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<br /> d [ �'------s-YO--•—•.�___�+t_C-� I , "'Cf-TK at'�olc S• Y�.:!'�a^:_.,«. nrC '..�` f.; 4 4 ' �h .Yp .
<br /> `�Pl� L (� �t _. `�` - . 4i. .4T�' - )� � . c't-�"C _ F{�- l.�' t , �^��•X L� { � - ��
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<br /> `t-r--'..+'�_t-�•+ .� �,., -o .c"�T�tc�.-4ti�� "'':�4�.,. t'-�t'.������t:�.r�,f`e,i—- .=��.r,�`�,`�. ''"' lt Y�"Y � .f� v�S�?-x`t . .�y EL-�`� � y _ _
<br /> _ 'c:�i)°��Q�. �"',C$ . �y c, ��j-f . -j..C' ` - 'xL ! . S aS' fr« �c- ��c`a.� E - �qi`r"i _`� °�'t '�3=-.srX`.°'q,{�""_''.�F.�t , .��,. Y�" LF
<br /> r'�r'.:_:2"' �- o' -.--f. � ¢ . �aY�..��. '� t t '�..� ic .� d.- v� i�; .�., ti€ .�F �-�." �' �,� �- "-.f a-
<br /> kC •�- � ��c.� :�•��•
<br /> „�. �' ry..ti,' `_ ..[: .�s"- v _ .t _tt�i' ' 't ' ' S� 4 �4� � c
<br /> -f� .{„`� .�k'�'o",�iv
<br /> � �i.'�s r � g�y . 2.44ja� 1 E,� _
<br /> ;r c�' �L�� -' .
<br /> .. .:. ���� 4 aY
<br /> w-.: `^ .. '?a;c °� - r'c
<br /> �'�. Y :. 5. Ba�tl ar PQV�ty tas�anoe. Bormwer shaU ke�p the im�mvaneats now e�tisting or hereaRer ecected oa the � ;; �' `:�F _
<br /> � � �5 . , A_,� `�,, ,��,/j�.� t .. --3 -_' -
<br /> k ti �r �-..- ptvppty iasUted against loss by fine.La�ds indnde�within the tetm ���VQBg�i� �14�0�1��t�6+�7s mwu"'�'S :c' 4 _ : F .�.._-
<br /> a � ��.- Aa�ads or 8aod'usg,for which Le�dsr:equires iasuraace•'fhis in�uanse shall be maintained in the amo�mts aad for the periods , � =4 x ;,-� -4._
<br /> ,�. •�.x� y_,`�� - �nm,�„ pro Borrower subject w Leader's appmva! - t., �
<br /> - - �� that I.�d� .The os c�rier viding the ins�aanoe shall be chosen by r: :;,a._ .�
<br /> � �r��i-: ;��:: re9utt+es zu•�u�`�::, ,::
<br /> i:_�f�,� atuc6 streil nat be unreasonabty with6etd.tf Bormwer Pails w maintain coverage described above, Leuder maY• at Lendet's •`.'�.:°:;w;�,�,:�t`°�.�',:.:��
<br /> �� �. � option.obtain coverage to protect Ixnder's righu in the Pioperty in aaurdance with paragraph 7. �° �'`� � �f V a� �-
<br /> � �
<br /> c" ,?��- All ir�surance policies and renewals shalt be acceptabte to Lender and shall include a standard mortgage cl�se. Lxnder y �• ` �.• �'
<br /> � F r , :�
<br /> ; .� ` shaail6ave the right tn hoId the policies and renewals.tf Lender requinzs,Bosmwer shall PromptlY give to Lender a!1 receipts of tt ,� �
<br /> � s
<br /> _r, ;��:;' paid premiumc and r�newal natices.In the event of loss.Borrower shall give pmmpt notice to the insurance cairier and Lender. .; ,
<br /> , Lender may make proof of loss if noi made promptly by Borrower. � �¢ �`�Yf 1 -
<br /> 14 � :���,�: Un[ess Ixnder aud Borrower otherwise agcee in arriting.insa�ance proceeds shall be appiied to restorarion or repair of the y �',` •`'r L '� Y`
<br /> �': 1.,,
<br /> � .;'�� `� ° P�+aperty d�aged.if the reswration or repair is eco�mically feass'ble aud Lendes's secarity is not tcssened.ff the resEoration or ' � ;, �
<br /> � ::- �`��
<br /> � i �. ..,�r. • re,�air is uot economically feastbte or Lender's sewriry woutd be lesseued.the insurance prooeeds shaU 6e applied to the sums .�- , °<�- r�tir:
<br /> � � � ` � sesu�d by this Seauiry Instrament, whether or rrot then due. arith airy excess paid w Basrower. tf Borm�er abaada�s the ..r =s ` :
<br /> �i �. r�_'. ` •" ! c ,.
