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200304975 <br />s. BOVew., .sued. last cmeea me Lander, In Ba a e 11- 1.11d, ,lama a eBlormg elm C.F.d. 0 unleae appucable law provide. m .n.a., Ina[ all Caret <br />rest by Lon a er enm dr apprea IFS loll, wine m and ,veer. a)r -able ina le. -Foam. 1 s Ise and attorney lee see 1, in <br />pow of sale. b) In >ne or mcipal o un a. ale rano .a 1 the poop. Try o o par Din a Car ms, .n,., parr Iran. <br />or ore, any of the of in,, Trust Dead, c) a areal on dine Noolq al Como pail ,al -the Note, and e) interval and prncipal ,n any ,In.; find . advanced or other <br />.indebtedness assured n.rmyf m. <br />Borrower mall keep The Properly in good r. and shall n o, aearmraion or the Properly. Borrows shall keep .,a <br />a. Ind a1n me Pro party and c, -coo any o m. FI In mpuan with .11 eor tall a mama one re9,la m,r req,he -,lu aloe nw 1 um 0.a <br />To zOnmg r.gunnons, building Codes. environmental law. and the prcvlslore of the Amerrlcan wllhB Di a abumes sACT (ADA). all a v hereafter <br />.mm o lee. Borrow,, ,har msaidelr sari , Lender ins of am actual , lhra nsa a r pr, damn. t enmr any ace ch mrw orama regmatmn <br />to friction oagamat the Properly or me Borrower. .Borrower .hall Abe solely responsible for dam Imem niry And hole Len a.r, its alien o6, Gluier., game. B. <br />one . signs from and against any and all I... damage. Tout,, ..pan„ ur faphly a r In. , l If ,r atmh lahl, to B,rr, w era Ail— or refusal m comply fully Cwith me <br />.equestrienne -earl. <br />1. If Borrow*, Ji to a) m r pay the premiums air me required Insurance of the Property, or b) par t. and assessments before delinquent, o of pay <br />any . l due under a prior mortgage I dead r lie before dean e r a) m me Properly in good taxes <br />e) perform any of Th. us y <br />alteem •,t¢ or 0i¢ Trust Coed, than Lander may a osonon pay Such in a premiums, Te mortgage o n deed par mentc� o Th site to p ors and .... <br />sbmvs <br />each a one lake such action a. 11 deems n Cary 1. pr U l act its Into real r withinaI waiving or Texas. Its right to declare a delaull and a celmate the debt a uma <br />hmeby <br />sums <br />of any such failure Of the Borrower. Any i o disbursed by the Lender shall C additional Indebtedness of Borrower secured by this Trust <br />Deed antl eM1 ell bear Int l fm the Sale of cald.ra,ment al [the ra a payable antler the Note. Nothing lcontained Ia Th,, paragraph .hall r,gas, [antler to make any <br />Such di¢au r ¢.manic or lake any action whatsoever. <br />6 Lender may make 0 e to Is made reasonable a upon and 'n,,*Ct,,n, of the Property. <br />B. <br />AT the r,l-o of Leader, Ind Borrower chill Imnle M1n Lender wild It. —va,a financial a within 120 days alter the and of borrowers fiscal year. All <br />I ran dal statements for Thal year ahall IncWae a balance meet and In and expense statements n tend shall be p,,pand in ordance with generally accepted <br />unling apn o Tip— applied 0 1 bi¢ie. Th- Be r owe, Third l Tarify TM1e a e being t and -,,act In cTh day. alt., .quest by Len tler. <br />Borrower shall also lumlen Bon cw -.¢ll .cn aCull of lease. and Such statement. <br />..formation with tic p a It Ice ClBmmweYC financial condition and Turner, <br />operations ac Lender may reasonably request from inn. to Jim.. <br />10. Tne proceeds of any Award o claim for damages. direct o sequential, in win any Condemnation o oTh,, taking of the Properly, or Carl <br />to....L for lm"n nndem arced a Fare by a eipned -antl nail be paida Lands IM1e of Th. lull a of IM1e ing unpaid <br />indebted- eta c ured by this in <br />Deed. It the Properly a Alan tl ones by Borrower, or it after ,notice by lLendet o Borrower that The Condemnor ,Iles T make an <br />are and o arks utlfm for damages, Borrower load respond To