a .�.z• � x>n. a: - � �r
<br /> .`]� �l'3�1f��� '�iL U -ti�r�� aA`Y 2 `S�'i-. -.i�f�.�,csxi! `f `�-�1�.�.'�� .`; . . .
<br /> i_....-__.-r�nc.����i?Y�'���=-:t;;s,`ai�' ��ts t ..�,;..�-.,`�"rp,- �� ''�"wi�`5`�-y?:51. �-=.si��:,3->�' ' �r.
<br /> .- V'r . Rt ,. . • }� � . .
<br /> -0_. ' ` ' t 'l '_ti' 1^', �y-�J` . ' ��M� ��.5 ,.{ '(�^k }
<br />. .� _..�. . .. ���` � l..�a.�� Sy 1tLw.L' ' __ _ _
<br /> 1.,`�.'`� Vc: _ ...c�.vc,C y�l.� . r Z- ii4 6_ t°r I _
<br /> 1' 4 6._ �..e lsr,- *� k."' _.tG:.� �.� ..�__
<br /> �� r c . ' . �-.m.n� � �` "t, 4�h __ ..w... ,�,�.r...� r.A�a't. ���c ,.
<br /> , '•'.`R`, l -.-..e,�i �� ,� rA � f.. � � ....�y�' � . . _. _�.w��� ��.r_.. `�"�..�, ,�..�..�--.�x'^'t�'°��4a 4��4 xl _` t� -
<br /> , _vr•-�c7.�s,,�'T� s-f ,''i r-r_ y��-._Y; �s.�r,��r*�,,:�c�,�' � '� �-t�£" - . � _� '�" � 2" �yc__.s � �� "Ft_ .ti� a-��,r �����.'� �._
<br /> ��� � .,u- x . � z"_'y�}.tt�} ,� y u-_i-+k`4�—� z'�-=a:---t.& F_'��'-�.r"`� -�- -t r�-�� , F t.''"°�`t t �-a-�'-���'�'�',�, - �� �.L �..
<br /> �< F i � � ` �.._^y Y���� y ,� t`�< F -. ��c- ,.c.-:���'L- '�4 Y� '� _t..'; _ _`�"+ �:h�� ,s.•. - 5 1- �3r�G. _ c..
<br /> �i �`t-� i tF '�' `� _.E_ ^?6 .u �.s:v� - - t ::,1°"Y&_`
<br /> _ti. :'�..4:r4 s . `��"������ �y�t i r..
<br /> R YL
<br /> '�} o i. •y'' v�naw ar heteaitet eiested an the ptopo�'ty.end all easenw,ats.apP�•� ` `" ":'
<br /> .'�.,-'_�- -..�:<<:^_ `..` ..
<br /> ` �W[TH all the ia�pm sua add[tio� shall also be cuvered by Wis �ew� "°f:z�r �
<br /> '°h� " ��` 'i�` ar hetea�r a � of the p�°p�!►' � T�� _ ._ :
<br /> I L L" _ C�...�. A� �wp.,,, :t:tt,�a;.
<br />-t:;.,t. 11JllWw cred to in 1h3s Se�ritY I�� ��upetcy' ;
<br /> . � �`:;`` tasaument.At1 of the foregoing is t+�fe p . .``
<br /> �_. ooaveyea aad hag the rigtu to g�ant aad •.Y
<br /> -�::.a�-� �>:;,., : ," �.�-F.•. .:
<br /> _ .....,�.; �--:•.:-, BQRROWER OQVB(�1AN7�tLsi 8ostower is 18wfWty seised Of t6e estate hetebl► .:_r<°,.. .
<br />' �.���, �" .�-., is naena+mberetf.exoept for eucumbrnnces of record. �rrower wanarts and'wIft
<br /> �,� .� the Pmperty efld shat���Y ,�� .
<br /> �;�:��:F � O6II°�' end deaaauds.subject w any encumbrano�s of record. .�{-,4�c V
<br /> �e::��. ��ge�atty the ude w the RopercY�ns��� use aad nun-uaifiirm covesraats arith timited `.°'�-
<br /> ��' for nat�osal �`�'•`�"
<br />�,�. ��_ _W'�:: liv5i'RIJMBN'F combia�aniform canreaaats �:r:,.
