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- ��aa�; <br /> � �f�� <br /> � <br /> � � <br /> ��� <br /> � �f <br /> ,�r��. <br />.:.�J��,-. . . . <br /> � <br /> 4. <br /> '�,w" . <br />' ;�. �.� 9 6-� '�('.'�9��3 <br /> acarnst�u!u�e monthly insfa!lments ol Funds.!f the amount ot tne Funds he�d by aenel;ciary s,haN not be sutlicient to pay�axes,asse:;sment;. <br /> �;�� ;nsurance premiu�^rs and grour.d rents as they lal!due, Trusror sha/l pay fo Beneficrary anv amount necessar�to make up t�e deficioncy within tliir!y <br /> ,�1'��'�, day�/ro m'th,e da'e r,otice is mailed by Br!neliciary ro Trusror requesPin_q payment;hereoL 'Jpon paymer,t irt,'ull ol al!indabtedness.BeneRCiary shall � <br /> i "�t �. cro.^�pU}'rehind t0 Trusror arry Funds held by BeneECiary.N the 7rust Property is sold un�er the power o!sak or fhe 7rust Properry rs otl�rwise <br /> '}�� acqui2•c'Cy 9eaelicia,y.Bene1'ciary shall appty,imrnediately pnor to the sale el the Trusi Property or itt:acquisition by Beneliciary,arry Funds hefd <br /> �'`�` t�y Be�eiiciary at the ti,o,e ol applicatron as a crndlt aga�nst 6`re Indebtedness.ff Beneliciary executes a wrinen wai�.e�o!Trustor's obliga6ons undor <br />'�:��±� tr�is pzragraph S, Trustcr cwer,ants and agrees ro pay,belora the same ber,ome delinquent,etl taxes,assessments,insurartce premiums,grour.d <br /> rents,ar,d afl othr.r charges w;rasn�.�ver/eviod upon or assessed,placed or made against tho Tiust ProNerty irusror lurther ag�ees,upon wrrtfen <br />�r}?" .�equest by Bone�iciary to promptly delive;ro 8eneliciary all receipts tor the paymen;ol such cha�ges.7.u;!or likewiso agrees ro pay eJl texes, <br /> assessments and other charges levied upon or assessed,p/aced or made against,or measorer/by,this Dc�ed ol Tiust or the recadafion hereof. <br /> 5. Aupl�,;a!ion ol F'ayments.A1/pay,�nents received by Bene'rciary as to arry debr,liability or o6ligaton Pn�eQ fo Cienelicr:3ry by Trustor may be applierl bj <br /> �h Bene'ic,ary to the paymert ol the lr,debtedness or to any such oiher debt.!%aArlity oi obligation,in arry order o;manner o!app/icaticn which <br /> Eer,e,'krary,.in its absolute discretion,deems appropri�ts.Unless otherwrse eJecfyd Benelicia a <br /> „�� by ry, ry^uch paymentihaAbe deemed apolied lirst <br /> .o the prrymr•nt o1 e�dvbt,Gttbility or oU!igation other fhan the Note. <br /> ^`t��`� 6. Char es;Liens. T�usror wil;i;ee the Trust Pm eT hr.e Irom all liens and encumbrances which in a � g � <br /> r� � P p �y• ny way may,in the'ud ment ol Benelicia�,ha�g <br /> -�y�.:�,,�, pnorih�over,or impair th�sr�curiry ol,this Deed ef Tius!but Trustor need not d�scharge arry such lien so torg as Trt�:tor shall a?rr.e,rn wriNr.g,to ` <br /> �''` p�y the ebiigation secured by such(ien in a manner accsp?able to Peneficiary and shal;in good/a;th ccntest such Iren by appropnate lsga! ': <br /> '� proceedings edective to praveni 1he enlorcement o/the lien ard tte loss of a.