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<br /> - t' cM� C ?_ - 4 :> � i k t � � -:s- � - ?�� �� � i .r
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<br /> _ �
<br /> �t ..�".. �'{ � �c,...¢-.. . r�--�'-�Fr-rcr .y . .-x �t� o.-�.._.¢ta`,, �;��.�.r'x-..F':t . er . -c�:.'F:T r,-'7"c. r� 1�� b .'t� - - ' y� .,'k.= ..��. �c -_
<br /> - c - ,:,i - �,i:. ,c..: _ '- t - r.cc -
<br /> F� `�� x -Ti t--'' � �` �ry�, _4. � +.
<br /> wy!C� /� pr.a �
<br /> y '����u � V V�V�f�i. ���ti7 4 t t� t �_
<br /> �f.' "a<f:_ `�r�.� ; �S ,� t`Y .:..
<br /> � Y�::`.��.' i1llY��erQ��TY""e.��J�� t -. �S a4 2 y 4 ^ti
<br /> y,v„ �z ��° _
<br /> � �,. TOGEfEIER Vi(�TH atl the imp`r�vame�ts aow o��t���� and additians sha11 also be covered by this SecuritY , �� ,:�u �
<br /> , 4_ ��l 4Y� 1�MWW �� � {���" 8 rW� Ol YlG R��' J. . P N{ZF�c. ' � i-'
<br /> :�_ tnsuument.All of the faregoing is ceferced to in this SenuitY inst�ument as tde°P�oPertY•� �� ' r; � ` �,
<br /> < �`^ ` " � B O R R O W E R C O V E N A N't'S that Bornuwer is IaaFully seised of the esiate hereby wnveyed and has the ri�ht to grant aad a , � g�. ,�,-G
<br /> ..,,; � � .-
<br /> � '� �. '4« convey the ProQertY and that the Property �s vnencum6e.ied.except for encumbrances of record. Borrower wasants and will _ } �;
<br /> erty
<br /> r r ..� all ciaitas and demauds.subjed ta any enc�tnbraaoes af teoord. � .�`: , n:.� � F.,
<br /> y,�.:.��.:-.< . ;:;.,..�ei.,:�4�
<br /> :�=`.,� .:...�:°r�• defend geae�aity tbe tide to the Pro�ty agatnst •.;:.;�:��:: _ . .�r�."
<br /> fonn caveoants far national use aad non-nniforni covenants with timited , s -:,:
<br /> ' , ;SP - THbS S�rC11R1TY INSfRtJMENT oombiaes urii � _t �`� a
<br /> � variations by jurisdidion to oonstitute a a�form security instr�ment ooveriag i�eal propertY• �-�- � �fi�� "
<br /> : � � ��
<br /> ` � UNfft?RM COVEPiANI'S.B a m ower and I.ender covenant and agree as follows: � �`� � �,. y '_
<br /> , �`'"� st ant! Ittterest: Pt�Y� a�d Late Charges. Botrower shaU promptiY PeY when due the e -, f
<br /> ° !, �aycttt�tt Pei� �s � �
<br /> Y�.' principat of and intacu on the debt evidenc.ed bY the Note and anY P�Y�nt and latc charges due under We Note. � -u� 7
<br /> �� �: 1
<br /> '��' ` Z.F u n d s f o r T a s e s a a d Insmrattce.Sub 3ect to agplicable law or to a wcitten waiver by Lender.Bormwer shall pay to � � _o t � ;
<br /> t • ;`� � i.ender an the day momlily payments are due under the Note.unn"I the Note is paid in fnil.a sum�`Fun d s")for.(a)y e a t Y t a x� . �
<br /> t � �: `' pe�ty; eaii teasehold payments `� �!TM}=� ' '" .
<br /> c ,°�`,, and ass�ts whid►maY at�n Pnority wer tbis SecaTity t�rumer�t as a lien o�the Pro (b)Y Y ��• r nt ��`_ �_,
<br /> 4 �� � . or gmund rerts on the Property.if any:(c)YeaztY t�a�d or property uuuranoe preauums:(�Year1Y ttood ia5urance u .
