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<br /> ..��^�-,.c � _�.iT _ .''�F��n�_-C�' E i+`�- �, s.F'f..7 ��.� F �G'^-tt .6 u �s , y_5. f. i7y�: r z..r ' _- _ r�ZL < � . �r- .cti� rv ��-r� t .:
<br /> o�j.t�r�.F .L. c��•k � � ,-i• .£� ,fi u •�n ' t�.f f..... �f.. ,,r5.� t�• `�'� �i .; F
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<br /> F �� .4``f� .. ' . '1 .-�
<br /> �`� ��.r�= 1T.Tr�ns[�ai t�e Pto or a Be�ettdat Iate�t in Besra�w�ff all or a�+part of ti�ee Froperty or any iaterest in it
<br /> �' w``� is soid os aaasfer�d(or if a b�ciat inoe�cst in Bomower is sotd or transfened and Borrowes is not a uatazaf persun)without � � .
<br /> �� ` �-�� I.euder's prior written coffie,¢t, Leader may. si its optioa. �quirc immediate PaYmeat in fu11 of all svms seca�d by dus x •
<br /> ` .: ��."° SewrIry Imwmem.However.t6is uon sha11 sdt be exercised Lead�if ezercise is roIu'b"sted by fadeaal law as of the date �' �
<br /> Y <<�r� „� ���:: aP� bY p �
<br /> ,'�c `= 6f Tf I��Wer ezercises 'ttvs option,Lender sBaU glve Borrow+r�natice of as�ceter�i�n.The notice shall pmvide a periad of nat ' k ^
<br /> #...��� `:; ;:�;;s less than 30 dayrs fmm the date the notice£s detiveced or�amled within which Borrower must pay all su�.s secui+ed isy this � ;'.
<br /> ;�:• - Securiry Insuumeut.If BoFrower fa�s to pay thes+e sa�ns prior W the expiration of this period. Lender may iavo k e any�es �-�r'=•,'
<br /> r� '��. `-` P�nmed bY tius Se�ntY Instrum�t without farther notice or demand on Borrawer. `�-,.
<br /> ` `` {�<� 18. $o�wer's RigM to It�nstaf� 1f Bormwa 3ne�s certaui conditions, Bosrower shall have the rigiit to have ,
<br /> �; ' enforcemeat of this Sec�ity Ins�disoo��anyr ti�e psiar to the ear}ier of:(s) 5 days(or sach other g�iod� �*
<br /> _ .;4a���� .;.:' aPP}icab2e ?aw waY specifY for remstate:neat) before saie of the Property �to anY Power of sale oontained �n this , _
<br />-_;'�.✓_�„-``=""'` �.g gecority InsOrument;or(b)enuY o f a j u dgmeat e n 5 nrcing d t i s Seauity l a s tr u m e a t T h a s e o o n d i t ions are t h a t B o r m w�t:(a)pa ys :. .
<br /> ;,:�--�=s-� � .1 :
<br />- -� I�nder all sum�whic�then would be dae under dus Se�ity Ias�and the Note as if no aaxtecration had ovarr�;�) ��.•:�
<br /> a
<br /> �'' �- t, ��w� arces aay defa�it of any oWer wve�aats or agr�rts:(c1 PaYs ail expenses in�a�ried iri enfoncing this Sewrity Inson�nt. .�-_
<br /> �'�?ur -°'�.` inciac�ng.but not limifed W.reasonabte attomeys'fees:and(d)takes sac�action as Lender may seasonabty r�quire to assure , r�-
<br /> ` J �� �' Wat the lien of�is 5eauitp Instramem,Lende�s rigMs in•the Prape�ty aad Borrower's obligation to pay the svms secar+�by ,
<br /> t ,�, ,, . L :'
<br /> • �;,.
