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<br /> .5�� c.._.� t F _r r��. ��:«_` � 'r a4x�'��^ r�:`�._ST rF��'_•`L,� `�� .�i.:�','y......, a
<br /> r.. '�-wic. � � i^a _ -r.� a.a`'r, S�- .45"i. K ,` . f � "'4_'q F;�`,�y .t; . ,�
<br /> ����iu� .: a�at� za, °� °-° �- :ti ' �='�-F�f�s�z'{r �---.aE- . . '.
<br /> �� L c.-,;��,s�-:}_�..l,•- -'r'.'zF_- -_Y-: �. t"^'���,[�` r `� � .�4 ��=.
<br /> '`.� 'a.
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<br /> `� � "_� cy .- — . �`� :-r�h��sl i._ ,�„>..��'�� �-_
<br /> - ..�- 1;- .-i„ '� �..—r-vr ,.-1e'�a�� '�c y ct.- �
<br /> � `' F +' - �� `t� � t � . o�.� - � s.�T.� c K k�- r��j~ . s _.r r- �'.� �.-.. s '� v ��
<br /> �--��:`iiL -s � c: � `�'�[. 1 �x r -�` . ,t.' i,,. .+ i � ln __ t.d'�--4 . �.t' �`�"'�F�L- TL,� �n y -�- �.u-•�` �r-•�`n t ..-
<br /> -.ti . . ,� .. Sl -E . .�. a�C{ �r +�;t hE"� . c ^1� . �a, h- ��
<br /> ' � > r �d r� t� • �.:� t . �` + 4 ��. .�, b i �. � �. �5 r= �?r '"��
<br />� __ � ,� , _. �yc .i �F� .���� � �.`.f_�.;'...'�g . �e.�N �4}.� (r -.c• Z � :�S'Ft^j.tfr �;�,� `-+''_R,��.'?� ��: Y- 'i. L ��a�Sa .is��i+Y' -+� "'�,'.' -
<br /> � � �� � � °. ..�tc c`�,� �r_ � �- � ..,�.� _�� z x ..� ac•'--�. , �S--..�y,� f.F ,Y;.+L'l.,- F^�-
<br /> X _ ".p .<-�, t�'"�`{t t�,} '
<br /> . r •
<br /> - i�. :' �i _ .. ._ . .i:'�'�'.. • " . .tt.-.�':f� '
<br /> 1 =,� l s,�.-0 l�" 4 ' .
<br /> { l � � �;
<br /> 4`n.V`.a. '::���� � 95p � �,cr :t_-v�-
<br /> h '..: L .. � . �t'dQ ��jQ t� � ��
<br /> �` _���;�{,�; , � + 1T.'lYansfar oY tDe�t9 or e�e�e8da!i�t ta Hono�'.If all or�y part af the Prnperty Y _;��:�
<br /> •`' `f is saW or�sfetred(or if a b�eficial i�t in Bo:raaQes is soW a�uansfared attd Borrower'ss uot a natural peisan)with� ---
<br /> � . .�: L e a d e r at iis o p t ion, re immediale paym�t ia foll of all su�ms seared by . ;.`:;4:;s>'
<br /> �`�:;"_;: „�;:�` Leudtr's psior wiittea a u n s e a t, �Y• ��if ezenise is pmlri6ited by federal law as of the date �, '-°`.
<br /> � `�`='. �-. gewriry Insi�aent.However.Wis optlon shafi aot be exercised lry .: �.�
<br />: .`r�`ci; t` .���Sj,u4 jc,C�� .:
<br /> s � �,. ofthis Seauity Instmmrent. of not r`r.
<br /> :",`_ �, v.��..' ' If Lsnder exPr¢�this optioa.Leader shall give Bor►vwer aotice of socetemtion.'Fhe notice alt�ms s�by tdris -
<br /> t:`..::,:�_,`:°°`��:`° yess tban 30 days fmm the date the notflae is delivered or mailed within which Bornuwer�st pay x x..>;,
<br /> � �:''-Q Soauit�,Insuumeat•If Bnrtuwer fai/s w pay tHese sams prior to the exp�tion of this pe�fod,Ixnder may imoke aay remedes s-�r-=`
<br /> .::n�:;'�;;;��>.;.:. pp�m;tted by t�iis 3ecurity In�me�with u fartber notice or demaad nn Bartawer. have _ �.
<br /> s:° R fsP: I8. Bur�uive�s Sight to Rdatitate. If Bor�ower meets certain conditions. Borrower shatl have the right w
<br /> -��':��F�w_��:,--�� �of ti�is�ity I�str�d�°���3'�P�or w t6e ea�iier of: (a)5 days(or such other period as `u �'
<br /> ��fi_ � cable law maY spe�ifp for�eanstatememt)6efore sale of ahe ProPerty+ tnusuamt to a�Y P�er of sale cout�sined m this �
<br /> "'�� � of a' enforeiag tAis Secarity Ir�uumeat.'Ihose aanditions are that Bonnwer: a)PeYs
<br /> :.�.>_�=�•�• Seauitv Zn�IUmettt:Qr @)� N�� .. _ �.�_,�a.�,.. �;f n„•�,r�rn.qr;m•lrir►nCCniie�d-tb► _ _
<br /> -- . . . .-. ,----• - + � n
<br />--- •�. a_ .- I.e,nd�r sA snms atns�ut�n aron[a oe mce u�a��•ny �,�•�::: `� ��in�for this Sec�ri �d*s.-m0+t. _�. :-:
<br /> .i.^=.`c �::i. �L Of OI�ICf O�YQI2IIZS OT�CIIiS:���QSJIS 3n C7� �a ty c '_ '_�
<br /> !