<br /> .. :a,`: �: if aoy;(e)�reartY m�rtg�Se�p� • !e h Borrower to Lxader. in w�o�rdaase�with , � � ?` ' n
<br /> + ,. ums if any:and(fl�Y�PaY� Y 'n f
<br /> f a �s��.� * ,�, v�stons of paragraph 8.in ti�of the payment of mortgage insuranoe�niums•These items are calted " -� _� - �w`= ry
<br /> �� - • �
<br /> ' Lender may. at any time.oollect and hold Funds in an amount not to e�cce,od the maximum amovnt a lender for a federally ,w : $�x�`� �
<br /> - �C, � 4 yy�:.::
<br /> '� - _ =. telated ntortgage toan may rec(u�e for Borrower's escrow a000unt under the fedefal Reai Estate Seutement Pmcedtues Act of -
<br /> �•�� �� :�_r,� � ,
<br /> ' �'�. ,' d974 as amended from time to time. 12 U.S.C.Section 26(li et RFSPA'), ualess another taw dzat applies to t�e Fuads ,
<br /> � -u'�'� '` sets a lesser amo�uu. If sa. l.ender mal+• at anY time,collea and hoW Funds in an amount not m exceed the lesser amoui�t. ` ``� ,�_.
<br /> �, . `' -,,` t.r..J •�� �`
<br /> .,.-,£ I.eader may estimate the amount of Funds due on the basis of a�rrent data and reasonable estiantes of expacditur+es of fimue � , �
<br /> ` Escraw Itans or odierwise in aocordance with applicahie law. � : � � �;, ' ,'
<br /> � � h ' - tOSVtU�1t�1L}�. OL �ltl�!
<br /> - The Fnnds sha!! be 6etd 'm art iact�ion whose deposits are insured by a fedeial agency. � ;�u 4 , L� �
<br /> ,- y ` r��n g i.�d e r,if Lender is sach an instiunian)or in auy Federal Home Loan Bank.Le�tder sdat!appty the Fmnds to pay the � K� .�
<br /> J `j "` g s c m w I t e m s.l�der m a Y not d�ge�orrower far holding and applying the Funds,ann u a}ly a n a t Y r�ag t h e e s c ro w u�s w w t t.o r � •, ��� � �
<br /> � � ���±T
<br /> F �� ''<�-° v�f�n g t�Escrow Items.unless LRUdet pays Barrawer imerest on the Fnnds and applicable law permits L e a der w m a k e� i �4 m
<br /> ,;,.,`.<�.-�E::" $charge,However.1.endez maY re9Pire Bornnwer to pay a one-time charge for an i�eadern ceal estate taa reporting .., . ...,�--��-
<br /> � �" ' � .:
<br /> "° "`•T': used by Lender in ootmearoa witb this lwan, uatess app1Icable law pmvides otherc�+ise. Unless an agrcemeat is taade os �:1.• �
<br /> � r •� '"�"' appllcabte laa+requires iateresc w be paid.Lender shail nnt be required w pay Bornnwer any inter+est or eamia$s aa the Funds. ,,.-.�•: �:
<br /> ��}-��� -�`;:'-'���: .;'�.,
<br /> :: •l.',
<br /> `''�•`.'�.�',`"'; �r;�-.` �Banawer and I�ndet may agc�ee in writing.hawever,d�ai in�sMnit be paid on the F�mds:LeAder sl�aU give W Bormwer, . . .. ,;:�_:� �, ,;<:
<br /> � � : .without c6arge,an aanaa!aabut►ting of the Funds. shawing crediis aad debits to the Funds and tLe pm�pa�for wb�c�esch �#`;�,? ;:,.,
<br /> ,� �.':. r��` :� � '
<br /> , ;4_, debit to the Fmids was made.The Funds aie ptedged as additianal seauity for a!!sums seaired by this Semrtry Ias�+�ent. .
<br /> ,- :. , � �:
<br /> If We Fw�ds h�d 6y I,euder exoeed the amounts permiued to be 6eld iry applicable law.Lender s6ati.a000ant w Borrawer , ,
<br /> . for the eacess Fuuds in accordanoe.vith the requirements of applicable lavv.If the amount of the Fuads 6eid by Lendea at a�► 1���.., . �
<br /> ;:c �••-`• time is not su�icient to pay the Esavw Items wh�due.Leader may so nottfy Borrowes ia writing,and.In sacb case Borcowet . � . ,
<br /> .-�- -+, .: _ - i...
<br /> " .`� ` -,:: . -- shall pay co Lender the smomu ae�+w make up We defc�ency. BoitOwe[Shall 1tla�Ce up tlle defi�1t1 AO mOiC'thBD ,:,�y,� `
<br /> ' ,;; ,� _��: ��.