<br /> �, . ����F,� dus gecority Iasaacneat shaU wnti�e uu�anged. Upos reinst�ent by Borrower, this Seauity Insbmneart aud.c�e _
<br /> �,�-..4}'_°_�...�S:•_,i.>,; obligation�s seixued hereby sball remain fiilly effect'sve as if na acoeleradon had oaurred. Huwever.this right to�slmtt
<br /> �f . ..�;=5- notappiy in tLe case of aa�t�arioD snder paragra�sh 17. `' -
<br /> <Y�,•E �-� y�: 19. Sa1e of Note;C��e of l.aan Sesvk� The Note or a partial interesc in the Note(togeiher with this Soca�ty �., �.
<br /> , ",:„^.�� ,r. fistnunent)utay 6e said o�or more times widwut prior aotice tn Borrowes.A sale may resalt in a c6ange in the�(kitoivn
<br /> � �, as the"Lfla,a Servioer")that aolleets moAihiY PaYments dne ander tice Nate sIId td�is Secarit�+�ea�.Tdece aLso may bs one u °_
<br /> :;.%:°`_ :r°�:�?�`�,��, of ruore af the Loan Servloer unrelated to a sale of the Nate.If the��is a change of the Lo�Servioer,Bonuwer will be , �:
<br /> ,� , s;;�S �'�-f: ��.
<br /> ��f,; giv�arntten uottce of the change in acxordance with paregraph 14 above and agplicable law.The notice will state dte name and �-
<br /> , ' . address of the uew Loan Senricer and the address w which paymeats should be made.The notice will also cu�n any ott�a
<br /> f �: �
<br /> ��.,r�:}:, ,;.;�i�!.=- infonnatioA regaiml by applirabie law. �
<br /> _ "�'; 2t1. Aazandoas St�bstnnoes.Borc+ower shall not cause or permit the p�esence. use,dispasaI, stoiage. ar'release of any .�
<br /> °� �`F 4�^ c�F Hazardons Snbstances on or in thc Praperty. Boaower shall not do. nor altaw arryone else w do, an�g affecting tlte .
<br /> . ,.� ,,,t;•: Property that is in violation of any Environmeatal 1aw.The pre�diag two sentettces sh2U mot apply w prESenc�,use.or ,...�._:
<br /> . ': ''�:�• soorage.on the Property of sa�aU quanaaes of Ha7ardous Substances that arc generally reoognized co be.appraprIate co nora�ai �.,°-
<br /> ` �'�� cesideatial uses and w mainUeaance oY the Property. r
<br /> ,�:J"��°... .;,, ;`r Horrower si�all promptly give Lander wrlueu aotice af arry hivestigat�an.rlaim.de�azcd lawsait or otltec-at#ott�yr mry '
<br /> ' ; :.. � . .';��' gavemmer�tal or negutatory ageacy or privatc puty invotving the Property and aay Ha�andouy Substanoe or Environmecuat law
<br /> .:>=�":`:;�;;:;,::' oP which BorFOwer has acwai know! If.Bosmwer I�.ar is noqfred b an govemmental or _ tato authoritq.that
<br /> �• Y Y � �7+ '�_-
<br /> . .` ,'..",i�.:;:;' any n�tswva!or other remedtation of mry Hazardous Substaace affect�ng the Aapetty is neceasary.Borrawer sLall PromptlY take
<br /> `� � t �;;:' � atl aecessary remedie{actIans in acoordaace with Eaviraamenral l.ew. �;� �''
<br /> .t 5.Y;.f .. � As nsed in thls paragraPh ZQ. "Hazallous SuHstances"are ehose substances defined as toaic or ha�ardoua substanses by �.�=;
<br /> �-`-� Emimaa�ental Law and the following substaares: gasoline. kerosene. oiher flaaunable or wxIc petroleum prodacts, toxic y-�.,
<br /> �'.:u��.�. ": ": .. ,,�.�.
