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i <br />`EC�,�.`X,`{r: �. <br /> a Y�i:�" i <br /> €,.. <br /> ;, _ <br /> . � �: <br /> -a { � p <br /> r�i tn <br /> r S <br /> n n % � m <br /> � � <br /> r, ' n "Z' I ��� t .n c� c� � <br /> ��� R C."1 �' -j � �L <br /> ! _a � �_ � � cs. <br /> ' —I <br /> ,_ . �• ��, _; �-: i w <br /> � ;-t r c� � tn <br /> .:� \ � <br /> i y � N '� � C7 <br /> � , 1 i c.:J n _ o <br /> ., , - - 3—+ c� <br /> � ��; � ... r c <br /> �,• 4'�\. � , d � <br /> � .•i � fv <br /> (,' 3 r O� � <br /> � , .T� e-. <br /> . �� ��� � � 2 <br /> .l � �� � � <br /> ��� <br /> �' Ueed of Trust <br /> � <br /> ���KS � <br /> � �� / <br /> \` O <br /> 7NlS CEFD UF 7RUST is rt:ada this g _day d Decem er , ig9�,by and beM,eer, �'OBA. TNC. , \ G� <br /> � Neoraska Carp�ration whatha one a ma�e.(he�nelter ca!'sd the '?r�stor7. � <br /> whosemailrngaddressis_�.��_No�th `rront St.. Grand Island. NE 68801 , <br /> NORVVES?&5NK_ NEBl'.ASKAiA=I�N�I�e1ti.�QC,�'rIOh` (herein8le�ta(lod Phe'7rvstee"),x•hose mailing eddress is <br /> �;�*4 202 W_,_Th�l�_�����nd Isiacld�N.E_,endNORWESTeANK NF,�BASK4, NATIONAL ASS.�C.�ATTON ,(horeinalre� <br />� F ct�Ued tt;e°Benerrciary';1,whnse mailing address is 1.QZ W. Third St. . GT.and Z�:land�N� 6880 L _. <br />� � W(TNESSE7H: <br />� j '�,�' IF Th7S AUX/S CHECr<ED � TH1S DEED OF 7;4L'ST CONSTITIIT�S!,CONSTHUC:TION SECURITY AGREEMENT UNDER 7HE NE6RASKA <br /> � . r CONST�4UCTl0�^J L!EN ACT AND CREATES GRAN'S ANC CONSTITUTtS A CONSTRUCTION SECURITYlNTEAESi I'J THE PP.OPERTY <br />� ^��a�e� DESCRIBED HERElNB=L� <br />��,: �� W'HEREr1S, Trustor rs indeGt�d ro Benefici�;�in fhe A��cipa/sum ol1����LT T�I2$E�I^IZIIET`�`$IGH 1 TF30L15�NT) AAID NO/1 QQ_ <br /> Dcllars/S 94�QQ_Q�LQI.�+hich indebtedness is g�idenced b�Trusfir's pr,>missory�t3�Uat�d OCtober 30 _, 7g�j_,(hert+lnalter <br />� cal;ed rhe"NOro'J,p..�yable ro P�io ader ol Aeneficiary and having a maturrry o! C�ctAber��, ��_��Qi�r 31. 2000 . <br /> Nd.v THEREFORE,Iw the F rrpose o/socunng: <br /> (a)payment cN the Ncte,togc ther with interast thereon,late chaiges,p�epeym�nt psrtaltie.s,a�ry l:ri��ra edvances,and a�!e�;tPnsions,modificationS <br /> substrtutions and renewal;thereof, <br /> (b) paymer,t ol al!other sums fees or ch2rges,rogether with internst th,ereon,edvanc.4d to protect the secur.y ol this Deec'of Tiust snd tt,e perlwmance <br /> of the crnenants and agre�menLS cl 7rustoi whether or r,et set!orth herein, <br /> Ic; perforr,iance,discharge ol and compfiance�with e+�ery te:m,crn�onan!,obl?gatron ano agregmoM ot Tiusta:�ntaineA herein a incoipo�ated by <br /> ra'erer,ce or arry other sea�nry irshument af am,�ime given to se:ure the Nof�s,and <br /> (d) tho repa�me�t o/all other;ums or luture advancss,with interes!!heieon,wh,ich m�ry•ht�ra.'ofae heive been a hereetler be advenced by Bene(�;iery to <br /> 7rosror or irosto�;success�r in inf�resP or trt/e, <br />�q: all d which is he.�einafter coBecfrv�ry ca/led tha"irafebtedr,ass'Trustor irrevorably grar•,[s anC hans/rrs!0 7ruste3,in Wst, 4YITH PCXNER OF SALE,the <br /> loltavrng descnbed propsrry: <br /> �,� ,, Fractioaal Lot 6, in Fractional Block 3, Arnold and Abbott's Addition, City of Grand <br /> "�5���;�,��,�� Island, Hall CounCy, Nebrnska, and its campl.ement, Fractionai Lot 6, :ln Fractional Block <br /> ���"��'� 14, Brae Add:ltion to the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebr.aska. <br /> ��. <br /> .