THIS MEDT OLEO i, made This 15th day m April 2003 by and between Ins T-1.1,
<br />Michael L Carman and Debra J Carman - husband and wife
<br />(herein -Borrowers. Security Federal Savings a Federal Savings Bank v'
<br />(herein -nual- ), and the Benalciary. Security Federal Savings- a Federal Savings Bank . \Z^
<br />(Herein
<br />WRROWEK In conandaratten of the indebtedness herein m imd ens the Trust Herein created, it r evoeabiy grants and convoys to Trustee, In Trust, with the POWER
<br />OF SALE, the following described property located in the county of Hall , state of Nebraska
<br />Lot 8, in Westwood Park Fifth Subdivision in the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska
<br />TooEIHER with all nuutlings. futures, and improvements n r hereafter a clm thereon and all rights of way, easements, Inaeenotd Interests Tests, Issues,
<br />prom e, In , nnemmmenu, Iii,logas, Appurtenance, Wroya Thee, and mineral OIL gas and water rights thereunto sbelonging, used o enjoyed with uia mm
<br />or any part u 1, au of wnlc n, including replacement, and additions thereto .ball be deemed to be and re a part of the properly Covered by me Trust ...if and
<br />air nl me mregnmg logsmer with said pro pefir are herein bred to a the - Propmnr li o rPo mrin., pleas en and assigns to Londe V all right Ilne and is Israel to
<br />An y and au mom ee on do's m It with any coy, c my, public body o agency. sanitary district gas and /or electric company, telephone company and any other body or
<br />agency for maugalmn fir rat IM1e inslMlatlon of any utilities o improvements parummg m the Property.
<br />m Thos
<br />TO SECOND m Land@, thin repayment of Indebtedness evidenced by Borrewmre note dated April 15th _ 2003_ , (hei an
<br />'Note") in the prncipal mum of a 50,000.00, with a final maturity, it nth sooner paid, of May tat , 2006
<br />and as eecuh, for any wwre advances 1111 may b@ made by Lender to Borrower from time to limit antl as security for the payment of any and all other In emhloenmma
<br />of the Borrower to 11. Lender which They now .flat or hereafter arise, all of said sum, net to sac .1 m the Al a ,um m ,al m fine, nines Ib, onginm prat siwl
<br />ammuni of the above molted Nora.
<br />BORROWER covenants that Borrower ill lawlully s rzed of the Property hereby conveyed and has IN right to grant and Convey the Property, that the Property Is
<br />unoncu mb,md by any mortgage, Trust deed, < r c „ , to purchase, or otherwise, except for a tat Lien
<br />in favor of Security Federal Sayings Which the paid balanc on this date does nth exceed
<br />s 45,000 _ Borrower covename to comply wile all the brats and prov¢IOnm of any prior mortgage, Trust deed or
<br />comran to purchase. upon the Property and to make in payments th r— color. they become delinquent. B no name or amount is Inserted in this paragraph, then
<br />Borrower covenants that Thera are no prior lions of any kind upon the Property. Borrower wither 0 ... name to warrant and defend the ten, to the Property against ml
<br />vlamn antl tlanhandle. Ii Agnes to execute and deliver from time to time such hurt., instrument. a, may h, requested by Lender in form and substance
<br />satisfactory to Lender to confirm the lien of this Trust Deed on any of the aforementioned Property.
<br />Borrower and lender further Covenant and agree as follows'.
<br />1. Burrow@, shall promptly pay when due The principal and Interest on The Indebtedness evidenced by the Note.
