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<br />_. . �...� e� �. r < _'c C� �LT f t c,z���.0'�`Y�.a„--�y:!'.?q?Y'�`a�-:,`!�..}s'.c'` � �$ `� u'�a �o ''� sy�" � u.au�'a:�'��v .:_
<br />. . C .,.�,�P..v_ � '-�. 4 c..� ..! uR � - � 'r .i _- _ _. .
<br /> : a� t . Cx 2'Y�, i�f._-Zt • s .f�',F�. , .-c"�h hZ- �.� 5,n.'"�''`i z "t r`s r1 c �.{t`� .t � �K t �'�, �, -. c �y '` }-�e � ,r'.�".
<br /> S (, '�;G- ( 41.' t., Y�, L67� � . �-. .Y . , �.(,. . r. . C'G - ' v� Gc �`t '�. - -.k�`.r�0 J.a.
<br /> � Y,�.e": ��` �. �}. �.- f�[ �'}�. ._l t�; .k �t c �; t r �:� � �:�. � kt;$ Z - t -.� - t' �r �� � s�':��;t r k r�
<br /> K ��y r . ¢ F'.. ��e Q_ (i- \ • Y � .� t �:.1.}�E �S'.; "'.^"� _ � _
<br /> '1 W -t Q 4 <l+Y-} U�4 �L �¢'c.: S _-'�.
<br /> `f t t' Y- .F-- �Y '4 '� �� - ,E -4. - ..s,<< _j _
<br />�t✓ � �`t'- c� �., 1-.F �4in ? c� � �4
<br /> y�F E � �,s G� 9�� ���9 ��t�-x�«�
<br />-�.�-�: ��� �:. � -
<br /> s t , � ° f` = � az the opiion of I,eader.if mortgage iusaranae coverage(in the amnunt and for tTte period '�` �
<br /> � ��, �""'r � F�Y��►�ton�es 6e r�1�r � Leadec aga�beaomes available and is obmined.Boauwet sha11 pap � -.
<br />-.u° �' ,�� �•� ..�°� t�fi,e�der s�) mvtded by an'sacura agpm bY . ,�;.�: � .� ,:
<br /> � ' � : , �: p � t for mortgage .
<br /> ° ° � N• nequi�ed w taai�aia nwrtgage inSwaase in ef�ect.or w vide a loss reserve.a�il the Teqni� .• �z� _
<br />_�fi�-`;F`t`i'`c;'`��• r:4� �i�maa�ce eads in acootdance with aaY wiiue�ag��betweea Borcavver aad Lender or appticable law. a. ::;:::,:��;
<br /> uea � ���
<br /> :4 ��'�•v,L::'a: *���. •� �n m�e r e a s o n a b l e e n tr i e s u p on a tt d�on4 of the aRy g►ve .::=��•.-..:•��,..
<br /> �. `h I `•C: ' 4���{���r�Yl��YWy . 2 E�.�,.�i .t'��-.G:
<br />_ "r.:;` `:;�� nab3e caase far the in4pecteoa :f-�''�;��.--
<br />- • `'°.� ; Bmiower anuoe at the dme of or prtm m an inspecaan specifyiag reaso on with an t``'
<br /> �°Y -:-�,T of an awand or ciaim for damages. direct or oonseqae.ntial. in oonnecti Y ' ;
<br /> ��i�°F': 1Q. CondGnaatiun. '14�e prooeeds Y ' ;'
<br /> oondemnation or other talring of aay part of the Progerty,or for coaveyance in lieu of condemnation.are he�+eby assigaed aad 4..
