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<br /> ' �S ` 3 �'r �$� -� �.r, � 5 ! � � 4.c:.:�..r�r"�y 4
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<br /> � �` € 6 ..t' i ..�i r .r.,� . �FZ 1 6 �- �s �-` i. .'�`~:.```�ti �'�'��'ct r
<br /> � , � .�.�rqo-r�y2 "� �- r } Y o -= u'-`F;.. , . . - .- . S� fi''A'�2. . - .�Y .E ���
<br /> �s A� -�c - -n , i{ -" � `�y- C r . .c <�i• ti � . �f _�
<br /> �,.. - u�.t[ .q���� �..��y � �.. .jx� .. Y - -.t+ � f; �i.� _ *' v : �.rrw Y ,��c t� `s3,`�t`� , F
<br /> ...'t'.'`a 4 4- ��-' ,..�., cT.c 4 r,4, -- -.�"C,i ', �� 'i� �,fs E�. , �X�c �� �4�. `k t �,;."c �'ci:. r-"1K'j:�,rc. : ^ae:.__ -�� -
<br /> ,1. � :• .y�.c �: �.. � . ts- 'e 1`�' �i� 4�.. �t c sc� _' _ .< k
<br /> =tt 4�4
<br /> ���� _ _c� .�}.. .i_ .Vi p���� ��r� <
<br /> �� `�,c t ^ • 4
<br /> �q�� �`�.L. :, 5. Baaard or Pco�4y la�vraace. Bonower s8ai1 tce�p the improve�ents unr+eaisting or heresR{e�_r�e�re/cted on't"h—e - ;Q
<br />.Y�',_.�.� ��.��' v •�{� Q���7� �•�^'� `4����''
<br /> Le` : p�ope�ty iasured againct loss by fine.Aaz�ds inctuded within the term'exteaded co erage Y
<br /> ,� s ' ttoods or Soodiins.for wirich Lender requires insurance.This insurance st�all be maintaine8 in the amounu and for the petiads '
<br /> -� x . -.., ._.. ..
<br /> .>4; �- •.��� �.,�r.��.�.,
<br /> _ �'��•�'-'��`�L,��'`; tuat L e n d e r requires.'l�s e i n s o i a n s e c a r�i e r p ro v i d i a g W e i a s a r an ce s 6 a 1 1 b e c h o s e n b y Bormwer sub ject tc�l�ader's approval , ._,__��`
<br /> -:�"^`€;'"��`:::' v�+hish shall aot be unreasonably withheid. If Baaower fails w maitttaia coverage descn'bed above. Lendec may.at Lender's ;�: ,''
<br /> �r,
<br /> " u'� � = optioa.af�ain coverage w pratect Lender's rights in the Froaetty in a000idance v�rith paragraph 7. "�� .�, '-
<br /> .. '. '�. �� •`- olicies and reaewals shall be a�ceptable to Ixnder and shall inclu�e a standard mortgage claase. Leader .�'"
<br /> r Ati ins�uance p Le � "�'`�
<br /> .,.i_i' :�c.... . :.,�'.
<br /> s`, I ti i. Borrow�er shail t! e to Lendes aU raoeipts of _ -
<br /> b shall have the right to hold the policies and tenewais.[f Lender t�qnites. PfO�P Y�` �
<br /> =" � paid premiums and re�earai notices.I u f h e ev e n t o f l a s s.H o r ro c v e r s h a ll g i v e p m m p t aotice to the insurance carrier suQ Leader. __�
<br /> ' I.ender maY a�ce proof of loss if not made promptiy by Borrower. ` .
<br />_�:'�'4K+L r::,'.:`_<" " •
<br /> r-:;-�:_e::-= . Untess I�eades and Borsower oiherwise agcee in writing.insu:suce proceods shall be spplied to restoration or mpair of the ;�':;^�„,_
<br /> .r.., y secuzity is not lessened.If the restoration or -
<br /> ':��' =::;:�:,:.,°<<; p�p�tY dam�ed*if the tessoration or repair is economicall feas�le and L,ender's -��.�"�
<br />. - K•:c`.c-''.' ���.u.:..�.
