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<br /> �-`*„�C„nt4�f-� 7� rtr r�. ��� - .':"s"'.��` � "Ci �#. �-.,"-�{,�.° `, aa-� . �,—.-,5�, '.`._"�._ a-4rcc�- r.:.6,m...r-�,�- .<r -- f f .
<br /> ,! 16- �j.'.....'� l. 4.. ..�y...��._d.... '.S� . i N . �i-. X.
<br /> S__ �"t - CC ' _e~�',�:��. t�'1�"G`��.._"^.,�tS' � ;C� �=� '. ..7 ..fi :a .�w:4. _ :.4., _ �. �
<br /> 4�� f� � - .95_ �.�ffi'7�4� _
<br /> ����� .,<<�.:�-�- .
<br /> � f f..�
<br /> � ;-�'.`v�f` � .
<br /> � rbt.. � :
<br /> `-=�'�`�� �yments may ao longer be�equired.at the option of Leadec.if mortgage ins�n�aace ooverage(in the amaint and for the period � �� .
<br /> x =
<br /> ;,.�� b �r tbai L�eader reqaites3 Ptuvided by�iasvmr agproved by i�aga��avai�abte and is obt�is�ed. Borrower shatl pay C �,'
<br /> u
<br />_;���k_��`:s::�,,, the premiums tequired to�n mort�ge iasurauce in effect,or to ptovide a toss�sen�e,uutil the requir+emeRt for mortgage �
<br /> S} � �Y 1a-
<br /> ;�rnra„oe eads in a�000r�with any writtes�agteemeat between Bonower and L�►der ar applicabte law.
<br /> =� -
<br /> _..?��r:`,`':�' S,Iqs�ion.Leader or its agem may mate reasonabte eat�ies npon and insp�tions of the Prope�ty. Leuei�r shaU give --
<br /> R� `� � �rraar�notice at the time of or paor to an i�xion specifying reaso�ble rduse for the inspec6oa
<br /> r r-� 4 aS�e�'R
<br /> - ta"y�'�-� � IO Coad�nnatlaa.The prooeeds of suy award ur claim for.damages. direct os oonsequential,in oonnecbion aith aay �.y=�,4
<br /> ._.s,`. ^:;{� -..",ew�;. � �,.
<br /> r L:�,, , , condeamasion or othes taki�g of any part of the Property.or for coav ance in lieu of condemnation.are hereby assigned an� .:
<br /> r Y ° Y< „� shatl�e p�id to Lznder. °,
<br /> - In ti�eveni of a�a!taldng of t6e Property,the prac�eds shall be applied w the sums secured by this Security Inswment, ��,,
<br /> - -��t�:;----� = wlsetha or aot then due. with any excess paid to Horrower. In the event of a partial taking of the Propercy in which the fair
<br /> �°��'�t �:2. market vatue af the Pmpeny immediatedy 6efore tLe taidng is eq�at to or greater ttian the amouni of the sumc secured by this �
<br /> £ `�:t� •�� Secwity Iast���Y before the taking.nntess Borrower and Lender otherwise agree in writing,the svms secv�l Dy �j �:
<br /> ��;���,``�;';:<,�-. .s".:,
<br /> dris Se�ritY Inst�'nmeat shati be redaced by the amoam of tbe proceeds mnitiplied by the following &a�oa: (a) t h e m t a l �,_.
<br /> '��`; � f s B� amnuni of the sarns s�d immediately before the taldng.divided by N)the fair market vatne of the PropertY �Y --`
<br /> :•��`.-.; � �,
<br /> ` .1-.',.«':; l�efore the ta&ing. Aay balance s6aU be paid to Borsower. In the event of a pmtial tatdng of the Property in w[uc6 the fair _��;�.;
<br /> .::a,�,-.�_.;��--;:"�<' �
<br /> -._ ..�.,;_.,;�. �``�:.
