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`200206909 <br />14. DEI'AUCI'. Tmdre wtII be al default if lily [)arty call igofi on the Seemed Debt tails to make payment rel dt due I I to of <br />will ben default If a breach n ndmr Ihu Imas of [hie 9ccmi10y hrnmeudd ill any ()liter docuuenl c cured for the <br />pill POW Ol .mtniog_ ICLUT Her e t' S the Seemed Deb(. A good frith belief by Bet eficiary that Ben I iary at any <br />lln will I a to o m Pe _ nhl gated oil the LEI Debt n- that the prospect Of my pm nci o <br />the oalric of the Property is mpai red xhill LINO constitute an cee t of aeranit, <br />15. REMEDIES ON DEFAII.T. In some inetei federal and stale law will require Beneficiary to provide mister wish <br />:mtmc of the rmht To other nolicce and m establish lime schedules for foreclosure actions SuM1jecl to them <br />Illmlallolle, ifsny, Ricalci a�l�m _ eederea the seemed Debt and foredoLC this SetmLlty Lunmend in a dialect pmoidcd <br />by Inv it I Imor is in default. <br />At the option of Benetidtla. All nr ariw pall of II¢ aloud rocs and uhages, a etucd 'jdmcet and principvl .shall beconic <br />Iu neJlmely due and payable, abet a 'Ing IMICe if efluied be lose,_ upon the oh'urrnco of a default it anennic thereafter. <br />addition, Benefice N Chad he melded lT ill 111L lellictfics podded by lest, the awls of the Seemed Debt this Secnriry <br />Instrument and am relaleJ docltmeel.l indudhtg w -0Ilmal limiTIOR T_ the prayer a,Coll the PJ(Innty. <br />If There is a default riusee shall. in uWT I t )II pelliallod ocinctiv _ at the request Of II e RoiCtILOON. advcniac <br />and :-II the P.npelt whole ol in separate pa teas a( push, HUITOII TO the highest bidder fell Cleft add (Allael absolT m <br />title free and Cleat of all joelit, tide and interest of Truldor at such (line and pPtce is Turethes dear m.. Trustee dill give <br />Ld e It I mdad g II .Ice Ilea of u d u u`nuip( Lt (he f op be R.tid as qu' ed by ti e <br />apPliahle Ian. On effect it till rime 'It tile pmpoeN Role <br />Trian Cale or the rynpeely and to the cxlmn use pvWb11a1 by lase, Trustee hell make and delied a decd to We Roperty <br />,(lilt wbWh couvup absolute title m the purchaser. and after first payina . all fees, charges and costa. shall pay to Beneficiary <br />all affIldural for t e _ timeR OnCurcee, ]tells 1PONRIOL and <br />o u'n pr �nb a 1 1nlo he sd the <br />Pn po Oil] ncresl o (Le CcCuted Debt p is dies ls, f ay. m T t Bmenficiar, <br />arm nucleec the Props q. <br />Fill nx'itale in Try decd of conveyance shall be puma facie evidence of the Facts set forth (I ln. <br />111 ICTICial CIC (Illuder, Litiollhi mod not exclursOc and the Rcunchmait, Is ortidet to all - CITICLIaS proeidcR at hs% o <br />uhts uhetbLT OM l CXjaCslk set h th The LCegotetcc ly Rcafciep f dic, swu III pav cn or fatal pay rent On the <br />A LieuJoueeR the Ifncilties -' aftei Bill nor filed :hell Our CO rueser aicaull <br />Red 1 L'fM t I pit - T he IL RL [ dv l` .sail alt. <br />Reot ty Close. Tell tee Betcfcay 'OItm liter eC''d- d- exert adi iltditeont ahnppcsagalt. <br />16. EVPRNSFS: ADVANCES ON COVE,NAN'IS: A'1 "1'ORNEW I'SI'S: COLLE('I']ON COSTS. Iscepr when <br />prol ibimd by law_ l' ListoC all to per all of BETI I expenses it Inottor breeches " one Colensint in this Sarno <br />Toorrojecut. l JUstol all also pay kill demand Coy Colonel ;i red by leoutlwiar f r unining , Inspecting_ preservPg C. <br />ollaaelea ProiCatiloc II e P berg- and R t Lary s qeorkrity, i n lest. these Expenses will least III liom the date of the <br />p.enicni unlit paid in Rill at the h g hest interest rite m effect ss Provided in the Terms ill the Secured Debt. litooll - _ <br />eo I s :II LOCII amt LI Cacs III d by Bclet Ciar i ill c0laCtIrg. enfoicing or nooseting Bcne Gcian S righa and <br />cn Cd CL Und2i Undo title S cnaiv, - hstene u. 