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K , •e <br /> � <br /> s� <br /> (a) f1CCC,oI or pCrmit arry�repaymenf,discount or ed�bnce peyrnent o!rent here�:nder in e�ss d one rorrrh, '�+�� ��jvJL7�7 <br /> (6; Cancel or terninate Lhe same,or accept arry cancepe[ion,termination or surre.nder the;aol,o�Ferrnit any e��ent to occur which Nou/d oecur <br /> Phe,vundei to ta�rdnate or cante!lhe same,othei then termir.stion lor rronpaymertt oJ�ent, <br /> (,.) Amond er mod',y the same so es ro�Juce the term thereo;,the rentel payab7e Mereunder,w ro r.hange tv�y ienewal provis�ons therern <br /> cortainsd, ,. <br /> (d) Waive any ,e/auft the�euno�r or breach the2o(, <br /> (eJ Give arry.:onsent,waiver or approva([hereunder or take tvry o[he�action in connecfion tAerewith,a with a lessee theieundei which would hare <br /> ihs eHe:t�!impairing Phe value o1 the lessor's Interest th�3reurder or the properry s+�6jeCt ffiers!v,a o(imperrin.g tl;e position a irrte�est d <br /> Bena:,ci2ry therern,or <br /> (q Setr,assign,pledge,mortgage a otherwise d�spcse of,a encum�er ns lrrterest in vry sad leass er arry rents,issuas,�ts�,::,uing a arisins <br /> thereunder. • <br /> � 17. 4Yai�sr o/Statufe o!Limitatrons. Ti�ne is d th.e essencs in FJ/o/TiusNr's obligations ttnd dufies!tt reunder,end to!he exfbnt permitte:'by/sw,Trusror <br /> wFrv�s aI!piesent or fufure 5tafutes of limriations with resF�ect ro arry debt,demand or ob(iga!icn secured hereby and erty action a ryoceeoing lor <br /> the purpose o!en!urcing this Deed ol TrJet or a�ry rigMs or remedies contalned herein. <br /> 1H. Assignmant o/Deposi;s./n fhe event constvctior,of imprarsmeMS is contemplated by ths la3n evrdenced by U�Note secured hereby,as add�0ona/ <br /> �r securiry t�Yere/ore, 7rus'or.hereby bans/ers and ess+gns te Beneliciary,ap rigM,title end ir,feres!to arry and a!!monles deposited by or on GeheX o! <br /> Trustor with arry cit;;counry,publlc trody or sgency;sanilery district,uC6ry canpery,and ars�clher Cody a agenty,for tlre Insiallafion or to secw9 <br /> Lhe Instellatron ol erry ufil7ry by Trosro�peRalning fo the 7vst PropeR}! <br /> 79 Corporctr.a�or Purfi�ership Erls!ence.I1 Tr�str�r is a oorporsLLann,gznere/partnership,or timked p�rtnb�ship,it wirY do�things necessary to prese�ve its <br /> co�iate a-partnersh,ia exisience,as the case may b�and e4 righfs and prvileges urxfer tha knvs d the sta:b d its incorporafion a agarrizatim. <br /> 20. Forb=arance by Benol;ciar�Not e halver.Any lorbriarance by Beneliclary in exetiiung arry rig.�t w remedy nenyundei w othanv±sa eft�Ned by <br /> appl�cable law,sha�7 nof be a waiver ol or preclud�3 the ererrtss o/a:y such rlght or remsdy.7�re procurement ol insurance a Lye paymant ol tairns <br /> or tha dischargo o(!7ens or charges by Beneflciary shal!not be a waive,-d�ciary's rigM lo eccslerate the matur.'ry o/tAe lndebtedness. <br /> 27. Femodros Cumu!atn ti�.A;!remedies providsd in thls DeeU M Trusf era distirtct and cumulativo t�arr,�oU;sr rigM or ramedy undr.