<br /> �:..,:,�z;��: �:.�°.;:, marlcet vaine of ttee Pmperty i�mediaiely before the taking is less than the amou�of the sums senued�iately before the
<br /> ?:':rr;=.:.�;.��.` ta��tg,unless Borrower aad Lender otherwise agree in writing or aaless a�licable law acT��vvise pmvides,the pmceeds shall " =4
<br /> v x -'f t
<br /> � be spglied w the soms se�vred by t�is Serurity Inst�ument ahether or not the Sams are thm�re. t .
<br /> E�� ���` t' If the Fc+upertq is abandnned bq Bou+ower,or if,after notice isy Lender w Bormwer that the vondemnar offers w make aa '� `•
<br /> _� _ ;�.:�,.,..L f,_
<br /> _ .`'f;�'`'.�;s:`��' awar�or settte a daim for damages.Borrower fails w r�espond to I.euder within 30 days after the date t6e nniice is given, •:_,;.;
<br /> - "4 �4-'��`:�'�:,�'': L_Yender is aathori�d tn colkct and apply she prooceds.at its ogtion,either w restorauon or�eQa"sr of tbe Property orto the sams
<br /> � , 44, ! • D�W W iry this Secarity Instramert.whether or not then due. `
<br /> _ ; .._?.. E�' TTIII6SS I&IIdt'd 811d BQ$K1WCT OtIICiW136 S�C lfl WIR1Ag,anY applicarion of proceeds w principal strall not extend or �`.
<br /> ,,.���; . ai
<br /> ` '. � " postpone the dne date of the monWly pay�neats refecred w in garagraphs 1 aad 2 or change the amouni of suchpaymetcts.
<br /> ^:;�.�.-��,: . 11.Bornua�es Not Re2eased:II�orbearance By I.eadw Nat a Waiver.Eataosinn of the time for payment or modification
<br /> �;c``��:a��.::��:�::r= of amnrtization of the swns secaied bp tbis Seauiry�t granted by Lerider to any successor ia interest uf Bon�ower almli �;�
<br /> •`;:«:'-�-`:= :' nqt operate w retease the liability of the original Borrower or B orrower's saooe.sROrs in i n t e s e s t.L�d e r s h a 1 1 n o t 6 e t e q a i r e d t o ��':
<br /> :'., ! ��-
<br /> b-��; f a��PTO���Y�or in i�os refase w e�d tiane for�or otkecwise modify mnortizatlon � .
<br /> � "•�� of the�snu� sewred by'this Secauity Instrument by reason of sity dernaad made by 1'�e original Botrower ar Borrowea's ��.
<br />'��� ,� p;`,.:'d
<br /> F�:�,z-�;::�""?�;:. suooessors in mte�est Aay foibeazance by Lender in�xerrising auy right ar�medy s6a11 mt he a waiver of or prectude the =_-
<br /> � `+ ` ; exeneise of any tig6t or remedy. � -
<br /> .�:: � �� l�Sueoessois and A�ns Bonnd;doint and Several L�ab3lity;Co�slgnas• 'ig►e covenants sud agreemeats of tius . --
<br /> ,. :L�, `, ';: Seca�it�Iaspument shall biad aad benefit the saocessors and assigns of I.ender aad Bomnwer, subj�t w t6e prov�o�aa of � -_
<br /> ::.:.;,:: .;`;. _.: t- ' ..�;.__,
<br /> j '' �,1 patagrapb 1T. Borrower's wvenants and agreements shall de joint and several. Aay Bo:rower who co-sig� th's.Sesvrtty -
<br /> ''' i tnstrument but daes not execnte t6e Notc: (a) is oo-sig�ing this Secarity Ins�uma�t onty w mortgage.graat aad canvei+t�t ' � �_
<br /> ::';'<s��'::'•..:_ � � '
<br /> - - �--1�::.',�.,. Borrawe�s interest ia the Pmperty under the terais af this Secnrity Insuument;tb)is not pessoAaUy obi�gated ta paq�te sams �-��:_