<br /> _ � � , � 6nt nat f�to.eeasonable sttomc.ys fees:and<dj t�s sndn action as Irnder ma3►reasouablY r�u�t°� Y }V
<br /> .�. :�,`- �°�: ' Lender's sigWs ia the Pmpe�ty and Borrower's obli�u oa tn pay the sums�s�bY •
<br /> s;.�;. z,;,,,,`°<`.t_ 11rdt the li�of�s h a l l eamdnue �- U poa � bY �w�, tiris SecuritS► Im�rament and the ���
<br /> ;�"°`u�-.R'=.-��y:- t h i s S�i b+ herebp shall remaia fatty effe�xive as if no accel�tion had oa:aaed.However.this right tn raastate s h a 1 1
<br /> � °r'• bbGgatioa5 secared �
<br /> � „` ,� ��. aotap�ty in the case of acoeterati��n ender paragcaph 17. w�ith dns S
<br /> t ..-� � 19 Sale of lYot�Chauge of L�n 5�v[cer.The Note or a par6ai i�erest in the Note(to8eiher �Y "�`
<br /> �:•::�=:�:x--= �"t . Insuument)m�+be sotd one or mose dmes w�prtor notice w Bomnwer.A sale may resalt in a c�aage in the wticY(�oa'a �, _,-
<br /> � ..r::-:-� as the'i�o3n Seivioe[")tt�ai oo}tecis monthiY PaYmaus due�dec the Note attd thia Sec�ity lnsaumeat.Thete also may be oAe , r. _;
<br /> ;�'�.�"'����•Y Boirowerwi118e �""{'�
<br />`: :••''i``�`c��..r`::.-+;��'� o[moie c218i1Ses of fhe Loa�1 S,ern'ce[mmel3ted W S sdle of Ihe Noie.If tdere is a�hanSe of the Ivan Savfcer. °{;:,<�;
<br /> " �"" s "- given written norice of the change in aocozdanre witb paiagray�'h]4 above and applica6le 1aw.Tbe notice a�l state the name and �i �
<br /> ' � '� address of the ncw Loan 5esvicea and the addre�to whidi gayweuts shodd be made.The teatice wiU also ooata�a auy other 5� �.
<br /> - -��;� ...x� w.•
<br /> -_- �. ;:r.::.�.,. ��p -
<br /> :;_' r_E i Y�.,!':�.. j{uo�mation requued b3►aPPlficabte law. - � -
<br /> i.-�.�;�._-.<•�: •-� or release of aay. , '-�.`�!r
<br /> �.�-:; Z0.Hmardaps Snbstances Bozrower shall nat�aase m permit�e pr�senoe. use,dispasal.�ag�. �� - .:.;:
<br /> �.`��°;`��" :"�,�,�� �r `_
<br /> .� `�'' Har.ac+dous Substances oa or is� the Pr+n�aty. Horrower shail nat do. nor allow �ryone else w do. atsyttung 4
<br />'�``'?->`=-�::-`%�;-�., t�i�S iu violation of any F.mrimnmeatal Law.The pmoecling two seauea�cs sha11 not apply w ti�E�es�noe.use.or
<br /> �fi� ;,: �P�Y ous Substanoes that are eneralty reoogu�zed tu 6e a�OPriate to aotmal �``':�:.
<br /> ` es of Ha�rd . g �
<br /> :": `:�?• swrage on the praperty of small qaa�ti �..
<br /> " msi�tial uses aad w m�aAce of the Pmperty � ���� �''
<br />-.:`�-.f�, '.::�,r i � � we�shalt ve E,euder wriuen aotice of a�r iavcstip�tion.claim.d�� wsait or othes � .,
<br /> = � ,,� � governn�i or regul�aS�Y�1m'�P�Y��t�S���Y�any Ha�daus Snbstanoe os Eav'uonmeniai w �
<br /> � •- of whids Bamnwc�das acwat fmawledge.�ff Parrower t�ams.or is notified by an]+8��°T�°ry�O�•� �
<br /> v--:'r°:'�:�����'_- - ' aQy c�anova!or othet r�medi�tioa of aay Aa�dous Sabstaa�e affeding the Propeaty is necessaTy.$mrower shall pmmptiY taice -;;
<br /> . i`
<br /> :� st1. iemediat atxions ia accoidanoe witb ETtviru�e�taw. �
<br /> ;;��'�;,.r..� !`, , � As�used in this patagraph 20. "Hazardaua Sa6stances" are those sabstanr�s de&aed as 3oacic or haiardous substanoe.v by �_
<br /> �I^,_
<br /> ` . £ '�r Faviro�na�tal Law and ihe fottoriving substances: gasoline. terosene. other flamimable or toxic peanteam pmdacts. toxlC .
