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----:��..-a-<i:Y.::�'�"'w.:`�,Y.. v:. - __ <br /> -��t ' .. . �.. .Yk . ._. --, �< <t. a�SFi`���p � - �a�Y"-".�`].tt' tt,6 .'TC� �. s?�•._. . . . .� . ^� " • ` -��"r _,. <br /> c.1' � �-�S'`'w--.':. ��(��. 0 '�"�-:."'s�.�r:� .ns'z"i�.�i�c.�.�y_�: `w'tSr .. " �.�-�5;.,�u-j.�. �._ :.r..ti . rt.. <br /> _�SS� � Y 'Lfi.i,i ��r� � _ __ _I� �`!�2��� �'�,.,�r�G,^y:�T ��� � 2 <br />� �K.K+�.t�� . k'� .:�`.'__ �S��:C.F.u�. _ _ _ . ��:S.J:�.L:J�Vh�.�.ii':F�wi+�-.� _ <br /> il�'2� <br /> '!�4'`��ca�Y T�' _� �..'(' t� -... �ti4n { t � i� 4ctt t . <br /> '. -` .R __C - . � S t. • ` k..�� <br /> ~�`�� -.� ti-�..� p- ---f � _ �-�N T -T-�-��-- - _�...e.��ct�-4Y..x�R <br /> � _c y ; 2F' ' ,.,�e i` � �,sa` .� ,,�. ....a+x.^"�,r'�"'i 4.� t,- n '�t r.i.�:�`Y� � m . <br /> b-."t 1t"'�$� x e .� ,'- ;� ♦ 6.ti� r � � ) �`� � �p �� } <br /> � c .. � �` - �-s� �c�s` �'` �� a< <`� _ <br /> ��d� � YF{ { 'F`�, `� �`{CS � -, SL - LL . f _ S_ it . -e'c�< ' t ` 6 ' _{ � " <br /> t.i a� 'sl .�-s 4.m r � w F . - � _ 4 L e�. F t,{ �. � �.,.Q . <br /> - � ���_5`x'..'o,z_':.:`.�'.5 .� _ f`�' �` - !z..: i� '''S . ..- i .,- T''.r�"+-,s.V �.s.c,2-,��'-ir -4--c S-ar?�r�y.:-' _4.,:".�'�rt� t,�•�,r-y t'-'''<c'c�. <br /> __ t� . ��: • �h r 1-- ;c.� • i _Y,_ �'�.::i F y i _'�.. N'� _ <br /> - ,.E„:�c_ g' '� � `�F� -t s c -�i <br /> �i_ � ; - - - - _ _ � Y� :.,.. <br /> t i ' g <br /> � ,�� r�� ������� .Gi� Nl. <br /> � �1�f • f�E �S i�w C7[1Sttt!$OI�CiE�Od OII t� � <br /> �.<>`:': _wj�.�� 5. Btvaid ot PN�erty �uoe. Bonower s1�1� � � •�ded ave�a8e° and aaY athes hatea+d3.indudmg `a`•, . <br /> ` � pt,c�erty inso�red a�aipst loss by fi�e.ha�rds includ�within tbe te�m Y� <br /> �<:l`•z"< ,'� c itbo�or tiaodiag.for wLich Leader requues ia�.T d i s ia�uance s h a ll 6 e m a i�i a e d in the ammmts aud for the pertods �. : <br /> i c`,c`Y_ n4: <br /> the insutance shaR be d�osea bS►Bomawer subject ta I�cadec's a�m�al. � `'u• <br /> `4 � � �8�� [l������tVi�.�Bd�[OWCf�S W mainTain sOYCCd$6 dCSl31I�2d�7UY2. �Cl Itiffi�►, 8i�dCI�S �a., a�{. <br /> .`{' •�- Y B�O lOtOCt T.CII�$Ct 15 til i�iC PLO��I18000I�ICC Wlt�l 7• <:�—�'� <br /> - . .. option.obtai�►za etag p � �� mort e cl�se. Lender � `� <br /> �� - ql�imtirranoe licies aad�aewats shall6a aco�eptabte to L�der aad shalf include a st�idsrd Sa8 ��� �.°_,.;q.,_. <br /> '-'••:. � st <br /> t ;; �� ve to I.ender of <br /> -1:,s � sl�aall have t�e right to hpld the policies aad r�vals.If LEader recNires.Borrowc�sbati promptlY 8t s <br /> ll <br /> E ``�� pa{d pr�uums aad�eneas+l.notices.Iu tbe event of losg.Bmmwer shalI give prompt aoiice tu the�suca�e cerrier aad I.ender. <br /> • '-:--- ir•.nder may matce D�t of Loss if�t made p�puY bY Bomnwer. <br />-i �. otLernise lA wrttug •'• •-°.���^►�.