Lord, F within 30 day. alts Th, data n motion .Lender utFOraed t toile[ and apply <br />TM1e pm ce aaC t ache a red by this Trust Deed. Condemnation Proceeds , shall be 6cr added notice <br />last maturing ri tallmmb 01 the Indebtedness <br />secured and shill notamend e or secured <br />One the due date of the installments referred to n paragraphs 1 and < he, Ol eor cM1 ease the ta ants of such installments, <br />11 If Ina Lender ssue. a Cartel release of this Trust Deed, the pro ¢.aria resolved th—sr Shall he credit etl to the Iasi mooring installments of TM1e Ihaeelel.... <br />assured hrreay. <br />1v If Lance, or Trust,, miner rtrun ardy or -lantanlr b.Come. a pan, to any amt or legal proceeding ulanng 10 the Properly. Not. or has Trust Deed, Than <br />Borrower win reimburse the Lender and Trustee let a1 T am re ram. a ner f... Insured by me Lender and Troy, ..ueng m uch amt or legal Proceedings <br />and Bela Sums shall III w. additional Indebtedness assured by me Treat Coed and bear Interest at the rate pares. order the Nola, undl paid. <br />A. ale m.onm . curry, IT .... win dark hereby date.. add dram a ratty interest m Lender In All of the leaves, rent,, de p o Fill, r accounts <br />ran .., a ,roc, to yalh ea, Jyffrds. proceeds, lane c a payment, and in at any lyp• whin- ar, proven, future o aft., -a rte to g, relating m e Properly <br />or .... <br />the thereof (harem -Senior) This Is a pee .i grin and open Thin True' Dead, the Lender dry m n Carl. had be raga, am,r ,ama <br />and hmama against, , void aOl• Or era mfr patens. a of partbe mauamg any subsequent purchase,, icon gages. beneficiary, n n bankrupmy. general <br />Creditor. w reek, and any other Ilion To ar of claim ,i Provided h.w , Lora., .hall - any of marl, Tall,m ,m tint Bar n default <br />under any of me forms al m. Note of line Trust Deed. upon delaull, au Rant, sit a 11 be paid deeply Lender and Lender may notrry the Tenants, any other parties in <br />possession of the Properly, o env ether person obligated to pay Rands to par all me Roma directly to Lord,,. Borrower Ir sift' s and amborsas each <br />pare on owing Ra rot to par the IT to London upon demand by Lends, without dellwy to he paying parry a whether Borrower la n default. If the p•rvoe owirg <br />Rents Togo ens proof a .¢lgnm•m has lean made producing a copy of thin Toy, Dead shall c nsfion ,e nstle proof of the and IT rrow.r aumoraa. <br />Lender To Carl... thin Trust Dead. upon default. Lender ,nag be emm.a to take p.J,.a.Ifn of, repair, rent nd manage the Property and pay Om 01 Rame .cmeea au <br />as mesa and s incurred with any ramamIng .man ca o he alto led 1. m. last maturing 'meadmand .1 nth. debt a. arse by Thin Trust Daee. Racaiot of game Shall cure not any default. -Thus preveal. o the collection of Parts O of any of uThe foregoing ^gre Shall not be deemed 0 Continued to < n.thure Lander as <br />momgagn O any ,flat person In possession of the Properly o Olhom Lender Is take any action what. o ever an no contained retain o lake, <br />her dun le, shall btntl Lana ar 1. Th. p to —anpe of the to, me and provisions a1 any last. Or other contracts entered into by Borrower and Borrower shill indeemnity and <br />n old Lender her mlecv against any such Same, <br />Vi11 hln ten (10) days after .... al, the Borrow" Shall nu.noin Lende a loose schedule, Cartl..d 10 by Borrower, setting forth all losses .lacing to the Property am <br />the to and condition. and ouch other Information and documents with respect to oak I..... ad Lender may request Without the p,Is, c of Th a <br />Lender, mIn. Borrow., .1.11 r will respect la any lead. (a) accept or permit a.r Poidarmenl, BeIF TOU nr, o adva... rail p.yam• 11.....I., m .1 on ,mho <br />(l) velum emir s set or terminate me a accept any CAT, eluh on. Ie en a er In ere of, or parmh any . which would Ships the Lessee Ice <br />male or <br />me (c) amend, momq me rr.don nth, that. of, the parahl. that .rte ar change any n, wa1 pia <br />m brain o imdr' (a) wane ,any default m.e.unde, or b.