�ry interest ir.;x part o1 the rrust Property- r' <br /> �"� Z Hazard lnsu2nce. Trustor shal!iceep the truildings and other improvements nav existing or hereaRer erected on the Trust Properry insured by <br /> insurar.ce carriers sat�s'actory to 8ene`rcrary aqainst loss by/ire,hazards inc/uded in the term"extendec!cove.age"and,uch other har.ards, <br /> ��t� r.�sua;ties and con!rnaencies as may be reGuired by Bena6ciary,in such amounts and lor such penods�3s mey be requrred by Benelicrary. The <br />�` '`�; po;icy c4 insurenca shall be in lorm acceptaD/e to Aene/iciary,provide that the same mey not be cance/1eO or modlfied withouf fiheen(15)days prior <br />�,, � ✓✓ri7en notica to Renef�i,iary and sha/l have/�ss pavable provisions in)m•o��!and in lorm axeptdble 10 Beneficiary All p;emlums on insurance <br /> �, � pd�cies shall be pard in tho manner provided undsr parzgraph 4,hereol or,if not paid in such manner,by Ti.,stor makrrg pay.ment af lea�f liheen(15j <br />�.,-z,,,xs-.a; deys pner to the due data,drrectly to fhe insuranr,e carri;?r,Benelrciary sha!!hava tho r,ght t�ho/d the po�icies and�enrtvafs LhP2ol ard Tr�sf�r shal! <br /> e.� `w r premptry lumish ta Bene/�dary eli renowe/notices snd a;l paid premium re�eipfs received by!t !n no evertt she!/6ene(iciery oi Tiusfae be hefd <br />�k . respens%bfe lor lailure ro pay insursnca eremrums cr!or erry loss or damaga arising ou10!a dclect in ary po;ity or arising out t+l arry,'aiture ol any <br />��� � ;nsur3rce compeny to poy lor arry/oss or demage irtsurec�»geinst or/o:failure Dy Trus!or ro ehect the/nsu.artcs rnquiied herQUnder.!�th.e event ol <br />� � ross �r�ster shali giv�prcmpt r,r,tce Ly mai!;o the insu�ance carrler and Benelicrary.Bene%'ciary ms�make prool ol Icss i/not made prompt�y or in <br />� r Y �, pro;^e�`o;rn by irustoc AG oo;icres o,insurance and ar,y nnd aU re.unds o`une2rned p;emiums are hereLy assigned to Beneficiary as addifione! -; <br />�, . s c�r t,�/c�the payr,ien;�I M e lndebtedness.!n the e�✓ecf ol Bane;iciary's ex?rcise cl the,�wer o!sa/e ccntained he/eir„er in the event o/ <br /> c ' lciec��sure aN righ!.t,^.le anC rn;srest of 7ustor in and to any insu�ance pclic�then in lerce shali pass to the purohaser st the trushe's sa/e cr � <br /> t '� loree`osure saie.In case o!arry•/os�.the insurance proc�eds r,�a%at the optrcn e(Beneliciary,be appfiFd by 8enefiriary•upon the M,debtedness,cr - <br />'� � a�y part(ha�reel,ard;,o such cidA�and smour.!a;Bene'�ciar�n,ay deterrt„�ne;�r said m;urance proceeds,af the option c!2n_neficiar�may either .. <br /> r,e u;ed rn rep!ac�r,g or res!oriny(he Trus!PropeRy partra!!y o!tota;/y dest.roy2d!o a condi;iort satis'ac!ory to Bene`icrary:cr said insurance '�T <br /> `' "' p�ceeds.or a,vy porfion�hrreol,may be relsased to,T.-ustoc Un!ess Qenelic;ary ar,d T�us!or otherwise agree in writing,arr�such applrcab'vn ol ^� <br /> r,,,,,�'.