<br />A. FI lea n days they become delmque , Borrower snag pay ag t and .Facia a a le vind n ..d ago The Property, any par
<br />marool, dno al u , Iwl.. and a .ntsml.vl.d upon In Lust Deed of The debt whim u s and ag npaym monetary obligations regmred of the o
<br />of the no
<br />under any c 66eacl.r a l o n, At reemenl, on elthen o restrictions refusing is the Properly o any modification thereof. m the m of the
<br />passed. of An, law .hanging otne collection of such taxes o ants s as m impair the security of this Lust Deed of the homer hereof o changing in any way
<br />1be .-A for he tdation m inn D dal o, debts secured by Trust n Deeds so
<br />a and focal purposes the Lender shall have the right b declare all a secured
<br />hereby due and Paydm. 'm tuft a of a dal. b be ,pecm@d by not leas than thirty (30) days prior written norce to Burrower, provided however, that such election ,hall
<br />Is in v Borrower Is permitted by la o pay th whole of such tax In addition to all other payments required hereunder and If on,, m specified date does
<br />pay ouch la and agrees to pay the .am, who, I .... it .r a ...... it b—anm Estate delinquency.
<br />3. Some w or shall keep the Ind pr... most, and buildings, it any, upon the Property insured. with 1 company o companies approved by the Lender, for a
<br />net I@sm than m@ ,,paid Ea ante on the in gem Brines.. by This Trust Dead with . standard mortgage clause with 10 89 parable to the Lender n the Property I,
<br />now o, hereafter Io, mind I. a fli na gaol a a Bmruwer snag, at nut @xp,na,, acqub, and at all times m n Imo in r the Pr Mry In m for n
<br />less than the unpaid valance on the -I memednese secured by Thle Tuet Deed with a andard mortgage clause with to$$ payable to the Lender. Lender MAY charge
<br />Borrower nut NO Ind, for the of e.t mac seemfor the Property a Flood hazard a 11 .,cooled by Lender the Borrower .eau obtain and a mI time,
<br />maintain < mprebansiv@ gMeral public uabuuy in the Property for rat sathan $t000,000,00 per o with an aggregate Coverage of
<br />$2000,000 00 and an umbr ells ro fey In a r no, lead tithe, $1 raft 000 0o. Borth wear Ceti drive, ,aid ii or p,lm1„ to occurrence
<br />Lamer.
<br />In The of a me Borrower ,nail give prompt notice to the and the Lender and tide a prom of I... If the Burr otherwise
<br />m
<br />a,uld the Borrower may .feet rr apply me default ce proceeds u repair o repro Note damaged Property, ti r carry fe replace and the s damaged Prot role rr „I Deed
<br />would nth ee you Id Put II ma Borrowl I. m default nne er a re Trust .Thin or me rvom o d Borrower tit insurance o e ds s me ee Appal rto the',
<br />payments m.m s on n tot . Day Ice pro , s a why es this f Lfa Deed tent s be secured paa.d t e excess sit shall be Applied he b me fast ..Turing
<br />ranee
<br />pay. m due o the time. n themin Thai proceeds are o e of the tool a time by ThIndurug domed, the a ,nag tic prep t the Borrower. Insurance
<br />ant n . r .o.,e mount .eau ac.a, o
<br />pro ems for repair or re placemen eM1all b, placed In es wM1M1 I1e Lan d el and disbursed by Lender during o upon c mplehon of sit cF repair or and avem enl.
<br />0. Upon the request fl Lend eL for the purposes of w providing a fund for the payment of taxes. special Assessments and In a p,emlumq Borrower shall
<br />cep os with Landes o th. dates That pay. a due o the Note, a equal to the t and (Insurance premiums read due All a iced
<br />by the Lantlm, I.,o a an,ady d,posleds theremQ divided by then number of payments one the Note assessments
<br />will b,corn, due p o the data when such)
<br />and In eepremiums tun become duo and payable. In addition Lender may require Borrower m make a w deposit and to nom er brInd
<br />,mbmn during, u, .f the log the counted undo , law Ides law r fha appf,aul, escrow
<br />rename mortgage ma
<br />wnled...r is Or.a or, said 'units was de held by t . Lender m no, - t hearing . ,a o de Purposes set lone above, n 1 ants of these
<br />,uln, inn . Part ..., a..... memo and insurance premium, a, they become doe, alit n Borrow,, Teal upon 11,111T, Pay Lando, the amount necessary
<br />to make up me deficiency.
<br />FI2855 LMD (2Mft)
<br />,a...
