. ' 95� ����r�4
<br /> . . -
<br />; � � �
<br /> pr�vi�e for th� mai.atenamce and care of the conem�a area�, to -
<br /> - aPProvs tSe eoa���ic��o� a�� laa�ecapir�g up� eacb �ot, to
<br /> provide fos �he ��t�anax�c� and ca�e of lac�sns and ya�dg a,nd -
<br /> - l�te in the real est�.te, aand to oChesrlise ac� in the �QSt _
<br /> t'�;� intexeats �f the o�era af the lots and �h� real estate;
<br />' ' � c�) To previde fo� �he ginauci�ag of the P,�soaiataon by . =.
<br /> ' �� ass�sst�as�s upon each lo� and to establaeh liens as securaty =
<br />��' for th� pay��t ofc th� asa�ssr�$a�a; ;
<br /> e) To previde for the exp�nsion of the area initia].1y ^
<br /> � covered by this Am@xaded Doclascation and the ho��Qraers' -
<br /> assac�ation.
<br /> ``��' � 2. Tlus Azttended D�claxation and ita gy►rpases are each hereby
<br /> '-t���1�a � ag���ti, to cseat� andE �onger coa�inuing benefits upon eaah of the
<br />����`� ' lot�C �.�a. the rea2 e�t��p and! tha r�s��Lctaon� and lim�taicions upon
<br /> r,� . a !
<br />;`c�t;�`, � tY« ra� �� �ach Z�xt� are h�relby �eed to be ��natQle � _
<br />'-r--. cansid����t� � t&� �en�fi� �cei�e@ by each lo�. �
<br />;�_ . .. -
<br />:.�j'�fr,:. .
<br /> :.,,,.
<br /> ,`4•`•� � A1tTIQ,�_ III =
<br /> '``�'^ � �18RINIT��IdSs
<br /> ..fs/: . .. . .�. . . .
<br /> � 1. "Aasociatian�� sh�fT�an and refer to Continental Carr�ens
<br /> `���`,Fj . Homra�►wstsrs� Aesociation, a u�n-pro��t Nebraska corps�atioa. �.ts _
<br /> ..:t� suacr��rss �d a��igns. �
<br /> ..;<:�. . . .
<br />. � 2. nQar�ar� shall m�an and zefer to tYie record omner, wh�ther �
<br />_;E..�:� one or moxe : .xsons ar eratities, o€ a fee si�1Q ti�Ie �c� 'any
<br /> S ,,
<br /> �f��;� .� numb�red lot �a � 'ch �s a part of t� xea� eetate, inaludiag cont�a�t � �
<br /> ,;t..,;..,.
<br /> .;;f�:E,; hu�� of record, b�:�sxcluding tho�e having euch i�t�eats mersYy _ .
<br /> �t�::�,: �
<br /> ,.<.t as �av7xit� for the ��fozqa.anc� of an obligation,
<br /> ��E�`, . ,
<br /> 3. "B�3al eotate° sh�. m.ean aad refor zo a22 �o��Bior„�;�� . ; � '. _
<br /> ����' (1) . T�ao (2�. 5f.n t6A. axid �QVen ('�l fn.�on�inentaZ. .Ga�r�..a��.-'�a» . � ." . -
<br /> . F�dda:�3aia� �� tl��. C.i�,,�����:� (irand Islan$�� Hal1 Countcy. .L�'�bzaska. as � � �
<br /> � . platCe�•�d ne�r,r�.� �a the Office of �ue Registes of B+�ede of I3�11 _ �•
<br /> . Cauu�y, �N�+�as�tr�:. ' � � =
<br /> 4. "Cai�on ar�a" sh�9.1 moan all real property loxned by �he
<br /> �; �:�r� Aaaaaiation fos the c�,�on use and en�oyn�ent of thQ:,.��er�. TI1e -
<br /> :;::�� cam��on area in Bloe�s�;�ne l Z) ans� 'Fwo (23 �n Contin�l Gardesnn,
<br /> � - an �ddi.t�.oa to the City of Grand �a�.aud, Hali Couaty,'��:�braeka, fe . .,
<br /> , :..'� descrfbed as fol3owa: t��lota A aad B of Dl.ock 6n� (1). asd Outlots
<br /> . �. . B and C Of Block �wo (2) of the real eotata. Ttne cananom area �l.n
<br /> �� � B1oQBc� Si:t� (6) and Seven (7) in ContinvntaZ a�rde.n�, an A�ditfon Lo
<br /> �;���, the �t�y of Grand Tsiand, FIa11. Coux�ty, NeY�rasl�a, f o dosoribed- as �
<br /> �s . follows: Outlot A of Block Six (6) ant� Outlot A of Hloc.3c Seven (7) "
<br /> • of the rea7. $�tate.
<br /> . ..j 5. "Irnprovemen�s" ahal]. mz�n and inc3ude a r�aiflential �
<br /> :. t builc�3.ag, appurte�ant otrucrures, drive�, s7alke, fea�c�a. �alls,
<br /> ��� 1` ].andsCape plantinge, lawne, outdoor• lighting and aay etxuctnres os -
<br /> � ..�.� . .00nstruction of any type ox 1�3nd located above grouad.
<br /> ,
<br /> � '�' 6. "Lot" sh��. mean and �efer to any plot og lan$ sPtov�n upoa
<br /> -= •'. :.^.�; �_or�+:3 ��iv�s�x� ^��:p cf � •^��, ,,•.t��� ::ith �e a�:ac�tion
<br /> rw.o.� v�
<br /> J��,; � of the caamon area. �
<br /> 7. "a� ��eacardP msana u���des3 f.z� �:�S.Q f3��ice of the Reg�.��er
<br /> " � �oP Dee�e of �:u�.l Cou��.y� NEIa,rE�:r�:c�.
<br /> � :�<
<br /> �Pi�tT7,CLL IV
<br /> �':-.;;•'' G�.�Ai, RB3TR IONlS ,
<br /> � 1. IIacb lot in Blacke One (1), Z�ia (2) , Si�s (6) and Seven -
<br /> �'''` � (7) in Coa�tfnental Gardens, an Afldition to the Ci�y of Grand
<br />. � Ia1an8, HIall Couaty, Nebraeka, of the real estate shall be -
<br /> � 2 -
<br /> .-
<br />. � �
<br /> • . . .. _ : • � . . . , , • ,. .
<br /> . . .. . ,
<br /> . ... .- :_ . . ..
<br /> � _ . . . . . . . . ,
<br /> � _ ' ' , . .. .. •a. - � , .
<br />... .. � .._. ,r .� .. . . . '+ .. .. . . , . . ._ _ . -. ' - _ ' -. • . _ .... � . _. . , . .. . �
<br />