�: � s..;�. _,,y�, ��, :�F(f '�-'. `` ��-}� ti}Lv+-c ���a�4�{�'Y;'�_ cN�! (v�w-e�.T;i� . _ .�'.:'t�'-.�� �S�
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<br /> ,..�F, . .� •.c,;f,.� �r�� �_.�r . 3-:.t,"'�' ��'�" �,
<br /> '2R .,t:� � { �n: �}E.c.,��.�c�Y-� _
<br /> ,v . � . ' , � . �
<br /> •.�ti�s ..,te,.. _ ,. �`��r _ � 7 � �-.�- . �"sS5 �„ ., �_ r . . �.�a.ca :,�.��t'�� Fazra� ;::
<br /> ,m s `� .` - � . E�'e� - t t v-t-^..,.�''��' ._ Ss S.� t �
<br /> :^L.,."�"_°X"...rS,� �_ 'c .F � -.� .� - .. ..k- z cti.. Y� . c .�`. , a" �� i +._ _�_ c � ? r -
<br /> _,-^,--5..., - !� ,.su�' _l::.y _ -c- -'c`�Y^�' -Y. � f ...i,�».. s _k%l: u'i�y i. �x,r,�r _�3.:,�n__ __�y4 �y� ��l t�s;��.
<br /> � ,a,�:y- � .. 3 C. i`' '� P� k�. �.� +.� . s � `�' F�--�� �- �,,,.,-'`�" �-
<br /> 4,s� >,L� ,`r- 'rcar�-.ti, c - - i a._ . � , s � �.`b� rE .of�. _�_.n tir:
<br /> yJr�". �c d `4 � c k . � � t, aT_�`.y _ �
<br /> . �- a s�s ncS�}i. � . <. 4 'w "': ca� �t t r � s -cc � � � f - �. ;� . i a . 5 ;� : �� a
<br /> t <S ff i'xS.1i � � z "t, ,-. ,I,:� r � xc 5 55z i<'� 4 x' it. � - c c�'[ h`+�s.
<br /> .�!��� aF � �".-i c:_tr�'r.`t�;.-`-=� .�.`�G.��., ° ,��.1K"'�H�,: .�� -�. .=.`s ,�fx_ �.w-c_�.s�.��C�� � �� ati�x ��>4 :a��.�.;�� �.'` -
<br /> S _1�����, � ��������T . �!.
<br /> :���;; , �
<br />.' :,S`i�;., .;�i:ii:._ �;r��.
<br /> ���� .:��t P$Y��Y�tanger be requir+ed,at d�aption of t�euder,if wortgage�„�„as uaveza8e tia the amunnt a�for thc perfod
<br /> .`":�;",� �`�� that l.endec�s�eqnues)Pravided bY�n insnmr approveQ by Leader aga�n becomes availabie aad is ubtained.Somuwer stzall pay �_,�v.
<br /> , ;��;'
<br /> . ..�-_ �:�'<:: the piearinms rc�tred w mainrain monp�e iasvrance in effect.or to pmvide a loss reserve.uatil tlse requimment for mortgage ,f t,.
<br /> ` •�.�':z;... 'y,
<br /> �;��. ,� -;:�: iasu�+noe eads In a000�danoe wiih aay wr�uea agaeraeac 6esween Borrower and L�ender as agplicable law. .
<br /> °``'`�'�•,�_�'�.,`:��� 9.L�WA.teuder ar�ts ageat may make reasonabte�upon and Iuspecuons of the Pmperty.l�eader shail give °�°:;
<br /> � '- <� `�•.�� . Bomocvet nodce at the time of or rior to an on � ��
<br /> :{j �~�: P �F� ��Y�reaso�able cause for t5e uispection. . 4,.
<br />--�t=:- .:�::-t T If� Candc�maRion.T�e proceeds of any award or daim for dantages. dtre�or oonsequeatiat. in oonneciion wlth any -a.;,v,
<br /> - ::;w:;;;�:<:,'.:;'�";F�=` �qa�dea�ation or other taking of�y part of the Pr+operty.or for mmreyance m lieu of oondemna�an.are her�y asgigned eud �._-;,:
<br /> � �� ,= shall be paid to LEnder. '
<br /> l `.
<br /> In thr ev�of a wtat ta�g of the�operty.the ptar�eds s�ati be appred to the s�s s�by th3s 5es�rity t�umeart. �
<br /> ` �°:� wa�her or�ot th��e.with aay exoe+�s paid w Hotsower. In d�e ev�t of a patna!tatong of die Prc�aty in wtich tln��air �s?-�_'•
<br /> � �Y 7 r�:F� m�ri�vaaie or die r�operty m�y bet�e tae m�mg�s eqaal co ar grwter tuan cae aurowu oi me sarns suv�a oy iuis ,�.