���. tcge!har wlth(i)a71 build;ngs,strucG�2s,additions,enlargements,modrficationS repa�rs,roplacements,snd rmprwements nav or heiealter bcated thereon, <br /> s � , (i)s!i equipment,machinery end(ixtures(including,withour/imitatioc,all lighting,heatir,g,K:ntilahhg,coo!ing,air conditioning,spnnkJing and <br /> �, ;��� li�ures,water and paver,ystems,nngines,boilers,rengcts,owns,dishwashers,minors and manter's,carpeting,fumaces,al bumers,olevators and <br /> morors,rralrigeradon plants or units, :ommunkaUOn systems;dynamos,vansfame�s,ok�c.Yncal zquipment,stwm anC screen windows,doors,e.vnings and <br /> shades)nav or herea(ler attached h�,a buiR in,any building imprr�vement o�impraroment rtav or he�eaffer located thoreon,(iiij all easements and nghts a' ` <br /> way appurfenant thereto,(n)a�!leeschr,ld esfate,,tr[le and interesi cl Tiustor ir,ar,d b all!eases,whe[hor now a heraakE•r existlng or entered inb <br /> �!ud;ng,wirhocrt limdation,al!cash and secunry de,xsitS advanca rental,^and dep�s7;or pa�ments d a similar neture;,Fx�rtarning theie%(v)all�ents, <br /> is: ::,pra5is and incrome the2from jsub1ect tc the rigM of liusror ro cotlect ar.d apply such rents,issue�,pro/,`ts and irrenme as they become 1ue end <br /> paya��e,o lr,ng as r,o evant o!defaul:exrsts hereunder),(vi)a/i ra�aRies,minerol.oil and c�as rtghts and protlts,water,wster rigM.s,and water stxk,(vii7 slf <br /> teneme�ts,hereditaments,privifeges t�nd appurtenances belonging,used ar cr,pyr,d in:o.:nectan the�ewith,end(vii;)all p,T�ceads ol cornersion,wluntary <br /> or in,ro!untary,o�airy o/the Ie,egcing i tro cash or liquidated claims(inc/uding,viithoui/i,nitation,proceeds o1 insuance artd condemnatron awards),e/l o( <br /> which is heroinatter ccllectivety ca/led'he"rrust Pmparry" <br /> 71�PF01 ECT TH£SECUR!TY OF Th'IS DEED OF TRUST, 7RUSTOR COVc'NAN75 AND AGREES AS FOLLOWc': <br /> 1. Title. Truslor cwenants,war,snts and e�J�ees msh Benelkiary,Bs succossors enrJ assigns,that?iusta oeans the Trust Property hes hom any prior lien <br /> or encumbrance,that this Deed ol Trust is a,:�i wiN remein a velid rvrd e.Morceabls lirs;lien un the Trust W�perry,tAat Tius!or,at ifs expsnse,wif! <br /> preserve sur.h erUa and wifl marntarn fhis Deed G 7rust as a lirst and paremount fiert upon tlre 7n�sY Property and will laever wairnnt and delend Me <br /> validiry and pnonTj o/the(�en he�vo/against the claims d,all norsons and perfies whomsoever. Tiu:tci at r[s expense,wif!causo this Deed d. Trost, <br /> ar,d each emendment cr supplement henM,to be liled and�corc'ed as a mwtgago of fhe Tvst Prqcerry!n such manner and in such p�ace and wrll <br /> teke such aaion as in tha opinion d Tius(ed may be reyu;ied by ary preseM or luturs law in ortie�to peAect,maintain and protect the lien d this Deed <br />�c" ol Trust,as the same may be a;nended or supplemenMd lro.m Ume fo time. Tivstor will r;�eke such turther assurance or sssurartces to peAec!i!s titie to <br /> the 7rust Pro�w�rty as may 5e requirod b�9enoficiary 7rusror her»b,�re/inquishes all n'ght o!daver and homostead in snd to the Trust Properly <br /> 2. Payment o'lndebtedness. Trostor shofl punc!uely pay fha principal ol and interasf bn the Indeb;ednoss sscu�ed hsreby <br /> ,:��� � 3. �on;tr�ction ol lmprc�vemenfs. 