<br /> __ _ _ repair is not ecnnnmicallY feasibte or Ixuder s secvrity woutd be tes�ened,the im�uance pmoeeds sball he applied to the snms :.:'-:,_:.;
<br /> . s�ea
<br /> .-,-�^'c�a�c z='= secaued by dBs Seauity Instnemer�t. whe�her or not then due. with anY excess� w Homower. U Borrower a6andnas dte _�;�-_
<br /> eairier has offered to seute a da�.tt�a ` ` ::
<br /> �,���.�.�<;:_:,:, ProPerty+•or does not aaswer vuithin 30 days a notice from l.ender that tiie insurance � J
<br /> re�yair ar restore the Pro or to pay sum4 = -M;
<br /> ": .,'-`"-��,�; Lender may ooUect the ins�uance Pmceeds. lxader may nse ttie pmceeds to F�Y ��`y:'r!;
<br /> A,' r i�.:<;- . s�red by dus gewrity Insatament.wite�er or not then due.l�e 34day periad will begin when the notioe is given. ; a•.��
<br /> '.-,���♦,,t.
<br /> ���-c��1�""'` Unicss I.ender and Borrower otherarise agcee in writing. any a�plication of proceeds to principal shatl aot emea�or �._`�:' >
<br /> �`�`si�f.:<'�;`�: refeaed tn in paragraPhs 1 aad 2 or chan8e the aatouat of the paymeats.lf �=-
<br /> -_ ;�:�_--�:=�7.:a::• postpone ttte due date of the moatWY PaYme�ts _
<br /> ,,;� , ;•'s;•;,.
<br /> s-�=�r�,:�'<,°�:�i'- under paragaph�i the Prope�cy is a c q u i r e d bY Lender,Bormwer's right to an}r insarance polie�es and praceeds resvtting fram
<br /> � .�'�..,�. � ' da�nage w the PrapertY Pr�or w the acqais'stion shall pass w Lender w the extent of the sums sec�ued by this Seauiry Instnunent `�'�`,
<br /> ,- �� { r: , * "
<br /> 3 �,. e�• mu�i�elY Prinr w the acquisition. ��;I.easeholds. -
<br /> - �t-=��-:- � . 6.Qc�Qaue9,Pteservatlon+Mafnt�auce and PrutecHon of t6e Pcaperty,Bores�wer's I.oan App1i =_-
<br /> �_` � Bomower shaU uaupy.espblish,and ase the P�opectY as Borrower's principai sesidence widun sixt9 days aftes tbe exe�aun of � �
<br />`.�: . '`" y�t�� this Security I�strwnent and sl�all coatinue to occupx the Pmperty as Bomower's princi p a l c�esi d a i ce f o r a t l e a s t o n e y e a r altea. '
<br /> "'`;,''�� ,�.; which oonsent shap not be unreasonabiy wiihhetd,os unless ' .
<br /> �° - thc date of ocw�cy.uutess Lender otberwise ag�es jn writing. '''f`
<br /> ,' :, �"'�''` � e�ttaauating circ�stances e�st w6ieh are l�eyond Bor[ower's control. Borrower shall not des�oy. damage.or impau[the `;; ':
<br /> ,,;..."_:�-�_�: s=
<br /> �. ...4.�..i_ pmPert�+.allow'the Property to detecio�ate. or oomarit waste oa the Property.Boirower shalt be ia def�It if any forfeit�ue
<br /> ��t �• ,�., ooWd c�esutt ia forfeim;e of the f,,� .;:
<br /> actiun or gruceedia8.whether avil or criuunal.is began that in Ixnder's good faith judgment ,
<br /> � ��'{ h . P[Q p C I�y OT O�1Cn1I1SC 111IIZP+TI3I�impas the lieq created by d�is Se�airity Iost�metrt or I.ender's secur�t3+irae�.Barrowet may � ���.-
<br /> �s
<br /> s.1 c` ` ` aue s�cb a defanit and reinstate,ag pmvIded in pa�agraph 18,bry►c�inS the action or�ra c e e d ing to be d i s�s s a d w i t h a r u U n g . ,
<br /> `; � . , _ •' that.ia Leader's guad fai�deteimination. Pcectndes forfeitare of the Borrower's bmteiest in t�e Progerty or other materiai f �- -
<br /> � �L�' im ¢
<br /> t of the lien cr�a'.�d by this Security Instrument or I.endes's security iat�sf. Borrower st�all atso fle in defadt Nr �,.
<br /> - :y.. - � �r .�� •
<br />``'�s��`�'' ,`:':";~�`` BoTCOwer.dwing tlie losn applic�tion pmcess.Save materialiy false or ivacauate infasa�ation or statanenu to LEader(ar faited ti��;�`�';
<br /> r. .. .
