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<br /> "_ T '! � r. _'t.� S�\.:'.� 5, � ` �
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<br /> - ��i.; _ _ ,. ._"_'."':-.T'°' 4 _ - ' . . - .. y_'F`.14C
<br /> -yi� �,. '-' -:,� r4 �� u; LY- t ' . � �`c rR---?�,� '4{ !7e't -- �,.�:x Z_ 'rot _f,-2;. . ,,� i asr� z t a/y '.�s'{ '' -
<br /> ��44 L� T " r '_ . 4 ' }Y f*�}. -+."r .�� � . Y (i�'i .. 2 p'a .
<br /> s._"��,�r_...o 'Y � ' �'.o-r� �� ;x�-, �a'�� � F � � y 'Fc �_ :� ` �`� � c� ls„��- l ",c,E �n
<br /> .�._it � -`�.....S.� L i'c___�,_ s _,� s�t t- 'u ta - n t-�_,�.� xL ,. � -.L }
<br /> ` }y iv-F' �'-�..�-__.�'_""�"ay"""_ �'—�"� "'r--<-c n�--a- --'ic-� � � - — . -: �.. . �` � _ S. _ � _ .- �
<br /> .`r. d:° - p T Ex�Pl�. d . � k�$. x � � � <� �L Ef .. .y �� , 4 � ... F l , K�. � � n. c
<br /> ..._� �- • _ 'rrc . r'. . . t n Ed � �` h `• ?-s- -f . . tr ('_t � _L",� 1 � f� �".
<br /> x�� _ ?f. � '� . � �ct r � . �p <(�d } E 7 �5 �r �k ��tt e :FS C.,...�C .-bv�6, rl�-.%�' S,�., ..r`Fa�,. :�.t. - � t �� '!�
<br /> � a-..i cx`-. L .t- -L , '� c� 7t , x-_ [C .,.,-.�i[ � .,��-
<br /> i °.x r ��p"_'4 .,�.'..t. �t. ...t,.. �car �s^ a-.,
<br /> •,os�_-. ys+:•¢ `'�'� '- 6 - �. -
<br /> ' _y._''rt �'.<:
<br /> F� �pE"��Yj'T�• ��� �� $�].j /��y�^ �
<br />..._���-i�'t r`�_'£yY�_ �V-� �� VY{{{� ` ��!.'F�t_
<br /> - �`:"�;� -�=-� Burta Sb81t $4�Q� �Y� pOW fELSttttg Of he�23L1Ca �,:�.<.�,
<br /> rJ• �1'd QT � �'BIIOC. � w ' -:a�=i:-�
<br /> e2 � �t tO55i�3y�.�1�Wt�tlii t��[IIl�?.7Qffi�COYC[�$C BLt�,S�/OQ�l�T�S.�fl�$
<br /> ����'ch Leader '19�is i�suranoe shail be maint�ined in�the araouats a�ad for the ds `t` n�
<br />.s; '`��a�;ti`_n' ftuads or flaading, ��' �6e chos�a by Borrower bv6ject to Ixnder's�ap�p,r,aswal {<.; -�
<br /> � ` TM . t�18t�Cl IEQU�I�. �@ UISIlTdnOL C8T[IeE QfOV��g tf1C 1ASUl8flCC 2bOVe.�m8y►r 8[i.ilxic+S M'{, `
<br /> f 'y'n TL � �. wT1iCIi Shzll nOL bC un�asol�abty withhCtd. ff Bt1mDWef fei13 to mamtain covera8e descrt� #` v
<br /> ; ' -�w:�: m ac�oidairoe with�agtapt�7. •.:',`�.
<br /> ::��;�F,-, _ op}ion.obtain oova'age w Ptutect L�nder's dg�ist the ProPert3+ iro '.`='��::'`
<br /> -..s,. `�`',.'°`• A!1 insvianoe gotic�s and�newats sbald be a�o�table ta Leader and shall inctade a standard mortSaSe c1�se. l,atder r::�.��:.-:
<br /> ;,.4': or„� '' YE W I.C11dCT 3ll TCOCIQLS Of ��
<br /> . shap have the right co ho2d t6e policies and renswals.If Leuder rtquires.Bmruwer s1ia�!promptlY P& < ,.-
<br /> y--'� -�`� ' �d p��d renea►at norices.In the event of toss.Boaow�r sisali give prompt nocice to tbe i�cariies and L�der.
<br /> $} ` . t �' �� make of of loss if not made promptlY bY 8��+�.
<br /> _x,�s.s_,�_�_:_� �,.;� . „�se.»,r.«�•...st,�wi�e a�ee in wririn,�.insurance Dmoeeds sHall be applied w reswra�inn or repair of the ��;��.
