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<br /> = �� `�,�Y,4=•:�. S. 9mrard as�Irnperty Iasurance. Bornuwer shail keep the improvements now existing or he�eafter erected on the
<br /> ' N�'�° Raperty insurad egainst toss by 5n, �azacds inctt�ded arithin the term "exteaded oovetage" and aay ather ha�nls. indading : -�kr
<br /> `���:
<br />'�r:,��:�'P,;.:_:` tloods or flooding,for wltidl Ixad2[�aqui�es inyZn�nr�• This insurance sLall be maiatained in the amounts aad far the pea�ads i s'
<br /> , ,._.,�.� . �
<br /> = �`�_` �-� j.�: d�at Lender requires. The iasurance rarrier providiug the insin-ance shall be chosen by Borrower subjea to L.�►der's approvat
<br /> .i� �..".-t.':.
<br />�`;! ,:`�..::��� wluch shaU not be uureasona6ly arithhe�d. If Sor�awer fails to maintain covecage desrn'bed above,L,ender may. at I.ender's
<br /> ::�-:'�.:-.,��;:�:.;�_� -�4�
<br /> �•" ,'.;r,:"::`t�. Op11011.0�81D ODVp8$6[O glO�Cl'��Cf�S il$E1LS tD ttlC pfO�)Cf[�!IA BCCOId3i1C8 WIIII�21�. ;�;.:
<br /> +:�fr'E`.:��'�,.�:. _
<br />.", � :_ .:�.: ;z�: Atl iusvrance policics and renea+aLs shat3 be accepta6te to i�der and shalt indnde a stazsdand mortg�ge dause. ix�der
<br /> °������<:"��:��.: shall have the right to hold the pa3icies aad reaewals.If leuder req�ires.Borrower st�all gromAUY Siva to I.ender all�eoeipta of ,..;�;�
<br /> _,`x'``� G -'�����" paid premiums and cenewal notioes.In the event of loss.Borrower sfmU give prompt nodce to the insurauce canier and Lendeir. _
<br /> A:�s;�,-Y—- Iender may mai�proof of toss if aot made promptly by Boirower. • �� �'�
<br /> �"� Unless Ixnder and Bomawer otherwise m insarance shall be lied to restor�ion or repair of the -
<br /> :_�,t�.�'"`� agree� wribmg. Isroceeds aPP
<br />_r_�_..,,_ r_�':__._ Pro �f th$restorauon or air is eoonomiwll feasibte and Iender's sec�ri is uot[essened.If t6e reswr2tion or
<br /> �s.,.�. perty damaged.' a'o rep Y tY �
<br /> ��+: �:�;,:;�: .
<br /> - ;`_,.�. �:•-<",`� cepair is not eoonoarically fease'�le or I.eoder's seaaicy wuuld be tessened.the insvrance prooeeds sha0 6e applied w the sums �:�:
<br /> -- �, ..��",
<br />::�;:k.:::.�:;�-.':�� secnred by this Secari4y Inst�ument, whether or aot dten due. with azry excess gaid to Bo�wer. If Bormwer abandoas the
<br /> ;i:;�:;="''-'.��''��` Pr+aperty.or daes aat�swer witlim 30 days a notice from Le.�ler that the insur�ce rarrier has offeied to�ule a claim.dten .;.
<br /> �`�''=:-�:._�:�':• l.eQder may collect We iosaran�e proceeds. Lender any ase the pmceeds w �air or�estore the Yroperty or to pay s�ms
<br /> ` ' � .". secured by tdis Security Insuument.wh�t►er or not then dae.7�e 34day peciad will hegin when the aotice is givea. � �
<br /> *'! ;, t,` Uatess Lender amd Bonuwer otherwise agrce in wriring. any applicarion of prooeeds to principal skall uot ea�tend or
<br />''';�-`.`�:"`=��'=
<br /> �.:4. `•�4,.;;�:::;;_• gostpone the dae date oi the momhly payment� referred to in paragraghs 1 and 2 or cdange the amount of the payments. If �—.J_
<br /> -;�•�.,.•{:-�,=-=:=�- ander paragaph 2l dte Prapraty is acqttited by I.eoder.Bomowec's right ta a�r insurance poticies and pmoeeds resot�ng 5�om
<br /> -.'�.,` `:, `� � damage w the PropertY prior w the ac+q�isitioa shall pass w lruder w the extent of the snms secured by this Security�t
<br /> � ;�
<br /> S •� �,� •
<br /> `r ' {�. . " UIIIIIL'�8tC1�1�tOT IO�lP.30Qt11SlZIOA.