<br />� '' - - to pmvide L�d�r wi'th aAy tnat�ial infom�aUion)in oonnertion w�tb me toan evidenced by the Note.including,but not Gmited _
<br /> ,: � q� `�r::
<br /> ...�:.....,�_.: w,zePresentaa°�s concerniaS Bomnwer's occaipaaaY of the Property as a psincipal resldence.If this Secarity Ins4roment is on a
<br />-�''�°.c�.:--`.:•'.-; arith a11 the ravisia�ss of the. le�ase. I�Botrower ac�uites fee title w the Properry. the _�^
<br /> leasettotd. Hamnwer shall complY P •"3"'-
<br /> "':.���,:=� ;�°' =': �.,��_,.._
<br /> _ _,:,t:., teasehWd and the fee dde shall not merge w�iless l.ender agrees to the merger in ariting. .s,�,�.
<br /> m
<br />� - � - 7.Brnlecttanbf I.eader's Rigfits in the Pioper�j.If$oaawer faits w perfom►the cavenapts and ag�emerus oontai�v�l in ��_N,
<br /> � `°•r dds Serurity If�suumea�.or there is a tega!proceeding that may sigaificantly affect Lender's rigWs in tt�e Propercy(svcd�as a � _�.
<br /> F,;1 •_"`;';... Pmceedit►8 in bankcoptc3►•Pmbate,for oondeamarion or farfeiwre or ta enfarce taws or r�egntadoaq),thea Lender map do dnd �'_-
<br /> = '''` PaY far whatever is necess�Y w Pi'otect the value of the Pmperty ana LRnder's r�ghts in the Pxoperty.Lender's acdor�s mey ___-_
<br /> : °�`'•::;•.'.:�'°�'�`.; incinde paying any sums secured by a t�en ahich i�as priorlty aver this Secarity lnstrumeut, aDP�S in aouri,.paYl°g _
<br /> ..;.:��;�,..:.."..
<br /> ;....; . -.:_. a':�: � � _
<br /> _T�:.zrr._.,:; .
<br /> .� :::�.-. reasonabte attoraeys'f�an�enterinS on the property w rnatce repairs.Atthongb Le�det may tatce adion ander para�ap
<br /> �-::,�1;� ; 7,Leader daes�ot have to do so.
<br /> .�r: pny a�ts disbnrssA�by Lend� imder thia paraSraDh � st�Sl beaome addiiional detit of�Bmmwer secaced by tids __
<br /> : .',: � ;:. thi
<br /> "�:,'.,::;':;,;:�:~-�: 3acarity Instrameni.Untess Botro�wer and LeMer agree to other tertns of paymeat,these amounts shalt besr�t fram the --
<br /> `r°�:°,�: ,= . date of disburaeatent at the Note rate and ahall be payab2e, wlth inter�st. npoa notice fmm Lender to Barrawer ie.qaest�g ,
<br /> � .'. Payment• . � �
<br /> ' ; t::. 8.Mortgage Insarance.If Lender�quired mortgage insurance as a condition af maldag the loan seanred bY this SeauitY �� _
<br /> �" �.,.`.-:�`<- �-� ' Instnunent,Boaowes shall pay the prenuwns�ired to maintain the martgage insurance in effect, if.far atpr neason,the
<br /> _.';.:�°;:�� . red Leader lapses ar ceases to be iu effe�,Borrawer shaU pay the premiums reqa'sred to � _
<br /> mortgage insuranoe ooverag�t�eqvi bY vateat to th� "" �
<br /> , ` »�� obtain coverage sabstaatia�ty equivaleat m t6e martgage insuraao�previously in et1F�t,at a cost substantisity equi
<br /> .,° :,: ..;: . �;.- w s t t o B o r ro w e t o f t h e m v r t g a g e i n surance p revi o n s l Y in effect.from an al�mortgage insurer appmved by L�ender. If . ,�- '_:
<br /> • '�:.``�i: • �yy��y eq�valent mortgage insurance ooverage is not available,Borrower shall pay to Lender each mon t h a sum e q u a l to
<br /> ' n �::,:;;.,.
<br /> ,. � ;� one-tarelfth off ti�e ye�iy mo»gage insurance premiam being paid by Bo:rower ahen the insurance coverag,e 1aDsed or ceased to . f..;;..�
<br /> .:�:.`;:.�.-����' be in effect.�,ender will accept.use and retain these payments as a loss reserve in lieu of mortgage lnsurance. Loss res�ve =-�;-_-
<br /> :�;ti��;. r• . .:•; . .
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