<br />I IflelI, - O1IATwv. LgoTCd - In NNIUMI!, all lentome, plocccd::11ell lie appled IT tile totolall'al 01 lePav III file P ICb,o,to
<br />(lie beGIIRd Debt_ wlemet ol nor Then due. at Idasfiaaty A Option. Anv application of proceeds to Principal 'hall not
<br />extend po,opoirr tb e (tile date of (lie I.II cd paenocnt not LIlaige the: I)[ link I' t k T. III t f
<br />Of tile ( f..IftieP p t TL t it Be t N T light - t uI PI i PILACCIII TITy
<br />froze da nabc to the P h c n hefa -C the JAqmImIUI1 111,1111 nA m Be efts a - TO the extent o1 tl c SLLU vti Debt nomedmick.
<br />before me oeOUIAtILIU
<br />20. ITS( ROAN FOR 'TAXES AND INS] IBANCE. Unlevs OLIwIWW TAOI Tel - A a separate agleteloill, - IIUAOI gill tot be
<br />myelrcd to pay to IiumfiLITUN fund,. for Taxce and [mutate in csetmN.
<br />firm e al Alinement or Illoilliatual BI n n den deno leavionativ ikeecLoWN litotoi airee, IT A hI dLtN -u and file An,
<br />additional teen ne lk ti cations II L Detefc a y n Ides n I,) pe fact, co f Ye, and plde.'e CIIA11107 e
<br />oblii' C- . under miA S ly I nebmne t 1 B lie 1 ie,) Ltall,on the Properry.
<br />TILL, 5 ecinjoN InAtionincill Lie joint andlnd i l if Tilool NJUIS II '.SI lootlookeent l 1 not Ngo1 111 e%lielocc ol
<br />debt fILIA01 IIOCI IN to 16Tge Till A intieett UI the Pioplat, IN WLUe IOANIIITU AT tile ScCued Debt WIN T- went
<br />dots I trice To on y I .... AlIN liable the SeI DILIO If tin: Sectuiv. hotinvieni 'I A Wellant, II
<br />Reverent i D ii,loo Ti t - ve, TO oanA o ativ Lights that III IN p \ CIA mILLIF, Ale f Alk to b 'hL in
<br />ifidallit liuktol - p AI'% LITfCbJCTJ Ifl,je fl -- .I I I bo [ A A .
<br />anti -debLitiock (,I are evellon Imes TiUTIOI UICUS that DI a Id WIN pa ry to no, L,LivrN IiAtminver III e l nd_
<br />mlf' nake LI ClUTINIC 111C tRJUI of fl S' -t 11INIIIIJOCUt LIT -' 'd flbt 1IIinlicar T -1 'l.
<br />SULh a 1INAI II 11"T elenic IIINI for [lie clills At Jill SeNvIoN finotnineit l F, duties and benefits of till, Scur UN
<br />onstrunlivy TY1,1hi food and benefit tl e acce,Lol A and Nosonek it T,ut()t And Beneficial.
<br />24. APPI R.ABLL IAN SEA NRABILI IY IN 1' CRPRF.TAIION This Secul -LL IIIIII 11111it k 'Ok Cred Ink l I I Ti
<br />juriodleelcal U kill, 11 R t :ICI except o life extent Otllel " TO, Tleguiled byti laW, at d ]III IINLoLtIIAA it 11010 tile
<br />Pioprilk I, IoAdUkJ [1111 S '1r, IIINLILleorlt 11 110111PICIC d fil - Integrated Till, ` Seculity l I- t 1 be
<br />nttedd libcdb IaS melt L II S t III I_ tt 1 I y' 1](11
<br />dto
<br />the S I DAN mot Il I' 'hh applicable ITON will 1 be chief Ne, unic,, III AN exp e..ly To u I plo dly P stirs the
<br />.tit f 'IliI t.It WIN [ Of link liktrulnent calilluo l. enhaccol accceding IT ok loon, that
<br />section Ili1e citned'and kill ant f II`CLl the cafb cenb 1 t of the -L ai d n (fit link Seal) 1 M „nun. kkinenCICI UcCd .