<br /> . �"r ;y taelve inoNhlY PaYme�ts•a�L�mdea's sole d3scretion. � '. `
<br /> ,�;,: � � '� [Tpon payme�in full of a11 sams secured by this Security Iasunmea�t, Lender s6a11 pmmPt1Y refuud to Borrower soy . ,.�s �:
<br /> . �.•`.� . . <
<br /> ,.•f`-.'��', Fnnds held by Lender.If.ander paragraph 21,I.ender shaU aa�aire or sell the Property.I,�der,prlor w the acqnisitioa or sate ^�,,.,� � �`,
<br /> �� � of the Pc�operty.shail aPP1Y�Y F��eld iry Lender at the dme of acquisition or sate as a credit agaiast the�uas seaued by `�'':��� _
<br /> �- this Searrlty Iusuument. �� ^� °�
<br /> '�-�` : , ,�:`, 3.Appli�ion a��eats.Unless applicable law pravides othetwise,all payma►ts teceived by i�der attdet paragraphs �
<br /> �;,-.:.. .:. ". i and 2 ahaU be apptied:fust.to anY P�Y���Ses due ander the Note;seaond,w amoubts payz�ile ander paragtapb 2. .
<br /> ':� . .;,^��..:;..;�.
<br /> ..:r..r. •.;_,-T h.. �third.to iAterest dae:fotuth.W prinapal due:and last.to aay late cdarges dae.uader the Note. ___
<br /> -��:f"?�";:-, �;a=.
<br /> -- -`.+--:?���, 4.Cdaege�I�ens.Sormwer shaU pay all ta�ces,asses�ents,charges,Rnes aad impositions auributabte W
<br /> `.'��`: !;`�`��:,�',�''`•: wl�eb taa attain priorIry aver this SecarIry Iasuurnent.and leasehold paya►ents or gmc�d reras.if ac►y..Borrawer shaU pay �:�___�--
<br /> ,:;,';;�;.:�..,�..,�.-� Y
<br /> :�n.:' �:,,.;���_` these obligations 9n the manner provlded in pareg�apb 2.ar if not pa�d in that manaer.Boaower shaU pay them on titne dlrectty —
<br /> .�`;: ;���``; '.� to dte pe�son owed yaymen�Bomnwer shall promptly furimish to Ixnder ali not�ces of amouuts to be paid under ttris patagraph.. — -
<br /> ''�;. , . � --
<br /> � ` � '',� � if Bormwer makes these payme�ts dire�tly.Bn:mvver shali prom�ptiy fnmish to Lender recch�ts evidencln$the Paymenta. � --.
<br /> < <' _ �_
<br /> :: r �" Somowet sha11 PmmptlY discharge anY lien wh�ch has priority o,ver this Sewriry Incwment vntess Borrawer:(a)agcees ia a,�' .*�
<br /> � �: .:� ' wsiriag t,p the paym�ent of t6e obligation secured by the lien in a maaner acceptable w l.ender:(b)oontesta ia gaod faith the lien � ,,f,r��+�,;:
<br /> �e = �
<br /> �-: ` �lr•,. by, or defends against enforcement of t he lien in. l e g a l.p ro c e o d i n g s w h i e h i n t h e L,eader's o p i�io».o p e�c e t�prevent�the � ' „_,_
<br /> enForcement of the lien:or(c)seaues from t!►e holder of the lien an a�ent satisfactory to l.cnder sabordl�in$the lten W '� �'��r -
<br /> ,,�. :•-� . �' ���`-
<br /> _ ` this Secwity Insuusment. If Lender detemtines that an}+part of the Property i s su bj o c t to a lien w h i c t�m a y a t t a l t►p r t o ri t y a v e r =`:;,_�;- :s '
<br /> ., .:� �...�
<br /> ' Y.' th9s Security Insuumen�1.cnder n�y give Borrower a notice identifying the Ilen.Borrower shall sadsfy tbe lien ar take one or ,.:�,_:��;;.:. �..•,:,:. :
<br /> . f�;: ,rw•��..,1_.�:.:.�,�,.;.
<br /> :. more a f the acdons set fortb above within 10 days of the giving of notice. �.:�,.� ;,�:7 :
<br /> s Form 3U28 9/90 '',�*�� �:�••
<br /> ��'!R•�`� -�t'�,
<br /> , Pyo 2 01 A • _ �= ' _ -
<br /> y:t"''
<br /> ,::- __ �i:i�.'.�':--
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