<br /> .`: `. `x,� Se�urit3+Insuameat immediately befo�the taIang,uniess Horroaer and Lender othernrise agnee in cvciting,the sums se�red by ' �'
<br /> ?. �{':��_ "` t6is Sean�ity Iastrnment shall be seduced hy the smounf of the Qtaceeds muttiplied by the faltowing&astion: (a)th�total `:�•:
<br /> �`'::<�. �` .amflm�t of We sams socu� ty befare tke talceng,divided by N3 the fair market vatQe of We PtoP�Y �Y ,t,
<br /> ':N 4 �.�:° immetliatn
<br /> '':�:'�:��:r,:�:�.�'_;��:�- befRte We mi�ng.A�r bala�oe shal!6e paid to Bo:towea. In ihe evamt of a Qartial tal�ng of the Pmpc�ty in,wirich the fai�
<br /> _ .�:��. . ��sr ;; �._
<br /> - ,.,��:�,= ':Y , ma�lcet value af dte PmP�Y�9 befarr the taking is less than the amovni of the soms secuied�Iy before the Y;_�:;
<br /> '.,4,-;�;-_'�',':'='yM � takiag,unkss Borcnwer and Ix�der othecarise agree in writing or uutess applica6le law otherwise prnvides,the praeeeds shaH � �.�
<br /> �,.�.W.:�...
<br /> � �,��� . be apQ�w tke sw�ns sewned by t6is Security Insnntnent whether os not t6e sums are then due. :=
<br /> � . �". �'`,`:�� � . If the Praperty is ab�dottai by Bomnwer,os if,at't�r notic�e by I.eader w Bormwer tt�at the oondema+or offers to make an �Y;;
<br /> _ �: "i:'�. •.�`�," aw9rd or settIe a claim for.damagcc, Bormwer faiL4 to respond to l.ender aritUin 30 days aRer t6e date the nntice is given. ' �:`,
<br /> t .� x �
<br />: v.:i: ,;:�..:.;�,.a` : L�nder is anthoriud ta arIlect and apply the proceeds.ai its aption.eith�er to reswiatioa or t�epair of the Prapeaty or to dte sams 1 <<,�:"
<br /> " ;e_:.: �`�`,`��' secqued isy diis Se�tuiry Inshumetct,whet3�or not d�dne. ' =�j�,•
<br /> . "�:k.�. � � �
<br /> t� �' `'�` • tJntess Lender and Borrower othera+ise m writin ]x�of co shaU�tot extenA or < �::
<br /> a�� �. anY ePF� D� P���
<br /> '' "`'', Pustpane tpe dne bare of the raontWq�ymenis:eferYed to in hs 1 az►d 2 ar
<br /> �;: , paragrap cbange ihe amoaai of svch paymems.
<br /> -.'r�:`,: �_, '_.�4 il.Rasc+uwet Nat�Bd�F�By 1.ender Nat a Waiver.Extensioa of the rime far paymeat o=nsodificatiaa. . . �.Y:
<br /> ,., ;;"��`,`�`� of amortiration of tfce sums sesvred by this Seaaity.Insuament gRaated by Leacter w any�ooessor 1n Interest of 8onower sha}l � ��"p;�
<br /> ,._r�.�,:.•,�, . �^�-
<br /> �.�:... ' '4
<br /> �`f=.;:,�'.��:';•.�;��r,.--, 'not operate w retease the lia6' nf the mi Borrower or Basmwer's succe.ssors in int�est. I.eadea shall nat be w
<br /> . � � � �
<br /> ' p� "� ��P��ES���Y�ocessor in mRe�st or�fuse�W e�itend tIme for payment or othetari5e madify amotdzation �, -
<br /> �:li';,n::,�-;��; ��"
<br /> ' � , �. af tQe sams s�ad by this Secatity Inshvmeat by reasor�of any demand made by the orlgi�al Bonower or Bariowet's
<br /> t.1' " '�, '�'- . sacoessors h►imerass. foi6earaace b Leader in �n or s6aU not 6e a w8iver of or dte
<br /> ;,��;<� �Y Y � Y� retaedY pi+ocItuie '�,_
<br /> � `a� :ti exeraise of auJ+ngitt or re.medy' ' � � , . � '".
<br /> .;�-��.. , '-� IZ. Smoo�sars�d Asctgns S�ndi dotnt and Severa! LiaD3Hty3 Co�tgae�s. The cavenants aad�ts oP this �"
<br /> ,� _
<br /> +.`� '• Sewriry Inshnmeat shalt bind sud benefrt the sacaessois and assigns of Leader and Botmwer,subject to the pmvisions of ' ,�'�"
<br /> '' • ' patagrapb 17. Bomuwet's covenaats aud a�s shall be soint and several. Any Borrower who oo-signs t6is SecarIty'.