�r this Deed d T2�sf <br /> � or e,'forded by!aw or equiry,end may be exerciserd concc�rrently,indapendeMly a successiv�e/y. <br /> i 22. Succasso.�s and Asstgns Bound;Jornt enC Liabil;ry;Capfions.The cwenan#end eg�emeMS heretn contained shali bind,and the dghts <br /> herecmder sha/l inun. ro,the respective successcrs and s sslgns o/Benellciary,Trustee,and Tnistor.A11 covenen!s and agroements ol Tiusbi shall <br /> be jemt and several. me capfions and headings o/th,e p�vagraphs ol this Qeed ol Trust ara/or cornron;ence only and e�e not!�be used to i^!erpret <br /> or dsl,+ne rho prwisio:�s,horeof. <br /> 23. NoticQ.Excepf/or arr,�notice 2qurred under app/icabie/ew ro be given 7n enother m?r.ner,(a)n.^y notice to?rustw prvviCed icr in this DeeO c!7iust <br /> snall bo givon by mai�ing such netico by ceK,�/ie�d mai1,relum recelpt tequested addressed ro Tiusror at its mei!ing nddress set loRn sDrn.e or at such <br /> other address as 7rus tor may designafe by nonco ro Bane��ciary as prwided herein,end(b)any nofice i��8arreficiary or Trustee shall be y.�!.en by <br /> csriilied maii,retum n:�ceip�requested,ro 8enc�ficiary's ar.d Tnistee's mailir.�address sl�ted herein es ro suct+other adcl2ss fls Ren��iary or <br /> Tiu�teo mey designatt�Cy notrce f�Yrustor as provided he2in.Arry notice prwlded 1or in this C�eed ol T.vst shett�s�med fo have been givert to <br /> 7ros!or,3eneliaary or Trusfee whon given in the man�er c�esigna!ed herein. <br /> . 24. Govemrhg Law;Seve;c!bil.%ty. This Oeed o'Tiusl shal!be gcnn;med by t,he laws d ine State o/Nebn<.slv.In:h,e ewnf arry prc,v�sion or clause ol this <br /> Beed of 7�ust cen�licts with applica6le:aw,such coMlicf shal,'not alfect ofh2r prrvisions ol this Deed ot Trust wn:ch.can be�'rve,�effect wr2hout th.e <br /> conl6cUng provrsions and to this end the provisions a`this Doed o/Tros;aie deciared to be se��erable. <br /> 25. £vert(s ol Delau;t.Eech o1 the/ollowing a:currences shaf!c�nstitute an event a defau,'t heraunde[(horefna.':er celled an°Event ol Dolauh;�• <br /> <°Yi <br /> � (a) irusror snsf.faif to pay when due arry•princ.pai,rnteresf,or vincrpel and irte:est on the lndeLtsdness. <br /> "u� Ib) Arry�verranty ol tit/�made Gy Tiusror hertrr;siiai!he ur,true. <br /> ,' , (cj T usro�sheP(aif to observe or peAorm a.�y ol f;;e covenanis,ag2aments.or condifions in this Deed c!7n;st, <br /> �`"�o ' (dj Any represonf�tion vr warranry made by Trustor on ary linenci�l statererts or�yports submit!p.�i to Beneflciary hy a nn bohell o(Trustor shall <br /> �-�, prow lalsc or ml;leadin�, <br /> (e) Tiusfor;1:all lail to perform or obsorw arr,�el the c;ovenants,condifrons or s�rreem,ents contained in,or bindin�upon 7rostor under airy building <br /> Joan agreeme,�t,securiry agreement,loa.v a�bement,Irnancin�sfate.^.rer,t,cr arry othvr egreement,rnsWment or dncument exncuYd by Tvsro� <br /> in connection wrth th�loan eviCenced by the Note, <br /> `'� (n A trustee,rt3coiwr or Irqt��data o1 tho Trust Proporfy or o/Tr✓stor sheli 6e appoinfed,or any d the ctedih�rs ol TrusRx shelf(!e e pelilion in <br /> bankrupfcy against Tius!or,o:lor the reorganiratan o7 Tiu�{or,�nsua�!to tr,e Fedeial Fg�krup!