<br /> .:...".,� �,,t. ..-,: . pesticides and herbicides.volatile solvents.materiats oontais�ing asbescos os fommldet►yde.and radioa�xive materials.As used Im �. ,!'
<br /> ' : r_�. � 2p °guvItonmeuCal Laar•meaas feden�+l laws aad laas of the jutisdiction where the Ptvperty is iocated tbai �__.
<br /> 4' � ' ' --
<br /> � • iC�S2C�t�1.82fety OrMiV1Z1DIItIICA1d� QA• .
<br /> '� t f:-
<br /> r• • KODI-UNIi�ORM QOVENANTS. Of[OtYC[8nd I.eAder'f`UN12i COYea�ant Sad 8$[eC AS fOIiOWB; ���
<br /> ,
<br /> :;,,-;,,._ _
<br /> �- '�°�.:l-. „�,. � 2Y.Aeceterattun.Remedies.Leader.�ta11 give Qotice to Bo:rower pdos w aaceletadon foIIowing Bornaw�'s bacacb �_....
<br /> ,..,,:: 17 aaiess • ��.-�---
<br /> . . � ot any mvenant or agoeemmt in tMs Seaulty Instrma�t (but no4 prtos to aocetesatton uauder p� �'`'N_
<br /> ',:'.".11,, ': ;.' aP��cabie 1�a pmvIdes ather�vlse).'I9te notioe st�l1 sp�Ys (a3 tbe deYaal�@)the adtoa rPqalred to ct�re the deFantt; ��:.
<br /> '�' � -. (c)a�date.aot[ess than 3�days fro�the date the uuNee is givcn to Bmrmwer.isy�3ch We defeott must be AQed;and
<br /> �' ' '` (�that taEln�e to co�the defaolt on or 6eYa�the date spedited in the notEoe mr�y re.5v1t in aeotietattoa aY We sums ►�.�_-
<br />_:. � �- < .:�,�'. se�red by t[ds Se�rIty Im�rumeN and�ie ot the Yrope�tq.Tl�e nptioe sba41��faforrm BosruwPr of the�d to ' ----
<br /> •:. s a41
<br /> r ' �: �-'� ed�te stYei aooderattoD�mt1 thC�to bring S oomt sedon.to assat °ttoa�ststeaCe oY a def8utt or 8n�ott� —_-
<br /> -* ' 7'?�?"� d��Se UY BOT1�OwR t0 8c�C1Cea'�OD 8II0&8I�If thC dCfBWt L4 IIot Caf+B�,4�►•uc 6Cf03�tdC d8tC SpBC�l��iD t1i8110ttOP� —
<br /> '" " �-��� _ Lender.at its option.maY c�re i��d�P83'���n fnll of aA sams�s+�ea�sd by tbts Semrtey L�str�tieat�vit�oat
<br /> ::-:�=`.�. ,1. invoke the powet af sate and aay mteer mmecfl�permi�l by appltc�bie law.I.ffider dzalt be -
<br /> ..-�r,::r,.• .-{ tartheir danand aud maY
<br /> . �•� eWiue�to oolbpct a11 expeascs in�in pmsatu�the e�nedtes pmvlded in tt�is.�rapl�Z1.tadadi�6ut aat Wnited
<br /> . a �
<br /> _ :;�;;';:� :: � ta;��b2e auoswteys'fees aad eosta oY tWe evtdemo� � ---
<br /> - It thep�bt sate�ts iavok�.Tevst�se shati t+emr�a notfoe of ddaalt tn eaab camnty tn wt�tdi suy part of the . . _
<br /> - pe�ap�y is[acated and�ail maii copie�of sueb notlt+e In the wenner by app!lmbte law to Bore+awec and to --
<br /> 1,.�r',�' :•'�• . the oth�p�soas prescrtbe4 b3!�,9PUea6�e.faw.Att�We ttme i�equlred��cabSe.taw.Trastee s6all give Pa6tic natice ==-
<br /> ^ :'" .:�;.`'. �.�.�,'� � of sate to!he persaacs a�d ta tbe ma�mer presrrib�6y appltcab4e Iaw.Trastee.withoot demand.on Bo�uwe�s�lE scD
<br /> '-•`��':` tne Pmqert�y at P�lic andiam w the htghest 6tddes at the tlme sad place and aader th¢t�s de�ated in the aoitce ot �''L"
<br /> - ��-' sate i�t one or mase pa�sed5 aad W any osdcr Trpstee determtne�.'itastee m�y postg�IIe sale of sN ar any para�l ot ttte =_-
<br /> •� �` :. . �dateA sale.I.eader ar its destgnee aney
<br /> P�P�9�►Y P�llc s�aaao�t at the ttme an�place oi anY P��Y . -
<br /> � !�` pnrr�e the l�p�iy a!a�r sale. � � =
<br /> { , �r`'..
<br /> ,��'I4Ca :i,, . �:�
<br /> •�` Form 8028 9190 -
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