<br /> E
<br /> .� °;`�� z�:� shalt be paid w Lender. ;-� -
<br /> r `. In the event of a total ta�nS of the PropertY.the proceeds shaI!be apptied w the sauts securr�hy this S�tuity is�suum�t+ � �N�-
<br />— ;5:.:'•�_._.�,.;,..rt.��:;>: whether or not then due,with a�+acpess Paid to Borrower. In dre event of a psrtial taking of the PropertY it�wluch the fair `.�-4^P=_
<br /> 3� '
<br /> �; r�-. �=� �wdlue of the Propertg immediazelY b e fore the t a k ing is e q u a!to or g c e a t e r t b a n t h e a m o m u o f t h e s n�s s e c u r E d b y t h i s ;i,
<br /> �`� � `3�:�,�, Seauity Iast�ent i�mr�atelY 6efore the tatanS•unlesc Borrawer and Leuder otheraise agcee in writing,the swns sewred by `„ 'k '�
<br /> � � g��uityr Insnum�t shall be reduced by the amonnt of the proceeds mdtiplied by th�following f�asxion: (a)the total �o£ � G �
<br /> �`z. `� fY-=°-*�{ - amount of tlie snms seared i�iatety before the taldag. divided by(b?the fair ma�Icet value of the PropenY im�telY
<br /> , < �t ,. u . m afiich the fair
<br /> 5:=- .�� befoie the tatdng. My 6alance shall be paid to Borrower. In the event of a partial ta�sng of the Propercy ' h�t�
<br /> > ;
<br /> ° �,�`� � �`:ur r,` . market value of the Pmpeaty immediateiY 6efore the taking is tess t6an ffie amaunt of the sams secuned immediatety before tt�e � �
<br /> in wr'stin ot unlcss applicab�e taw atherwise provides,the pruceeds sball ` " ,
<br /> _ taking,untess Borrower aud�.ender otherwise agree S �
<br /> tr �` ,: be a p p�ed w t6e sums secare�6y ihis Se�ritY Insau�ent ahetl�er or not tt�e sums are&�d�e. ``� Fm� ::
<br /> __<. f�_, f : If tB�Pcoperty is a5andaued by Borrower.ot if,�natice by Leader to Bos�aw�t h a t t h e c o a d e m a or o ff e c s t o m a k e a n .h 4' � �
<br /> !° '-�; Botmwer fails w re.spond m Lendear within 30 daya sfter the d�a0e the nutir�is giv�. �. � , i`
<br /> < � 5 , r � aaard or settte a c�for damages. :
<br /> ,r . �`� Izader is suthorizecl to co}lect mid app1Y tbe P►a�•at its option,either w c�estoration or mpair of tt�PcopertY or to the sams � , ���.
<br /> •_•,;.�,"`'.�..��`�',� sec��sl by tbis Seauity lnstrume�;whe�eros aat then� . }�cation of proaeeds w Pri�cipal s6all not eatend or � �. .<F�;.`:;
<br /> :_�,`4��ti t� ' ,': QntG4s l.eadet and Borrawer otheYwIse a8ree S �Y �AA ' z a
<br /> s �femed to in hs 1 and 2 or c6aage the amooat of sad�payments. � t ,�
<br /> . ...�..�:..,,.f.,_,: p�pne t6e due date of the rmoruhlY PeY� p�� �,.4:.,..�.t,`�
<br /> "��%�. "':�`:�``::;`;;. 11.Borrow�Nat Rele�d;ForhParauce By I.ender l�tat a Waiver.Exteasion of the time for paymeait or modifccation, . �
<br /> , _ _ .�,, �,
<br /> ; r�: • t Lender to atry suooessar in inte�est of Borrower ahaU =
<br /> ' af amo�on of the sums secuied by this Sec,�rity InstNmen granted f►Y ere -
<br /> ,...,,;:;;'�; :� nat operate to retease the liabt7ity of the original Borrower or Bomnwer's successars in interest.Lender sha}i not bc seqcu�ta . ` , _
<br /> ,. -
<br /> _ : . :�'�.:� �oe ro against any sticeessor in fnterest or refnse to eutend time for payineat or athetwise mndify amortir.ttion r;;�,._--_
<br /> A `-`:�-�; ? °�9 the oti Borrower or Bortower's � ,::.
<br /> �`�•%'�:' of ti� sums seaued by this 5erurity Insmu�ueat by ressaa of any demm�d rr�e bY � ;, „
<br /> r,�,, shall aot be a waiver of or prec2ude the �,,,��•-
<br /> " susc�sor�in iatetest. Aay forbearance by Leader in exercistag aay right or remedy � _
<br /> '` ,' e�eercise of aay rig�t or remedy. The ouvenauts and ag�eements of this .T"K' �
<br /> IZ.Sacoesso�and AsRi�cs Botutdi dofnt and Sevecsl Liabilit�Co�ere. -' -
<br /> ,,� � � Security Instrumeni gball bind and benefit the saccessars and assigpa of Lender and Banower.subjed w the pmvisions of . � �'r 1 ._�
<br /> r . �, paragapb i�. Borrower's cavenants and agreements sl�all be joint and several. Any Bormwer who co-signs thta Se�ndty �f}-` --
<br /> al
<br /> - `':°';' ,'„`. Insbument but does not eaaute t6e Note:(a) is co-signing this Saauity instiument onty to mortgage.graut and coavey tbat !.•�_
<br /> '��� ��;. _" -.