� mscrance proceeds shal;no;extend e�pcstpcne!he due d.ate o!the�Jo;e.or a�ry installm.en[s cai:ed!or th,erein,cr ch3nge the amount o!such <br />� .�p � L�sfa'�-ner,rs. rl(he 7iust Pmperty is acqurred by Bene`ic�ary pursuar,f to the exercise of!he powe,-o/sare or orher!oreclosure,a!1 rghf,tiUe and <br /> 3 i �nr2,�sf o�;rus�o%in and ro arry irsu�ance proceeds payable as a resul,o(d2mage!o the Tiust Frorerty prior to th,e sa!e or acquisrtio.�shall pas,^to <br />�° ��' °e^e!iciary snd sha11 be spplieJ!irsf fo tne costs and exF�nses,in:!uding atfomey fees,incurred rr,coGecting such proce..YS,then in the manner <br /> 3 "� "i? <br /> ar,d in th�ordFr pr�viderl her2in. <br /> 3 � <br /> �c .. 2. Preservarion a�d rdain(enan;,e o`7rust Prcper,y T usto�WIII F�?P�J(J7B�JUI�dings and efhe�imprwemer,!s nav or herea,'fer erecfad on?he Tiusf <br /> x � `� FrrpeRy rrt gor,;repair and condition and wi/!not commit or;er,r,i;�.veste,will r,ot elter the desirn or struaura/character constrtu'inq ar�building <br /> �: nar�or herealter erect�d on 2nd const�tuting th,e Truct Proeprry witho�'the prior svritten consant o18en2liciary,wilf not do arty act or!h;ng which <br /> ' WOL'!d u^du;y impaii�r depreciaie the va�ue ol!ne?fJSf Prope,��anc�.i;l not oba:-roon the rrust�`ropery. 7rustcr wrll not remcve a�ry 1�xtu,res , <br />� �,� c^rs'i!u'rtg tho;rust Fronerty unlnss/he 5�me arn�mmedi?le,'y r�pl�C�d with like propeRy suhj�ct;o th,n(n,n nnASCCUrify interest o(this Deed el <br /> Lusr and ol at I�ns!equa!v,�!uc ond urilily, Trusfor wifl cr,n;ply witi�all present and future ordinance�,rerulali�ns ond requiremenfs o'a�ry � <br /> ��� ga��rnmcntal body whrch are applicah�e to the Tiust Fmperty and ib the cccupa�cy and use thereol.If;hi;Ueed of Zvst i,on a unil in a � <br /> condommiur-or a p;anr,�d unit da elopmer,t, Trustor shall per!orm ot;o!Trustor's oCtigations ur,der the declara!ions or covenants creatrng o� <br /> a gcr:ernrng?ta c<;ndominium or the planned unit developm,ent,the byisws ard regu/a;;ons o/the condominium or planned unit deveiopm,ent,and:he <br /> ,�1f; consb!ven'docu;nents. - <br />' 9. Insaec,•�e�.Beneliciary or i(;agents may,af all reasonable t%mes,enter upon;he 7ru57 Pro�erfy lor the ovrposo ol.n:p�;•ct:�n.Benehciary sha!!h�2 <br /> no dury;o make such insper,tipn anr�sh�l!r,ot bo li�hle fo Tiustor�r to erry person rr pe;�^e5sion i(it makes or(ails m rnake any 5uch inspectiOn. <br /> 0. Fref��:i on c.�Secmrry.1!;rustor lar(s to perform any ol;he crwenan!s anc'ag,-eemenfs contarned in this Deed o!Trust.or A arry ection er proceeding <br /> ..; i;cr,mmen.ced which does er may adversely a!'ect the Trus!Propery cr;he Gverest o!Trustor or t3ene�iciary the�ein n�fh�tlBe ol Trusror thereto, <br />� ehe�Aeneli%•ary,at its op!ion.may perinrm such covenartfs and agreements,maY.e such appean,nces,delend ogarnst and investigare such acfion <br /> or pror,eed:ng and take such other ac(ian as Benericiary�oeems necessar�to protect its;nt=res�ir,duding,but not limited to,dsbursemer,(o! � <br />, �- ' reaze:-aLle attom�y lees and entry upon the Trr�st P�operty b make repairs.,4ny amounts disbursed by 9eneliciary pursuant to Lhis paragraph 10, <br /> '� v:Lh in�er��f N�ereon,shall con;G;u(e lndebtedness oI Trustor secured ty this Cred o1 Trust.Un!