<br /> �:::r �.= Property.or dces not answer within 30�days a notioe from Leader that the iruurance carrier has offered m se,tde a ctaim>dien �7.Q,.,�.;,._ .
<br /> ' ° lender may oolt�t the insucance pro�xeds. I,ender ma}r nse the proceeds to repair or restoce the Frnperty ar to p�y sums `4 r,� i ``� r '
<br /> = 1,� : �c
<br /> � L '� secumd by this Secvrity Instrument,whether or not then due.The 3Q-day perind will begin when the aotice is givea. f � �'.� _-
<br /> .� � ��: Unte..cs Lender and Bornawer atherwise agree in writing. anY aPPltcation of proce�ds w piincipal sLall not extend or u":. �� � " '
<br /> .=rj� �` L'; the due date of ttce uws�lilY PaYments refemeii w in par�raphs 1 and 2 ar change We amount of the paymeuts.If .� ;��;::�.�;- � �
<br /> P�e
<br /> , �'; �P�Ph 2i the ProD�Y���bY Lender.Borrower's right to any insurance poliaes and praceeds resuIting from �f} ,;�`-�-
<br /> T',. .�. ' __ t !,' . Yr !
<br /> .a A•- /::�,_ ���:�} d�nage w the Pcape►ty prior to the acqnisition shall pass to I.ender to tt�est�nt of the soms secur�by ihis Sewsity Insonsme�t . , �°- F--.:: _ , .��-
<br /> �� �� �; im�diatel orto the ition. '��f' ``> `� �`5 K�
<br /> Y PTi � ,� ., „4�
<br /> z„ f ..�'��, � 6 Occupency�,Preserva��n,l�?ainienau�e and Prm3ee8ion of ttie Ptopsty;B�ower's Loan Applieati��I.�tds. .
<br /> � n t�s�, ��- ,� ---�
<br /> 'Y�� ' `-• Bar�vwer shail aaupy,estabtis4�.and use the prn�r as Bunower's principal residence within sixty days after tti:execution of �h ,t,-�,`_.
<br /> �
<br /> ft,a��°° � ::: - _
<br /> 4 . q
<br /> _,;,1tE���' _.�-:<<:£� d�Sernrity I�tcnment aad sha0 contimie ta occap}r the�mperty as Bomower's principal resideace fa�at least c�:,year after ,��f�}�, „��: -
<br /> -°r'J '•'�:`` '+�' the dtue of o�cy,tmless Lender otherwise agnees in writing,which consent sl�all nat be wttr�abiy arithhetd.or unless •�``,'.:c�:� ��c��:
<br /> - '` � exte�uating circaatstances exist which a:e beyond Borrower's conmal. Borrower shall not Qestroy da�ge or impair the �.'£`` °�'q'
<br /> : �i —.
<br /> Property, aitow the Property to deterioiate. or commit waste on the Property. Bom�wet shaU be in defauh if auy fatfeiture +� :,i r� �
<br /> � ` ' �-�y'}^ . BC�lOA OT a whaher civii or cdminal,is begun that in Leader's good faith jadgment canld resuIt in forfeiture of thc ,� ,;_:
<br /> ""�';'';'`: - i_5",.'; prape�ty or otherwise$� matc s s inter�st.Bmsower m�Y �`'�.,�
<br /> r �. : c�a}JY impa�r the fien created by this Seaccity lnstrumettt or Lender' ecQrity . `` - -
<br /> "' care suc6 a default and reiastatc,a4 pravided ia paragrapH 18,by cansing the acilon ar proceeding w be dismissed with a ruling ";�.�°,.- ' f �r:
<br /> _ ::.�;,�:;
<br /> .. . . . tt�at. in I.eader's gaod faitI�detemunation. precIades forfeitare of the Borrower's interest in tlte Propeny or ather material ��"`r.` i�i
<br /> �_�r _�v:,,.��_
<br /> impairment of We�Uen crrated by this Sequity Instrument or�.ender's secur�ty intcrest. Bortower shaQ also be in default if , '�_���°�-�
<br /> .^ . . :.'. � •:�,',5.,zx�si..