<br />1hL inmuldt Liall includc tile plooll and ti plural [It, inyuhn TILL captioiW and 10 1 [ tile ILCUOUN A [111, S t
<br />Itstoande 1, Idv Land e t to he u,,d b nntulni nrlf tiet.nmofl Scl. lunulul. Tom
<br />I, of JILL c"Cricc TO III Seeminv Iuclnurent,
<br />24. SUCCESSOR '1' RLSI'FN_ R sfician at LFIUUCLUN A ottlon. may none TULIN IT) Iime OCIIIONe I 'uueu and Appoint It
<br />_ua inklec Without WIN ollnel It than the dc,unialon no %LHtIIoL File NACceWA trLITALee Within o f
<br />Lie PIOPI clmll Ntn..eed No all the tll. Its .0 and AITICK COUICIUkl UPOU fIAlm.1.1 III Sun try herelolfill nd
<br />applicable linv_
<br />25. NO PICL. Intel, o0e,lelote required by 1 notice Thall be goon by h e, it or by inailing it by firm cIAk iliall to
<br />11 e Applionatc p o I adchei pavc I of JILL Sea '1N Instrument to to any o0tei addnu c1c,ifeved ill .N'f 6. Notice
<br />1, ()lie tunot Will be CIUCIAnAl I le rat co to all ma.A.
<br />26. WAIVERS. Bxcopl 1e tine extent prohibited by taw, Tooter NcanLA all apprWiermnl and hemcxtcad exemption tights
<br />tclating to the Pvlicle
<br />27. 01 HIT TERVIS. II checked . the fellOwlmg arc nPPlicuhlem the Sanlnp Inavmmmor
<br />[,tire II realit. I he Sean, d Debt include, A Ieveking Ism Or e¢dil ILL 'IN A[IUOagb tit Swilled Debt nnay be
<br />wUieId In o o balance this ScLTnily Inmmment Will re , w o eft 1 nd tCICLANol
<br />Comlruction Lean ThS SciLUTIN ITI nenl Uf o11i6'f ILL inIcd lot le eoneifctiot I f 'm
<br />I len11mment on The Properry.
<br />Fixture Filing I I UINIT 11,11IN t H f Jary It ICALLIS IN Intel Lot in all Loon ohm (A U1101 O'Neill UOIN 01 In We li mm
<br />nd fhn Nsll becone lixotar, efamd to the Properry. Tlm,, Salto Lett men s f eLA : fillounoole
<br />Tmtement and too, orb I , 1+0RAIdpili To ()tiler ret - 1 n Tryk he f I xf of TCAIId fiLl I utpo6ee of Amche 9 Of
<br />the I Jill lot n( (IIIIIIII.Ocul Code
<br />Bider.. The INWenATTA and attr"Inivoll of ash of the Aden Lhecked below a L in orpo,atal into and aopiken in
<br />and aincial 1he terms It firs 'I IN hivo-uniott [Check all applicable boxes]
<br />COIodOIUUIIILIIII Itidct Planned I: in Dcrclopmcnt Roder Othel
<br />Addilinnal Terno,
<br />SIGNAI LRFS_ By Ai go belou Ti teloi NOT cci to die la f eo I ciijink Letintanned in 111I1 on' - LIT I be Imtmman and To AIIN
<br />-
<br />atraobm t IIIIITII AIN'T rAnoWlalove, ieceilit ofa c,py of ll nA Swu Ary l wtl /n n enl o llic date Wand on page 1.
<br />IT
<br />z Tat
<br />[elm MvLV1V D GBS 9 YV� r9L1 M GINIES6 Otte.,
<br />1CKNOM LEIIt MLN'1
<br />SIAILOP ��'S�2 ,fOfINI1'(II' jar
<br />11 A 11 IIUI, Inilluniclo Tier olookkIedual bdone ie lh s 1411 ILI 01 Z002_
<br />by A ttl".1JLJG', 115
<br />My c()mnd.cion CXTUICS : n
<br />GE6BNL NOIANY4lute of N66resW
<br />III MARK E. KERSTEN IN t I, - °I'"
<br />MY Comm. Do. Aug. 11, 2002
<br />m- o- v NIL tut '11IL,+. IT 1 o... 1 (Pa 90 4 n141
<br />rrJT �C165(NE) 5 =. LIT
<br />