�y�,MG a 8ry ymilar![rw,whethe�/edera/w statn, <br /> �5 and il such wder a petitio�sha)1 no!be C.ischarg2d a dismissW wixrin thirN(30j deys sJter the da^�ort wh.r,h such order or peti0�on was nled, � <br /> � pursuant to tAc Fedoral Bankruptcy Code or s�y simila�faw,lede�!or state,or H T,vs,'or shsfl be adjudged a <br /> r*�^- {g) Tiustor sha/l Irle e petition <br /> �'�G'� � bankrupt,or bo decfarod insoWpnT,o�sha;i mske an assr�7r,men!tor the ben�t ol c2ditars,or ahall admit in wNtin �ts inabilr h� <br /> r`';�;':" 9: ty Paylfs debts <br /> 4��.,nz„ ' as they becomo due,or sha!!consenf to the eppointneat�(a recerver of s!!or a�ry part ol the Trost Properry, <br /> �;,�� ;h) Final'ud,mcnt for tha r <br /> / � Fayment ol money sh6;!be rendsrsd against Trusta ar.d.vstor shaf!nof Oischarge H:e same,or causr'it to be <br /> discharged,w;thin fhi,-ry(;0;days atter the sntry tharaol,oi sha(!not aFF+eal thare'ro,�r,w from the order,dac2e or process upon.c•hich or <br /> purV:�ant to which said judgroertt was granred,besed,or entarr.d,end secure a stay d execution per.din�such appenl, <br /> (i) 7rustor;hal!;el!or comey the Tnist Proper!y;or arry pert theieof,a arry�nterest thereio,�,r shal/be dhrosted o�rts fiJe,or eny fnterest therei;i,in <br /> arry manner cr wey,whether:roiuntanty or irnroluntanly,without the written cortsert±ol Ber.efF�iary being f'r;had end ebtained,or <br /> � (JJ !f Tiustor is a cerpo�ation or part�ership ano mere than fifty percent(SO�ibJ of the sha�es o�beneficial inte2sts in such corporafion or <br /> � Nar!n�rship,es!he case.nay b:,shall be transferrev or comey�d,svlethe�wlun!ariN a irnotuntarrty,wiehou�tha wrr!tan conserrt ol Baneliciary� <br /> being f,�rst had and obtained. <br /> 26. �cce'eration ot Debt,For�closure.Upor,the occurr,rr,ce o/any Event olOe!autt,or any time th�rua}ter,Ber,efic!ary mey,ttt its optlon,declere a�i tha <br /> ;ndea:edness secr�rad iiore4y imm�diately d�w and payaD,'e end the same shall bear intsrest at the defauM rate,if any,;e:lorth in the Notg,or <br /> >. ofherti isa�t the highest rafe permifted by;a,y,and,irrespec[ive ot whethe�8enefici2ry exercise3 saiy CpUon,It me�a;ri.s opiion and:n;ts so!& <br /> Ciscretion,witnout arty!urther nutice e!rinmand to or upnn Trus[o;do or.e or mc2 0l ihe Ioliavir,g: <br /> (a) ,R,enelicinry may enrer�pon,tnke possessicn of,mansge and op�rate th.e,Trest Proper,y or arry part thereol;mako repairs end altera!ians and do <br /> � ` arry ac:s which Beneliciery dee�.;s proper ro protect fhe securrry ther�or,anc.'o�ther wi!h cr withou!taking posscss�on,in�ts own name,sue tor <br /> or ethPrv✓i�a collect and ret;eive reni�,issuas anti profds,including tnose pasl ducr and unpeid,and appty tha same,ioss costs and axp�nses of <br /> operation end�e//ectioc,inGudiny rc:3sonable attaney lees and Seneticiary's costs,c�ort the lndebrodnass secured hsreby and in such on7e� <br /> �::' • as benoticiary r.r�y de;a:�7r'.;n. �p�n�cue�•r ol8eneficiary, Trurtor sha11 assemb/e and sha/l mal�e siarlable ro 8enalicrary a�ry or rhe Trost <br /> P�oporty Khich hes bee„:ema�e:'. i.