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<br /> i t%. � � . . .
<br />..���'t. 1� f —
<br /> AT te.'
<br /> - � � gener�ll�r li.mited and geetr�cted ia its u�e aa p�covided ia this __
<br /> ° •ti.�_ A�ceicla ae cuell ae b�ing mor� epeaifically restricted by the �-
<br /> � proYisiona of 1lsticle V hereog. =-:,.
<br /> ��°f�;:�� �;-�:
<br /> .�;°.•` 2. No awninga oL s�;.naareeas o� an�r type �hall be aff��d to ��:
<br /> . ° ' amy building or struct�are erithin the praperties �vithout th� written �:i1;
<br /> consent of the �ssociatio�a. Satellite di�hes shall not h�: allowed !"��:
<br />=��f on the real e�tate at thi� time; haor�x, ��e is subject to �`����
<br /> , � anc�adraAnt in the future by erritten authoriza�ion of t&e Board of �Y�-�=
<br /> �� ��,<
<br /> Directors. �;�a��
<br /> n-��'
<br />��_• '� 3. Na feucea or enclosures of any type or natuPe whataoever =`-_
<br /> _ ' shall ever be �oastructed, erect�ed, placed or �aaintained on os =��-�
<br /> about an lot withia tYno r erties, exc t euch fences az ti�~_
<br /> � Y P oP eP `;�_.
<br /> �"�` `,r�.: encloauzQS a� may b� su+�hr��ia�d in c�ritiiag by the Association. Zf �;_
<br /> , any owa�� og reco�cd fai.].s to repai.r, �aaintain, or repl�ce a fer�.c�, y':�'
<br /> � the Associat3on may perforc� such cvork, ia�voice the o�ner Y.Ya.�re�v�, _�_�
<br /> ������ an� secure and enforce a c3.aiffi aad iien Glaerefosce against th� orrnr.�c- -
<br /> � a� record aad h�� lot in like r¢r�nes as a deliaquent aesessme�. T�'°
<br /> ��� ���` Any placEment o€ flag polea, basketbal]. �oles or basketball ?aoops ��''
<br /> � , shall rec�ire p�ior written consent of �.1� Assaciation. ��a�'
<br /> . ,` . ��:
<br /> �-.: .
<br /> ;. •�s;;
<br /> � 4. No tr�Tt, trailer� boat, mator home, c�er equip�aent o� ' �•:_-�
<br /> �.`�� r� machfr��ery or c�� aot in daily use shall �ver b� ga�Iced, located o� `:
<br /> : ;; othersaise mai.�ata�ned on any lot, parking area. street or conuaos� ` -��
<br /> a�cea iia th� p�caperties,, except iai cases of emergea�K� due to .':. ���Y
<br /> � bzeakdoeaa �r acc�s�t.
<br /> � , ` • .
<br /> �• . � 5. Autam�aZ�s s�ll bs parked only in garages, drivc:uray�, .
<br />�'� °,� � or desig�+�ed pa�g �as established bp the Associa�.i�. �,
<br /> �;::,
<br /> 6. fi+.� garba� cr� or woad piles m��r be placed upfln �y �at,. .�•��.:��:�. ;�;:';.;
<br /> cans�ructr-�� er ua�� unlees campletely cos4coaled �sam vi�cv f�can� �.r�.� .�
<br /> = � adjoinaaag iot �.-c�az2ess they are loea�ed o:a3.y b� �hc� psiva�e �g��.�;�r .
<br /> or ga�� area �pproved in writiag by the �soei��a.on tu3�� �---��
<br /> • ' P�9�� 3 of Articl� Q. i��esceof. All tra�h rec����cf;t�c����x'aag�
<br /> � cans ase tto be removerl fx+� the street within eighC t�Q) � af�er
<br /> tirash pickup and r��ored iu accordance witls this pa�g��i.". 1�� __
<br /> . cZotheaiines or r.�o�hes hangera aMall ever be canetsv.cte3, erectr��
<br /> place$, or maiata:�ned on any lot within the properCiee.
<br /> ;'r�,;.
<br /> � 7. �:� anitaals, livestock or pou�S��y of any kf'mc��� �ahall be
<br /> � . ' raisec� or k�p� .an any lot ia the proper��QS o�her thaaa Iaozasehol� :���A�.'�
<br /> p�to, oahich s�i::`� be limited to two (2? psr haus�hold. �f].1 pet.�a- =�
<br /> shali i�e leaehec� ?�:�en oute3de.o� ttae home. amd pa��o area. No s�.�'i. ��
<br /> °'.." pet will b� kept, bzed .au mai.ntained fo�.�co�escial pu�c�es: i��d . ��'
<br /> � genced or wa2led areae '�fc�g pets shall L� allowed outr �; of th2 `!
<br /> .� � �O�f,vate patio os gariYen'�.�as. .
<br /> . . � -
<br /> � 8. No n�,�.ii�ss or offensi*.�e activitiea sh�ll be carried �� �.:
<br /> the properties, �;or a�e.2t11 asiy trash, s�es, or other refuse be –
<br /> thro�n, �rLaoed, cr� dump�d upon aay lot, t�r shall anytha.ng ever be �
<br /> � •• � done whi:�.fi� �y L^�omo an anuoyance or nuf��ncQ to the nefgbbor800d. '�� �`••�
<br /> � 9. Th€ c�s�sa�xuotio�s, placing, or a�aiatenance o� biTibaaz�s, �� ��
<br /> � advertfa�ng boarea, or a�•R:xuctureo o� "For Salo° o� "Foz RBnt" sigres .• .,�.��
<br /> —'=,,"�. �:, �y +:.w :r. t;a p;.a��.��� 3n e�►-��ess�� p�ahibit�3. �::,c�t th�� . •
<br /> �� � "For Saln� sigra� eha17. 1��� al].omed clo�r� t.o the building� vr.��h� tho
<br /> - cu�itten conaen� e�� thQ Aa��ciat�can, whez�y th� Z�ssoci�ticui sb,a1..2.
<br />. oy�scifically de:��.gnate �h4 icc���.�a� of t]�� "Par �aJle" �ig�.s. ---
<br /> � �►�.':.
<br /> , 10. Na building or o�cher structure a�,taall be erected;. �lter�d,
<br /> placEd, or pez9cnitted �ea remain on aa�r 2ot, except L�.ldings =--
<br /> � sieaigna�e� for occupancy by not more than on� (1) fami.ly and � __
<br /> � � honsehold guests aad buildiaga i.ncfdental thex�eto, and then only �
<br /> �
<br /> '. �� , . ---
<br />: �,�_
<br /> . 3 �_
<br /> �
<br /> �.:
<br /> '. ' � �._-
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