_ 2.
<br /> . .. Y ��- � . ` � ,�Y.,'N .`4y`4.:,fI . � ' • . � . � .
<br />. - � �t. Ys.,�, ��,,< . , ''k ' _ �w -_.
<br /> ����'�3� r.
<br /> . . �� ��s:
<br />. �:_,.
<br /> �.. . . . � _-_=--
<br />-�.,° . __=- -
<br /> _-- •with the prior v�fttte� �pxoval of t1�e c�s�ocia�ion. it is �-"�_-
<br /> � ��' speci�fc�aily understaos3 that iYr the eaid Block Six (6l and �lock �~�---..-�
<br /> ' � Se�en t7) each single family dvrelli.nc� �it �ha].2 hav� one or c�ore ___, -
<br /> ` j ain� �alls e�ith other siugle family dwelling uni.ts and as �uch -.-_—:
<br /> " _ c�hall aot b� coaat�rued � b�i�ag buildimgs d�r�ar�ed for occupaacg� by :�:-:_•-
<br /> � m�re tlaan oa� (i) family� eacYa u�it h�aug cor�a�dered a� a s�pagate -
<br /> f (' . . �n ._
<br /> build:�ncJ c�ith a joint o�- party 4v�lZ to adjoir�in� auiiCe. SacYi oa�aner ��,_y;,�„_
<br /> of a joittt wali shall be abligated ta pay £if�y pexcemt (50�D of �?'�l
<br /> r_he �aaint�naaace of tYaat j ain� wa�l• No o4�ner or own�rs of aay �``°�
<br /> . j oi�nt wall ��all madify t}�� sa�te in any maaraex' without the p�iar �_.,
<br /> s;';� arri�ten approval of ttae ConLiac�ata2 garde�a �o�►EOwuers' Aesoci�taon. �r,-�_�
<br /> ,,.,
<br /> 11. No stnactuxe o€ a �e�pox�cSr cha�acter, trail�r, basement, �� � ' �
<br /> teat, shack, campia9 �arait. o� o�r out building �hall be braught
<br /> � o�� to� k�pt, or maintained on aaay lot at any tima. ��;<��.::
<br /> �_%.;
<br /> . ���° ,.._
<br /> � 12. Ar� exteriog li���ing itt�talled on auy �uilding or i�t ���`�,,
<br /> shaZl be eitkt�� i�adirect or ag such. �ontrolled focu� and intens y �'`<_;
<br /> so as not ta »e o� di.s�-�.rbag�e Ca �t��d°.sits of arl�aceait property. ���-_«,
<br /> _ C�-`"':.
<br /> ' . 13. Tkri�Q iB no r�.�.ix�rz� that a�ny conatruct�ca. be "�;�
<br /> c�t,ruction is conaaencc�.� the '
<br /> co�ac�c�. Hc►�ev�r,. onc� a�r� �.
<br /> ex�..�3.or s1�I1 b$ .cxT4n���tec'� wi�hi.xa� �.tz (6) �onths. l�s:,1:
<br /> �;.:. .
<br />..•G ;, , . ���
<br /> � 14. Na lots r�� be s�dividen. CODV�Y�. or 6e�Id so as to - �,.:
<br /> result in tv��o 4�} lots or �raatc. Howev�s, two ar more ad�acent �;•-.��'�
<br /> ;.,,,.;:
<br /> - lo�s� va�der cc�mtaYx ownsrshfp u�y be con�aidc�r� as one lot fox tYie _ _
<br /> , " pairpv�se of ldca�i.c�:•wg improve�nents.
<br /> �;:�'�:'
<br /> x�tu�•...
<br />.`�����`� . 15. I+iaa ca��cial o� 16u�ineas actsvit� af aa� kind ab:Q].3 b� __:-
<br /> �:,;.�, • cperate� on� c►s �Eiom any� 1��.. � the re�]. esGa�:r�.
<br /> ,.�� •
<br />,`;vif�'s;` 16. $xc��at �c�� tihe private p�io or garden ar*a� agp�"��i l�p
<br /> �n,. �.._.—'
<br />;.��iw, titr��Rr�socia�ion• un�i� Artiale V, g�,:agraph 3 hereof, ma pYaA.�.i.ag. �.-�-,�
<br /> -�� ��Q„1„y.,; ���lauilding of any kinc� �11 be done on aay lot �ai:s-�hQut , ;:,-�,
<br /> � the psi� �tten approval of the ��ociati�cn. . ���`:,;:.�
<br /> . ,.:.
