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200206909 <br />IN %11 ji odkalcorS lvn lAQUhear v'f color rt. 11 )tile[ 1111111 1 IbIhnatoril of of I I u,op ill B.mlinar <br />p 1111 Va.[ literal anV, Q' other ecde IdiC d by T Input III erne of Bute =1e.1 <br />mile, die, S«nlIli TIOJJ -,,et whater Ol HOT T6a SCCUT lV lion lancint 0, elereired If tOc ill ITT n <br />p ,III Till IG+ Seoul Ili I ol allited. eaQll T color el cc, dial hill; Se- dv l al anav will seell e all fe Ili 0 jdS Ellice, <br />,d h I e I TO ohl call ft tat a I e gi -ell to 'red by an or 1 Ot I I Till e Tmsmr, oI c I I tot ot aTd <br />ct et.. All firm a t- and other I a -e htga Cd h ins Sec i 'iTV lot u ne t l d,vah Lill is <br />pro 'y nnly'ell dl9lced. All 11 adca ce. mot rtile topic ObI I lie el.STntde O, the dim of <br />III Seemly botruinant. Nothing To ill, Sea,niy 1 II onl shall :1 t I 1 1 1 TO mke ad [Baal or <br />future loans or IT&a reIS in am, annune. Any +ach comn4nncnttm,q be agreed to in a Sepanue KI IIIIII, . <br />C. 111 nhIIga Im,a 1 al es to Be Lary, d do a titer - . m the orinrt, of Prop h tS d by Ia,v 1111 RI u. flat <br />uv hnl dm. Ii bllel Jet cdrfl, telling m am canom, ', owitill Liole,junno be¢va li uali 'aid lainclilal e <br />U All eant r n d pet "d1 B I enoe,nm -Bel a tilt 1 tti' coc <br />propel b,and sand any tl npadvQ 1 dcapc,an red by ❑null ndc Ilan n. of fh5 <br />Saculiy Instumcnt. <br />"IIII.a SULUI Itt 111111 Lareic trll alf cee11e loo, Iler debt if Bcsleiey rude m ill cjoy retail -ci coulee Of tile 'pIli of <br />r, So k) mil PS_ I ILe of amccS that all foe 1 ,der the Sera, cd Debt ..ill he paid when full muld In eeada ee " th lire <br />lams 111 The ScoW Id Dd71 mul this Smanly! lulumo,t_ <br />fi. WARRANTY OF 'I'IIIf Truswc w ',ill that Truet will bn 1 1 II- i red Of I :1 e c. recd by till, <br />SPLIT Ili I.avnev and lie, Cher glno Or-ably Ira art Ivey_ and SJl W, P ope , to T suerinlua. 'lryn.ciof <br />Sale_ I 1 leis Seat, 1. 111,1L 1he Poop IS Qwmbc' d_ . cc vt 6r cis ( uniolinece Of Iu.ord. <br />7. PRIOR 31!C I111ITY FIT F.R ITS I S. I\ fill regord In any ld lonu age . d ed of IItill sec Q11c1a 111 torn <br />doW liloll tt joul -'Id I III nor Seep itV VTil :I t,[ I Fit r On the P' ope IN I I erect 'a el <br />A is 111 p'y I hVII leap Pei I ou 111 ot .. 1111) 1 11C an._ <br />B f o p pt del 10B fc ) tec,, Fill T 1 -f ti Id <br />t V t t alt o, e) inorli Feel h I on of 1 1 lue,(a r u t ackmiLce undu , note o ne I <br />secal t hr the Ilen daclmle II ,viPrint Beneficnry' etprt01 aaivel convent. <br />R ('LA I NIS AGA INS I' 1'I I IF. Tr InIOt II pal all tare,, tro,eVIOneno. hen ,hT RICLS I LoC ioe IIICIIII. Ll OtLild Ienla. <br />unlit d clue dr Vildig to t - I - pasty olori due Beneloiliv 111SI oamiu Tnnm- to pm'ide to IAnefc ary <br />LOI)JUS ol all IOULto the qUCll a unount, die d, c and the r I t' ,ode e I ,.t PQ• e t l zero - Sell[ defend title m <br />the 1 p a' ul y hone, that ould mpon the POP Of the SCLIUIIv 11111FULuCit . Dtopor a, IT e' TO 11111111 to <br />Baect VQx req,OSedl funnfwlmn 'ighcc bare, TQ.a. i iiav noe LiLumnk panesmho pplc�ahor <br />01 material, to matnmm nr lmpmcc IF, POperb. <br />9. DCF.ON SALE, OR ENCUNIMRAN( E. B 1 a:m 1mt it la union. dmlarc the eu e halLucc ofle `,ocincd Dchl To <br />he 1 r lk line ,nd payable upon th Q11111 10M nl_ 0 T t till the cleat I. .hens h' lke 1 Safe <br />nit P p l ll11 a bject( t LIct 1 r iIN cd 11 (1) CPR )II �.Ipl II fill, <br />ooelloIll II nor Vill the P -otil and thall 'coal t in efoi l 110 Secured Debt is paid To 11 111 unit t Srclpin <br />Inatmmn,t 1. lcleiced. <br />10.PROPFRINCONDITION, ALPERATION'S AND INSPEN HON. Impoi will keep Tile I I a•'n good condlA„aot <br />luck II cpurs