7rustor shali coinplete in good and workmenlike manner arty burMrngs,improoements a�repairs re/e!ing theroto which <br /> wf'"' m�y be b:_gun on the Tiust Pro�rty or contempleted by tha/oan evidenced by the Plo!e secu;ed hereby,ro pey whon due al!cost�and liabilities <br /> '�a: ' ncurred thorelae,and not to pe�mit arry const�uction lion egainsf such Trust Properry/n the event constr�ction o(buildings,imprcwements a repairs <br />�t�... e ,�.. <br /> ur ccntemp!stod, rrusror a!so ngrees,arrything in th�s DeQd of Tiwl ro the contrery nohvr!nsfanding;(s)ro premptly commenr,e eny such work and to <br /> � romFletn,the pr�rx��o_d imprwr,ments promptfy,(bJ to completo!he snme in accor;lance with the plens and�,oecAications as eportwed by Boneliciary, <br /> (r,�to comph/wiih all fhe ferms ol e building loan agreemont,il arry,between Trushx and Beneliciary,fhe ferms ol which are incorporated herein by <br /> re(e2nce and made a part h��rr,�/,(d)ro allcw Banelicit�ry ro inspect the Trus7 Property at aR fimes dunng consfruction,and(e)to rspface eny work a <br /> matvnals unsetisleetorv ro Bevelrclery�roithin litfee3n(t5)days altei wrif(en notice(rom Bonelie/ary of such!act. <br /> ; �� 4. Funds for Fs�mnnt ol Cha�7es.Sut�'oct ro uppllcable law a t�a wri!.ron weiwi by Beneliciary, 7ros:or shall pay to Bennlici,3ry on the lirst dty of each <br /> n� rnonrh,or,ur,h nfhsr daro eeGr month e^may be specified by L'enoflciary,untii the lndebtedness/s paid in/ull,a sum(hereinaRer caUed tfxa"Funds"J <br /> w;ual ro 1/72'h o!tho yearly tax�s end as,sessments which may attem p�wriry over th;s Deed o(Tiust and oround ronts on the;rust Propert}!N arry,ptus <br /> p' � �,}; ?i'2th ol ihn y�ariy�remium,ins!allmen�s for hazerd ins lrance,plus 1/1�!h nl Lho ynarly premium installment for moRgaqe insursnce,d ary, gp as <br /> �•`` ' � rr:a:cn::7ry vs;imeted rnitia��y and lrom time to nm�tr�f3,>ne�ianry on the basis ol xssessments ano bi71s and reasonable estimetos GtiortwL ThA Funds <br />�;. shalJ be held in an insU!ubon,tho doposits oi nccounts o�which nn3 insured o!guaranteod by a(ederal a stere egency lrrcludirrg Benc�lic -. <br /> e. Ben.lic;ary sh��ll nppl;i Ihv Funds ro pay said texns,assessments,ins�lravco premiums and gmund rents.Poneficlary sha;l rrot ber roquirrrc: <br /> y�µ- Tiustur arr�inter�st or eom,ings on the Funds.DenA7iciary shall givo to Tr�sroi withouf chert�o,an annua/�ccounting ol the Funds shaving cru<;, . �d <br />� , . d�h,its to fhn Funds nnd tho pu7�osn lor which oech,d�bit to tho Funds was m6do. 7ho Furtds aro plodg�d as edditronal securiry!or th,i Indebrodnoss <br /> socu��by rhis Doed ol Tiust.ll thn nmount o.�Lh9 r'unds he/d by 9nro(icis�ry,tw�other with tho luturo monfhly instellments o(Funds payablo R ror b <br /> � Uro duv dares o!taxr_s,essnssrn!�n:s,insuranr,e p�omiw�s and pround ionh',sha/l oxc�d tho amounf roquired ro pay said texes,assoss�nanfs, <br /> m.sur,inc�pn;m�ums and ground rrints e.;they lol!due,such excoss she/l be,at Trustor's option,orthor promptry ropaid fo Ausror or crod�Nd to�hr�'�� <br /> r., <br /> i �� <br /> ^' � rr�:���n�n�,�,rn.v�.�a.�,m� . <br /> ;��, <br /> �'��� � �.�� 'l,o_� � . <br /> � <br /> d.` <br /> ° �;y � <br /> 1 : <br /> P <br /> �. <br />