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<br /> ;�`'� iP�ry L . < F "r �. .n� .�:�,p�'s� �F..$- -( � � -.
<br /> .� - �:r �e- �-: r ��,i.a+��"'` -��'�`"�'�` `r�""
<br /> ��•i'� -Ka- � e � _ fi .�,��� L. ri �,, ..a. .�i�s 6 ,.r.eux-za.Y""'-°'=t..�'�.���.�'.�.`'F�_._s. -� •. ..
<br /> .. ;c<`G_� qtyx,�k,._ � -� ^` t` ee£ f'�;,F� �i'' "t-.tY� �� !�.ir�- �� '��4y_ S�ti�'� 4 ' .C?:t��Fti �`.ei� {d '�,c� ( f.
<br /> , u'r`'ti! c ` -l�£ �if :r �- cFl f'` r ,:i 'F �` .e �i�, - �4 -. Y . n € `
<br /> -�C� . ."'_,-._.�ft� a F . t t� ,t t s�- c y: i- - f,� 4 �E. q � ` x z �... . ` ...N � � - i
<br /> --�_`,.�..e�r=� ..c�: y.-; .`i..t-J�' s _ a -, ',. � e � t.,�c�. .. `e2 2�-'�' �'?..�t, y �,'�L�`'; h'�c X :..S:;.Y�`. t--
<br /> w.7; � }r . _Zt _4, y .1 i,�;. ..Tjll''ti•X`�.� r4 �-Y� a.. , c;'� ..1_� �:..s''r. e�G .,r;� _a..�;�ti.-°� 4 ��"6 �t ,`c
<br /> �- ��+�,� �r-� ' 'r.. _ ��. . ._'. . . .. . _ � _2
<br /> x S � 4 3 _ !1\d� ���my ' �, r.
<br />�..f1^����C __ . _„ 'e�
<br /> IF
<br /> '`` � �r'` ���� ii ce oove e f n the amount and for the geria�d .`. `�•
<br /> '`<:.6''�"`'iE_�<.'. ' PaYmCpLq Ql8}/Qp jppgLf QC t�itliCd.8I t?tC O�ttOII Of�Cs ��4� � F�-,
<br /> �"�.r>` .tAat Ixndei tequttes)pmViQEd bp en in�rer ApproYe�1 bY Lea�er a�n
<br /> ;x:.. _ beeames avaiia6le and is obtained.Borrow�ahaQ.PaY
<br /> 4 �'�'' �Y� tke ps�caitm�ro4aited to mai�ia a�ge insatanee ia effect.or w provide a 1��eserve.unt�the reqai�for tnost�e ,.
<br /> . ..�.�r,�_ i�r m.a�a��ds iu aa�o�daaoe wIth any written agneement b�ween Bormwer and I.ender or apPlicabte�aw. t;_,;�:
<br /> `,`��__�` "'' � 9�dnspectton.I�ader or its age�may make ceasoaable�tries upoa and lnsp�ctions of the Propesty.Lender sbalt give k`:
<br /> : � � ?�,
<br /> Ba�wer notice at th�time of or prior w an iaspec,t�on spec�fying re�sonable cause for the inspectian. �-:
<br /> `,_. �.:r_t..,..�`.� 10 Coa�o�'Ihe prooceds of arry awa:d or claim for damages.direct or wnsequeatial, ia oo�on with aaq ��s�
<br />-.;�� �`yts`•.`, , �ndemnation ar ather tal�ng of any part of the PmperEy.t�r fnr oomeyamoe in-iieu of oondeinnadon,are hereb�assigaed ead `-••_,
<br /> ,°�� shati be paid to Ir�dcr. � '
<br /> �' . � � l.
<br /> ' ` '�' Fn the event af a wta!taking of the Pcope�t}�.the proceeds sdall be spplied w tliee sums s�tsy this Seca�ity Iesuumea�
<br /> �u_,
<br /> �� w t r e t U e r o r n o t t h e a d u e.c v i t h a m e x o e s s p a i d t o B o m o w e r. I n t h e e v e n t o f a p a t t i a l t a k i n g o f t h e Pro p e r ty 'sn which the fatr
<br /> ` °.,; < �i�-��� market valae of tbe Propeaty.imme�iately befinte the taking is eqaal to or�'thaia tne amoum ai me sams sowrco oy inis '. =
<br /> ' '"'- ``� Soc�ity Insap�eat u'pm�atdy befoce thG takiag,anless�ic+rmwer aud Irender ut6etwise ugree in writiug,the sums se�uced by °_°,'.
<br /> -�� �t en ,
<br /> - =`��`� tbis Seairiry�nsu�t�hall 6e icdaeed hy the amouat of the pmoeeds mWiip�ead by tbe foAowing fcactian: (a)tbe tmal . '�''.
