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200304975 <br />2o. Borrower ngueaII mat ,.plea o1 any hot I do o1 it ofGo1 and nund. of sale S. mend l0 4152 Elmwood Grand Island NE 88803 <br />11 the Emmwer w Glenna Cush atlareve or m. par. on malgnilea to inn Gold. men Borrower must The a separate request for such notice with m. <br />Realstar of Deeds of .each county In which the Propervi le located Getting forth lchevn and address ul me person to whom notice Is to be sent, and ldentit i; mm <br />True t Dead by s Aing the n of the part... harem, me data Ii w crded and athe In mbar or book and page thereof, 11 n aepv Ingumin Is <br />[hart Ihen notice tmailed to the names <br />and address ¢et feno above shall be seemed legally c rnchusbe as notice in the Burrow,, nutvithetandinn any Subsequent death, <br />In ca p dolly or dhormily, or change of address mar a al status, name, capacity or embershi p. G <br />21, Borrowers warrant and rep, .... t that no ha—dous material has been placed, hold, located or disposed of on. antler or t the Property and no underground <br />crane to ka he a been in oilbd, used o n the Property and men Is n slinaliory G,do, m Iaigalien with lisp Kt to hazardous substances o underground <br />storing an k¢ relating t the Properly, Borrowers agrees 1 not use, generate, etora or mEO- of or permit the use, generation, storage, or disposal of any hazareoue <br />magrIal tabove, in under the Property now any future time and shall not Install ,nd,rgr,u,d storage tank, upon the Ropmty, If It is determined At any time <br />that there i e hazard.. m the III located above, .n under the Property, which under a vital law mgulre a special handling, a collection, storage, <br />Friction r alSp teal, me Borrower shall Commerce wdnln Thirty (30) days after nonce thereof a mr, e.panna to comply with all such a emal requirement. <br />,vilm Gem comply with such environmental repulnmGnts snap c .m 01 default under this Trust Uoorower agrees m imermaym and hale harmless <br />Lender against and from any and an claims. costs and proceedings, which may be asserted against tend„ relating to arising from .nmmnm.m» matter. laws or <br />regular..... This meelumhcabon mall survive notwithstanding the ..m n., I me power of sale, toIchesure or deed of re o veysnce. <br />zz F.Amahon ci me time for payment t no modification of any o GI any the Indebtedness to any s of m. E. —Fier shall n Gratin. <br />to raAAS. m Any m me Hal Gf B,Tow ar. Without affecting the nliabilny of any other person Il airs for hhe a payment not any obllgalmn I, ... I, mentioned, and <br />w hot or. affecting the shen G charge of role nest Deed upon any portion of me Property n man o thereafter released a security for me III amount aof au unpaid <br />Ohligathen. Lamer may, from tl o lime and w'e nom notice (t) release any person so liable, (2) .need the maturity o alter •any of me ter of suc G LAAdt..... (a) <br />grant other Indulgences, (4) r,leaea o vey o o be re conveyed a any time ar Lander, GpliGn any pat-I portion a all m the Property. (s) take or ideas. <br />any other G, additional security for any obligation heromsmer,, had <br />make compositions c mbar arrangements wnb debtor$ m mlitioo therein. <br />za. Thin Trust Used shag c security agreement and 1wme fens under m@ provisions of the Nebraska unHO,m Commercial code whin respect m inn.. <br />lone a <br />phut es Constituting a pan of the r Ins n tom po with all mode property Borrower i or d raver m,nea a n ma Property. Lender snag nave a me rights me <br />rem edies m a —wed patty under me umb.m poor Code .n aaaufon no me rights aria remedies created under and accordance ro Lander pursuant m lob nosh <br />U..d. <br />24. This True, Deed shall be governed by me law. of the Stare of Nebraska. <br />25. The c and agreements n shall Fund, and ,n. Fight, tell shall inure, to the respective heirs, represemdnve¢, . and <br />eeiare of in. ptru San All C and rig o, m e no not lemr —, shall be joint And Several Whenever reference is made to the airs n ulv rim eunJm, II shall el include the <br />pwral and the plural Ghau Im a, In. on solar. <br />s WRNEYY WHEREOF Benower ha. alert this Tics, Deed /L /' <br />Q.GL/�. —o. / v / PX /r/ig <br />r or ichael L Corman BurrGw.r Debra J Cor an <br />ACKNOWLEDGMENTS <br />STATE OF Nebraska The foregoing In bit acknowledged before me this 15th aay o1 April <br />County o1 Lancaster 2003 , , Fy Michael L Corrigan and Debra J Corman husband and wife <br />STATE OF <br />County Cl <br />STATE OF <br />County of <br />STATE OF <br />Doupy of <br />STATE OF _ <br />of County of <br />R2e55 I (2 /o.) <br />ofaS. <br />Th, foregoing inst,,m,,t was aGlar— Ii before me this day of <br />The foregoing In trument was acknowledged before me this <br />by <br />Th, b,eaome instrument was acknowl.diea pride me mI. <br />day of <br />orporanon, on bdomf of the corporation <br />aay m <br />a partner, on behalf GI <br />a partnership, <br />Entered on numermm !,do, and Tba for record In the Remelt of T.C. 01 Card county m. day <br />, an o mock and min ices <br />M„ and recorded In Oook <br />B.gLbr or Dead, <br />Page b of a <br />A, van. <br />Deputy <br />