¢n Thereof, a(a) give any a approval thereunder o oake any other a <br />der. wan oo with me L.. Inor unes, mh wrFrl hay m. hurt .f Impai m. thin vela, afar L.. thereunder, in, p„P.rq .uhf.. mar .1 <br />all gma the m inn ca icemen 01 the Trustee or Lender or (f) art, asclgn. pled.., mortgage o, otherwise a dispose of or anstar a It, interest m any such lease or any <br />,onto I. cr Crohn i, urns , arising thereunder . <br />a eA[ Any ,I The fnuowlog anal be learned a of rl.l.ub (h.ram 'amaulP) unit,, This Trust D,. a: (a) broad m par any in rum Tan of principal IF <br />any o: a, , urea hereby when do., (e) a breach or default under any c of agreement or Borrower In III, Trust Bees. m. Note o a., Omer agreements <br />an red o by c Borrower with Larger relating the Ineam.aneaa . maoF.ela (T) any representation . mast. by the I).....or horrid, <br />hb.altm - pursuant to Dike le e hereof. or g"ad 10 < ect— n .wnm Bnu any ina.laddele s ,red n... by Should To blame e0 hasaaamg, OT (a) Tl me Trust., to a <br />corporation am there i, change n ownership of 50% o aof ma corporation 'a Face or aCTh. Trust., I. a Cards, ship or Iimn.e .ahluly Company and mere 1e . <br />change I, m, mrmbsrahly a riee.Iunion of ma eannersnlp or hill liability company or II au o any Dan of the Property o any III al m•eem i. a••dea, III by <br />ana Comnct.r, las ssa wan op. on Ice purchase, or otherwise eo veyee, agenand 0, Turner orcumbererd either sownuruy 0, nvonmarily without Lenders prior wraun <br />consent s. In me a of default Lender a option may cedar, all of me a secured by this Trust Dead to b. imm.aiadly au, and parable vdJ further <br />demand and may in vO k• me power 01 stem anelor any other remedial permuted by 11 of cable law Inclmmg Th• right m pool. se this Trust Does tin me m er Ivydea <br />by law air ma foreclosure of mortgages ad rCl estate land., .hall be aninea to C.InF all ,.a.. nail, T,Its and r.pbnabs no rad In pur.uing such east <br />,clueing, but not hdn dal to reasonable attorneys lose. <br />II ma power of sale is evoked, Trustee ,Fall record a notice of default in .In c unty In which ins Property o e Part Tlatest Is ated and provide n <br />Thereof In IM1e na ar pmnarlbed by aPpllcabl• law. After the lapse of such time ad may b. r•qul.d by applicable law, OTmatee mall give V.bIC nonce .1 sale to tthe <br />..none and in "ai r pre Crb.d by appliealle law. Trustee, o IM1e a hey o r for The Trustee, without demand on Borrower Thai 1 air TM1e Properly at <br />FLIT, au to the hlgrhem ,totler at in, time and place add anelor The term' designated r ice the n of Sale in r parmis am in a.I ,,der ad Trustee <br />may delermrne. Trust.. may postpone sale of ill or any Cartel at the Properly by public announcement at the Time and plate or any pre vi ou v It $I .dales self. Lender <br />or Lender eeall or purchase m. property at any one <br />U res ei pt of payment m ma price bra, Trustee mail delver To the pre maism a Trust. s De. e, without warranty, c raying me pro perry ,01st. Tn. t• ilam in The <br />Trustee Be.e shall he prima fact..,loans..1 me 1 wh .f me t mad. therein Tr, t1 e, an au aPPp Inv ped seed aO Ol m. sale n m. to uo w In, error (a) to me <br />ana .v p..,.a 01 . cmg me p of Sale a .,)In. sae Inc lading ms payment of Trust., sea, a -er fee., ors of w1• slams. and me I•ec aaa <br />am ram of any duenma r engaged 1. mT.t n me stale (h) 1, .n . d Try thin T..m Deed, (r) to the wrment of hind, rust eased, icon gag as or oth., lion <br />hold•,., and (al m. ea & u A.,, 10 me person or. persons legally en rrn e a .thereto. <br />Bon o war air... CI 11. premised upon sale by the Trustee or ludIClal Cale. TM1e purchaser .Fall rave all lights avalla die In law o equity to obtdtn <br />poses Con If IM1e Properly , .,let o eupame Thereof. 