<br /> '�`�� ' �: amouat of ihe sums s�eaue�immediat�iy before the ta�ng,�ivided by(b)the fair mart�t vatne of the Property immediately� r.
<br /> .�k''(-* : . '-
<br /> , - �.�.'_:�:," beiore t6e tatdng.A�r balmice slrall be gaid w Bonuwer. Iu tGe e�eut of a partial ta�ng of the Prapezty ia wtuch tbe fais .
<br /> ` :c�::�:` .z` markes valne of the Pmperty im�iately before the tat�ng is less than t6e amount of the sums seau+ed iuimedisteCy befare die `r�
<br />=�"=��%°�--_=�``° �ng,Qnless Sntrower aad i�ender osheraaise agtee in writing or anless applicable law otherwise provides,die Qrooeeds shall _`�
<br /> `� s�� �e agpiied w the sua�s secured by this Sewrity.Insaumeai whetLer or not the sums are Ehea dae. • . G4,�
<br />-`���" -{-'=�: , If the Pmpeny is ab�adoned 6y Earmwer.or if.after noti�by Ixnder w Horrower d�at tlie oondeamor offeta to make an --
<br /> h::,.,o<-'�r.` _ ��
<br /> ::r ''�:`' •`t* awand or�tde a ciaim for damages, Sorrower fails w respon�w Leader within 30 days after the date the natict is givea�,
<br /> .`�:�;_X;.;,,:,,4 Lender is�tltorized to a►Uect aad aQp1y the procxeds.at its opt�on,eit6er w restoration or repair o€the Pc+ope�ty ar to the suias, . t,
<br /> dy s �„r f��� - �(ry/j1IS�'ll�t�l�s W�1C�CI OT IIOt�IEA�B?.. ' ' . `
<br /> ' '�'-�O` ': . . UNess�L.euder and�8orraw�r otbe�wise agiee in wriCm�.aaY aPPlication of prpoeeds to prh�cipal shatj'aqt e�tGend or °
<br /> -:, �a�,��.:,: �;-
<br /> •.:r%::t...-.. .;,�:' :r�':
<br /> -` :,,� . p05[pdtI6 t�IC�iiC�C Of ttiC ID001t�y p3Jl1UCAi9 t�CfBllt�[O�L�[S�S��Z 07�13D$C t$C 2IDOUf![Of SoCll p1y1d2tR5. •.
<br /> ,'�, ;-�r` . " �l.Bo�+uwer Not Re[ease�ForbearaIIOe By Lenda Noi a Waiv�r.Exteasioa of the time for paymeat ur madI�ion �:'`�
<br /> �. :� {, . .
<br /> � �
<br /> , •,, • of amortizadon of the soms secuted Dy dsis S�r Ins�g�anLed by Leatder to a�+sQCaessor ia i�t of�ormwet shall � :.
<br /> u �:� T . * M.,,,,',��p,�y��{�=�f �p p��,� D ,..�f *,��,�,����(�.�M`_ r,�fA 4
<br />.. .,_._:��.ut. • Yua Q�WW iGC41��i1G iWW7��YL�.�.i�YliU��dr DQ��G!g.��m�iFdWW�iif{/.�4Vl YG�{W W
<br /> 5. . +YY u.
<br /> '..�.x;::Y wmmcaoe�against anY sa�ssor in iaserest or�efose to�tead time for paymeat or ott�ecarise uwdify amo�on �yl;
<br /> . e� �
<br /> � •' • of t�sams sewned tsy this S�auity Ingtrument hy reasan af eay.demand made by the origina! Bo:ro�arer ar Burtower's � '=
<br /> �
<br /> �'.:�, ,.�
<br />.--- .-.;,:. .,.'�:� sacc�,ao�s iu iniaest. Any.Porb�by t�ender in exerclsing anY nSht of�odY s6aU nai 6e a waiver of or piec2ade We �_,_-
<br /> , :�j,�': � e�cercise af any rtght or rresaedy. � .
<br /> - n���� � iz.���a�B�:a�c�a s�� t��cy; ��►������a�.�� �--:;
<br /> , . �.
<br /> �..F y:.�q;,-. ti,....