�ss Tr..•s:or and 8eneficary agree to other terms ol � �� <br />� "� �.?Y"!"�'.s�ch amcunts sha�l b?ox able u on notice irom Beneliciar to 7rus7ur re uestin ment tnerec,l,and shail bea�in�erest/rum the Cate <br />+, � : 1 F / 9 9 P�Y _ <br /> y �.�. y. n/�;�,>;.��mnn!ac the�le!3u't�at� i1 arty,set lorth rn tre Note,or ofYenvise al the h�Gh�st r�te perm,tted Cy�aw Nofhing confained in lhis parayraph <br /> ��;q s'•ai+requ�re F3enr,l�cia:,�M rncur any expense or te'e any acticn hereundec 7rusror irrvocabty au7horizes and eir,paa�srs Berc/iaary ro eeter upcn <br /> y '���� tne 7rus'Property as Trusto�'s agent and,irt 7rusfor's name or otherwise to peAOrm,any and all cevenants and agrF�ments to be perfcrmed by <br /> x „� ' 7.•us;cr a>here,n prwided.9eneliciary sh,ail,at�ts opEren,be suDrogated[e any er•cumbrance,1ir;n,c/aim or demand and to a/l rignts 2nd sc-curiti?; " <br />�^���E !or the pay men(thereol paid or discharged by 9eneliciary under the prov;sior.s hereoi and arty such subrogation rights c�a7 be eddiNona!and �` <br />� _,.�* f' cumulaG�e ser_i,�ity!or this Decd o!7usL '� <br /> m <br /> � �. <br />�, ��-$ 77. Cor.dsmnaGo�. 7he procesCS el arry a,vard oi claim lor damag2s,oirecf or consequenfial,in a,nnection wrth arry conde�nnatron or ether�aking ot!Ae E. <br /> �, Tiusr Pro <br /> perty,or arry part thereol,or!or conveyance in/ieu ol or in anticipehbn ol condemnation,are hereby assigned��end shal!bo onid to j` <br />{;r � - Pc�eliciary. 7rustcr wrll lr:e sr,d pmsecu'e,in good laith and v✓ith due diligence,its c/aim for;erny suc.h award or pryme it,and�vill cnus3 the same to bo <br />�� .?� co'ecfod and paid to Beneliciary,»nd,shovld it(ail to do so, 7rustor irrcirorabty auth,orizes:dnd empowers Beneliciar;in the nam,e ol Trustcr or <br />�,y�,���y orne.,+�,;n,ro rde,��oceecr,�,sr,ttle cr compromisa arry such claim and h�col/ect,rnceipt lor and retain the proceeds /l:he 7rust Prp�,�erry is abendoned <br /> ��*�:� try 7ru;�or,oi atter no�ice by B3nefrclary ro 7rustor�het the condsmnor ollers to make an a.varc/or,etflo a c/a�m!or daroages, Trusror lsifs ro respond tn <br /> �� psrn/icrar within rhi, 30 da s aher(he date such notice is mailed,Eenehciary i,;Authonzed ro co/lect and a t the,oroc:eeds in L`e mannm <br />� ''�r''�t3 �' r'Y( ) 1 P!%Y - <br /> � �r� . ��d�ated hr.,ein. The proceeds o/a�y awa�U or claim may,atte�dedurling all reasonable costs and expenses,includinq attomry!ees,which may <br /> t ry�X.