<br /> .5�,�— �-.- v�u�:ao w::....- ......-�__"__ .. 1S IIOt I255CIICa.lI U[C l�Wi�v�� h �'
<br /> r "; Pro da�naged.if tUe testora�an or repair is ecoan�mically.feasible and l.ender's sec�rity �.:�
<br /> _: Y��� � ;,f`:� �not eaono�salty fe�'bte or Le�der's seauiry woutd be t�.tt�e insnrnn�ce pmoe�is shall be applied to the sums . '
<br /> '`"'r�� �: � with excess paid to Borrawer_ If Bonower si�andons t6e _
<br /> r �.,-•-;.`,i,-: SECHI2d��$��� ��•W�E1'aI ilOt t�1CA dQCs '� ';:
<br /> t,•-� „` F>�� prnperty,or does aot aaswer within 30 days a nouce from[�euder tiu�t the irisivanoe carrier has offered to settle a claitn,d�en �.
<br /> - &�E i Lendor may ase the psooeeds m regair or nstore the Pc+ope,rty n*to PaY su�
<br /> -��:�<'.;�.'�-<•; � �. Lwder may collect the h�arance pmceeds• , .��,
<br /> »�'' � {s secuned+by this Searriry Insuam�t.v�fietF�or not then due.Tfie 30-day pesod ws71 begin cvi�the cwrice is givea�. �f ,
<br /> " ��' Untess Le�d�r amd Barmwer othe�vite a� in writing. anY ePPlicasioa of prace�ds w�riacipal shall uot extend or
<br /> 1 -- -�- .- �F�: .
<br /> ` '°- -"� �ne t1�e due date of the mnnttilY Paym�ts ceferred w ia pa�a�aghs Y and 2 or change the amnant of the paymeats• If :
<br /> "�,°.-r Y' `- - Borrower's ri w am�r insacance poli�s aad gtocee8s�snttiag from .f,.
<br /> :;'�: "'4'`,<,;, ffider paiag�'aph 21 tbe Pmpert3+�s aaNired by Lender, 81� b � �
<br /> �` �_� damage to the Progerry Prior w cLe acqaisidon shall pass w Lender to tUe exteru of the snms s� Y �tY -
<br /> ,�_ ��,. ..�-.: }:
<br /> r ��, imu�diately prior to the acquiss�on. � -
<br /> `x-:.,�:::'�;` �.OccaQaucy.Pteservattan.Ma�aud ProtecNon of the�y.Bon�awer's Loan ApplicaHon;l.easehotds.
<br /> w:�. i � as Bor�nwer's priasipal resideACe arithtn sixtY daqs a#�er the e�aaa of
<br /> � .�_ j:..t; Botrnwer shari oocupy,estab�isb,aad ttse the PropertY , , �
<br />:_;_>..=,`-`:1--:�;'-�: ��ty��t and shall oantinne w accapy the PropertY as Borravver s pxIncipal residence fos at teast one year after
<br /> v ,
<br /> `}`''' r"''� the date of accopancy,unless L�der otiterwise agrees in ariting.wtrich consent shall not be unt�easonably withhetd,ot anles� i ._:
<br /> . `�..}� extenuating cirwmstaz►ces exist which arc beyond Borrow�'s conurol. Borrowet sdall nat destto}►. dama8e or impais the ,
<br /> �,�� - Borrower stiall 6e ta defauit ifi any fotfdaae ` :
<br /> < ;"""�"-`�' : property.aitow the Property to deteriorate,or co�araste on the PtopertY•. d�esntt�u�otfeiiare of the '�
<br /> � ':.> aqion or p r a c e e d i u g,whetlter c�vil or�tal,is b that in L�nder's gaod faith jud�au cqnl
<br />'N;.�:,.-;:°':,•i,•:-°`,« t�e 1�D ClCdif��Sj/t�S$�tY IDSt(UII1Ctit OT I.CDdCt'S S0q1lit�/�11tC[CSt-BOlIOWCt ID3JI �y.°-.;
<br /> ,. ; �. a<:'' F(p�2I(�/�atI1CfVII18C�y 1��
<br /> pe
<br /> B 18 6 causing the acxion or pmoe�ding to be d3smissed wkh a:nling �',r,.