+o�ir+n nr set+a'ss�f tEsr- �� �� <br /> UtlICS.4 Lwidei aAd Boriow2t ag�ee ,msmancc p�o�ua�•w°ri""^' <br /> y���4 �tc� �F�Y�ed.if the�siocatio+�or iepair is eoonomicaIty feasi'bte and I.eader's seauiry is not lesseaed.If the�aeswration os �..`'� <br /> �y:�..' .•< < �ied to the sum.g .�. _" <br />�;:�>"� �=°::..°`,, i s aot eo�t�mi r�l ly feas�"6te or Leader's sec�ttity woald he lesseued,t6c instuance P��be� _� :,_ <br />- .-'�t��``�`t�'"� �iyy t6is Seattiry Iusuument whether or aot then dne.with any excess paid to Boirawer. If Borrower abandaa4 the �z� �.: <br /> . . <br /> �,.g's;Y�y :::''�_,e ��`';s,: <br /> ,t Property.or does not answeJ within 30 dayS a noteoe from I�a�thad the insivanoe carrier 1�offeded to s�te�Taim,� ;� . <br /> <�'� . .•' Leader ma wllea the insurana pmoeeds- Lender maY use the proc�ds m cepair ur restoie the Praperty PaS+ <br /> ' �--" �* 5�. y od aviU beg'�a wh�the notice is giveu. �`��.� <br /> �— �wed by mis Secvrity In�t,whe.ther or not then dne.Th�3Q�daY�eeri <br /> .�", `�'•:`.;:%�-��:� ' ITnte�s Leader and Bomawer otherwise�e in cvriting, anY a�Plic�im►of pr000eds m principai slraU uot e�nd� , ,;;. <br /> ,.,, . - ts nefened so ia bs 1 aad 2�or chaage the amou�af the paymetns. If - ;4 <br /> '��;:``�"-l�``.` postpoae the dae date of the aiorabty paymea �P ';: <br /> �s..<� `���'::,.�r' undet p a r a g�a ph 21 the PtopeRy is acqirired by Lendes.Borrawer's right to any inso�oe policies aad proceeds resalting ftom v <br /> F iII �a '�' <br /> � ` .� ' r?>; damage to ihe Pc�opettY Pnor to the aa�nisition s6all pass w Leander to the extart of!h�sams secaied'by this Seauity Iosbitmetit �, . <br /> n ..t,,,,<<<�' � - <br /> _ ` - '� '�y p�mPreserv��ce and Ptiotection of the Froy��onvwer's Iaau Appllsatt4n+L�� . a. <br /> �'' `'k�. �`'n` Bariow�stiall�! establish,and ose the�openY as Borrowes's principal c+esideuce wit8ia sixty daYs aRer the exea�ion of _ . <br /> -�`, _ :� • t o the e rt y�s Borrawer's principal residence ior at l�t one year.efter ��,�;:�: <br /> z� �s.� this S�rity itr�trament and shai�ca�nue ooc�Y � <br /> 4 Lls Y _ ' � �': <br /> ; - .�..:,,; the date of ooa�cy.uatesg l.endes osherwi�e egrees ia wrRinB,abich conseat sst�all not 6e aiaeasonably withhetd.os untess r <br /> '.-.-,..� � exte�oatis��ces w�ist which are beyoad Bonower's oonuol. Boaawer shall aot destraY. da�nage or�imgait the � = <br /> �,��` r . p�operty. al low t l�e P r o p e n y w M.teriorate.or oo�mt waste on the ProPeitY. Bosrower shalt be in d�'aolt if any forteidue ,�,,,�i 1; <br /> • �° : • .-,:.:v <br /> - - `=-a�:,;: actton or prooeacting,whether civil or cdnninal;Ls beguo that in I.eader's gaod faitb judgment oonld cesa3t in forfeiture of Uie ,���:. <br /> , .; � .:.. ProAeRY or otherwlse Aa�a11Y�atr the tIen cceated by this Securit9�or Lender's aaauity int�st.Barrawgr ma3► � :; <br /> �;,:,,:s�;;=�,._;,�.,,_`_�._,: cure s¢c�e a defauit.