�3?n;:fifng::pon Und takir.g possessron ni the Trust Praperty;th,e co!!ec!i�n ol any�renrs,issues arrd prol+ts, <br /> n^d fhd npplication thareol as a;a�osai;+, sn2l1 r�,t cu!�or waive any d^_/avlt hierefolore or theieatter��cu�nng,or aNec:any nctice of delault o� <br /> noticQ�!�a/e here�:ndsr or irrva!icl:,te:+r^�sct dc^e pursuant to arry such notice.Kotwrthstanding Benefkrary's continuance in possession or <br />%�. rocr-rpt and applicat�on ol rents,issues ur r•!of.�LS,Eenef.cisry shall tro onti!led ro exercise every dght pra�ided,'ar in this Deed o(Trust or by!aw <br /> � upon or sftor tho occwrenco d er!c'.arrf o!Ge�3ult,inc/uding the nght fc exeroise rhe power o/sa;e.Ary of the actions relened fo in this <br /> �:. paragraph may be taken by 6or,nJi:-in��af scch:+me as Bens/iciery may de:eimine without regard ro tho adequacy ol erry securiry for the <br /> �� lndobtedness secu.rod horeby <br /> �`" . <br /> (h) Qenehciary shail,wirhout regard ro the ac'e.�,. •�d am•securiry for the lndebtedr,ess socured hereq;be entrtled to the appointmanf a/e <br /> � �-� rec��iver b;�arry covrt.4avinq ju�i�dir,ti;��,w,Ghout notice,tc take possession o!,protec.,a.vd manege!he Ttus'Property ar,d operare!ho semo <br /> - t� � and r,of/AC7 the renfs.issues an�pro;i!s;hy�e�rom. <br /> � . (cj 8enoliciary may bring e�ry•uction;n eny court ol competent jurisdiction ro loreclose this Deed a 1Yust or erlo�ce a,ry ol the covenanfs here+ol <br /> (dJ Fien�liciary mtry e/ect to ceuse rhe Trust Property or err�pert rhemW ro be�:Jd under tho powe�o(sale,and in such eKVnf,Beneliciary or Trusfee <br /> shnh grve such not�cn o!dvlau/t anC notice ol se/o as may bo thc i royurrod by law. There�fter,upon the expiratbn ol such tir,se and the giving ol <br /> suclr notice ol sale as may than be niqulr�ty law, Tiustee,at the frme and placv speciliod hy fhe nofrce pl seM,shall sed sueh Trusf Prn�wrry,a <br /> eny part!horeol spocilicd by Bnn�lic/ery,p.!public eucllon fo(he highost blddor hx ca;Jt in law/ul monoy d fhe UMtetl SMfsa d Arrn�rico.Upon <br /> rocmpf W p�rymonf d tho prico b/d, busteo sha!!c,pply fhv proceeds In tho k�llowin,y orcler:(11 ro fhe coaf entl expenses d a�clsinq Ma,00wor ol <br /> sa/e cnd ol the se,..,mr.luding but not fimifed to,trusree's bes a not morc�then SSW.00 plus ona-haM d ond parcent d the givss�ak price,end <br /> rnasoneUie etNmey(cres,(ri)ro fho IndMfednass,snd(k7)tha crcess,i!flny(o tl�e pers�n or per,^ons/eqally enfftled Nwroro. <br /> AJi cosrs�nd exponses incurrod by Deneliciary in enlorcing erry•iigh �n1er this Ooed o!Tiust,mcluding wlthou(Ilmitalion,ebsfroct a tiNe leos, <br /> opore/sal loos,promlums lor title insuranco,etfornoy h+os.,nd cou�cos(s shell be and cunsfltu;e Indebtedneas secured he�eDy . <br /> � - <br /> t', <br /> '�''+4.:.::� <br /> 9 <br />