<br /> ';' 1,. t.'� .:�l��l�..•�
<br />-•-�r-..T,,.,�,4;,�.:�: 'Secm�ry imt�umert shaU bind aad 6emeft the saccessora saa asugac of Lender and Homnwes.subject to the pmvi�ions of �-_,:.;
<br /> �aragmpb 17. Homnwer's ooveaanrs ar�d agreements s�all be jolat aad several. Aay Borrawer who oo-sig�.tbis Seauity � •
<br /> � ° r � Ia�m but does not e�ecate ttie Nate:(a?is co-signing this Securiry Insunme�i only to mat�ge.grant�aad cronvey'thai . � ,
<br /> „�
<br /> f :.-�'i�y��`; � Borrowe�a interest in the�mperty urWer the term4 of this�ecariry In�a�(b)is nnt i�ersaffi!ly obtigated to pay the sams . -
<br /> seaued by dus Secarir�Instnunenr and(c)ag�es tLat i.eader and airy other Har�ower may agree w e�d.m o d i f Y.f o t l iear flr.� �;-Y
<br /> �•.:�sr:,.:�.� • ,
<br /> � ��=`�+;�;:,.=-�. u�ake ury aocommodations�with rEgard W t�e te:ms of tt�s Secuixry Iasan�meat or the Note wittroat that Bom�cver's eonsent. � �=---
<br />;.: :: :.. .. .....:'.
<br /> '-;_;:.:�;.;.:::-�, 13 LQan Cttasg�a.If the toan se�.vred by this SeQUrhy It�sdttuse�t is sabjecx w a laav wlucb sets maxi�t•Ic�n cl�atg�. _ '�"=='-:
<br /> . •,.,:� ... aud tt�at taw is fmall i --
<br /> � ; . � ,��� '>�:� y ntesprded so t1�at the mterest or otIter toan cbasges collected as to be ooUecte�in c�o�on with the .
<br />-�-�:.:'`,'�,'::''='�� � loan excxed the permitted timita.then:(a)arry such toaa charge sball be tednaed�by the amonni neoessffi3+W rednce thc charge ---
<br /> �.���
<br /> :-'};';�;':,r.'�.`�; to t$e petmltted litnit:etW(b)�Y st�ms atresdy oolle�ed from Bo�mwer wluds e�ccCeeded pe�mitted limits will be tiefiu�ded�io
<br /> _-�'`::,,'�i-'��� Bom�wer. I..eaWcr may c�OOSe to ma�e this refaa�by reducing the priaci�al owed �mder the Nute or by.ma�g a diraR . ` —
<br /> _ � ;. mder
<br /> r ,'"�r-t�+ � gayment w Barrowe� If a refund raduces prineipal, the redncxion wiR be ueat� as a gamai prepay�ue�.wi8�ant mry . " ',
<br /> `_:.,G�'" 'h" prepaym�t charge m�Wer the Nate,. _
<br /> :"`:z.,.':��_;-`'�`� � 10.Nott�:At�aatice w Batmwer providod fos fi this Secority Instramer;t shaii be gnten by deliveting it ar by ataiiitig
<br /> :;�--.,,�..::.:.-: �
<br /> -_ -,= �`�:' • , � it byfitst ciass mail un�CS appf�rab2e iaw requIres nse of aaather method.,7�e aodoe sball be cdite�ed w the Pcoperty Address � .
<br /> ,::':;.�,t;:�;:; .
<br /> � or any ather address Burrower d�tes Dy notioe to Lender. Any notice to Leaidei sha�@ 8e givea by flrst class�mail to� _
<br /> ` `•i.''�,,..�.� :�' � Lender•s addr�ss srated hereiu ar atty�ther add�Le�der de5i�by nmice to So�rrower: Any n�tice provided fas in tttis � __
<br /> �_ � �'�.`,�; . Secauiry lastmmeau sha11 be deerned w have bee�n given w Bor,nswer or Lender afie�giveae as provld�ia this p�nagraph. `'`-'
<br /> n; ::,.... �
<br /> :"�'_=-��:;:;:;:� . . ' 15.Coverfllog L�w; Sev�abftity. T�is Seauity ipsuument ahali be gwera�i by fedeia} taw and die,taw of tha� � =�_
<br /> `{',��.� ��,`�,� , sion or clm�se of.this Sec�ri Inst¢ument 4r ttte Note --
<br /> t r r,_. `� . j11t7S�1CR43��II vV�Ch t�IB�pC![y iS�OCBf�.Itl t�l@ CVE7ft ft18f 8I�Q�OY� �l � -
<br /> :�, ' ,.� aaaflic�s t�vlth applicable law.such eaafiia sbal!nat affoct ather pravLsians of tt}is.Sewriry Inctmmeat or the Nate wlu�s c�n 6e �
<br /> ,,. .
<br /> . �� ';;.'t• �given effect withont theoonflicting proviston.To ttils end the provisions af this 5ecarity Insmiaiau•and the Note are dectar� �,=.�-
<br /> ', � `�� to be severable. • . �"'.'
<br /> � � �`' ' . 16.Bare�awer's Copy.Borrower sLall be gtven one aonfom�ed oopy of the Nate and of this Secarity msoetument. � �'
<br /> ,i:, ,�`��.Y31����_s;. , - . � . . �ID� ��Q � F,?
<br /> ��.•. . �ego A 018 �_,t.
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