<br /> �`�°-;'�,r`;,;�,;�,,�';:� se�d bY dus Se�auity lruuameu�and(c)ag�ees that Leader and arry other Borrower a�ay agree to extend.mofiify.fuib�r or , �_�°
<br /> , � , sau u =_
<br /> ,k . � ," malse atry a�onunodations witb mgard to the tem�s of this Secarity ir�uume�or the Note withoat thac Borrower's oonsem. .�.w
<br /> �-.:°�'� ' • �'=�`
<br /> _ `` .��'�': • 13.Laan C6a�es.If the toan secured by this Secarity Ia�t is su6Ject to a!aw which sets r�aa�tmum loan cbarges. � =_
<br /> :�:..'���;:`;`:�':'����;.-,�; . auA that law js t'i�lly inte�so d�t the�interest or otber loan c6arges oollected or ta 6e twllecte8�iu conuectfon with die =�`_
<br /> �_�<,� ���:.��� .loan e�tceed the permitted linuu.then: (a)any sucb loan charge sha►I be redured by the amount aecessary to.teducse tAe charge
<br /> {:�•':�:;�.�:���'�� : � to[he pea�niaed t�sit;aud(b)any sumg alrea�y collected frvm Borrower whtcb exceeded permitte�!limits wlll be iefiWded to
<br /> �, -,.�.�.;�:�,.r� �..
<br /> ,:-• � ,� .._ Barro�rcr Lender may cdoose to make this refund iry reducing t�e prindpal owed umdes the Note or by maimg a dir�t.
<br /> .-�_�_�y1t.__1.::Ir ..
<br /> _ �:,�;'.�;.., FaY�� to Borrower. If a refand redaces Prtncipa4• the ieda�tian will�be treated as�a part�al prep�yment without ar►y
<br /> � ; ,. �-� :' . PreDaYmerrt d�arge�der the Note: ..� ��;,
<br /> -• • ��':;�- • . er
<br /> �="� `�- '" 14.Notices.Aay notice to Borrower p�ovided for in thfs Securiry Inst�nent shall be given by delivei3ng lt or by mailing
<br /> - -.. . :`�_3•?° - � . —
<br /> : ;�.•,.=._._ it by.�irst class a�ail unless�spplicabfe!aw mquires use of aaoiher method.'i`h�not�oe shaU be directed to the Property Addxt�s.a.
<br /> :•-��Y=='a.�j��<' . or arry.othec address Borrower designates by aoRee to Lerider. Any not�ee to,Leader st�atl be given by flrsi clasa ma�1 ta
<br /> .:*�;;�:'`.;,: '.,•..-: . . IJender's address atated herein or aisy uther addmss Leadee designates by nadce to Bormwer.Any nntice pmvxded fos in�this - -
<br /> -;;;,`' :�; . ... Sewriry i�uwme�shall bc deemed to have been�gtven to Sorrower or Lender vvhen given as pmvidod in this pa�agaph: __•
<br /> •r r� +�': . IS.Goveeair� La� Seve�'ebility. This Sec�uity tagtrument shall be govemed by federal taw and the !aw of the =
<br /> :� .�;, jutisdiaion in whtc6 the Property is toc�ted.In t h e eveni t h at aay p r o v i s lan oz c l anse of i h is S e c a�ri ty ince.,�me�n os.the Note =
<br /> "` '; '�":r.: ' '
<br /> „ A •=_ �oonftict�with applicable taw,such conflict slia1L not affect ather presvisians of this Security+Instrument or the Note which can be � ;=.
<br /> �-' given effect wi8ioat the conflieting provision. To this end the provisians of this Securlry Instrument aad the Note are declazea
<br /> •_�. to 6e sevetabte. ���'�
<br /> �'' � _ I6.Borrow�s CoP9.8orrower shall be given one oonformed oopy of the Note and of tt�is Security Instmment. e `
<br /> �.,�=
<br /> _ .::: ,:. �; • • Form 80?8 9l8O °}
<br /> `,;.: ,
<br /> ., - �1; Vage4a18. --
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<br /> - �:�.
<br /> _...:�:•�- �it`F_ .
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