��d pravIded�pa�ragrdpb caasing ttie act�on or piuceeding w be dlsmissed wlih a raiitt8 <br /> ' - ``' tbat. in Lender's 8�d faith detetmiaation, Precludes fo r feitwe o f t t ie 8 o r r o w e r's i n t e c�s t i n t h e P r�p e r t y o r o t i�e r m a t e r i a l -F. <br /> � , _ �painnent of the lien creased by this Seciuity Instirument ar Leuder's secauity imerest. B4sr4aver shail also 6e in default if �' ^; <br /> '' the loaa lIc�tion . ve materlaily false or inaoairate informatioa or sta�aeru.g w Lender(os failed �' <br /> :.: :;�. $orruwes.dariag aPP P�� � .. ���== <br /> y: to psovide I,eoder with arry materia!info�mation)in connection with the toan evidenced by t�e Nate,irulading,bnt tmt timiLed = <br /> --t� .�°< - <br /> - - - -_ :.,.<.__: w.rcpre�ntat�ons oonceming Bormwer's accupamcy of the Property as a piiucipa�l residence.If tius 5eauity tastrumeat is oa a � _ <br /> - �`''>-;:,� . 'leacehotd, Borrower shaU comply adth all the pnnvisians of tHe lease: If Bo:rower Aa�fee title w the Pmpeaty. We � � <br /> � `.-��;':;,'�;:�:`, leasehol¢and the fes tit}$sha11 not mecge unles4 Lender ag�s to the merger in writing. � �' � <br /> wntained iu �`- <br /> _ • :'._�:::`�s 7.Fr�ut�toa oY Le�d�'s Rights dn We Feoperty.If Bormwer fails to perfotm the coveoauts aad a� .,.,.:.�_ <br /> �:. that may sigRificandy affect Lender's righsa in the Property(suct►ag a =- <br /> .. . :�:�-:. tfis Sernrity Insuumem.or there is a te8�P�8 - <br /> :;'. ;::.' P�g�a 6ankruPtcy.Probate.for wndemnation or forfeita�e or w enfoxoF laws or reguladonsj,the�►l�er may do and --- <br /> ,�,�:�,.�'�'�'. :�:-..�yti;i <br /> � ..,.:,::� pay for whatever is aeoessatY to Pmtect the value of the Pt�nperty and I.ender's rigMs in the Pruperty.Lender.'s acdons may � -- <br /> _`'�;`;,',:�,,.�° ':�;� , inctade payic►g anl► sums secured bY a lieo arhich has priority aver this Seauity Imdnime.nt. � ia oourt. P�8 � --. <br /> ..;�' ` °`•' � reasonable atwi�segs't'aes and entering on the�roOertY to make r�pairs.Althougb Leader ma�take acttoa undet this pat�agraph <br /> ��;`��-`�`: 7.�der does not hav�to do so. . <br /> I�::'::`i.�:��i•`. My amoants disbu�sed by LeaQer ander this paragraph 7 shalt became additional debt of�ornswer se�vred by.this `-- <br /> `L;?�,•. ��:.;,, . . 5er�rity Instrament:Untess Horrower�d Lender ag�e to other trrmg of paymen�these amuur�s sha11 b�r interest from ttte <br /> ' ' '��+< <br /> �,��:.._::;�=,4�:;�,,. � --- <br /> .4,:,';:'.:1�. : s date af Qisbursement at tite Note eate and shel{ 6e yrhde.wtui intersst,upan not�ce from l,�nder ta Borrower t+ecPteating <br /> -,'�`'��';.�;::'�,.