date, or change the amount of the Periodic Payments. <br />3. Fends for Escrow Item. Borrower shall pay to Lender on the day Pedodlc Payments are due under the <br />Note, until the NOW is paid in full, a sum (the "Funds ") to provide for payment of amounts due dr (a) head and <br />.r mats and older terns which can main priority over tills Security Instrument as a lien or encumbrance on the <br />iaropery; (b) lestedlold payments or ground rents on [lie Property, if any, (c) premiums for any, and all insurance <br />NmAlskkk stable busily — iNanefreadfu MVe 1. NUTAI INY'rllt MUST farm 302S [101 <br />dairy., ] 'If ' pigs" <br />
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