<br /> �t;'.�:..,,.:. 'E'H4S SECI7RITY seaui �ume��v��pi°perty, ... .. v
<br /> >�r�; ';�' variasions by jnrisdicdon tQ ooaseiaue a�mifam� tY :,:" ` '
<br />- - UNIFORM COVENANTS.Eorcuwer aad Len�der coveuaat and agree as foilows: '.�."_=.`
<br /> �nd Late CHar�eg. Horrower shsli pmmptiY PaY when due the , �,'
<br /> i. PaYm�t°f�P�a�d� �J�� a and tate d�arg�►due under the lriqte. �
<br /> ,� ihc Note and aaY P�P Y� �r '�"
<br /> s����� P�P�of and mte�st an ihe debt evidenced bp �ver b Lender. Borro¢+er sbatt pay w �
<br /> . -..__. r.,r.:..........++.,l;�,t�taw Ar ui a writtrn Y ..{ -
<br /> C � - �Z.M1RAS LOT i�o mais ttnasa.s;►......��^•--••-rr---- e
<br /> ' �'`` � ' j Leader on the day mo�WY P�Y��dae under the Note.aanl ths Note is pai�ip fuU.a snm(F�y lea�ettotd�a� � ,```'
<br /> -�.;e��::-:�,��s; asa l�►ont6e Fmperty. Y p�� ;�.�:�-:
<br /> ov�this SecuritY IAStivment (b)
<br /> - + 4.r ��which maY attain Pno�ity d flnod insviance Prem�ams, <
<br /> . � , �,�:� or ground rents on die Propert}►,if aay;(c)Y�r1Y ha�d or propen}►�Pr�OS•( )Y�1Y � f r �
<br /> `.` ; �,, if atry;(e)YeartY matt�aSe i�mrance P�ru� if any;aad(fl�Y�P��by�itans are calt�'Escrua+Iteq�s•` :`'`;���,
<br /> : r.. r
<br /> � ffiq1 a.�.
<br /> '�, ti,; . �provisions of gaiagraph 8.in liw of the p�ymeat of mortgage insn�anc�p��- , ,,
<br />_.�t;:.:..'.�._.�_..
<br /> . .,. .,t �may� at auy time,coIIect and hald Funds in an amount not w e�coeed tbe maximum awourn a tender for a fed Y
<br /> � '-� �at�mortgagc loan maY recl�ze for Bo�wer's�crow accou��the federal Real Fstate Setdemeat Prucedures Act of
<br /> �� � ��.,
<br />-'��Y-�`,.«';;r` 1974 as amatded fmm time to aare,iZ U.S.C.Saxion 2b01 et seq.('RESPA°).oaless another laa+t6at applies w i4e Funds ..G.�-�
<br /> ~`..'�:.,;:�..�:_�:.:-� at time.cullect and hoid Fnuds in an amoaut aot to eaoeed the Iess�am�nt-
<br /> sets a tesser smout�.. If so. Leuder maY• �Y �£:•,°.�:
<br /> � tbe basis of wmem data and�easonable�of�Aditat�es of famre �
<br /> �, `., L�der may es�timate the amoum of Funds dae on ` -
<br /> 7:.j Escrow Ite�ns or ad�ecwise in accasdanre with aPPlicable law: $ ��Y� or eadty! , .�
<br /> ; '�4 � Tde Ftmda shalt 6e 6et�in aa na�on whose deposits are insured bp a federal gea�Y+ • f
<br /> �� ihe Functsto pay the . � --
<br />`;,:'E--;;:W_�_'.-:�,�:;, :.: (inciuding Lender.if Lender Is sach an iusdwtlon?os in any Fedeial Ho� ds,aimua11Y anatyz��e e�ow accouat,or ,�.•:`�
<br /> ��;;�fi j•<u . E�ccow Items.I.eader maY not chatSe 1�on°wer for holding and applying Lender to make suc6 �
<br /> .F'�. s Boma�ver icuemst on tIse Fuuds aad applica6le law pennits � '=
<br /> the Fscrow Items,unless Ixadec paY sexv�ce
<br /> vt ` '�°•j.� fl��ge.Nowever.Iender mal+ie9nire g°n°wer to pay a one-Ume c.6ar8g for an indePendent ceal estate ta�c seporttn$
<br /> miless ticable�law pmvides othe.rwise. Un�ess aa a�t is made or � °
<br /> .::�`•�:;'.:;� used bY �� in conn�tion witti�is taan. �P � $�sower atry interest or e�ngson�ite Fnnds. - -
<br /> , '�`` , '� • appl�Cable law�eqotres inserest to be paid,Lender sQatl not be reqa� Pa3' �., ;�
<br /> •-.:%=�=`'`�`•��—:�' Bdimwer aad Leuder ma�►���writing,Lowever,that i�terest shall be paist on the Fnuds.L.ender shaU�► for whi��� �
<br /> 4 ' ma =
<br /> �:: withuut�charge,an anm�al aoc��uing of the Fuads.shawing crediis and debits w t&e Fmids and���. ' 4
<br /> , k. �
<br /> oca
<br /> �, ` deblt to tfle Funds was made.Tbe Fands are pledged as additlonal seauity for a!1 k�te�Leud�er sba�i accawnt to 8armarer . ��`
<br /> .'_:, ,. .. r�` If the Funds held by I.ender e�cceed the amouats p e m d t t e d t o b e h e t d i ry a p p :
<br /> r��. emeats of applicabte law.IP the amount af the Fands heid by'l.ender at aay . �- �:..