`,' Qa�t1+Iortgage�c�e:If Lc,nder requir0d mortgage in.sivance as a oonditian of,mafcinS the loan secvrod by,this S�rit�+ _--- <br /> `�"'=�.:':;:'�.:::;��Y� � Itlsunment,Barmwer shatl PaY the P�*equi�to maintaia the mortgage insurance in effect.ff.for any reasun. the = <br /> ... .'�: oioitgage ia�uamce covexage reqatred bp Lender fapses ar ceases to 6e in effc�t.Bonower s6all pay thc premiu�ms=aNire�w - <br /> � ��.,' . <br /> . . obta�n eovetage snbsta�itiaUy equivatent to the mortEa�e iaswmitce previousty in effect,at a cast sabstsntiaUy equivatetn to t�e = <br /> ta n jnsurer tuved by LenQer, if <br /> �`? ``' �� . cast to�Bortower o�the mortgage insu�previausty in effe,ct; from an sitematc mostgaLBe apA --- <br /> � re�:-- <br /> ` �: ;;:�;��,;:.:::�" � substantially eqnivateut mortgage insutance cov�age is noe av�table.Borrawer shatl pay ta l.eader eacb month a sum equal to , �_ <br /> ` �`.�': :°_:.,:.t. ono-rivei�b of the yea�3y�ortpge iasurance Qiemiam being Qaid by Bosro�r when tho insur�noe coverage Iapsed or ceased to -- <br /> . :��.: be in effect,3.cnder will aece,�st,nse and�isin these paymenrs as a loss reserve in lieu of mortgage insa�ce. Loss rese=ve . -- <br /> ;;� tf:i� � . . Form8048 9/80. � <br /> ,' va�ama ' <br /> .. �• LL.i�: :.I� . ' 3 <br /> - .::' - , . � <br /> . •i <br /> (�n +- - 11F r_ _ , . _ ti _ '" "� -i . _ . _ �r. r. - - <br /> . C _.' � ,ii .+ i .4(-�F •_ ' ,J! <br /> . ` . ' . �.r. ". ' j' ' � , ,'�, " <br /> • .� ... ,,. , <br /> . � :� � t , c 4"; r � <br /> , . „ , , <br /> .:�.1 t-` . __ t_R — :' 11 .}: ��.' t J_. � 1 {L�' 1 1I �_ . <br /> �, l. � . '•��� •x j 4•'. " . <br /> ` __. r 'l'..� l " •1� �r�. i r.. . !I ,�t' . ~'',• � ' ♦\ \` . <br /> , r' �.. : : .1. , � S ... .' •'�' ' " '1. ,/� '. <br /> - ' !S , ' � A . � . -F ..i ,i� . e .t i� 1.. r . " . i� <br /> •� , � <br /> . _' . • 1: •• ' ' - �. - .: . - 5 <br /> . . ,. ... ' 1: i . . <br /> . .. i f!, <br /> :." � �L'y -. 1' . .; i �' • �� _F.. �• . - l� � :f ' /_ � 4 � . <br /> � . .. <br /> � .. . <br /> -�. . .. . - .._ .. _ . . . . . . _�. ._. ... <br /> . . . _ .. __ _ __ "- _ ' " _ . . ._ . . <br /> . .. ,._._�i ....� . _ . � -__ _ _ _" . . .- .... '��_ . . _. .H� i <br /> �� . <br /> - _. � _ <br /> .._ � .:-_ .. . . ... . .: .• . �T'�`-- <br /> '.l._. ... . •' . ... . -. <br /> '1l�-`: ( <br /> L ._._.. _,1:!r..� �i. . <br /> r _ :-{: " . . ` ' , I , . �' r ..`�.�� i t <br /> .. ` ` � .. . 5 �.. l. 1 . . . `��4 . . . • � .. �+ 1 .. �'; <br /> ,a - • , �1 �.' �� � � . ,i:, �, 4 <br /> - . �4� -�c` � -.r � -� . � r ' -- �' . <br /> � � "r . '' S - ;, .. • �. � � ,+ <br /> ; - - . . � - �{ - <br /> - • ' f .• •.,-� � _f 7 .� ' � '� �, �. y 1+'1�� 1 <br /> . ' _ <br /> :' i + <br /> . . � <br /> � <br /> ': <br /> -t,._ . �. .�. n , .. . � -. � �„ , . ..,� ... ---•-- — ... <br /> ..r <br />