<br />Page 1 01 3
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<br />200304975
<br />TRUST
<br />DEED
<br />THIS MEDT OLEO i, made This 15th day m April 2003 by and between Ins T-1.1,
<br />Michael L Carman and Debra J Carman - husband and wife
<br />(herein -Borrowers. Security Federal Savings a Federal Savings Bank v'
<br />(herein -nual- ), and the Benalciary. Security Federal Savings- a Federal Savings Bank . \Z^
<br />(Herein
<br />WRROWEK In conandaratten of the indebtedness herein m imd ens the Trust Herein created, it r evoeabiy grants and convoys to Trustee, In Trust, with the POWER
<br />OF SALE, the following described property located in the county of Hall , state of Nebraska
<br />Lot 8, in Westwood Park Fifth Subdivision in the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska
<br />TooEIHER with all nuutlings. futures, and improvements n r hereafter a clm thereon and all rights of way, easements, Inaeenotd Interests Tests, Issues,
<br />prom e, In , nnemmmenu, Iii,logas, Appurtenance, Wroya Thee, and mineral OIL gas and water rights thereunto sbelonging, used o enjoyed with uia mm
<br />or any part u 1, au of wnlc n, including replacement, and additions thereto .ball be deemed to be and re a part of the properly Covered by me Trust ...if and
<br />air nl me mregnmg logsmer with said pro pefir are herein bred to a the - Propmnr li o rPo mrin., pleas en and assigns to Londe V all right Ilne and is Israel to
<br />An y and au mom ee on do's m It with any coy, c my, public body o agency. sanitary district gas and /or electric company, telephone company and any other body or
<br />agency for maugalmn fir rat IM1e inslMlatlon of any utilities o improvements parummg m the Property.
<br />m Thos
<br />TO SECOND m Land@, thin repayment of Indebtedness evidenced by Borrewmre note dated April 15th _ 2003_ , (hei an
<br />'Note") in the prncipal mum of a 50,000.00, with a final maturity, it nth sooner paid, of May tat , 2006
<br />and as eecuh, for any wwre advances 1111 may b@ made by Lender to Borrower from time to limit antl as security for the payment of any and all other In emhloenmma
<br />of the Borrower to 11. Lender which They now .flat or hereafter arise, all of said sum, net to sac .1 m the Al a ,um m ,al m fine, nines Ib, onginm prat siwl
<br />ammuni of the above molted Nora.
<br />BORROWER covenants that Borrower ill lawlully s rzed of the Property hereby conveyed and has IN right to grant and Convey the Property, that the Property Is
<br />unoncu mb,md by any mortgage, Trust deed, < r c „ , to purchase, or otherwise, except for a tat Lien
<br />in favor of Security Federal Sayings Which the paid balanc on this date does nth exceed
<br />s 45,000 _ Borrower covename to comply wile all the brats and prov¢IOnm of any prior mortgage, Trust deed or
<br />comran to purchase. upon the Property and to make in payments th r— color. they become delinquent. B no name or amount is Inserted in this paragraph, then
<br />Borrower covenants that Thera are no prior lions of any kind upon the Property. Borrower wither 0 ... name to warrant and defend the ten, to the Property against ml
<br />vlamn antl tlanhandle. Ii Agnes to execute and deliver from time to time such hurt., instrument. a, may h, requested by Lender in form and substance
<br />satisfactory to Lender to confirm the lien of this Trust Deed on any of the aforementioned Property.
<br />Borrower and lender further Covenant and agree as follows'.
<br />1. Burrow@, shall promptly pay when due The principal and Interest on The Indebtedness evidenced by the Note.