<br /> r ` ,;..
<br /> � �'` lnstrume�t but does not execute the Note:(a)is'co-signing�tius Security Instr�t aiily w martgage,g�ant and coavLy that: ��>,
<br /> rf . . .,.,:r,
<br /> .;'"r{;. `:�F?';� ;`` Bon�wwer's iaf,erest in tlie Pmperty nnder the t�of this Seiauity Insnume�(b)is not persanaUy obligatod w pay the s�n.a ----
<br /> =�=';=�:���: seaued by tltis Secarlty�r,a�d(c)agees that Leada aad any ottter Bnrrower may agree to extetul,modify.forbear or =��
<br /> `� �,", • make any'asoommodations with regaN w the teims of t6is Sewrity Iasuameat or the Note adthout that Bmm�wer s consen� . ,�:--
<br /> �. . .r._.-._
<br /> - `�'i+�, - �';:, �3.11..nAn Chrsrrge�.If tbe toan secured isy Fhis Sacuritp Inshumeat is sabject W a law which sets�2oan charge�, °_
<br /> '.rs�:'•;:'��.::''.�,:;..:, Q a�- .
<br /> -��,. -> ,:` . amd thai law is finally 1ate�pr�ted so that the iaterest or other loan cbarges aollecte�oi to be cc�1lecte�In oanneetion with t6e --
<br /> ;:;:��.."�_'�`�,���;;�;;; • loan exceed t�Peraattted lindta,theu:(a)aaY sach loan charge sl�aU be re.�uoed by the mnmmt neoessary w mdu�e the cbarge . ,
<br /> =.�•::'..,:.
<br /> %;,.;;;:��`::;:;:'�_ � W We�ermitted lirait;aud(b)aal►sams already colisa�tiom 8orrawer whicb eao�ded prrmiued�nita will be refiunded to � _
<br /> --r�,�3��.`:.-,:��y: • Burmwer. i.ead�r may choose w ma&e this iefand by �dacing the priacipai owed�ander tue Nnte or by makiug a diroct
<br /> .. �, ,,:---.,.._.�. ..
<br /> : '-'� .;-�;"-T. . P 3� D��• the r�duqfon w11f be trested as a sraat
<br /> -,:��,�;;... :�?,_ a t to Sorrowei. if a refuM redua�s P P�Y� ���Y ' .
<br /> ;.; .�
<br /> ' , P�PaY�er�t�ar�e anderthe Note. . . __
<br /> •:, '. : _- =#,.` . !4.Pluttoest Asi�+.ttp8ee w H�riower pravided for ia tLis S�wdty Insumaeat shatl be given hy deliveifng it os by mailiag �
<br /> ' �.:.,_�,;., ". ' it by frst ctass mnil unlesS aPPflcable taw requires�ue of anoti�m�thaf.TAe.nnt�ce st�a11 he direcx�ta the Proy�ty Address � . . °
<br /> � � :�: or anyy otLer aQdress Ba:rower�desi�by aodoe W Leader.�My natioe to Lender shalt be given by fust class.�ail w . —
<br /> ';� I�ender's address stateA herein os acry other addr�ss IrenQer designates by aotioe to�Horrower.'A�r notice pmvided for in tints �.�;,-,=:_
<br /> ,.`.:.. , .� �: . Secarity Instramem shall be deemed ta lmve 6ee�given to Borrower or La�det when gi ien as pno�vlded in tbis par,agapd. � irF��.
<br /> �..,�:..,..;. y" _.
<br /> . �r �;-, 15.Gov� 1.�w, 3everability. Thia Seauiry' i�1; s�ll be gaveme� by fedcral laar and the !aw af the � �;
<br /> • +� � jarIsdiction in wtucl��the Property ls laeated. In the'evem that airy prov�sion or ctaui�e of thIs Secarltyr Insavment or the Nate
<br /> � ' .r-;;�. .�canflicts with applIcabfe taa.such oonflicl shali aot affect other provisions of tbis Seauiry lnstrume�or the Note wMch can ire �
<br /> ' ` ` �` �� g�reli eff�t wiWovt the co�flicdng yrovision.To�eis ead the provis�ons of this Secnrity Insaument and the Note aee aeclared � '��'
<br /> , •'" to be se'verabte. '�-+,�.
<br /> �� � � '• �i,�-r��
<br /> ... �•�J���;� .:.`. . 16�onower's Co�►y.Borrower sha11 ba glven one oonfom�erl eopy of tha Nate and af dvs Security lnstroment. -
<br /> m�e =
<br /> :'�' � � .
<br /> ,.>;,�- . ' Form SOZ9 8l90 , ;.i_-
<br /> _ . , veQOame _,�-.
<br /> :f_. �t��', .
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