<br /> ~_ r . for the excess Fnnds in ac.amrdance aitb the sequir ;a
<br /> ,. . _ dme is not s u ff ici e a t w p a y t h e E s c r o w�t e a i s ahen dae,1.e�der maY sa ttotify Borrower in writiag,and,in.sucL Case Borrower
<br /> F._ ; ' the deficiencY i n no mo�t h a n �' ;
<br /> ".t.' �:: shall pay to�Lender�the antount n�►to makc nP We deficieacy.Boaower sball mafce aP , � ��.
<br /> � ?�:` twetve momhty paymeais.at Ixndrs's sole dissreaiaa refand w Bormwer eay. . =
<br /> r' '" r _ Upon payment in fuU of all sttms set�ued by dus Secarity Instcumea� Lender sha11 Dtaru�Y �- -,
<br /> ' _ � Fanda held by L�der.If,w�der PffiagtaPb 21.����or sell the Property,l�eadet,p�Ios xo the aaluisitton or sate �,,,;��
<br /> oY the Property.sl�afl aVPh►�Y�ads he2d by L�der at the time of aoquisidaa or sale as a credit ggainst the�soms secared bj► - -
<br /> ���.-�,.,.;;.�,�:.` :`::' - thiSS�catityInstmmet�.t. . � • � _
<br /> « --. 4 �Y.� des ot�erwise,atipaYmeata received by�ettder undetpara$raPhs
<br /> . r,.'fi��. 3.Appltcattan of Fayiueais.Unless appiicable law provi
<br /> � *�:; i and 2 sAatl6e applled•first.to anY P�PaY����dne under the Note:se�ond,�w amout�ts paya6le under Fa�raPb 2% __-
<br /> :.v. 3 � ���` ' t h i r�.to imerest dqe.fourth,w prinsipal due;and last,ta a�►iate charges due nnder the Note. . .
<br /> R_ -�''_,�s.:,�..#': . —
<br /> `_�:�;:�:.,;::�.,,�;:�;.: . q.pbarg�i�eas.Bonower sha11 pay a l l ta�ces. assessm e n t s,c h a s g e s,f i n e s a u d�m p o s l t i m i s s u n'bn t a ble.to the P m Pert9 . ---
<br /> or reuts,if anyr.Borrower shall PaY
<br /> ; ;t _ afiic�t may suain P�iotitY m►et t6is Seca�ity tnsuumeM:and leusehold paymeuta grou�d � _.
<br /> r these obli�atiOns in the manner pravtded in par�aP�2,ar if uot paid.in.Wat a�snner,Bosroaer shal gay them on dme directlY
<br /> j7,�_.f::;;",-:: gati owed a fiunish to I.eader a11 nouces of amouats�6a pffid imd���� � _
<br /> t Barrower shall pmmptlY
<br /> .,.,.. �',.;`� : w the peasQa D Y�• w I.ende��Fts�vtdencing the payments. ----
<br /> - , . If Borivwer makes these�ayments disectlY,Borrower aha11 pmmpUY faraisb ----
<br /> 1� a:�.. . discharge aay liea which has priority�over this Seairity 1ASUamen/valess Bonawer.f a)agre�in
<br /> Borrawer shall Pmm�t1Y le to l.ender,(b)oontests in good faith¢he 1ie�� `�
<br /> . ;� , �.
<br /> .,�'; writin to ehe payment of the obligatian sec9tted by the iien in a�manner aooe�tab 11�! =
<br /> - ��_. g to ent the y�:
<br /> ,_ ` ��.�, by,or defends aga3nst eafarcemeat of the lien ia legal pmceedin8g wtuc� in the Le�sder's opinttan aperate pre� —�
<br /> '�, :: • eaforcement af the tien:ur(c)secures from the ho2der of tha lien an a�reementgsatisfacto a�� h attain pnor"ntYO ec '`�
<br /> . .. :' .. '.'.:,.�' t h i s S e c u r i t 3►l n s t r i�m e n t.I f l.e n d e r determines tAat aoy part of the PropertY �
<br /> -,'�...'.,�:,.;.:,__•.,.;.. .
<br />_ ..� . ,;... tbis 3ecari t Y.tnstroment.Lendes maq give Borrower a�odce identifying the lten.Bortowes shall sadsfy t he l ien or t a ke o n e o r -;.,,. .
<br /> .. �} more ot ttie actions sa forth above withln 10 days of the giving of noflce. . �i.'.
<br /> ="ij �`
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