<br />A. FI lea n days they become delmque , Borrower snag pay ag t and .Facia a a le vind n ..d ago The Property, any par
<br />marool, dno al u , Iwl.. and a .ntsml.vl.d upon In Lust Deed of The debt whim u s and ag npaym monetary obligations regmred of the o
<br />of the no
<br />under any c 66eacl.r a l o n, At reemenl, on elthen o restrictions refusing is the Properly o any modification thereof. m the m of the
<br />passed. of An, law .hanging otne collection of such taxes o ants s as m impair the security of this Lust Deed of the homer hereof o changing in any way
<br />1be .-A for he tdation m inn D dal o, debts secured by Trust n Deeds so
<br />a and focal purposes the Lender shall have the right b declare all a secured
<br />hereby due and Paydm. 'm tuft a of a dal. b be ,pecm@d by not leas than thirty (30) days prior written norce to Burrower, provided however, that such election ,hall
<br />Is in v Borrower Is permitted by la o pay th whole of such tax In addition to all other payments required hereunder and If on,, m specified date does
<br />pay ouch la and agrees to pay the .am, who, I .... it .r a ...... it b—anm Estate delinquency.
<br />3. Some w or shall keep the Ind pr... most, and buildings, it any, upon the Property insured. with 1 company o companies approved by the Lender, for a
<br />net I@sm than m@ ,,paid Ea ante on the in gem Brines.. by This Trust Dead with . standard mortgage clause with 10 89 parable to the Lender n the Property I,
<br />now o, hereafter Io, mind I. a fli na gaol a a Bmruwer snag, at nut @xp,na,, acqub, and at all times m n Imo in r the Pr Mry In m for n
<br />less than the unpaid valance on the -I memednese secured by Thle Tuet Deed with a andard mortgage clause with to$$ payable to the Lender. Lender MAY charge
<br />Borrower nut NO Ind, for the of e.t mac seemfor the Property a Flood hazard a 11 .,cooled by Lender the Borrower .eau obtain and a mI time,
<br />maintain < mprebansiv@ gMeral public uabuuy in the Property for rat sathan $t000,000,00 per o with an aggregate Coverage of
<br />$2000,000 00 and an umbr ells ro fey In a r no, lead tithe, $1 raft 000 0o. Borth wear Ceti drive, ,aid ii or p,lm1„ to occurrence
<br />Lamer.
<br />In The of a me Borrower ,nail give prompt notice to the and the Lender and tide a prom of I... If the Burr otherwise
<br />m
<br />a,uld the Borrower may .feet rr apply me default ce proceeds u repair o repro Note damaged Property, ti r carry fe replace and the s damaged Prot role rr „I Deed
<br />would nth ee you Id Put II ma Borrowl I. m default nne er a re Trust .Thin or me rvom o d Borrower tit insurance o e ds s me ee Appal rto the',
<br />payments m.m s on n tot . Day Ice pro , s a why es this f Lfa Deed tent s be secured paa.d t e excess sit shall be Applied he b me fast ..Turing
<br />ranee
<br />pay. m due o the time. n themin Thai proceeds are o e of the tool a time by ThIndurug domed, the a ,nag tic prep t the Borrower. Insurance
<br />ant n . r .o.,e mount .eau ac.a, o
<br />pro ems for repair or re placemen eM1all b, placed In es wM1M1 I1e Lan d el and disbursed by Lender during o upon c mplehon of sit cF repair or and avem enl.
<br />0. Upon the request fl Lend eL for the purposes of w providing a fund for the payment of taxes. special Assessments and In a p,emlumq Borrower shall
<br />cep os with Landes o th. dates That pay. a due o the Note, a equal to the t and (Insurance premiums read due All a iced
<br />by the Lantlm, I.,o a an,ady d,posleds theremQ divided by then number of payments one the Note assessments
<br />will b,corn, due p o the data when such)
<br />and In eepremiums tun become duo and payable. In addition Lender may require Borrower m make a w deposit and to nom er brInd
<br />,mbmn during, u, .f the log the counted undo , law Ides law r fha appf,aul, escrow
<br />rename mortgage ma
<br />wnled...r is Or.a or, said 'units was de held by t . Lender m no, - t hearing . ,a o de Purposes set lone above, n 1 ants of these
<br />,uln, inn . Part ..., a..... memo and insurance premium, a, they become doe, alit n Borrow,, Teal upon 11,111T, Pay Lando, the amount necessary
<br />to make up me deficiency.
<br />FI2855 LMD (2Mft)
<br />,a...
<br />Page 1 01 3
<br />