Ihm me cloucibl, neca '. lTri shall mt colu n 1 Or II e rrma. npai -mcnl o - dale' 'anon of <br />the Pt pe p. IIuemr Vill keep the Pr fa fm Of u, -' vend, and 6 s� Tm1t0I IOCCo tat the nomc Of the <br />IIcLLIomcv and uw .ell I aub6m, tall- -huge wlhout BenofiteatN , p- , Iv, aoc,la Trustee vvell not pelillL a11v <br />rla v fe 1 cav 1e jujoavt BeavfT , plot .ire O an. till ill C[. „wdl <br />Bunt a) ti Lill den le I , ecuP r_ Violate, and act _ nst : , rem f ary IOe +m�da vagc:0 the I uferty. <br />Benel a or -R Fr 'S TTIWV at R f ciar,', Italian, enter -11 plojecy "1 one ca"clable tire lot the jaullose <br />of onvoCti, 0 The Pct ,7 Be,dfaial hall g,c Tjuet Ofee a the t of or heir ,apcvlia .pee king a <br />lahle per PTw' ft t , ope boll A n' , Pccfe „f [lie l roperty ]till[ he .. IFck 161 RC I ' y s benefit ved falNOr <br />ell] 111 no waer Beecry'. Iaapevtoa <br />I L it[,I'IIORI IN TO PERFORM. 11 ieutoj - full., to putlonn am din or r of [l e cmenl o, cO, la and In 11': Securip' <br />111ITTUIOUnt, 6 f iCi oey llclld o1oloce jeluAle a LSISC flIcill to IQ ulloonl0d . T III'[('] d1thollul flefiVfILIKUY as <br />Litton Pant ill sti STo djIV aluttou 1111 PCIIIIIIIILIIIIC lilalfieLoor I 11 To pciflaill lot Ill no[ Creole Ihgab to joluaill. and Beielaaiv I fminre a, Pierian) Sell Ilfccludu Benuffi,oar, fron <br />' C%IICIIIII9 an" of BelleloCalI I Tic I I I J c I order the tau' 01 11111 Sw, Yy lPpI Parent I ' , al I IWI OU I al til [I I Oiler e is <br />L111CLouluteal t e not cauied , lmIc 1. B f e'an nay take all al i), ,u.e: y to P )VLT R ,ci e icy's <br />.ecudty Imerc,t is the le' perly. Ili <br />completion cof the tuna l l ion. <br />12. ASSIGNNIEN I' OF I.FASES AND RFNI S. 'fmsror it -b1y grout, ITT I Co I our 11tH to I ualm. to Ivan IOM the <br />benefit 111 Ib mf e aI addlo al qUCTillty all le e gh1 title and inmre,t :aid t and all istng or future leases. <br />dub[ end u n Tile 'f c >cd a I enu fort and ncoh p f Y (port of the Propern inch d)u <br />any Xtenuoint, none" it, nodificulluall Or Sulotitution, ol oeh agreeninno, (l orce ... l a I. ceroe 1 and VON ple, <br />unit procil, ill -unial IT Runts' e 1rutol I'll plolluytiv p Ball -ali rau and ' -OIIeQJ t1ar III ' ll <br />xiah,o and here le Tobo -n Ilnt rece.e. nl o} I xclhcR twlonga,l mr is not l dlalt under <br />the mum Of 1111 ScNnl V hletrai) War <br />limpot icloevilcidgeS lical t'e a,Se one t 11 Per - feared ,pen le ecetdn. f flITS Decal of l' Nt and that B 1 Sian I, <br />eicided to lolilb, rr of f t- ealann ill makc pry 11 Of Flint IIIIL To 10 I due TO Banefh liome,a - <br />BeILI c do O that ly On default Ijfll Bene[ Siny , ly l ,aT a and T ,.ter a Pena 1: and nuke do and la n[I <br />future R 1. h p l Id 11) B f- O g nolec If i It hIllne Ill] COLIMIC and deli it) f 1. <br />any p) 11,1 A fBence Ili Dusfo -ll and Sell Qrvoe alo Runn111 Trej Ill Bclelela and w1111111 Coulloncell, do <br />Fine ,Ill[ ourotM1crf C_ Aliv alloollik ColleQued vill hC Ipplial ;IS P-c'ded Ili till, eecuiS loot ncnt. Tn <br />tat r fellali v is1, under d Lcascs appl11jh1C I, ill l' oJecut n.. Tap oapol atac atue a IT) illaullaill nil allorc <br />my TeunQl to o mp[y reth the Ie'roe at the LeuOt Quit uphell)c uw� <br />II Lv %SER(II.DS; CONDONINIIIAIS; PLANNED ENI'f DEN ELOPNIEN I'S. I u+ar a QS uh uuuply ,Sill the <br />Pro. Soull I I el y 1CapL d II re eve IT To In it I tuncill I I on a lemehold. I11b, ill - lek I IlLoule it 'u a condloarlin f turn n <br />Plan ed trin t deeelop npif Ti IT It A Sell TaT for I 1 all of T1 itatot e hies under tie ct I Client I regul t Lou, ill ire <br />condone IT Lou to Planned 111111 dlrulupmeN. <br />P <br />.11 am. mres �n 11.IIa ... r . Ia Ii—a) <br />c <br />�. L1651NEI a51A , <br />