� <br /> ,�4 , cc�n i,ar�rmd by FJr,n);ciary ir,th,e cci�ec�ian thercol a.!che se/e discrehon o!Qeneliciary,be re�eased to Ti�ster,applied ro restoraGon ol ricst P�operty! <br /> t �.�;� cr ar.p!�r�lo the p�ym�nt c'the Indebiedness.Unless Beneliciary and fiustor ethenvise agree m�.�rrting,arry,uch applicatbn o1 p.roceeds to <br /> 4 f ? I r,�� a_ - ;ha��ro�nrtend or postpono the due date ol lhe Note or the paym�nt olany instailments c�llad lor thereundac <br />� �''�� 77 r✓ ror!Irt rr casn� Exfen,ion o/the time!or pa�r;ent ar modil;ca�ion ol arry nmortizahon ol Ih?Indebtedness granted:,y Beneliciary tu am� <br />� y�W vy u ��s.o rn in orn��ol rius:oi shap not opervte ro relea;o,in arn�mannar,71re liab�lity ol Trustor 3nd 7rusfor's successo,s in in�e�esf.Qenolraary•shri!! <br /> � k { r f Ge r q.� ed to cemmer,cn pror,�+n�!ing;aga:nst cuch;uccessor or mhtse lo ezte?nd Lme lr,r paymont or airerwrse moddy amortrzauon ol fhe <br />�C ,,.s t I i� .r�ir.��r�. •try rr,�;�n cl rtrry danrarid mndn trj Ti�sto�en;1 7rr�stor'S succASSOrs in intcirest. <br />�� �.,�%"�; l 7. f�n�nr.r,i,In'o�mahnn IJPon reques(o!G'enelici,�ry, 7rustor will provide fo£�enr,bda�y,wrthirr ninety/90J days of f:�e close ol each liscnl year,N <br /> � ��u,ro; � rons�liJ irr 1 hnla�rr. �,he�f and sf�femonf oi ng�nin�;Ol 7�u.".10�8nd yny tfnd,711 pudrantpr,^,ol th,e�ndChtedne5^,seri�red herery il,7ry <br /> ' './-'f'//'�(..i„•'=.i/I�?l�vr��ip fj�;/'G�(iC'�%1'y SLCh Gf`1G/11n:1R1;,�l in/pfm(1(ipl7 aIll�I!t�UCII/7)ttfi/7C;3S QPI1B/iCld��/i12y�P,�SUnd�lY K,�GUC'S7 lICn7 17/17C f0 <br /> K lln.^ <br /> � �. f�l�r�;i1!�'T/C��J/If .Ill 3�/:)i'10/1 fU e//y O7/7nl/i�lA/7C1��CtT':h3/1f�n{Ti'JStOf f�,7tjC%II 81;}�Ofht?/2qICOn7?nl,!I1Sf/ulI1C��O/[jpCUIlIE117f. T/f;SMI ShR�� <br /> „�,� r�; wn!�y.vr h�rJ;ha I c iusr,;iny and ell gya�entnis o!fhe Indebtrdness socurad hereby to comp,y wrth or bo ir,�ompG9nco wrth,llie!ollrnvinq <br />'r !n�r,cr� ,r�.�narf;�(Ih.s parag,-r�ph chyll nor�pply!I crn�nn�n�s nntl roryuirem�nL�3re np?se(lnrU'r herr.nn.) <br /> 1.. � rrhr I Ln,a�e:. YA�h�n(�n/10)tlays rltUi�lomt�rrd, Tiustor;heil lurn;sh tn(_���nr,l�cit�ry a schnr)ul,,,ceR�Ned fo Cy Tius7or cn�frny�(prth t711 lfasCS <br /> �' O fl p '.r.I!I�nI%lly Or;)�j�pf110/I fh!'f(Ol,lll(,'lIJ/llnq�/1 I!���h C��J.fhn RO/11fr�J/fhL(C'/Itl/If5 O/O(:Cllpiin(S,D(JCSI;/���(10/1 p/f/1/�,^.(JACFl OCCtlp�t!d C�y <br /> e ,�, .'.n�nr�-. .� _u inl Ira�.r Yil pdydbin lor such;pFlr,e,dnd SuCh oth(fr��ilprnlct6on Und dncUrn9nts wr;h rYSpecf to Siich ln�„es nnd tw�unCroS <br /> �>> �..���,l;.,.v�y m,zy renson;ih„y rvj�in:• <br /> � Il' r ��nd t )l Tiu.:�N YJ177r Rn�� .d Iq�r,f��: 6Vrl,hOU;tlrry))liql wr�ltSn cr'rt50nl nl f30nClir'i;uy 9u.5fo/Shtdl�ipf.drraCfly or rnurrJClly, Ywth rESpoCf f0 <br /> ��.y�!40;� of.,/��]�q n 6h�r (rus�F'o;,�rry,pr 7rry pprfin��f�en.�o( whothCr;uch lcit;p is noW pr hered/!nr�n eXi51i`nci! <br /> t� R' <br />} <br />�, eS <br /> 0. <br />� �� <br /> i <br /> v � <br /> } <br /> u r �.� <br />