<br /> . � u z.
<br /> � Z7. Nr,� d�v�lliag shall be bui�i;..on aay lot ia the subdiviaian £��--
<br />�-'=%����� with less tban I,000 squase feet �� grouud area enclosed ia the
<br /> '`�:+`�� str�acture, exclusive of one s�m�F apeu porcl�eg aad attached ___
<br /> :�=,:
<br /> �� gara,ges, nor l�ss thaa 700 �.guare feet of ground area ia the cage - _
<br /> �� � o€ a a�.ory an6l one �a�.f o t���.o story aad one half struature iu '�
<br />,;. ��.��. � . {`�s;�.�
<br /> �= Blctc�cs Qne (1) and Two (21 :::1`��i��tal Garden�. a�ad aot lesa than �.._..,_
<br />:�Y�§._,:� -
<br />:"r; ��i_._
<br /> .;n��. safa�,��uare feet o� q;�aund area fx���.lss� case af a atc��.and one lialf --
<br />�;s�s;.� as.:tt4� story etr�;��,.^u� in Block �is�� t;�?� Coatin�nta� (�a:xr2ene� C�raa� �
<br /> ,:.� IaY�4 A�.��� Cou��y. Nebraska. � :.;sr,,,
<br />. ; (,f:
<br /> . . .. .�� � 'L�s �omeawuers� �issociation s�all have the exclu4aive ._ --.-
<br /> '�r�.gt�2 �and duty wircl� respect to �he outs�de of each buildi.ng
<br /> locat� anywhere to selecC the color to be used. �y tbus �
<br /> � � .�� delegast•ing t�r �he Assocfation the exclueive right and ��a�y to �.�..
<br /> .� select the c��or, ear,�a; awner recagn3.zes that each �i�:v.�t3ing.
<br /> . �.f and the entirc �b1ocS�c�, will have a more pleasiug mg�p�5��ance
<br /> :..;,.. :'� � than �if eacl� �nntBaQr retas.aed the right t� pat�a.ti tho' oc:�:side -
<br /> �;,;;: ., walls of his gortfo� of the building that E�a c�as: Zt is . ��,.,
<br /> � �; specifically understeod and agreed t�aat �ha A�a��€�tsa� shall -,: .
<br /> :,;:��..;�•• n�t l�:�t,r�a the rfght or dutY to paiat or t�el�c� C�t�' colo� of any ����.'_.
<br /> ,:- ',Z. �rartfszr� oE the inside of any dweiling una�. �e Hc�vwu�rs= �::-
<br /> �� Assocaatfoa glaall have the �ssclusiv� r�gisl� �fi t�uty to pafnt ���`""�=
<br />;�, the o�tefde of eacb b�ilding 3.� Hloatca Sf.� (G� a� Sevea l7),
<br /> whicia right aztc3 dut�r �hal1 inclu8o Glur righL• aicsl duty to -�__
<br /> Belec� the colar to b� used. It is g�her understo� that �����
<br /> � each a�nez has the dut�{ a►md obl3.gation to mafatain t$e� unit he - "-
<br /> � owus, inc].uding the outsidc walis (except �or pafntiag fn
<br /> �'r:�����`� B].ocks Si.x (6) aad Sevea (7) and including p3intiag in B].ocks �
<br /> .i�'�"",. � Ono (i) and ToQp (2) ), the xoof, glase, Qcvva spouCS and -
<br /> ,;.-:- i gutters. If perntanent aiaiing is in�talled on any building, it —
<br /> shall be the same color and parfoz�d at the same time in �`
<br /> Hlocks Six (6) and Seven (7) and a� approv�d i.n a�ritiag by the
<br /> � A�oociation. All rooffng materrial, down epouts and gutters
<br /> ��
<br /> ... 4 �"..�:
<br /> �-=�-
<br /> ?�:
<br /> ���:
<br /> . .. �.,.
<br /> , . , ... . . . . . ..
<br /> , .' ` . : . � : .. , . , • „ , . . , . .
<br /> . � . . . . . . .
<br />