<br /> ,i S 3r c�ce sfich a default aud reinstate.as pmvided'm paragrap , Y us other matetial . r;'
<br /> �f-° Wat, in iznder's gaq� faith d�ermina�on.Pr�ludes forfeitn�e of the Bariower's interest lu the PropenY �
<br /> .�' ne
<br /> , _'` . impaira�ent of the lien creat�by this Sec�tY InsWmenc or I.endet'�s security imer�st.Bortower s�all aiso be'in detanit if �j
<br /> �..:.;l;r,�,.._.-1:,: e materiaily fatse or ivacca�ate infasmation or statennents to Lender(or failed
<br /> �,. Bor�wer,during ihe loan application pruoess,P„av -��
<br /> ` .;� t %� tn.pmvide�der wtth any material information)in oonnedion with the loan evidenced bY the Nate:inciuding,bat aat limited �' _
<br /> _ ".'.°�= .... to.rePceseatatiotts aonceming Horrower's occu�ancy►of tite Prope►ty as a grinclpal residatoe.If tlas Se�ty�suament�s aa�a � -R- -
<br /> " "�"�� fee titte to tbe Pt+ope�y, the . ��:-`
<br /> '��:.,?��.�: '-�.=.:":'-' le�ehold;:Botrower shall compl3► with a11 ti�e ptovis�oag of the teasc. Yf�armwer acquires_ . _
<br /> .::�`.�f�_::'����;,F :'� tasehotd and the fee 6de sha.II not mage m�less Leader agcees to the merges iri wriHng. � .. . ;;�
<br /> .,. . `.,�.��, .If Bunower fails m erform ttie covenaats and agr�ments oanta�ned in �;:�
<br /> , ". - 9.Psut¢�ttoa of Leader's Ri�his tn the IMopeety P . �:
<br /> � � a�ect I.ea�der's ri ts in the Propeny (such as a ��_`'
<br /> '' . , ';?` . tuis Secafity Iusd'ament.or the�is a legat pruoeedin$that maY�S��Y �'` __-
<br /> ,���'���":;:;"'`�:x�:L ptoeeeding in bantaapicl+.Pmbate.for condemnatioa or forPeiaue or to enforce taws or rcgulat�ons),Wen Lender may do and _
<br /> - , _ ��"`� . Pa�+ for whatever �s ae�c�saip�o pm t e c t t h e v a t n e o f t h e P c o p e i t Y a a d 1 e u d e r's ri g E�a i n t l u Pto p e t t y.Lende�s actious may ---
<br /> ' 4.,�`°'.. �`.:"."', i a c l u d e an aw�s sec�ared.b y a Iteri ahich has prlosity aver tbis Security Instr�meat. apP�ng in oatnrt. �ayin8 '
<br /> - -��, �: �r,•.x.: re�soaab� y' on the Pro to matce repabs.Althougls Lender may take action na d e r t h i s�amgrap h • � ._
<br /> �; �=- a�to�neys fees and e�tertng P�Y . _
<br /> , F �' ?,Leader does nqt have w db so. -
<br /> ' � � .�'. pTry amouats disbursed Dy La�der uader this pamgraph 7 shall 6ecome addiSonai debt of Bosrower•secured'bY cfis. . __
<br /> - �.-:'��.,."'._ �, . Security Insmimerri.Untess 8onrower and Lender agree w other t�ms of paymenb these ama�mts shal!bear icaerest from the� . __.-
<br /> , ,.. --
<br /> .::l-.:'" � . dat�of disbarsement at the Nate rate and sha11 be payab2e;aith i�terest. upon notice fram Lender to&rriower segaesting --
<br /> ?_.: ,� <:; . Pajrmert. � . _
<br /> ,. 8.Mortga$e Insmaace.If Lender re�uared mortgage insumnce as a oondition of maksng the loaa secared by thia Sec�ulty -
<br /> �� '`"�� Iasaroment. Borrower shail pay the.pre�niums sequired w maintain ti�e mortgage insurauce ia effect. tf. for aay reaso=nr.,�the �
<br /> j. -: ..- a::..; _ . t1i8 QIIL4.�0�111�ias�Q - . "� 'r
<br /> , ``,.. r.:;.' � mortgage insarance coe�tage tegnimA bry Leoder lapses or ceasca to.ba in effed.Boirower sLa11 paY. P� � -
<br /> - :;,_,:,,:;;;::u:, . obtain coverage su6stamialty c�,tvate�►t to the mortg�e 9asuiamoe pteviously in effect,at a.aost substantiaUy eqah!aEent to the
<br /> cost ta Borrawee af tfte mortpge insuran��revlonsty in eftect. from an aiternate raortgage insurer ayymved by l.ender.1f
<br /> .,,';.;: . substaadaliy eq�vatent mortgage iqsura�caverage is not availab2e,Boaower shaU pay to Lendet each month a sum equa1 w �_;
<br /> ;. '' �'-�` one-twelftb af the year�y mortgage i n su�ce p�a�1 n g p�d�Y����w fi e a t h e i n s o e a n c e c o v e r a g e l a p s o d o r ce a s e�to �_ :
<br /> •���.i.. �- .
<br /> �'�,��,,::: tre in effect.L�tder wiU aceegt,use and re�tain these payments as a loss�reserve in lieu of mongage iagureace. Loss nesen►e _
<br /> :;r.- �'. • �o�ao2a e►so —'-�
<br /> ,,_. :z. �:
<br /> ��` � - ve�oaore
<br /> :%.� . '.,L � . . °U
<br /> .sG.� .f, i� �..��• _ _.
<br /> _� .�_ '� . � ''„ t _ " �������,��� .
<br /> � _.!� _J . -, � :'li' ' .. 4' �L _ . ,.sJ��'�5,`Y='��'
<br /> � 4y� ii�rt� t- y � ' .�c
<br /> ' t �ti•. -1 . - !�
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