<br /> ' �Borrower's interest in the PropertY widerthe terms of this SeWrity lnstcn�neat:N)is not persunaltY obligat�tQ P�Y�� � � -
<br /> . � �,: i
<br /> ° t4at Lender and any other Burrower may a$[ee to extead.auadifY�forbear ot .
<br />— -�".� - -- se,curcd 6y tlds Seauity Insuumenc:and(c)agces uadi .
<br /> �� Iagunmeat or the Note without that Borrower's conseut. .,��'�„-" -
<br />_ ��:'r ' q�ake any ascomm�tio�s with tathe tem�of this Securlry on . �°t n`-�:'_
<br /> ;�lf .'.• :.; �-.:,�. �ak 1o3n CS. a•:r=.r ..
<br /> 13.l,oan C6atges.If the loan secured by this Socuritl►Inscrament is subject to a law which sets ma�i�mnm charg ����-
<br /> = :,�.,`r::•--r. �Y ' and that law is fuiaily inte�pneted so that the.inte�est o:other loaa charges collected or w be collaxed ia conaectIon witb itte ------
<br /> �:"'Y..,::.�#,;,:s% • ----
<br /> �'� .e loan ex�ed tLe permitted lim�ts,then: (a)anY sucb toan chasge shall be reduoeQ by the mnouat neeessary to r�dnce the charge -
<br /> �':`;;''`�`�:;�: �', ��':�° w ihe pen�itted tinnt;and(b)anY sums a1r�Y coltected frarn Boscower wl�ch eaceeded permitted limits will be�fuadal to . -�---_-_
<br /> - '-�'- -"�F�` ttte principai awed under the Note or by making a ditect
<br /> . .lf -• S5 i,y-. BOrrower. Lender may choose w make this refnad Is11► �duciaS =- --
<br /> r
<br /> .,;�'-.��-� to Borrower. 1f a refwid reduoes priactpal, the red�ctlon will 6e ueated as a panial prepaYmene arithoat at►Y _� —
<br /> W..s..v.�ti�.; ,1 payD1Cl1t � — -__
<br /> f;' '' `- a;,s: � t�Y���Se w�der the Note. � . _
<br /> ,`° j:� � ' 14.Nailees:Any not[ae to Borrower pnovided fot in tt�is Secu�ty Iasuumcnt shal!be given bp delivering it or by ma�idg .
<br /> ��,';-;��;':�_4�':;�:-;� it by frist ctass mail untess a�plicable 1aw teguires use of azwther m�tod.The notice shaU be ditectecl to t�R�Pctass mail to =-----
<br /> , ' ;`,�i ` or�y other addmss Barcower designates by notFce to Lender. Ar►y nodce to I.eader si:aU be gi en lsy e -_
<br /> ...,. �;.'�. �Le�der's address stated herein or any atha address l.ender designates by not�ce w Borrawer. /1ny�notice provid�for in thia . , ��.��:_-
<br /> �� ` SecurltY InsuuuQent shall be dee�ae8 w have been given m 8orroAer or Lender ahen given as provideQ in tlils parag[aph. r�.�'.�..
<br /> � t� e'� _
<br /> n � 1S.Gove�ntng [.aw; Severability. 7'[sis Security InStrumem si;a3! be govemed bY federal law and the !aw of the� -
<br /> : � "' ; jtuisdteEioa in which the Propeeiy is located. In the event ti�aat any provision or ctause of thls Securlty Insavment os the Note �
<br /> � „ ,. . :.; � >� `',`
<br /> ::�.:.,.,:�...:�.;.,�. =�:,: contlicts with applicable law.such oonflict shall not affect other pmvisioag of this Security Inqtruucent or tAe Note whlch arn be � fi
<br /> , _ given effect without the confllcdng provisioa.To this end the provisions of tLis Securtry Instnunent und tlte Note are declared ��r.
<br /> - �,,:- ::< —.._ ,�.
<br /> �`<� � to be severable.
<br /> �.�;': , �.,�:'' '��,�:�� � ��.
<br /> ��,...•_. '°`,••,:.. 16.B�rnmvds Capy.Borrower shall be given one conformed oopy of the Note and of this Securiry.tastn�meat.
<br /> �—= .
<br />_ . . t.:.�. . �aose aieo ��.
<br /> . —.«� .�,.
<br /> ''' pasoa o►a -
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