'rh` amount may r tdpde but is nor limited In, at eyes tees, WITH Costs. aid <br />nth - let, 1 Vipmoce I Ills Security healmeent shall remain ut effect until Icleassd I Cultist agieee to pay For any <br />Iu.mdullnu costs of uwlt relcasc. <br />17. FAA IRON MEN I AL LAµS AND IIALARDOLS SL BSFANC ES. As Iliad In Lilts ,.'ton, (❑ Environmental Lew <br />undons wifl o ri I' met atRare, the Comprehensive Lncironmen[a] Respome, Compensation and ❑amIIIl Ad (CLRC'LA. 42 <br />U.S.C. 9601 at seq.), and all other federal, state and local laws, regulations, ordinance. court order,, adotnes general <br />IT Lill oil, or ln_pc I. e tile pt toPoll l ea &.p- ,isef. I' al's Cut hC nd12) <br />i <br />I Juror jor S StLee o w I rellill Col oaL so[el,ull'C a , a IC R 0.41 ti paNu,n a LooltalluoillY Xk1oJI 1111 <br />Jr. Ilan %%111011 olrdOl 1111 xths a dw ac rub r PC Ic alally des L' ms to the EUb11C ICAILIII selLry, eclfare o <br />ii rnI. The Iv CI dC, mi1 om 11 o lei o Nuisances, der d ss tonal dot. mil iol. title STI eta. u.. <br />hbu J rite'oi Itusrabet tderIleP tenulIlek <br />Truster I Upi Caland, - w aids and oO CC, ]lull <br />- <br />'s I %ccpI ae pr uSL dadused Card dwknomfedgcd '. Clurner (o FicincEfir no Hezmdkace sTsm,ana it kit will be <br />olei stet d 01 cCcLncJ on or III tile P'Lpc'ly I his shiction does not apply to ll q tanilics let (lava dour <br />S hetalhls III I ITC VLAILIA11% J(Catelered to be apt 1 'etc for the nn -Cal rise and maintenance of the Property. <br />D. Lxuepl see Pr ilkdeIucl our AckiCwretell wlliu•ItR fi AT y, Trust and CC CTL IC:Ila%1 bwn_ <br />old Chtdl re I full c mplin ,,lilt t appllaable rlt% roondintal taw. <br />C <br />IiIi r shall ininediately Tells Be,enc sty it a clea,zle or threatened release of a Hazaidou, Yulbqouicc <br />under or about the mopdty or more is a notation of acv Lncnonmental Lave- concerning the I'mperty. III each an <br />ante TilRom shall take of nreesan remedial action in accordance with any bie nonmental Law <br />D Y11,101 Shall HouLChUalk Lorna ldnefiLuri, III erdang as as I t has aawlt In belie e there s cep' Ps tdi tg <br />u ducalCunal inscaligati ieu claim. or p kdochim, relative to the release or threatened release olare Hazardous <br />SLhstancc ar the violation of any LIn'imnmanal Law. <br />IN. C'ON'DEMNATION, I rvooi will glee liaTefidery prompt notice of any pending or threatened action, by Prtyate or puhlic <br />entities to purchase or take any or all of the Plopera through condcennauon_ en menu domain. or :my other means . l itaer <br />null.. l TC1Cf(ImV to llelvlu't 11111 o of the ahoy a sC 9bedalb clams. l'et wag tsto <br />lielw iciary The pmceede 11 any oseard of Caine for damorges Connected with a Condemnation or other taking of all )I any <br />Car M1 P I 6 1 p d II h Consumed payment, d Lill b applied p dcd t this s sty <br />tst t <br />This assignment (if p oceed is utbjwt m the aim, o1 am priol nollsocre, deed I' liter, seat -d croondelit or <br />otha'Imn document <br />M INS1 Ir L[I line t ill L x-, lL ... ve,C umud Iea x( Ill" by file 111111 1, teed ltd order holeak L tl risk tai l <br />dulttimP- pTlytitle Tea i' our lomni Lie pus UaLlooloc I 1111- Irunialliod dorore <br />Pot od, tluI Fatcr, cqulc,. Fill Ce 1,111 In In 0 s ICILI H' tla ITICUI i el kAl l Ile CIIOIlA by l I L.mIr rvuhiOCT o <br />II t S approc L k ach diall nor be Cobh, sk nhhdd. if l I 1111ho 111. (nIe Cl are de' led "bole_ <br />Re Toy_ al R Iris e cep t v bla C s y o Pn, ad Be C y s �Fles I I I [Ile Ill uperry LICLOT Lill g T. The <br />mrntx of till Sccuriry beer mmcnr <br />All IIIALOOLOCC jeill ll 1 ,; dh ll be mp he ill Bloicticolev and ;h dl noludc a fandmil noitgaac clause a el <br />eldic applicable, tell, p'ycc clause_ I uIrt RICH ininediamly tonNli cfcia of Cancellation T orientation (it the <br />Rarefies - ']'Lill hale the Toilet m hold (lie policies and rmlneak . if Bete . f -- eymes. f eer shal <br />Itad. FLcmlteale w,dl c Ild L.IIPoi10 T a Sey edam <br />T011e <br />d Tst des ti Ct end JeocliciiiI B.rGciC} "y make proof of loss if Coln l minieduiek IT -raoi <br />Lege J or -0) <br />r <br />lie 1,1 19 21 11 Fl, RE IT NE 1,_71 Mk) . <br />C165(NE) ss,t,3 <br />