<br /> � ' �,' �° ` ' Borrower.during the loan applipaon pracess.gave arateriaUy false or inaccarate infom�atton or statements to Lender(os fail� _ ,: .. _r �
<br /> •".. �.,.:-;�'�;,:�;. ,. .,,:��`
<br /> ,_. ,;.,. to pmvide Lendev wlth any materlai ir�formatlon�in wanecxion with the loan evtdenced by the IVate.iactudins.bat not flmitod � _... � ;;
<br /> y.:t.•'-•..;.4 _'�,; ' �`�'.- '
<br /> to,repre�ntaUons wnceming Borrower s occupancy of dte Praperty as a prirtcipal res{dence.If thia Secudty Insqumet►t is on a ` �:��
<br /> � . :. teasehold. Borrower shali comp►y with all the pravisions of the tease. IP Bornmer acquires fee titte to the Propert�.et�e .:; � ._- .�r�
<br /> � �.ti:: ��. - leaaehold susd the fee titte shul!aot aaerso udtess Lender a�reea co the merger in writing. �r � ` �-
<br /> - 7.Rmettlnn of Lcnde�a Rig6ta in tlte P'opeety.If Borrower faita to perform the a�venanfs and agree�nents contained in . : �:
<br /> . ,.�'.;''�:.� this Security instrument.or therc is a tegal pracecding that may slgnificandy affect LcaQer's rfghta in the,Pcopeety(such as a '�".; �"
<br /> : :, ;`, h ',;� �,.
<br /> �:.:.�-:" .< .:_�::.. -
<br /> pc�ceodiag in 6anktuptcy.pmbate. for condemnation or fodeitute or to enforce latvs or�guladons).tlien l.�der may do aad �::---
<br /> f ;';, , ;.,_._%.° . pay for whatever is aecasary_w pmtect the valae of the Propertyr aad Leader's dghts in the Pcaperty. Lender's actions.m�y --- - --
<br />�,�.:,�:;:'--:'::;:_��:�,_; lrtclude paying any+ eums secured try a tien ahich liag pdority over this Secudty Iusa�unent. �ng in court� Payhig �__
<br /> � '` masonable attomeys'fces and entering on the Pra�erty ta matce repaits. Atihough Lender may teke actton ander'this paregapb � : �,e
<br /> � ``' 7,Lender does not haye to do so. . . ��' .- _ __
<br /> �',' ,�� Any amounts dls6ursed by I,ender under this paragraph 7 shall bocome additionat de6t of Bormwer savred by tfns �- ._ - _.
<br /> ,:.�;:... .._...^: .�r;;. Securiry Instn�ment. Unless Bonower and Lender agee to ather tenns of payment,tbese amounta shall be�i�erest from the '�"" —
<br /> date of dis6nrsement at the Note rate and sha}I be payable. with interest. upon not�ce from Lender to Borrower reqaesdnrg �-�,�.-�
<br /> ! `: �, �� -
<br /> : �'.� payment. ��"� '�'�"__-
<br /> ' S.Ma�ge Insnrance.If Lertder required mortgage insurance as a condition of making the loaa sea�t�d try thls Security' �' .
<br /> , .,c: ,.
<br /> .. '��`..; - . .. 7,� �a..=._-{7� -
<br /> lnstiuraent. Sonower shali pay tha premiu�r�qa�!to maintain the mortgage lnsurauce in effect. If.for airy reasan.the �, ��� ,.s.�„
<br /> '. , mortgage insurance oo'verage requited by Lender tapses or ceases to be in effect.Barrowes shaU p�y the preiaiums tequited�A ;���� �.
<br /> , .1'y ..�.? ,...;
<br /> -,.:_=<��:>.•, ' ,.� obtain ooverage substaatlaUy equiwa2cnt to the mortgage insurance previously in effect,at a cost.snbstantially equivalart tothe ':�=;:..::,,�.,�,;.;��.
<br /> :�a...e.;.•�, ., ,�,. .,r
<br /> < : .•>,r; �P> Y �Se aPP Y ' ��:;.�t,'=�:::�:::'..'`:��':.::
<br /> �.....,:�.', _„ cost to Borrower of the mort e insinamce prevlousl �n effect. from an altemate most lasurer raved h �,endes. f
<br /> substant�aUy equivalent mortgage insurance coverage is nm available,Botrower shall pay to LenQer esch month a sum eqnal to �~*�':'�"'�"-:� ',. .
<br /> :�: ;�:. � � •r;,�.�i�s�-�::.;::-�,-.
<br /> � one-tarelftL of the yearly mottgage insuraace premium 6eing pnld by Borrower when the instirance coverage lapsed or ae�sed to -�•�,;':�
<br /> . '' be in effect.Lender wlll accept,use and mtain these paymeats as a loss msenre in lieu of mortgage insurance. Loss reseive a��':�,'�� .�
<br /> v ,�r7..•..
<br /> :,�� ':�; Fortn80?J9 9l90 - �;,::i==
<br /> :i.
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