<br /> � �� G ��
<br /> 6.O�ruy,PreservaHon,Mainteaaace and Pt�otecUon af the Propaty;Borrower's Loaw Appgcation;Leasehoi¢s. `"k:,
<br /> ° ��rs'"' B!1lfOW�S�QCCtlp}/s CS�f�I.2L�USC 1�I8 piOpC!'fS►8S BOI[BVYCf�b�Sl'tt[Cf[I��t CS1�6 t�fljt�li0 S%7[LS►dSjt38fiEt 1j1C C7[C'�7�Qf
<br /> , < t . �
<br /> 1: r•:.�:� d»s Secu�ity Insaumerct and shalt oa�e to oocapy the Property as Borrower's principal nesidence for at Teast one year aRer
<br />:�.rP:�;.';. __.. �-
<br />�>'=,.-�-;,�;�:;;.,`. the dats u€uccupat�cy,nntess Lender otherwise�in writiug,wtuch wn�u shall not be anreasonabjy withhetd.or nntess � �';'
<br /> _'''�•,�,;v:' exteuuatou� c�atast�ces exist whi�t.�s+e beyoud Borrower's coatml. Bonower shaU c�t de�roy. damage or impair the G
<br /> .y_ ,;Y?°'� praperty,a41ow the PcopeKy W�e.or armmit waste on the Property. Borrawer suall be in default if acry forfeitare
<br /> _,�..� • acaran or praceeding.v�rb�ether civil or criminal,i��egun tdat in Leade�s gaod faith jadgment oontd resuit in forfeiture of tf�e �i�,'
<br /> .�.`:`:`,.:,.�� Property or oWern+ise v�erially impair tke tiea�created by dus Security Iasttument ar lendea's seauity imetest.Borrowet may �'`=
<br /> ..�.::,�'� �
<br /> •�.,,��:;���;�
<br /> :::�:: catte suca a default aad rPinstate.as Qrovided in parag�apb!8,bY causiag the action or praoeeding to be dlsmissed whh a tuling �
<br /> `�.,.:. _y. _ ;�+_
<br /> - , �"�` fr� ���T` that.in [�dar's gaod faith determina�on, Pr+ectades forfeiqtte of the Bomawer's interest in the Property or other materFai :�
<br />" .`��',:`���f.:`:.` i�airm�t c�We liea c�eated try this Security Insuumeat or l.ender's seWrity interest. 8omnwer shall also b$in.defaalt if :�--
<br /> '. �R e��' - Bosmwer.d�rrn►g the laeu applicaaon process,gave materially false or inao�iufarmation or statements w Leader(or fa�ed f���
<br /> <.. I.Y'.::"�::..
<br />` -`� = - w rovide I.er►der witPi materIal�nfonnaaan)ia connedion wiW tbe loan e�i�tnced b the Nate,inclu �
<br /> , , -� P �Y y ding,bnt not limi�ted ,. ��.,_r
<br /> ''r' ,<i�. w,representauous co�ag Borrower's occup�cy of the Prap�ty as a princeg�4 res�dence.If tLis Secarity Iastromeat is on a �� _
<br /> � � '� pa' teasehotd. 8orrower sl�all wmply er�th all the provisions of the lease. If Borrower ao� fee title to We Property, the i� `
<br /> ' .,�,� Iea�o4d gad the fee titie ahaU not�e antess Lender agrees w the merger in wrhinS• ;�., ��
<br /> {-..'`,,-�_1_.• 7.�+atectlan oY Leadei's Rig6ta in the Prope�iy.jf Boaower faita w pesforin the cavenaats and agreEmenis aontaiued in ;�,:�
<br /> , r;: tbis 5ecuntY Insuamem.or theae is a legal Pruceeding tl�aat a�ay sigaifccantly affed Lender's sIghts in the Pcaperty(snsh as a _ f-�7r=,
<br /> ;:< r , Proceeding In bantanptcy,Pmbate.for wndemnaflan or forfeitune or to enforoe laars or regWat[ons).thea Leader asay do and i�:._
<br /> .-�_''.'',h`,.-;�„ � PaY for�►er is aecessary to protect the value of the Property and l.ender's righis in e�e Property. Lendet's acpions may ===
<br /> :. � _ : Inc�ude paying ariy suu�a s�vc�ed by a lien which 4as priority over this Seca:iti+ �� 8PA�8 in oourt. PaYiug' _-_-
<br /> �'x.`a:'�;,`=��'-:;.:,.;' ' seasoaabie atwmeys'fas aad enterIag on tde Propeity w m�tce repairs.Althougb Le,aQ�may take acdon mWer tttis patagraph . ..—.�
<br /> r��:: - 7.�.aider doe�s aot 4ave m do so.
<br /> ���'�s�;�„ �::: . Any mmounia dis6wsed by Lender under this pasagraph 7 shall become additional debt of Bormwer sacared try this �--.
<br /> : �:��;.,::�-'..;:;;:;: : Secudty Inshnme�u.Unless Borrower and l,ender agree to other tem�s of paymen�these amouats sLall bear inter�from the �
<br /> :,;j;.:';.`,.::;,. ; ; � daie of disbuts�aent at�the Note rece and ahall be payable. with lmet�est,upon natice fruai L�ender to Bomawer teqaes�ng , :
<br /> .!! � -�,i : • • � ' i
<br /> �� �� .:.:�;, �` � 8.1Kortgage Iasvsauc�If Lender m,quired tnortgage insurance as a conditton af matcing the 2oau s�by this See�Itp --
<br />_ .::'.; . , ' Ittsuumeat. Bormwer shall pay the premiams �ired to maint�in the mortgage insntance in effect. If. for aay reaso�. the —
<br /> - �rtgage lnsarance oavwage reqaired by Lender Iaps�s o:ceases w be in effec.t,Borrower sbau pay the premiwns req�ined W - -
<br />---'-�;:;�'`i;��`� :� obtaln coverege sabstantialfy eqaivaleat to the mortgage insarance previansty in effect.at a cost sabstantially eqaivatena to thc =`-
<br /> -- --` : J' ' oost to Borcawer of tke mort ��
<br /> gage insuraace previously In effect. from aa attemate mortgage tnsurer appraved by Lender. If ��_
<br /> - �-�"`'-'j:.: ` sobstaadally eqaivate�cmortgage iasuraaae coverage is not availab2e.Borrower shall pay w Lender eacb�onth a sam equal to
<br /> .. ���•:
<br /> -.r��;..: _..: � one-tarelfth of the yearIy mortgage insarance premium being paid by Bormwer when tha ins�urance ooverage tapsed os oeasod to , =�:%;;
<br /> - • be in efPect.I.ender will socept.use and retain these payments as a loss resenre in lieu of mortgage i�urance. Loss resen►e •c'�-=
<br /> �`.': `� � :� � ig::.-
<br /> `''`� >�' t `a.;- .
<br /> �r,.^. Fotm34� 9/9�
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