11 she Pro parry is by Borow•, d a Carding unit and the Borrower a occupy the Property <br />alter The Sale. The Borrower, at purchasers election, anal) be seemed occupying The Properly under a opal agreement Immlnalla a will add may cbe a 11.d by TM1e <br />pumM1aser unabr Th. pr win ice nS of the Uniform Re Ademial Landlord and Tenant AIL Borrower w any right t0 a lury rlal in any e n pr. Cardin g a. B. r.war sM11 <br />be liable l0 par Ch.... lot IM1e lad' r tall value of I1r Property for any time Borrower Continues To occupy or with m ld po s c e c.In rof oM1e Property antl all cone ana <br />ate ms leeF in eclo with any e n Croce dirk.. <br />e If m0e a a ltipb po perlies securing the 'mdebeeaneae 6 red by this Trust Deed, for the purpose 01 any deficiency a slang aft et 1 01 The <br />power dale, me pa hie agree That Len tler .1 a Shall un nd IFS tae of .uch pm p ar IFat Lender bloc This. CIF. pow <br />of um on has teem sole aT vane:. ,a1.. tLeader may Clem red t .Ci's Bile Pow cot sale or Freely.. d any property, In ,01. di[.rand, aAnd any property <br />solo Bhau n any Calculation, far Turn n. Cr iva.mnm.e The parties further agrar ma me fair makn value of the Properly for any deficiency am lm <br />mil be m. higher Of. enter meoa nt lie ly the rig hen bra der a me public &&Ie or (b) me rued as determined by m independent licensed or registered appraiser in <br />Nal.ak a, ace mime nr l.. nary red.T.a lr the man prwaNna r-JIM. Bemmrna.n mp.. sal nr ....find property <br />Anti nub ea, a -ra hr Lm a.r In nma any ream . remedy n.r,under, . otherwise afforded by applicable law, anal rot be a waiver of or preclude me <br />ewer ¢e o1 my such right o , medy 'red Fader rot ,I So, huse of ell,. bream ve by dre B.r.wer, <br />t n. Au, provleaa n Into Trued Deed are rd1i and cumulative t0 any other right 0 covey Unae, the. Troy, Deed o amides by law o many, and may <br />hs , e.a a-- emry. Feely.- o successively. n Borrower has gm.r Lender a ¢must icon aag.. o .viii eaves m.m an parson a1 Properly a aaebmnm <br />ratty is <br />m debt earned hmeby, to me a Sol default hereunder or thereunder, Lereor .1.11 I.e. m. right and option o 'let me.emse o said persona properly <br />without Pro udie. 10 to nght m th —cfar B,It vent <br />m.emse the Property or to pursue all security at m. Sam. time or Co purr.. Th, par. o. at ,,.part, aft., m. Fair or <br />forecod— 01 the Property. <br />1st. f the obit g ate 0n secured hereby has been satisfied, the Lender shall, Upon W request by the borrow., of Borrowed s inter•at or <br />designated tmr s a. Stairs. d lZr a dead UI re ,.y.,,. a re ridable Ism only a ured by thee Tru St.,_ Tn side ah all rte ray the Properly without warranty To IM1e <br />p...On Or Pe rs env legally entitled thereto. The Borrower Borrowers successor m Interest or p.rT, Annealing the re Convyan Ce shall pay all Could incident to the <br />prep air ion of me rf .... no, and rbceraaln, direct II any <br />1g. Tmatee may nbe Lando,, legal c nor Trust„ shall not be uahla air any action taken In good farm and the parties he.,. anal indemnity And hold harmless <br />Truss.• for al acts O c. pt for acts of gross nag Stan Or bad faith. Lmavc m Lenders option, may firm Ii iournt f . 11 <br />e,lor, .x ro m The <br />tiling for r. ore In she ollloe 1 the Re gla ter ru Dee ea In the County In which this Trust <br />trus Deed le recorded a sub BtlT mien of Trustee . The new trustee Thal vu cc od d all <br />The pow eft Cd duties, autoomy and WIe 01 The Trucbe named -earn or any successor trusts,, <br />PATH LM. (t/BB) Page v 0l a <br />O BB9B <br />