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200206987 <br />(H) `Bides" meen.v all Riders m this Security instrument that arc exeuuted by Borrower_ "I "he following Riders are <br />to bo executed by Borrower (ebeck box as appliicableI. <br />E] Adjustable Rule hider ❑ Cundominlum hider ❑ Second Home Rider <br />E] Bolluon lids ❑ Planned Unit DeVearaIWIn Ruda Biweekly Payment Rfdcr <br />© I I Family Rider ❑ nNa(,) del <br />(1) "Applicable Law" means all nonvoting applicable federal, state and Inca) statutes, regulations, ordinances and <br />adminlstrmive rules and orders (that have the effect of law) us well as all applioble for nomoppialable Judicial <br />opinions <br />(I) .,Community Association D: Fees and A tlr Occurs all does, t ant and other rhouges <br />that are hpnsed on ❑ Jrn wcr or the Propeny by a concern tun association, homeowners a,lemotioll or dollar <br />Okatilonksl <br />(K)"placentas Funds 'I another" means any transfer of funds, other than u ha ndention originated by chuck draft. <br />Italian or 'papel alerallort, 1 1 a d thne,11 Or electronic r telephonic Me l p t or <br />magnetic tape to color, - instruct, or authorize A rimistal ' radiation to debit It all account Such OFIR <br />uLo, btu is not Ifm led or point of sale traflOace, cut ied thin - buirchure transactions, transfers initiated by <br />Idelsione w re tranybrc, and emnnIdtLd dearinglmuee transfers. <br />(L) of sort)" Incite" means dense items tbm ate described In Section 3. <br />(M) "Miscellaneous Proceeds" Y rUffuntursdolon. saiderfland, U of dannatIcs, producers paid by any <br />third party (Star dran insurance p [And under the ges destined - in Section 5) for (i) damage (or or <br />destruction of tire Property (it) condemnation or other taking I` Lill Or any pact of por Property, (l) convryanec n <br />I' r ninhoination, (is) ruishmesenul of asm the vlue and�or condition <fhc Property <br />- <br />IN) "Mortgage Insurance" means unicauil protecting I nder carralusL d" nonpayment of o- dc6ulton the ran. <br />(0) "Periodic Payncente meant II r cranially scheduled amount due for (i) principal and interest r cider the Note. <br />plus (h) any amounts under Suction 3 or cuts Security HarlFe lt. <br />(P) °RESPA " InLars dac Real Estate Settlement t dures Act (12 US C §2601 or sal ) and E nmplententing <br />ideLiton, Filiculation XQA ( I R Pact .500). as thes mount b amended lean - to time it any addldonal or <br />or coularran or regulation that gwaraq do Anne sUbjciT As clad in the Security Instrument, <br />RESPA ofifIr to All myd'e t and reentrance bad ire imposed in needd to a fuhemily Dated mortgage <br />loan n i f Ne Loan does it qualify as a "rcderally rehired mutga or loan' under RESPA. <br />(0) "Successor In Interest of Borrower" means any petty Nat his taken title, to the Property, whether or not that <br />parry bus ussumcd Borrower 4 obligations under the Note and /or Nis Security Instrument. <br />"L ANSI'LIZ OF RIOT I Jn IN THE PROPI'R I V <br />This Security instrument sainuth to Lender (I) the mpaymem of the Loan, and ell cul extensions and <br />nudifications at the Note,; end (ii) the performance of Borrower's controu is and ugme errs under dGe Security <br />chiral end the Note I or her purpose, Burrower hesocsoN yams and conveys to trustee, In trust, with power <br />of talc, the province described pmperry located in the County (In,ul Rane,a JamdbrIDn) <br />or Hall loan utRo-vefill a aidme <br />Lot Give (5) in Block One (1), Gilbert's Addition to the City of Grand <br />Island, Hall County, Nobraska. <br />which carrendl ties the addmav of 1023 W. 13th Street <br />6A7J <br />Grand Island ,Nebraska 68803 ("Property Addri . <br />lanl hen ceaq <br />NLBR this k Sells T T_- 4flonle t ?reddte else 1. N"Hu INS' an Or f ^ra30Mcar <br />Dis Mau ryars,c /Orcati <br />
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