<br /> .,... ..'.;,' :`-,: pesdctdes and herbicides.volatile solventa.materials contafning asbe.stos or forn�aldetiyde,and radiaactive materJals.As used in
<br /> ' .:� = thia garagraph Z0. "Environmental Law" means fede�ral laws aad laws of the jurisdict�an where the Properiy�S lacated ttiat � .--
<br /> �- �:= refate to heattb.safery or eavironmeutal pcotection. �° ;
<br /> ; F, f^ 1�SON-UMFORM COV$NANTS.Borrowes and Lendes furth2t covepant artd agceE as foltows:
<br /> :� :: � a1.A�xettesatlon;Remedles.L�[der sLat1 give aotice to Borrower psIor to aoceleratton foltuwing Borrnwer's bsesc6 �. .
<br /> - ,.; ''.:.,,. '� � of aay covwaat or a�meat in t6is 3e�nrity Inslr�neat (bat no!prlor to aoo�watton uader.paeagraps i?oniess � � _,_::
<br /> �...
<br /> , � apPltcable taw pmvides otherwise).The notice shasU s�eCify: (a)tke default;(b)the adlan nenalred to c+nre the • � -_
<br /> �`~ (c)a date,nol tess than 30 days Pmm the date the notioe ts gtvea to 8orrower,by wEtch the defanit mast be cased;and ��._
<br /> ,.�•`%� s'. (cq t�at failare to wie the ScPantt on or before the date spedited in t�e nottce may e+csult in soeeterattoa of the sum� --=
<br /> -�'��`:��'•'," serured by thts Secm�Ity IIastrammt and sate of ihe Progeety.The nalice s1�a11 fbrther hifarm Haseuwes oi the rig�t to �_ �
<br /> .- �..:` .�v � reiastate ulter accdara8on and the rigM to brhag a oowt a�on to assert th�noa-exLstenoe of a defsnit ur aioy othec =-
<br /> ,.::::;: �._..
<br /> �:_..;;;;'�r:r;�:_���. defea4e af Bortsn�vet.to acceleratton and sate.Ii tPee default is not cared on or Defore the tlate specii'ied ia the aoticc,
<br /> -�, ,• Lcad�c.at ifs apBoa.msY re�dre immdiate paymeut iu i�!of aR saims secas+ed by t�ila S�arity tugtrameat wiWaut
<br /> . + •�; fimther de�and and may invoge the powec ot sate and any o�rauwUes D�.bY$PAficsbie law.I,ender shall�e' �---
<br /> — =� entHlea to eolle�e!al!expenses tncas�ed fo pars�dng the remedieR psovided tn this�aragrapb Z2,incinding+WR not UffiteA . ��.•,.
<br /> j�;' ``, �: ��,, to.ceaso�ble attorneys'fec�and¢a�tta of t[tde evidence. � `�_-
<br /> ,,,;; , if Wegnwe�a!sate in invuked;Trnstce s6aU reourd a a�tice ot ddaalt In�c6 cauntq�n w6ic6 aqq�t o�the �_
<br /> ,..�: ;,`�'�.��� � . Properiy Ls tocated and sha�a�ail vopies ot sach twtiee in tke uaanner p�ri6ed by appllsable 1aw to Hon+awer and to __
<br /> ...'���.���b�' the othet gersons pre�i6�t1 by appltcaifie faw:After the time =___
<br /> seqatr�l DY appfieable faw,7Yustee sha[I give public.Qotiee .
<br /> n_,: p r- , ot sate ta the persoas and(a the manner prescrfbed by appllcaLle law.Teuste�wtthont demaad on Borrower,s�atE se11 =-
<br /> ,.. ,:_:= ; >. ;TT. , the Ymp�ety at publtc aactlon to t6e big6est bldGer at We time and ptace arad aader the tcrmis deslgnated in the notice of __ _
<br /> ` �� �ca,im one or c�tore paroeis ana In euy order Tra4tee d�ermines.Ttrostee maY Dostpone sale of a!!or afiy paroel ot t6e • a
<br /> .: - -- -�+ �e��bHroperty atounc��!at the ttme aQd Ptaae ot eq9 prevtonsly'sch�uted sale.Lendes as its destgaee may W
<br /> , �;;:_.
<br /> r':,��
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